My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 746 Fireworks

Chapter 746 Fireworks
In the garden, Seventh Fujin and Ten Fujin are two foodies who share the same taste and become friends.

Ten Fujin held a small bowl with four fish balls in it.

The fish balls are white, the soup is broth, and green onion and coriander are sprinkled on top.

A silver fork was used.

Shi Fujin ate it in small mouthfuls, and smiled when he bit into it.

The stuffing in the middle is diced pork belly, which is rich in juice.

The vegetarian meat of the fish neutralizes the meat of the meat filling, and the taste is more delicious.

Seven Fujin also held a small bowl, which contained a bowl of fried liver.

The soup is red and bright, and the inside is also real, which are all pork liver and fat intestines.

The taste is authentic, just like the one eaten at the Chinese New Year temple fair.

After a year, the two little princesses are no longer the chaotic appearance of last year, and they also know what "keeping filial piety" is.

Brothers: "..."

Hongyu from the eldest elder brother's family, Hong Qing from the third elder brother's family, Hongsheng from the fifth elder brother's family, these three little grandchildren were born in the same year, all four years old; Hong Shu of the family, these two are a year later, both are three years old.

She warmly called people: "Khan Ama, big brother, third brother, fourth brother, fifth brother, seventh brother, starling..."

In the main hall, the game of cards is in full swing.

Brother Seven's eyes also fell on Hong Shu.

The sisters arrived at the ring booth...

"Oh, it takes a lot of brainpower, remembering the cards is so hard..."

At the goldfish fishing booth, there was a circle of young elder brothers sitting around.

Since Fujin passed away last year, the children have not been so happy.

Among the dozens of children who came here today, Hongshu was the youngest, born in the twelfth lunar month of the 36th year of Kangxi, and it is less than two birthdays now.

The eldest brother said he wanted to try his luck, but he was lucky, and he drew once out of three times.

At another table, winning or losing was not so obvious, and everyone played very harmoniously.

After the initial unfamiliarity, Little Elder Brother and Little Princess are familiar with each other, and they can play freely.

Next to the little elder brothers, there is a small basin the size of a palm, in which is everyone's seized.

Hong Shu couldn't make up his mind and said, "I want the red one, and I also want the flowery one..."

Hong Hui pointed to a red goldfish with a small white spot on its tail, and said, "I want this..."

Elder Brother Shi hurriedly reminded: "First salute Khan Ama..."

The third elder brother also saw his own Hong Qing eating fried enema, took a bite, and glanced at the ring stall behind him, he didn't see it like that.

The next generation of relatives is no exception to the emperor.

Si Gege also said: "It must be snow white..."

San Gege looked around and said, "I want a little rabbit..."

At the head table, seeing that the untied string of money was gone, the third elder brother refused to play.

Brother Jiu waved his hand and said, "No need, there are no outsiders today, just go directly..."

He also felt that he was overwhelmed, and he didn't win or lose for a long time.

Who knows what good things Lao Jiu will prepare for later, if others have money to share, how much will he suffer because he lost all his money and didn't get a share?
Brother Jiu looked at the dragon he threw, and was speechless. At this level, do you still remember the cards?
Did you remember it backwards?
The fourth elder brother breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Brother Nine doesn't know what probability is, he knows how to memorize and push cards, and he can win or lose.

Next to the two little eunuchs, one collects money, and the other distributes small net pockets to the little brothers.

Children who are three or four years old, one year older, have more flexible hands and feet.

Brother Jiu took one first, and gave it to Kangxi, saying: "Khan Ama, you take it, my son respects your pocket money!"

Da Gege and Er Gege kept their heads.

Everyone got used to it after playing a few games.

The two cousins ​​asked the price, counted out ten dollars, and bought two pairs of gold-encrusted glass earrings.

He also noticed the silence in the room and stopped laughing.

The child Er GeGe is holding is Hong Shu.

They all start with one penny, and the better ones start with two or three pennies.

Five little elder brothers surrounded a large laundry tub about four feet wide, and inside were small goldfishes with red, black, and red and white flowers.

Three- and four-year-olds are more likely to catch goldfish than hoops.

Mahjong looks novel, but the gameplay is not unfamiliar, and it is not much different from poker.

Er GeGe is holding a child in his hand, not his own Hong Yu, who belongs to someone else, and is waiting for some tea.

Jiugege is not only an aunt, but also treats guests on behalf of Shushu. He took a few nieces with him.

The one she was holding by her hand was Da Gege from Qibeile Mansion, who was only four years old and was just learning how to speak, and said: "Then I will buy two too, one for Ernie and one for Erniang..."

After hearing this, Kangxi calmed down a little, nodded and said, "Well, there's no need to make a big fuss, just go and wander around."

They are not the little elder brothers and little Gege raised in the deep palace, of course they can see that this is a fake market.

The money is divided in each person's hands, and the "buy, buy, buy" mode starts.

The fifth elder brother saw his family's Hongsheng, who was eating a roujiamo in his hand, and two nurses beside him, one holding noodle tea in one hand, and the other holding pear soup.

Brother Jiu is so frank, he shouldn't be lying, the next door is a place where children's games are prepared.

Otherwise, when Shu Shu got the news, she had to rush to the gate of the mansion to pick her up, it was really tiring.

Behind Kangxi, Ma Wu and Liang Jiugong followed the imperial guards.

Brother Jiu took two more and handed them to Ma Wu and Liang Jiugong, saying: "You two are here today, don't lie, everyone has a share..."

