My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 748 Zi Xiao's Father

Chapter 748 Son Xiao Father

When Shushu and the others greeted Kangxi, the younger ones also came over.

"Ene", "Auntie" shouted.

The older ones were all honest when they saw their Ama was there.

The younger ones couldn't see it clearly, and they all entangled their foreheads.

"Candied haws are delicious, Ernie buy..."

"There is a small goldfish, Ernie went to catch the fish, if you can't catch it, there is another one..."

Set up messy.

The elder brothers want to train their sons.

Although the prince only left the palace last year, this crop of grandchildren was also raised in elder brother's house before, but to be honest, the grandparents have never seen each other.

I was ordered by my granddaughter to run errands, and I have lived for more than 40 years. I never expected today...

Seeing this, Shu Shu ordered Walnut to bring her a lumbar pillow.

Kangxi felt relieved when he heard this, touched his hat, and said, "He is a good and sensible boy, Huang Mafa will give you money..."

It is true that like a father like a son, the third elder brother was also a stickler when he was a child.

The big circle rolls next to the small circle...

Kangxi saw that he was so honest, his little face was confused, he thought he didn't understand the relationship, and said: "Mafa is your Ama's Ama..."

How can you be filial? !

The purse in Liang Jiugong's hand was divided into two colors, red and royal blue.

Kangxi laughed, he was still a child after all, I don't know what to compare, there is only one Huang Mafa in this world.

Brother Zhu Fujin: "..."

This feeling is undoubtedly gold...

Wu Fujin comforted her in a low voice, and said, "I'll give you the money later..."

His expression remained unchanged, but he hesitated in his heart, thinking about how to deal with it.

There were more than ten purses in total, and Kangxi looked at Liang Jiugong.

This prince Fujin is also good, with a righteous heart, otherwise this child would not be carefree.

It's either the eldest uncle or the younger uncle, the age difference is not big, and it is inconvenient.

Qi Fujin was embarrassed, showing a bit of guilt.

The eldest son of those two families is about to marry...

Big Gege is one year older, articulate, and with a baby voice, said: "My grandma also lives in the palace, do you live next to each other?"

Just before the emperor, everyone panicked, even though they stood for less than [-] quarters of an hour, they still felt tired.

Brother Jiu pretended not to see it.

However, Hongsheng's identity is different from the previous three emperor's grandsons, he is not the eldest son, but the eldest son of concubine.

Now that he saw this lively and lovely little emperor's grandson, most of his dissatisfaction with Wu Fujin dissipated.

At this moment, the third elder brother pulled Hong Qing forward and said, "Ama Khan, this is Hong Qing, the eldest son of my son..."

Seventh elder brother didn't change his face.

When Honghui got the reward, he handed it to Da Gege.

When it was the turn of the fourth elder brother's family, the painting style of the sisters and brothers became much more normal.

Of the five imperial grandchildren, only Hong Yu was hugged.

Gourds are also phlox.

Kangxi nodded and signaled Liang Jiugong to give the purse.

More than a dozen purses were prepared by himself, and later on, Khan Ama would make up a bunch of money for his grandchildren, and he would make up for it himself.

Brother Ten looked at Brother Nine.

In the past two years, with Shu Shu's comparison, Kangxi was very dissatisfied with Wu Fujin.

This favor belongs to Khan Ama, can I save it?

The little elder brothers next to each other had originally followed their parents obediently, waiting for the ceremony, but now they couldn't stand it anymore.

A few children are obedient and obedient, please be honest.

In the garden, the children got a new string of money and scattered it around.

San Gege and Si Gege are a bit shy, not as straightforward as the two elder sisters.

Da Gege had a tacit understanding with him, and tied the purse around his waist for him.

Sanfujin took the sour plum, put it in his mouth, showed a sense of satisfaction, nodded and said: "That's right, it's a second-generation kiss after all!"

Tong Yan Wuji.

Kangxi was a little surprised, and took a look at Seventh Brother and Seventh Fujin.

Seeing this, the eighth elder brother followed the example of the seventh elder brother and packed two packs of rice flower balls.

Kangxi couldn't remember which palace Dai Jia lived in for a moment, and after a while, he realized that it was Yanxi Palace, and said: "Not next to each other, but not far away, there is a house in the middle..."

The elder brother waved his hand and called his own children to him, and said to Kangxi, "Ama Khan, these are Ge Ge and Hong Yu from my son's family..."

The third elder brother bought pear soup, the fourth elder brother bought buns, the fifth elder brother bought roujiamo, and the seventh elder brother saw that Kangxi was struggling to eat, so he bought two catties of black sesame candy for packaging.

The fourteenth elder brother laughed out loud, and joked, "How many do you want to have?"

Hong Yu smiled happily and let out a sound of exclamation. He didn't need to be taught, and said: "Thank you Huang Mafa..."

Kangxi didn't care about it, and motioned Liang Jiugong to give the purse, and said patiently: "I am Mafa in the palace, and I am leaving the palace today..."

Kangxi listened, smiled heartily, and said, "Yes, Mafa heard that there is excitement here, so I came to see it."

Da Gege is a bit charming, while Honghui is a quiet child.

Hong Qing held the purse, nodded and said: "Then I will know, you also come to Uncle Jiu's house for the big fair!"

Kangxi laughed and said, "It's all different!"

Hong Qing didn't dare to move, she only looked at Sanfujin eagerly.

Kangxi took a look at Si Fujin, and was very satisfied. This is the character of the prince's concubine Fujin.

