Chapter 762 Mandarin Duck
Four Baylor House.

After the fourth elder brother returned home, he went directly to the main courtyard.

This is really a happy event.

Everyone knows that Brother Nine is in poor health, and it may not be easy for his heirs to succeed. If he can have two legitimate sons and be prepared, he can rest assured.

"Have you been to Lao Jiu's mansion? How does Dong E's look?"

The fourth elder brother entered the room, and asked with concern.

Sifujin was in front of the dressing table, not knowing what to think, when he heard the movement, he got up and greeted him, nodded with a smile, and said: "I've been there, my brother and sister look fine, the imperial doctor also said that my brother and sister are strong in body, and their pulse is strong..."

The fourth elder brother breathed a sigh of relief, and said: "That's good, it's not easy for Lao Jiu. He has been recuperating his body for the past year, and he only looks forward to consummation."

Si Fujin looked at Si elder brother, hesitant to speak.

She knows the pain of not having a biological child.

Today is 25.

She was in a good mood, and because brother Jiu mentioned hot pot yesterday, she asked someone to prepare a pot.

For some reason, she remembered an old saying, "It's hard to raise a single seedling".

Sun Jin went in and out of the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs with Brother Nine, and he had a door number for entering and leaving the palace.

Wu Fujin was also struggling, how to mention the matter of Hongluo Temple to the fifth elder brother, but he did not wait for the fifth elder brother.

Brother Jiu said: "Then give three copies, one to the guards, and one to the guard's room."

Shu Shu held the pot again, poured him a cup of milk tea, poured himself a cup of apple juice, and said with a smile: "I also found a matching pot, a mandarin duck pot..."

Sifujin looked at him, endured his shyness and said, "Master, let's add another brother to Honghui..."

The parties have been gone for decades, and the truth has long been lost in history.

She felt that she was an eunuch, so she couldn't think of this unlucky word, but she still felt palpitations.

Empress Xiaoxian is the well-known Concubine Dong E, who was an imperial concubine during her lifetime, and was named empress after her death. She is also Shu Shu's clan aunt.

It was Shu Shu who gave birth to the child, not herself. She was physically stronger than herself.

On this day, when Seventh Prince returned home, it was also sunset.

Apple juice on one side and milk tea on the other.

He calculated from Amin Baylor again, and said: "Amin Baylor is your great-grandfather, but Ye's uncle-great-grandfather. In this way, Ye is your clan uncle..."

In order to go with the mandarin duck hot pot, Shu Shu dug out a mandarin duck pot from the warehouse.

But maybe it's because of Shu Shu's constant nagging, and the thought of Hong Pan who died at the beginning of the year also makes people jump in fear.

Shu Shu responded with a smile, and said: "Tomorrow, ask the bakery shop to send some cakes to the yamen, and it's not easy to reward money there."

She knew her physical condition, and she would have to recuperate for two years before she could think about giving birth again. She had a daughter to take care of, and she didn't have time.

At that time, after Emperor Taizu raised his army, the Dong E tribe was the first Jurchen tribe to lead people to vote. Taizu valued He Heli, the leader of the Dong E tribe, and his wife and daughter.

Maybe it's as guessed by brother Jiu, who knows...

Thinking of this origin, Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Couldn't it be that the Emperor Taizu had ordered it at that time, something like 'everyone can be a husband, only a father' or something..."

Today in the guard's yamen, someone mentioned a few words, remembering that Lao Jiu's errands were generously rewarded, thinking that when he met Lao Jiu, he would announce the good news to him.

There was a smile on the corner of Qifujin's mouth, but his eyes turned red unknowingly...

As for the small hot pot for each person, the Fuchu also prepared it, but it was used when planning to treat guests, and the couple were too unfamiliar with eating.

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the upper room.

After a while, the dining table is set up.

Little Gege was not feeling well, and Liu Gege from the side yard sent someone to wait for the fifth elder brother to pass by in the front yard.

Brother Jiu looked at it several times, and hesitated: "Is this a yin-yang pot?"

She named the restaurant "Baiweiju" along the "Qianjinfang".

Qifu Jin nodded generously and said: "I heard that there are not many bamboos in Hongluo Temple, there are only a few hundred in total. I'm afraid it's too late and I can't make it in time!"

