Chapter 747 Brothers Settle Accounts Clearly

It is not good for everyone to look directly at brothers and daughters-in-law, so they all look away.

Only Seventh Brother glared at Qifujin, and stuffed a veil for her.

Qi Fujin took it, lowered his head with a smirk, and wiped it on his mouth.

Seeing the brown sauce, she understood why Brother Seven had that look on her face, and said in a low voice, "The kidneys are marinated and wrapped in oil. It's delicious. I'll try it later..."

Jiugege was talking to Brother Twelve.

Aunt Su Ma lived with her in Ningshou Palace, and the two sisters were also close friends when they were young.

It wasn't until the twelve princes divided the palace that they saw less.

Seeing a group of people standing at the entrance of the garden, although the leader was wearing royal blue uniforms and looked ordinary, the sister and brother also recognized that it was Kangxi.

The two of them did not rush over, but walked up to the fourteenth and thirteenth elder brothers and reminded them.

The steamed buns are small, and there are ten steamed buns in the palm-sized steamer.

Half a month ago, I borrowed money from everywhere, so I just distributed the money for everyone to have fun, so I'm afraid I won't reveal my secrets, right?
Brother Jiu thought it was because he disliked him for talking too much, so he immediately covered his mouth.

Now that Khan Ama is here, in addition to coaxing the children, he also needs to add a "colorful clothes to entertain relatives".

One bite at a time.

Everyone also understands that what is in front of them is to coax children to play.

Brother Nine and Sister-in-law Nine are ready to sell these things, so they don't care if everyone buys them.

Still have to find something to eat here?

Before I got there, I heard Brother Jiu's voice: "This fried liver looks ordinary, but it is a rare delicacy for ordinary people. It is high quality and cheap, and it costs a lot of money. It will satisfy your cravings..."

It's just that it goes without saying.

Brother Jiu greeted all the brothers and said: "It's already the beginning of noon, it's almost time for dinner, let's each have a set of pancakes and fruits!"

In Ning'an Hall, Shu Shu also got the news that Kangxi and the princes had come.

Jiu Gege, Twelve Elder Brothers and Thirteen Elder Brothers also came over.

Because he saw Princess Rongxian bought perfume and a pocket watch, so he understood.

He didn't hold back either, he took out five coins, handed them over, and told the nanny who looked after the stall, "Here's a bowl, and a few extra pieces of fat!"

These ingredients will be collected with Sister Xiaochun in the end.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "Then Ama will buy two more copies, one for the emperor's grandmother and one for the great-aunt. This generation honors the generation, and our grandchildren's filial piety is ours."

The third elder brother smiled and said: "Eat it now, won't it be too much to eat after a while?"

Elder Fourteen's eyes were sharp, seeing that Liang Jiugong and Ma Wu were also holding brocade boxes, he divided the remaining strings into two, each of them stuffed a few in the past, and said, "Taste all of them..."

Brother Fourteen ate and played around, and came up with new tricks, so he insisted on grilling lamb kebabs by himself.

I thought the garden would be quiet.

Mrs. Uncle is one level away, she is a widow, and she is living here as a guest, so there is no need to come out without summons.

The eighth elder brother smiled and said: "My son didn't eat a few bites for breakfast, so I happened to have a taste with Khan Ama..."

The third elder brother said: "The son is going to buy pear soup for Khan Ama, it's just right for him to drink now."

Because you didn't send a message to the female relatives of Babeile Mansion?
The eighth elder brother can probably also understand Dong E's thoughts. The Ninth Prince's Mansion does not have a side Fujin, so it is not easy to entertain the Fucha family.

The little brother is so attentive, let's eat.

If it drags on, the princes will turn against each other for a few money brothers.

"Dining table?"

The fifth elder brother ate to his heart's content, and accidentally tasted two or three drawers.

Arriving at the second booth, it is pancake fruit.

The fourteenth elder brother looked at the skewers in his hands, filled with joy, quickly grabbed a handful and left the booth, stepped forward and said, "Ama Khan, try the skewers baked by my son..."

Ninth elder brother showed satisfaction on his face, and showed off to fourth elder brother and eighth elder brother: "Isn't my brother's housewarming ceremony meticulous? Look at your nieces and nephews, how much fun you had..."

The fourteenth elder brother was very knowledgeable and said: "Khan Ama's share is the filial piety of the son, not counting money!"

After that, he stretched out his hand.

He didn't want to eat it, but when he saw Lao Wu eating with a smile on his face, Lao Qi also took a bowl, and the smell of fat intestines wafted over his nostrils.

Brother Nine pointed to the dozen or so food stalls and said, "Let's pick and eat these, are you still not full?"

It doesn't look very good, some of them are burnt.

The third elder brother was speechless after hearing this, and he added two silver coins to his housewarming gift, so he didn't get a meal? !

In the end, it was still bustling with people, and the aunts and sisters-in-law looked at each other in blank dismay.

The fifth elder brother listened seriously, and said, "Then I'll go buy buns first, so I don't have to wait in line for pancakes!"

Ma Wu and Liang Jiugong reacted, and they were very interested, and opened the brocade box to settle the settlement.

On weekdays, the heart, liver, stomach and lungs are also included in the dishes, and there are also special hanging pots and haggis pots.


But what it meant, he couldn't guess for a while.

"Brother Fourteen!"

The little eunuch watching by was about to burst into tears.

Brother Ba nodded and said, "It's really meticulous, my brother and sister are considerate people."

It is true that there is no rice noodles, but roast lamb is prepared.