After entering the house, Sanfujin found a comfortable place and crooked.

Sanfujin looked at Shu Shu, and said sourly: "The youngest son is different from the eldest son. He always thinks about moving house, so he came here specially for a visit."

Seeing this, Kangxi lowered his head and hugged Hongyu, saying, "What do you want money for?"

My elder sister is a child who loves to laugh, and Hong Shu is not afraid of strangers.

Sanfujin was not very satisfied.

Apart from the juniors, only Princess Rong Xian and Jiu Gege are still in the garden...

Da Gege said: "I have two grandmas, I will bring back a bunch and give them to the grandma next door..."

The siblings have good manners and seem to have a close relationship.

If they hadn't known in advance, they would have thought they were brothers and sisters.

Kangxi: "..."

Seeing his kindness, Hong Qing became more courageous, and whispered: "Then how many Mafas do I have?"

After the two received the purse and the reward, they both smiled.

It's the first time for a niece or nephew to come to the door, how can you be ashamed to let them go back empty-handed?
Definitely have to prepare another gift...

Shu Shu and his party did not return to Ning'an Hall, but returned to the main courtyard.

Since Kangxi wants to reward the emperor's grandson, how can he favor one over another?
He said: "There are gourds, and there are money..."

All the princes and elder brothers looked at the elder brother.

Kangxi nodded.

Liang Jiugong gave the red one to Huangsun Gege, and the royal blue one to the little Huangsun.

"Wow! So many!"

The child is confused.

The others took their purses and retreated to one side. Hong Yu took the purse and poured out a pair of golden gourds, not money. He was a little disappointed and said, "It's not money..."

Da Gege's eyes were bright, and he said, "That's very close. I'll buy two candied haws, one for you, and the other for my grandma, okay?"

It's just that the emperor's grandson is different from the emperor's grandson.

It should be a pair of golden gourds...

Shu Shu handed her a sour plum and said: "Don't be sour, this is for the grandson, we are following him..."

Liang Jiugong hurriedly freed his hand, handed the mutton skewers and brocade box to the little eunuch behind him, and then took the purse from Kangxi.

Hongsheng became quiet, then shook his head, and said: "Those who don't want Ernie, those who want Ama, also buy flowers for Ernie and Erniang!"

As for Huang Mafa, or Mafa, what is that?
I've seen it...

Third Elder Brother: "..."

Seeing this, Wu Fujin hurriedly stopped him.

When Wu Fujin came here, although Hongsheng was appeased by Wu Fujin, he was still straightforward.

As he spoke, he said to the children again: "This is Huang Mafa, please greet..."

Tong Yan Wuji.

Hong Sheng's reaction was similar to Hong Yu's. He looked at Kangxi with admiration, and said, "You must be the best emperor in the world!"

Then, she instructed Hong Qing: "Call Huang Mafa..."

Father Er Ge Ge Xiao, he is a bold child who does not avoid or dodge others.

Hong Qing whispered: "Then remember to eat fried liver, that's delicious."

Hongsheng put down the fifth elder brother's hand, and was about to rush forward when he saw that.

As he spoke, he signaled the little eunuch holding the brocade box to come forward, took the unopened string of money from inside and handed it to Hong Yu, saying, "Take the flowers!"

Hongsheng waved his hand and said, "That's not good, other people are no different..."

Kangxi nodded and said, "Okay, Mafa has a bowl."

How to do it?

Hong Yu saw that he was kind and loving, and he was not afraid of life, so he said, "Buy flowers for my sister..."

Hong Qing struggled and said, "Do I have the final say on this? I, Ernie, said that Mafa was in the palace, and Ama said that I was here..."

Da Gege has already pulled out, is tall and tall, and looks like Concubine Hui's character, he is a steady child.

Urged by Shu Shu, Brother Nine grabbed a purse, stuffed it into Kangxi's hand, and said in a low voice, "Khan Ama, this is prepared by his son Fujin, you take it to reward first."

This is the order of seniority.

After Sanfujin nodded, he stepped forward in small steps, cautiously, and looked at Kangxi, but still didn't call anyone.

The rest are the two siblings of the Seven Baylor Mansion.

However, when she saw Wu Fujin and Qi Fujin, she felt that she should be content.

Her own Hong Qing was a little timid.

When he called someone and Kangxi ordered the reward, he shook his head and said, "Huang Mafa, Huang Mafa, I don't want a gourd, can I exchange it for money? Buy flowers for me and return them to Ah Mamai buns..."

Kangxi looked at them in turn.

Kangxi didn't think about anything else before, he just wanted to take the opportunity to meet the emperor's grandsons.

Jiufujin pays attention to people.

The prince Fujins were all talking about this, and followed Shu Shu to hide.

Hongsheng was a little anxious.

Seeing him now, he realized something was wrong, and he wasn't ready for a meeting ceremony.

Hong Yu is four years old, but he looks a bit like his elder brother when he was a child.

The eldest brother also did what he said, and personally grilled a handful of mutton skewers as a filial piety.

Seeing this, Elder Brother Ten can only follow the example.

The eighth brother follows the example of the seventh brother, then he follows the example of his ninth brother...

The emperor's grandchildren were innocent and hadn't reached the age of fearing the imperial power, but the eunuchs and mothers who set up the stalls were trembling and did not dare to hawk anymore.

Brother Nine saw this and said: "Ama, brothers, since you're here, go and see the greenhouse in our mansion again. It's agreed, you can only watch it, don't worry about it, and you can't turn around and send people here every now and then... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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