My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 751 Family Dinner

Chapter 751 Family Banquet
The third elder brother smiled openly and stopped asking.

Thinking about it, the others are all 5 taels, but I added [-] taels more.

A sum of money, two benefits, this time no loss.

The fifth elder brother realized later, he understood, and said in surprise: "Isn't that money making up for the shortfall?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said, "Your brother is not a fool, how can he make a fortune out of it?"

Speaking of this, he looked at the fifth elder brother and said: "Fifth elder brother, you should think about it when you encounter problems in the future, don't be fooled by others, even if the younger brother is confused for a while, there is still the younger brother Fujin, who can look at the younger brother To make such a big loss?"

Fifth elder brother couldn't help it, slapped him and said, "I'm not stupid! It's all because of you, it looks like it's real!"

If you care about yourself, you will be fooled.

The results of it?
If you get cheap and act good, who is the elder brother and who is the younger brother?
Brother Jiu rubbed his shoulders and snorted softly: "Okay, okay, I will take revenge if you hit me again! Big brother slaps, fifth brother slaps, the world is different, the one who is in debt now is grandpa, you have to coax him! "

Brother Seven was at the side, gave him a sideways glance, and said, "Who do you want to be your master?"

Seeing everyone laughing and cursing, Eighth Brother felt that everyone was drifting away...

Seeing this, Brother Nine said, "Master, rub it for you?"

As long as he reads less books in Fujin, and is not afraid of the rhetoric of "uncle and cousin marriage, no children", then he will enter Prince Kang's mansion.

The next day, the Ninth Prince's Mansion continued to entertain guests.

Chun Tai has the highest status, and Qi Xi is senior.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "I don't care about my career, I only look at the good ones... The temper of the third brother and the third sister-in-law, just respect it..."

The peers are Chuntai, Guidan, Zhuliang, and Fusong, and the elder is a relative uncle and a relative father-in-law.

Mrs. Jin was very honest, and there was no prick in the whole process.

Logically speaking, Shu Shu's uncle's family should also be added.

How many worthless men are there, who are worthless themselves, and still don't want their wives to be strong?
Brother Jiu thought about it, seeing Chun Tai would not feel guilty anymore, and when he brought up the wine cup to toast, he also said: "Fu Jin always talked about Tai Fujin's kindness, thinking that when he was a child, it was inconvenient to be in the palace before, and he came out later. We have to go often to pay respects to Tai Fujin."

To be honest, elder brother Jiu is not familiar with the relatives of Guo Luoluo's family, and he doesn't take it too seriously, but the ones he dislikes the most are the uncle Daobao and the uncle's wife Jin.

One by one, they all talked about Jiufujin's childhood fun, whether it was aunt or aunt, they were all like kissing Ernie.

In fact, in-laws are connected to in-laws. If they are all invited, I don’t know how many tables will be set.

Shu Shu is not worried.

To tell the truth, the Aixinjueluo family's slender eyebrows and eyes really affect the child's appearance, but they can't say it in front of people.

Tai Fujin said with a smile: "When I was a child, I ordered red dots for my cousin and brought small flowers, but I really can't imagine what he would look like with a full belly!"

A child's talk made everyone laugh.

In the front hall, brother Jiu is also entertaining guests.

The rest are Fusong, Guidan, and Zhuliang.

Don't say that Shu Shu's identity is something she can't say, even if she wants to rely on the old to sell the old, she can't provoke the Tai Fujin and the two imperial wives next to her.

After the gossip, he became worried about Shu Shu, and regretted: "At that time, I chose the day to treat guests. I shouldn't come here one after another. I should take a day off."

Let the third child take advantage of it!

Gui Dan laughed and said: "Then you have to have a good drink with elder brother, we two brothers are also old friends!"

Tai Fujin pinched her.

Fu Song noticed it, and raised the wine, saying, "Brother Gui, let's do one too!"

Because these two people are different from others, they are Yifei's younger brother and younger sister-in-law, and they borrow the most money, and they should have a clear stand on Yifei's mother and son's side; but last year in Shengjing, their husband and wife pretended to be deaf Dumb, happy with the rest of Guo Luoluo's family.

Guidan felt that it was strange, so he glanced at Zhuliang several times.

Zhu Liang was young and couldn't hide his expression. When he saw Brother Jiu talking to Chun Tai, he showed nervousness.

Shu Shu was tired for most of the day yesterday, and today she is happy to enjoy the love of her elders.

The door of the prince's mansion is really hard to get through, and it's not easy to welcome guests.

Brother Jiu quickly waved his hands and said: "Mistake, mistake, the one who owes the debt is the uncle!"

When the guests left, Brother Nine came back limply.

So this time the treat is a close relative.

But ever since Fusong resigned, Fusong's stepmother said some nasty things, Shu Shu didn't send any post directly.

He is also hindsight.

After missing Fujin, he still doesn't know what a treasure he missed.

It's not as good as the old fourteen, who saw through the truth and told the truth, he also collected money.

Brother Jiu's uncle's house is Daobao and his wife and Guidan.

Chuntai Xiao's mother, her eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar to the Zhuliang brothers, but the facial features are more refined, and she is also fair. She doesn't look like a clan prince, but more like a refined son.

Jin's natal family is gone, but her husband is already a fourth-rank master of ceremonies, and he is still in the prime of life.

Brother Jiu nodded, looked at Chun Tai, and felt sympathy in his heart.

If she dared to offend her relatives, Daobao would not spare her.