She weighed the rest of the brocade box, only half of it was left!

The small net bag is made of paper, and if the speed is slow, it will get wet and torn.

Sangege and Sigege wanted to buy flowers for their two sisters, so they picked two pairs of velvet flowers and two pairs of gold pendants with the word "福".

Kangxi: "..."

Both of them were about to cry.

Hong Shu stood up and looked at the nurse next to him: "Give me the money!"

Elder Brother Ten said from the side: "Brother Ninth is afraid that my nephews and nieces will be uncomfortable when my brothers pass by now, so I kill time and distract people..."

Two tables of poker!

"Khan Amma is here?"

Big Gege was also sitting in front of the laundry tub and fishing, and Hong Hui was sitting next to his sister, watching obediently and pointing with his little hands.

"The banker, the bar is blooming, one door is broken, the door is cleared, every family has 32..."

Brother Ten reminded Brother Nine in a low voice: "Brother Ninth, send someone to tell Sister-in-law Nine?"

Si GeGe commanded from the side: "Rabbit Bai on the left..."

Kangxi glanced at the mahjong table, with a sharp tone, looked at Brother Jiu with a bad face, and said, "Is this what you said was fun? I am ignorant, and even abducted my brothers to follow suit?"

The third elder brother is afraid of what will happen, the cards are not good, and it is difficult to play.

In the garden, it was very lively.

Kangxi's expression softened slightly, he glanced at Elder Brother Ten, and said, "Oh? Then I want to see and see, what's so interesting..."

This coin weighs one penny, and ten coins are one tael of gold in exchange for these two small things.

The nannies of the two followed behind, both feeling pain in the flesh.

Khan Ama must be very happy.

He looked at Kangxi.

Brother Nine reacted quickly, rushed forward, and said with a pleasant surprise: "Khan Ama, why are you here? This is the news, and you know that it's fun to toss about your son's house?"

Immediately, the fifth elder brother sensed that something was wrong, and the seventh brother quietly picked him up.

Nothing is cheap!

The colors are bright, and the two chose pink, red, purple, and yellow.

The nurse took out five coins and handed them to the little eunuch.

Seeing this, the elder brother's eyes were red.

Brother Ba couldn't help but smile when he looked at the picture scroll of fireworks.

Ge Ge from Sibeile Mansion said: "I want to buy two earrings, one for Ernie and one for my Erniang..."

The ten Fujin realized later that there were other people, not only Kangxi, but also a circle of elder brothers.

When Shi Fujin saw Elder Brother Ten, he rushed over, his eyes lit up, and he said happily, "Master Shi, Master Shi, I have caught a rabbit..."

Everyone stood at the gate of the garden, looking at it strangely.

He touched his stomach, it seemed that it was almost lunch time.

Da Gege and Er Gege were very happy to receive the gifts from their sisters, and said, "What do you want? My sister will buy it for you too?"

Kangxi picked it up and snorted softly.

The fourth elder brother looks steady here, but he is actually impatient, unable to keep his cards, and has little chance of winning.

Honghui and Hongshu were clumsy and had nothing to gain.

At the other card table, Brother Wu happened to have a big mess.

Although these sons in front of them are all big and not too young, they are not very pleasing, but the emperor's grandsons want to see them.

Sangege was sitting on a small bench, fishing for something in the laundry tub to play with.

The fifth elder brother laughed heartily. He had lost a lot before, but this time he got his money back.

Therefore, there are several goldfishes in the pots of the three elder brothers.

The little eunuch counted down the number and said: "Young master has fished fifteen times, and if you do it five more times, you can have both."

Seeing this, Sangege and Sigege from Zhijun Wangfu also wanted to buy small jewelry.

A few little elder brothers surrounded a few game stalls.

The fourth elder brother saw his eldest brother and elder brother.

The strange thing is, is his little brat so lively?
The elder brother saw that the sleeves of his steady big grid were all rolled up, and he was looping there.

These are just snacks and gadgets. I haven't visited those trading stalls yet, and the price can't be lowered!
Ten Prince's Mansion.

The auspicious money has been prepared for a long time, and in a short time, he brought a few brocade boxes over.

Compared with the little boys, the little princesses are more demure, and they prefer brightly colored tufts of yarn, as well as exquisite small accessories, small bracelets, small earrings and so on.

Therefore, at this table, the big brother and the ninth brother take turns to win.

He Yuzhu bowed down.

Kangxi walked in with a face as heavy as water, but he really didn't expect to see such a scene.

Hong Hui and Hong Shu raised their heads, their eyes filled with anticipation.

Hong Yu was holding a small bowl beside him, and said something with a smile on his face.

A dozen or so children were stupefied and turned against Yingtian.

Seeing this, the little eunuch hurriedly said: "I have fished it ten times, and I will give you a goldfish as a gift. You can choose one..."

The corners of Kangxi's mouth curled up.

Brother Nine showed pride on his face, and ordered He Yuzhu: "Pack a few boxes of money, and ask Han Ama, the horse guards, and Wenda to see and see!"

She has a loud voice.

The two of them held Da Gege and Er Gege's hands and said, "Sister will wear it next year..."

A group of people came out of the Tenth Prince's Mansion and transferred to the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

The little ones had fun and didn't hear.

Qi Fujin, who was gnawing on a kidney skewer in his hand, heard it, hurriedly finished the skewer in his hand, and came over...

My sister's family came back to celebrate the New Year, and went with my little nephew and niece, so I went here first.

The next update will be at 1:19 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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