Chapter 752 Blessed Ninth Brother
Compared with the Ninth Prince's Mansion, the Tenth Prince's Mansion had more housewarming parties.

The ten elder brothers sent invitations to several families, the third uncle Faka, the fifth uncle Fubao, the seventh uncle Alinga, the families of the two aunts, as well as Mr. His brother-in-law Aba Haitaiji.

Faka still did not come out to thank the guests, but the third wife Hesheli came.

Both Fu Bao and his wife have arrived.

A Ling'a and his wife asked someone to bring a gift, but they didn't show up.

Because of Jin Zhu's finger marriage, the couple hated Mrs. Shang Guogong and also blamed Shang Shi Elder Brother.

If Elder Brother Shi hadn't praised Yin De for no reason at the beginning of the year, it wouldn't have caused trouble later on.

The eldest daughter is a sweetheart, and the couple are not willing to make faces for the ten elder brothers.

Fuguo Gong Yunsheng and his wife have arrived. This is the fourth aunt and his wife of the tenth elder brother.

The honorable Jing Qi Nihafan Ayushi and his wife have arrived. This is the fifth aunt and his wife of the tenth elder brother.

Following their gaze, Shi Fujin looked down at his stomach, wiped it twice, and said with a smile: "This is meat, and there will be a little elder brother next year..."

Tai Fujin smiled and said: "Don't worry, there will be a chance in the future..."

Mrs. Guogong said with a smile: "Don't worry about it, Fujin has only been in the door for half a year, and Fujin Wu and Fujin Jiu have been in the door for several years, and they are still not happy!"

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu with concern, and said, "Are you tired? Why don't you just take a rest, and it's time to see off the guests..."

Here for the female relatives, Elder Brother Shi was not worried about Shi Fujin, so he asked Bo Se's wife, his cousin and niece, to take care of him more.

After lunch, everyone said goodbye.

In a place like the royal family, rules are respected even if rules are respected, Shu Shu will feel very tired.

If that's the case, someone will accompany Fujin in his family, and he will feel at ease in his heart.

Shu Shu said awkwardly: "It's rare that my aunt and aunt are here, so I just go to bed earlier at night."

My uncle and cousin are all idle and I can't remember them.

"Nonsense, rest when you're tired, your body is the most important thing at this time, you are all relatives and elders, can you still be courteous?"

Brother Jiu is luckier than himself.

Guerjia smiled, lowered his eyes and said: "It's not good to disturb elder brother and Fujin."

Ninth Prince's Mansion.

With helplessness on his face, Jue Luo explained to his sister-in-law in a low voice: "My brother is sincere..."

She glanced at the third sister-in-law, gloating.

Brother Ten took precautions in advance, also to guard against the fourth aunt.

However, Shu Shu knew that it shouldn't be too much, otherwise she wouldn't be able to walk so steadily.

Qi Xi glanced at Brother Jiu, he should teach him well.

Tai Fujin and Jue Luoshi looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

She really wanted to tell everyone that this year it was Jiusao's turn, and next year or the year after that it would be her, but she didn't say anything after thinking about it.

He nodded and said: "If Elder Brother is free, I will come over twice."

Seeing this, Mrs. Jin hurriedly said: "Yes, Fujin rests first, and has eaten and drank well today."

At that time, it was the two younger brothers, Faka, who was the Duke of the state. He really wished he could get rid of Niu Hulu's family.

Brother Nine thinks beautifully.

It was said before that the prince's elder brother was arrogant and indulgent, but today he seems to be quite friendly, but this person is almost so sophisticated.

The reason why the post was sent was because he was engaged and married before, and the uncles and two uncles of Niu Hulu's family all showed up.

Daobao responded respectfully, but was not very interested.

After lunch, Shu Shu was habitually sleepy, with teary eyes.

She didn't mention Kangxi, but only mentioned the interesting Daji and each family's little elder brother and little Gege.

As early as the engagement ceremony, Mrs. Guo was very picky about the ten Fujin.

As for the eldest uncle, he went to the inner hall every year and year after year, and met him a few times. He is a straight-hearted person.

Chun Tai was on the side, seeing brother Jiu like this, his heart was at ease.

