Chapter 761 Accumulating Goodness
After the greetings at Ningshou Palace were over, the younger sisters-in-law followed Shifu Jin and went to the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

Everyone is worried.

In particular, Sifujin and Qifujin have given birth before, and they know how hard it is to be pregnant. This double hardship is unimaginable.

It's hard for Wu Fujin to say that he went there yesterday, and the crowd also came.

Shu Shu brought a surprise, and said: "The sisters-in-law and younger siblings came just in time. I asked the girl to bring some face cream and hand cream over in the morning, and I am about to send people to deliver them everywhere."

Brother Nine brazenly promised to go out in front of Princess Rongxian, it was face cream and hand cream, and the finishing touch was Shu Shu.

Today she sent a message to Xiaoyu to send some face and hand cream gift boxes.

This face cream uses almond flour, essential oils and ginseng, and the hand cream uses almond oil and ginseng.

Just by smelling the faint smell of ginseng, one knows the price is expensive.

In fact, it is not the "real ginseng" in the eyes of the world, but the garden ginseng that is not recognized in the world.

Three prostitutes, who can compare?

In spring and summer, there are also related face creams and hand creams, which taste more refreshing, and the ingredients used also include floral water.

After she applied the hand cream carefully for the eldest princess, the eldest princess looked into Princess Rongxian's eyes and said lovingly: "Bahrain is your home, and the capital city is also your home. Don't alienate the relationship between the capital city. It is your confidence to gain a foothold in Bahrain!"

Sanfujin felt that it was harsh, and when he thought of the housewarming banquet at the prince's mansion on the ninth day of the month, he couldn't help feeling sour, and said, "What new tricks have you come up with?"

Seeing this, Princess Shuhui smiled and said: "This child is honest. How old am I? If I still use these, I won't be an old goblin anymore?"

The capital is only that big, and there are so many idlers in the Eight Banners.

The outside is an exquisite brocade box, and inside are two small boxes painted in silver and gold.

Adding this, everyone thinks it is a good thing, more classy.

As long as it's a woman, who doesn't like these?
Si Fujin said with a smile on his face: "It looks exquisite, and you can use it without worry. It's just that since you opened a shop, you can just give it away this time, and we will send people to the shop to choose it later."

There are actually three elder brothers in Yuqing Palace, but they are from concubines.

Only Shu Shu and Shi Fujin live their lives like playing house, but they seem to save worry and effort...

Shengjia is also going to visit the mausoleum.

He became angry and frowned.

Three princes think about it, and this is also the case.

He had a wry smile on his face.

Especially this kind of news that went around the palace.

Qi Xi was sympathetic to his sick brother and gave up the title, but there were blessings in the future.

The family members of Yuqing Palace, the crown princess is infertile, and Li Gege is not suitable to have any more children. There is also a little Li Gege who is unlucky. He gave birth to two little Geges and died. Coating origin.

Eldest Brother received Chang Shi's report and said: "This is a happy event, so prepare two gifts, which are [-]% thicker than usual."

The third elder brother frowned and said: "Then you can't live on your own food, Han Ama is simple and effective, and we all save money, and we should."

Shu Shu pointed to the big box and said, "That one is face cream, which is more moisturizing; the one in the smaller circle is hand cream, which is more oily, and they are suitable for autumn and winter."

Lao Jiu is a dandy prince, what good deeds have he done?

In this season, there are many weddings and funerals, and there are also many banquets and entertainments, so the news spreads quickly.

She took the eldest princess's hand and said: "The emperor's grandmother also uses it. I heard that the younger siblings bought the ancient recipes from the previous dynasty. Grandma will also try..."

Princess Rong Xian has already tried it, and it really feels that her hands are much more moisturized.

Shu Shu felt that the efficacy of this ginseng was inferior to that of wild ginseng, but it was enough for skin care products.

The third elder brother listened, nodded and said: "Good clothes are worn, so there is no need to buy them every year."

Hearing this, San Fujin puffed out his stomach, and said disapprovingly, "So what? He didn't have a baby, who knows what's going on, is it a pair of squares if they are not even?"

Twins, if they are both little elder brothers, it is great joy, and it is a good omen if they are twins. What is so rare about a pair of little princesses?

Wu Fujin pursed his lips and smiled, and didn't speak beside him, but he liked smiling too.

There are two sets in total, apart from Princess Rongxian's set, and Princess Shuhui's set.

Qi Fujin was not polite, he had already opened his share, dug out a piece of hand cream and used it, and said: "Okay, why do you think of this? You are precious now, even if you want to use face cream, you have to ask the imperial doctor to see it. It’s easy to use and tasteless, don’t add medicinal materials…”

The third elder brother stretched out two fingers and said: "The imperial doctor has confirmed the diagnosis, and the old nine daughter-in-law is pregnant with double sticks!"

In fact, at Akton's age, he should be taken out for a walk, but the crown prince had to care about the emperor's father's thoughts.

It would be great if it was just two little elder brothers.

Good deeds?
Are you blind?

This can also be regarded as a demonstration of "good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil".

Maybe because of keeping filial piety before, he ate vegetarian and showed pregnancy, but he didn't look clumsy.