The fifth elder brother said: "The son will taste the meat bun first. It is delicious and honors Khan Ama."

It's just that brother Jiu protects people too much, and he didn't say anything, so he just defended himself first.

Hearing the words of the twelfth elder brother, the fourteenth elder brother raised his head, and saw the emperor's father and all the elder brothers arriving.

Unexpectedly, I fell into the barbecue pit and lost two handfuls of money, so I can only make up for it now.

The smell is stinky and stinky.

Both Ma Wu and Liang Jiugong were stunned.

Just like the fourth elder brother and eighth elder brother right now, they left the fried liver stall far away and went to drink pear soup.

Ma Wu and Liang Jiugong were overwhelmed by the flattery, and hurriedly said: "Thank you Fourteenth Master for the reward..."

Kangxi looked at the barbecue in the hands of the fourteenth elder brother, feeling a little disgusted.

Brother Nine blared for a long time, and his throat was a little dry. Seeing this, he also came over to buy a bowl of pear soup.

The third elder brother glanced at the ninth elder brother unhappily, the quality and cheapness outside, but are these big money good and cheap?

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said: "Even if it's okay, sometimes it's not perfect, but they are all family members, and the sisters-in-law are also sympathetic, so I shouldn't be able to pick her..."

In the end, if there are all left over, the family will take a copy when they leave, and this time the gift will be complete.

The hand felt heavy, and he immediately sensed the difference, and glared at Brother Jiu.

Brother Fourteen has already settled the accounts, and said: "Master Ma, three strings of nine coins, and two strings of six coins!"

It's not right to treat them together with other Fujins, and it's not easy for Gege to come forward to entertain them, so I just refused.

The fourteenth brother collected the money, took pride, and spread his hands in front of the brothers, and collected it in a circle.

As a result, I was impatient, and it was either raw or burnt.

Seeing that he was like this, he was so disregarded, and he couldn't think of the other side at all, Kangxi was very helpless.

The eighth elder brother listened, and always felt that there was something in it.

Kangxi looked at him angrily, waiting for him to collect the bill.

The fourth elder brother didn't want to talk very much, but he followed the crowd and said, "My son is going to buy buns."

The fourth elder brother gritted his teeth.

When Kangxi took a pancake in his hand, the fifth elder brother also started to taste the buns.

The fourteenth elder brother glanced at him, landed on the three most scorched skewers in his hand, and said: "Fourth brother is also nine coins, brothers, clear accounts, and don't wait for renegades!"

Elder Fourteen did not speak, only coughed lightly after the two of them took a sip, and said, "This is a large skewer of mutton, not the kind of meat that is only the size of a finger cap, and a skewer costs three dollars!"

Two coins, inside is a roasted pear, the pear meat melts in the mouth.

Is it to defend Dong E's family?

Thinking of the one hundred money he had left, the third elder brother decided, just make up his mind, and go back to reward people with the rest of the money. The old nine can't take advantage of it, and he has to go back to take advantage...

Then it's okay to bring a golden rabbit back.

It's just that it's not time to teach his son, so he bought ten candied haws, and the little eunuch held them later.

People who like it want to have another bowl after eating one bowl; if they don't like the taste, they can't avoid it.

There are few bites that can be chewed, and they are all swallowed.

Speaking of this, he rolled his eyes and said: "The emperor's grandmother must like to eat this kind of taste. I, Fujin, said that her old man likes to eat sticky buns, but not sticky candies..."

The fourteenth elder brother didn't seem to notice, he picked a few good-looking ones and handed them to Kangxi, and the rest of them were distributed to several elder brothers with a smile on his face.

Brother Jiu has already praised it from the beginning, saying: "This candied haws is not an ordinary candied haws. The hawthorns inside are all seeded, and the outside is also high-quality rock sugar, which does not stick to the teeth and is crunchy..."

It's just that if you go down with one bite, you will kill the salt seller? !
Why didn't the red ball of chili spread out?

The fourth elder brother was by the side, but he understood the implication of the ninth elder brother.

He also asked people to roast chicken and pigeons.

The eldest elder brother said: "Catch up, and my son will show his hands in a while, please ask Han Ama to try his son's kebabs."

Kangxi snorted softly, motioned to follow the little eunuch to open the brocade box, grabbed a handful of money and came out.

Kangxi glanced at him and said, "And then?"

These food stalls are connected, and all kinds of aromas are mixed together, who can bear it.

Leaving eighty money is his bottom line.

A few skewers of mutton skewers, everyone broke their defenses after eating.

Meals in the palace do not taboo offal.

Shu Shu left Ning'an Hall with Princess Rongxian and several sister-in-laws.

It's not the kind of small steamed buns that you eat on weekdays. They have no dough, and there is half a mouthful of soup inside.

Brother Seven remained silent as usual.

Stir-fried liver is called stir-fried liver. In fact, the main ingredient is not only pork liver, but also fat intestines. It is stewed rottenly. It is thickened with soy sauce and cornstarch, and a lot of minced garlic is put in it.

The fourteenth elder brother saw this, grabbed a handful of money, and felt that he had lost money, so he asked the thirteenth elder brother to help make up for it. He must be able to eat.

Dong E's family is pregnant and should not be tired, and her sister-in-law will be sympathetic.

Therefore, we have built such a garden that children like, and everyone can only be happy, even if there are deficiencies, no one will be picky.

At this moment, brother Jiu also saw Shu Shu, and hurried forward and said, "Why are you here? It's smoky and smelly outside, don't be disgusting anymore..."

Shu Shu said: "It's okay, please greet Khan Ama and go down..."

(End of this chapter)

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