My lord here has this vacancy, and if he does well, he will be the envoy of Luanyi or the minister of Sanyi when he returns to the bodyguard, or he will be directly promoted to the commander of the Eight Banners or the deputy governor; if he can't do well, it will be hard to say.

Brother Jiu didn't let Shu Shu out, and sent it to the gate by himself.

Brother Jiu knew that this mother-in-law was not easy to persuade, so he looked at Qi Xi and said, "Father-in-law should come over more often, we are all children, there are many deficiencies, and we need father-in-law to teach us more."

This mansion is regulated by the county king's mansion, and the subordinate officials are directly the long history. After that, the first appointment will be the king of Doro.

Looking at it like this, it seems that I have not drank less.

Shu Shu said: "I'm fine, have Ama, cousin and uncle finished eating?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "It's all good, I'm accompanying you, there's nothing wrong with it!"

She ordered Walnut quietly, ordered some tea, and wanted to top it off, but when Jueluo saw it, she took a bite.

It was only then that the two realized that they had misunderstood, and their expressions were embarrassing.

When Shi Fujin was talking to Little Hesheli, she said to Sister-in-law Wu: "I live in the front and rear streets, and Sister-in-law Wu should also go to the prince's mansion more often. These relatives get closer as they go... "

The population of the Eight Banners breeds, and it is not difficult to fill the vacancies, but it is not easy to get promoted, one radish and one hole.

Brother Jiu didn't have the patience to chat with them, instead he warned Dao Bao, "Restrain the Guo Luoluo family, if you cause trouble to Fifth Brother, Fifth Brother will tolerate it, but Master will not!"

The newly appointed Chief Shi Bose is actually the person whom the ten princes have met the most times among them, after all, they have been together for more than a month.

If it wasn't for his cousin Zhen's respect, brother Jiu, a prince, how could he do this?
That's good.

It always feels wrong.

There are so many houses in Niu Hulu's house, and there are many people who stare at their house and go wrong.

Tai Fujin looked at Brother Jiu up and down, and became more picky.

Whoever is the tenth elder brother, the son of a noble concubine, has no temper, then he is a big fool.

Brother Ten is not very familiar with one uncle or two uncles.

Mrs. Uncle was already waiting for the delivery, and if she came to the door every other day or two, it would be unreasonable for others to look at her, because her mother's family interfered too much.

Gui Dan's current third-class bodyguard, in the final analysis, also came from that.

It's like child's talk.

Jue Luoshi pondered for a while, but didn't answer.

He has to be responsible, otherwise it will be his own big Gege who will suffer.

However, on top of his seven emotions, he didn't cover up how he treated people far and near.

Elder Brother Shi personally sent everyone to the door, seeing that there was still no movement next door, he couldn't help laughing.

After a while, Walnut came back, followed by Brother Jiu who was blushing and smelled of alcohol.

The other thing is, in case everyone knows that Hongluo Temple's incense is effective, they should be crowded next year...

My own luck is not small, my uncle's physique is more handsome than when I saw him at the beginning of the year...

Just like he did back then, he chose a cousin, a cousin, and two children from Guo Luoluo's family.

The cousin is smart and kind, and will manage her life well.

Rich marriages are popular in Manchuria, and this is also the case for concubines entering the palace.

Unexpectedly, this aunt is quite good at coaxing people. When she was engaged before, she looked at her from head to toe, and she didn't look satisfied.

Can't be picky now.

Really, Tai Fujin is a widow just like Mrs. Uncle...

She offended her brother-in-law and Yin De couple before, but she didn't offend the fifth sister-in-law, right?
Ten Fujin was happily talking about yesterday's excitement to his fifth aunt, Niu Hulu, and little Hesheli.

Brother Nine is also considered to be out of experience, and he knows the principle of giving kindness and strength together.

Disciples of noble families, ups and downs, there are too many.

I have done seven or eight times of Amma myself, but it is the first time for Brother Nine.

Compared with the virtual bustle of the women's relatives, the front is not lively at all.

Bose's wife is also from the Hershey family, and she and Faka's wife are family aunts and nephews. They are cheerful people, and they readily agreed.

Mrs. Duchess: "..."