Si Fujin wanted to shake his head and say that he was fine, but thinking of Shu Shu and Shi Fujin's relaxed appearance, he changed his mind and said with a wry smile, "I'm thinking of Hongyu, and I'm a little scared..."

Although he went to the imperial court to announce the good news yesterday, he was more worried, and after a day, he thought about it.

Shu Shu rolled his eyes at him, and said: "It's all nonsense, who doesn't know that Emperor Shizu once rewarded Empress Xiaoxian with a nine-curved mandarin duck pot.

When Brother Jiu saw it, he widened his eyes and said, "Where did you find this?"

Who told Brother Jiu to be a spicy scumbag?

After having Honghui, she felt at ease.

She had a very fulfilling day, and she didn't even know that she had become a butterfly's wing, which not only affected Brother Jiu, but also affected others.

Because her Enie is the stepwife, she has no biological son, and now the stepson is in charge of the family.

He glanced at Qifu Jin, and said after deliberation: "Want to go to Hongluo Temple?"

Qi Fujin smiled and said: "Master, have you heard? Lao Jiu's house is overjoyed, the siblings are pregnant with twins..."

I am very popular in Fujin, and my sister-in-laws know the situation here today, so they should come to visit.

Ernie also learned a lesson, and promised not to do anything in the future.

If the child is really uncomfortable, why would you dare to delay? I would have reported it to the imperial doctor long ago, and I don't need to tell the fifth elder brother when I come back at night?
There are some things that she can't just take a step back.

Once Brother Jiu thought about it, he understood, and said, "Have the sisters-in-laws been here?"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "It's not a loss, everyone will know that there is a good pastry shop in Nancheng later."

Wu Fujin sat in front of the lamp, his expression still peaceful, but his mind became more and more determined.

Now it is hot inside the house, but it is cold outside, one is hot and the other is cold, the most likely to catch a cold.

Mandarin Duck Pot...

But today...

The fourth elder brother noticed that her complexion had changed, turned pale, and cold sweat was still oozing from her forehead. He reached out his hand to touch her forehead, worried, and said, "Why is your complexion so bad? Did you catch a cold during the day?"

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "Anyway, from ancient times to the present, it is not a good thing to mention this pot. Emperor Taizu is well, why do you want to marry this to the eldest daughter?"

In the eyes of the banner people living in the inner city, only Sijiu City is the capital they are familiar with, and it is also the capital where they can walk with confidence.

The names of the restaurant and the pastry shop at the front door are all named after Shu Shu.

Brother Seven sat on the edge of the kang and nodded.

He stretched out his fingers to calculate, and muttered something in his mouth.

Before Liu Gege knew what was interesting, he would not provoke her.

So she had a plan early on, she must have a biological child, but luckily, she got Honghui smoothly after the consummation of the house.

Shu Shu was very happy today, gossiping with a few sisters-in-law in the morning, and welcomed E Nie and aunt in the afternoon.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "Tomorrow, I will ask someone to prepare a few more purses for the Lord. Today's journey is all for the Lord's congratulations!"

It is said that children are debts.

Brother Jiu heard this, and hurriedly said: "The shop in Di'anmen hastened to open up, the signboard is the same as the one in Nancheng, and it's called 'Baixiangzhai'..."

"Maybe I'm greedy. I want to enjoy the good luck of the nine younger brothers and sisters. Let's ask for two bamboo plants to come back. We will prepare a greenhouse and specialize in raising bamboo. In two years, we will add two older brothers..."

When Brother Jiu came back from the yamen, he saw Shu Shu in a good mood.

Even if Er Nie gouged out his eyes and slapped him twice, it was a bit of a fly in the ointment, but it was nothing, Amu and his aunt helped him vent his anger.

Brother Seven lowered his eyes and said, "Okay!"

Pots are common, but this is the first time I have seen such a copper pot with yin and yang gossip.

No wonder it looks so pleasing to the eye.

But looking at Sifu Jin Xiafei's cheeks clearly, it was not easy to say these words, so he held back, fearing to embarrass her by showing something strange, he said in a hoarse voice: "Okay!"

Shu Shu glanced at him with a smile, and said: "This is mandarin duck hot pot, I want to eat hot pot with my master..."