Even if Princess Rongxian is older, one year younger than Eldest Brother and one year older than the Crown Prince, she is 27 this year, not yet 30 years old, if she is directly compared with Concubine Yi who is over [-] years old, she really deserves a beating.

Not to mention other places, Dong E's family has a pair of twins.

Sanfujin lowered his head, feeling a little worried about gains and losses.

As she said that, she told about how Brother Jiu met Princess Rongxian.

Sanbeile Mansion, main house.

After Shifujin laughed, he thought for a while and said, "But Brother Jiu is telling the truth. Concubine Yi's mother looks like her elder sister now, and her complexion is more delicate than that of Second Sister..."

Originally, it was difficult for children to have children, and they had not had children for more than ten years after they got married, but they added six legitimate sons later.

The news that Jiufujin was pregnant with Shuangbang'er was known to everyone within two or three days.

This is the disadvantage of not having a biological mother, no one thinks about him at all.

After hearing the news, the prince was a little stunned when he learned about the happiness of Jiufu Jin's twins.

He hesitated for a moment, and decided to go out of Beijing by himself, without taking Akton with him.

Princess Rongxian Fumeng, even though she is a princess, is married thousands of miles away and has two mothers-in-law, so her life is not easy.

Lao Jiu has a bad mouth but a good heart, and his brother and sister are also good-hearted. Is this couple also "what goes around with good returns"?
Eldest brother felt that he didn't believe in these nagging words, but there was still a shadow in his heart...

Zhijun Wangfu, the study in the front yard.

Sanfujin nodded in agreement, and said, "This year's Damaoyichang didn't call for additional purchases, so let someone buy last year's clothes..."

That's perfect.

Sanfujin didn't buy much new clothes this year due to waiting for childbirth. Hearing this, he was a little unhappy, and said, "What can we do to be frugal? The property money will come up at the end of the year, isn't there still that The household money has not been moved..."

After Xiaochun left, Princess Rongxian went to Princess Shuhui to deliver things.

Sanfujin's stomach is already six months old, and she is already pregnant.

Princess Rong Xian felt sour, she nodded slightly, and said: "Bahrain is also the confidence of my granddaughter in her natal family, especially if there is a grandmother in Bahrain..."

The third elder brother felt bored and got up, sat on the edge of the kang, looked at San Fujin with a bit of disgust, and said: "They all come from Dong E's family, why is there such a big gap?"

It's just that there is a pillow behind her, and she cannot escape.

If he gave birth to three legitimate sons, he would be a truly blessed person.

The expressions of the few Fujins are unclear, although they are now in their prime, more than twenty years old, and not enough peaches and plums, but as wives and daughter-in-laws, they all have their own burdens, and they are also physically and mentally exhausted.

Since the imperial father didn't like the Akton brothers, it would be disobedience for him to flatter them.

How come he caught up with all the good things? !

He had the cheek to occupy the title of his ancestor, but he broke his promise, and put the title of "uncle and nephew handing over" to the back of his mind, and supported his illegitimate son, but his blood was severed in the end.

Yuqing Palace lacks female relatives with better backgrounds...

He looked at Sanfujin's belly, and he became a little eager, and said: "Then you can live up to it this time, and have a second son, then the brother among the brothers will be the first one!"

After finishing the gossip, the third elder brother remembered the business, and said: "Ama Khan sent an errand for my lord, and I will take my aunt and grandmother to visit the mausoleum on the first day of next month. You can ask someone to prepare your luggage."

In the princess house, it was Xiaochun who brought the longan to send the face cream and hand cream.

Eldest Brother has also heard people say that "good deeds come to us", and he thinks it makes sense.

The others were still holding back, but Shi Fujin had already "giggled" and said, "Ninth Brother is really funny, and Second Sister has a good temper!"

Just not now.

The prince is already preparing for the east tour, and he is about to set off soon.

Before the elders in the palace said that Shu Shu was a "blessed person", it was because she had a good birthday, which happened to be born on the "Gold Awarding Day", which was really far-fetched.

In the first half of the year, the Dong E family's lawsuits were full of turmoil. Qi Xi and Xin Dali's life events were revealed, and many people discovered the reason why Dong E's descendants flourished.

Shu Shu said helplessly: "It's not our master, that worry..."

After San Age came in, he looked straight at San Fujin's stomach.

The third elder brother strode in.

Sanfujin felt depressed, and said: "My lord didn't have a new fur last year, but just refurbished the outer smock, and if we deal with it again this year, the color of the fur is probably not as bright as the new one."

Sanfujin felt terrified at the sight, and couldn't help but hide back.

In this way, it will be more difficult for the next heir, and it will not be a big problem.

What about Shindari?

What really works may not be ginseng, it's just a gimmick.

Is the incense in Hongluo Temple really so effective?
The prince wants to have a son too!

In recent years, a pair of children have been born, and the upbringing is also exhausting.

The third elder brother heard it, but his heart was moved, and he said: "That's it, don't be verbose."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "It's just this time, it's not something rare, just let the sister-in-laws try it."

The eldest princess is here because she has to travel slowly on the road, so she set off early.

Wait until the same day, Shengjia's side will start again.

At that time, it is just time for the emperor to see his frugality and feel pity for the reason for his frugality.

Baylor's annual salary is not much, and he found reasons to deduct the annual salary again and again. His life as a son is not easy...

(End of this chapter)

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