He looked at Brother Jiu and said: "We are close relatives, but today we are getting closer, Master Jiu doesn't need to talk outside."

Brother Jiu doesn't like to socialize with the clan very much, and Shu Shu doesn't like to socialize with in-laws here either.

Almost, to show timidity and embarrassment...

It's not touching, it's hugging, just like a pair of milk dolls.

Haha, this heir is a big deal, it's better to pay more attention to it!
This marriage of mine is a match made in heaven.

The eighth elder brother was beside him, his face flushed.

During this half day's work, I spend a lot of time with guests, so I am not as comfortable as usual, sitting so that my back is straight.

Shu Shu has a body, and his elders know that they are like a big baby, so they don't let her feet touch the ground.

Even if his Fujin has a more outstanding family background and better appearance in the future, this talent is no match for his own Fujin.

Otherwise, he would have to deal with Fusong's stepmother, and after listening to her rambling, he would not have the patience to relieve her of her worries.

If that's the case, who taught Jiufujin's instinct to do what he said?

Brother Nine was thinking about tomorrow's guests, showing displeasure on his face, and said: "Auntie, don't be too respectful, so as not to push your nose on your face."

How many men in this world are as generous as yourself?

Shu Shu said: "Are you relatives after all, you have to take care of your empress's face."

In the end, Qi Xi was the guest of honor, Chun Tai was the second guest, and Dao Bao was the third guest.

Shu Shu admitted her mistake honestly, and said: "When I was at home, I never went out, and I was curious about going outside, thinking about seeing the world. After getting married for a year and a half, and staying outside for half a year, I really lost my mind. A few days ago, I was with you Master Jiu talked about the beauty of Jiangnan, winter is also full of flowers and willows..."

Shu Shu said: "There will be no one else tomorrow..."

Shu Shu is tilting.

Shu Shu didn't dare to let him move, pointed to his shoulder and said: "Then help me rub my shoulder, it's sore from sitting all the time."

They are all close relatives and elders, and there is no one else, so they all sit in the east room.

It was also after inquiring around, knowing the approximate number of brothers, that he did his best.

If you owed favors before, just find an opportunity to repay them, and you don't have to be so close in daily life.

Brother Jiu sat behind her and stretched out his hand, while rubbing it, he said angrily: "I never thought that the third child would also play tricks, but I missed it..."

Shu Shu hugged Tai Fujin's arm, drooped her head, and sighed: "It's a loss to be a woman, it would be nice if a man gave birth sometime."

Later, Brother Nine and Shu Shu lost their temper and broke up with Guo Luoluo's family. Only then did the couple realize that they were on the team.

Brother Jiu entertained male guests in the living room of the front yard, while Shu Shu and Mrs. Uncle entertained female guests in the main room.

Tai Fujin glanced at her waist, and said: "The feet will be sticky in the future, and I can't let go of my hands in three or four years."

Over there were relatives and sisters-in-law, who treated Jiufu Jin like a baby, but Mrs. Jin did not dare to slack off in the slightest.

Mrs. Jin laughed beside her, her whole body froze.

You know, he hesitated at the beginning.

There is an aunt and grandmother, and it is not her turn to talk.

Shu Shu turned her head, looked at him and said, "What's wrong?"

There was no table sharing, so we sat at the same table.

As for knowledge or not?

For this cousin of the same Geng, Brother Jiu still finds it strange.

The third child, who saw it clearly, was still pretending to say something that would not be reversed, which made me feel quite sore at the time.

From Shu Shu's natal family, Qi Xi, his wife and Zhu Liang came.

She doesn't care if others say that she is a snobbery and doesn't recognize her poor relatives. Anyway, with Fusong around, she can represent her uncle's family.

No one else please.

Guidan sat at the bottom, looking at Zhuliang with one or another glance.

Shu Shu thought about her cousin's handsome appearance, "puchi" smiled, and said: "If it's Father Xiao, he's still like our Dong E family, and he doesn't look bad."

She is also following the crowd, afraid of being stingy and being criticized by others, and also wants to use this to ease the relationship with Brother Nine.

She doesn't want her life to be bogged down in relationships.

Lao Jiu, did you do it on purpose?
How can the human heart withstand temptation? Will it be the same for the old ten?

This is about Mrs. Jin, the eldest wife of Guo Luoluo's family.

Eight Banners have heavy in-laws, uncle's family, aunt's family, and aunt's family are the most respected.

There are only two tables in total, which is similar to a family banquet.

At Shu Shu's aunt's house, Tai Fujin and his cousin Prince Kang came.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Okay, who is called brother! Master can't keep thinking about cleaning him up!"

Although they are close relatives, men and women are different, so the front and back yards are divided.

That "good people get rewarded" is really weird.

I am happy that my wife is smart and capable, and I will not be jealous and suppressed.

Brother Nine snorted softly and said, "The third one is not like the third one anymore, and he laughed like a thief today, and he didn't seem surprised about the fundraising by the master, he should have guessed it a long time ago..."

Tai Fujin groped for Shu Shu, the aunt and nephew were not close enough: "Little heartless, once you get married, you will have fun, and aunt will forget about it!"

The two clinked glasses lightly and drank a cup.

Guidan looked at Fusong, with such a personality and appearance, and such a grade, he was a good candidate to be a brother-in-law.

It's a pity that he doesn't have any sisters himself, and his cousins ​​are also high-spirited.

As for the Jin family, it is not appropriate to enter Xin Zheku now...

(End of this chapter)

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