Therefore, in the principal room of the Ten Fujin, except for Faka's wife Hesheli, whose aunt who claimed to be the prince was still arrogant, and Fu Bao's wife, Guarjia, who was taciturn, the other female relatives held the Ten Fujin spoke.

Daobao and his wife were by the side, seeing brother Jiu being so attentive to his in-laws, they felt uncomfortable.

Aba Hetaiji has arrived.

Could it be that in-laws are relatives, but their natal family is not relatives?

Front yard living room.

If Jinzhu had become Jiufu Jin back then, how could there be such things later?
What a mistake, the imperial decree has been issued, does brother and sister-in-law still dare to resist the decree?
Poor Jin Zhugong's lady, who is about to fall to Mongolia.

Tai Fujin shook his head and said: "Okay, it's only a quarter of an hour's journey, and those who come and go frequently in the future will not be at this moment."

The two sisters entered the palace one after another, and they both distributed a lot of money from Niu Hulu's family.

Elder Brother Ten is not knighted, but everyone can see that it is no different from being knighted.

The Bossers arrived.

Mrs. Jin was beside her, and she was also embarrassed.

As if my aunt was a distant relative, she was very polite.

The others are close relatives of Jiufu Jin, so who is the guest?

Speaking of this, she remembered that the dowry of the two elder sisters, Empress Xiaozhao and Concubine Wen Xi, were in the hands of Elder Brother Ten, and she couldn't help but feel pain.

Brother Jiu nodded quickly and said: "It's free, it's free, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is idle."

Tai Fujin also understood what sister-in-law meant, she was a little bit picky about elder brother Jiu, nodded and said: "As long as elder brother doesn't dislike it, I have to make two extra trips, otherwise I won't worry about it. "

In fact, we didn't stay too long.

Jue Luoshi ordered Walnut to go ahead and see how everyone was eating and drinking.

But he thought too much.

Hearing what Shi Fujin said, Fifth Aunt and Little Hesheli both looked at her stomach.

Seeing that Shi Fujin has a good temper, Mrs. Guogong wished she could not let go, she smiled and praised: "Look at Fujin's hand, it looks like a blessing, and you are blessed!"

For Prince Kang Taifujin, the aunt and aunt and mother-in-law of the family, Brother Jiu also "loves the house and the crow", helped him into the carriage himself, and said: "The closest relatives of Fujin, except for the father-in-law and mother-in-law, are the aunt and the county head. From now on, the aunt will be free. , you have to come and go frequently..."

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "I wish I could, it would be even better if my aunt could stay for a few days."

Shi Fujin nodded and said: "Yeah, don't worry, I'm still young, it's not good to do Ernie too early..."

Everyone is also interested, so let’s say goodbye here, so as not to suffer from suffering.

Say that in front of a guest?
Very unobtrusive.


When she thought of Jiufujin, she felt uncomfortable.

Yin De's long history is easy to come by and even easier to lose.

Ten Fujin listened with a smile on his face, and accepted all the flattery from Mrs. Guogong.

After admonishing him, he said: "Be honest, my mother gave birth to the eighteenth brother, which is the blessing of Guo Luoluo's family. When the youngest eighteenth enters school, he will also choose Haha beads."

The prince was a little taken aback.

In the current third-rank long history, Elder Brother Shi first personally recommended Yin De, and then promoted Bose from Waiba Road.

It's just on the face.

There is no reason to take advantage of one house, and most of the time will be to choose children of suitable age from other houses.

Sister-in-law Jiu has not yet reached three months, so she wants to keep it a secret.

Daobao was embarrassed, and said: "They have already been sent back to Shengjing, there will be no second time!"

Thinking of this, he looked at his uncle who accompanied him to see off the guests.

He was very respectful and close to the father-in-law and mother-in-law of Qixi and his wife, and said: "Fu Jin always misses his family, and his mother-in-law often comes to see her when she has nothing to do. Fujin must be happy."

"Wow, they are all children, every family has little brother and little princess, next year our family will have one..."

After hearing this, Mrs. Jin was full of enthusiasm.

It would be a fool to give away the benefits for nothing.

She can ask for her youngest son, or betroth Guidan for her eldest grandson, as long as they are of the same age, the benefits will come later...

The family is back, and they want to accompany their little nephew and niece. I don’t know if we can add more. Let’s watch tomorrow morning, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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