Today is still a day to be pampered.

The fourth elder brother did not expect that the always dignified Si Fujin would mention this. He was drinking water from a teacup and almost choked.

Otherwise, the panic would affect Shu Shu, and she would also be afraid.

The scope of daily life is still dominated by the inner city.

Brother Seven took a look at her and let her serve her.

Shu Shu nodded with a smile and said, "Ene and Auntie are also here in the afternoon."

Maybe I owed so much in my previous life, and I left after collecting the debt, so I don't care if my relatives are hurt or sad.

Brother Jiu said with some distress: "Our home's pastries are all good, and a bag is not a lot of money. It's a pity that it's not easy to accept red envelopes now."

When he figured it out, he looked at Shu Shu with a wicked smile in his eyes, and said, "Princess Wenzhe is my great-aunt and your great-great-grandmother. In this way, I am your cousin..."

Brother Nine noticed something was wrong.

Before Seventh Brother came back, Qifujin had already thought a lot about it and made related plans.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Then leave Sun Jin tomorrow and take someone to the pastry shop."

Brother Jiu took the pot and looked inside and outside. His small eyes were full of resentment. He looked at Shu Shu and said, "Have you never read the scriptures? Since ancient times, this is not a good thing. It is also called 'Two Hearts Pot' , They were all used to murder my husband, and my mother-in-law too, why did I add this as a dowry..."

I asked someone to do it in autumn, but I haven't used it yet.

The fourth elder brother looked stiff, shook his head and said: "Don't think so much, there is a cause and effect, and he left without restraint because of the cause and effect."

People's courage grows up little by little.

Although my mother's family is a yellow belt, but she has lost her title, and she can't support Er Nie.

Before the child fell to the ground, even if he was worried in his heart, he should not show it on his face, he should have a responsibility.

Shu Shu felt that there was no need to worry about the ancients.

Shu Shu said: "In the dowry, I heard that it was the dowry of my great-grandmother. It was left to my great-grandfather at that time. Ernie added it to the dowry for me..."

A custom-made mandarin duck pot is used.

The corner of Brother Jiu's mouth couldn't help but curl up.

Although they are both in the capital city, the inner city and the southern city are somewhat incompatible.

Brother Seven nodded and followed into the main courtyard.

Still asking for a child.

No matter how they were married at the time, having children later can be regarded as a good beginning and a good end.

The name matches the scene!
He and Fujin are a pair of mandarin ducks, and there will be two little mandarin ducks with him in the future.

In the eyes of others, her tolerance will also be regarded as cowardice without confidence...

Every five and ten days are the days when the fifth elder brother stays in the main room.

When I arrived in Nancheng, I always felt that it was not my territory.

Seventh Fujin had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw him coming in, he smiled, stood up, approached courteously, and said, "Thank you for your hard work, I'm going to Dayishang soon..."

Five Baylor House.

Arriving at the bakery shop, Shu Shu didn't want to grab the signboard of "Daoxiang Village" directly, so she set up "Baixiangzhai",
Brother Jiu's words mean that he wants to run his own brand, which is exactly the same as Shu Shu's plan.

Shu Shu's great-grandmother is Princess Wenzhe, the eldest daughter of Taizu.

My side is white, is it Yang?
Shu Shu is red, is it Yin?
It seems quite appropriate...

She nodded and said, "Okay, when someone asks me later, I will also mention it."

It's not yet Dongyue, so I wear a fox fur cloak; when it comes to Dongyue, I will change the mink fur end cap.

Before reaching the study room, he saw the little eunuch in the main room waiting, and said: "Master, Master Fujin, please go over."

Seventh elder brother looked at her with scrutiny, and Qi Fujin looked at him without dodging or avoiding.


He couldn't help laughing out loud, raised his eyebrows and said: "Niece, niece, call me quickly, cousin and uncle are all..."

Seeing his rampant appearance, Shu Shu snorted softly and said, "Don't just talk about it with me, Master Ming will call me 'cousin' when he sees me, Ama, and 'Clan Sister' when he sees Ernie, anyway. In terms of..."

It's late, do you have a monthly pass again, Xingxingyan, turn around and ask for a monthly pass!
The next update will be at 1:24 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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