Chapter 763 News

What is news?
"Book of Changes" mentions "news with the time".

For today's officials and ordinary people, it is "internal and external news".

This "inside and outside" refers to the inside and outside of the palace.

In just a few days, the news of the twins in Jiufu Jin became old news, and now everyone is concerned about the prince's visit to the mausoleum and the eldest princess' visit to the mausoleum.

But it wasn't fresh for two days, and then another big news broke out.

The list of ministers is down!

Ma Qi, Minister of the Household Department, is a Bachelor of Wuyingdian, and is still in charge of the Minister of the Household Department.

Fu Lun, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, is a Bachelor of Wenyuan Pavilion.

Xiong Cilu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, is a bachelor of Dongge University.

Jue Luo came over in person and taught Shu Shu a lesson: "There is still half a year left, and you can't always be a vegetarian. You prepare the eggs yourself, and I won't buy them for you. The beef is enough. It's not a taboo. It's just sending someone out of the mouth. I bought several cows in total, and the rest are raised on the Zhuangzi.”

Kangxi ordered.

Today when Le Fengming came over, Brother Nine was taken to the main courtyard.

It is said that the rules of the Eight Banners are different from those of the Han family. Could it be that it should be here?
At the tender age of Jiufu Jin, he is not shy when mentioning "Tiangui".

Jue Luo gave her a blank look, and snorted softly: "You'll know when you become Ernie, it's bothering you, it's all a debt!"

What Chinese medicine pays attention to is one person and one side.

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the main house.

He thought that elder brother Jiu would plead to resign, but he didn't expect elder brother nine to agree with his expression unchanged.

He misunderstood.

"Princess Eldest Princess has been out of Beijing for nearly ten days, and I also intend to go to Yeling, and give orders to order the Ministry of Internal Affairs to send an order to go to the palace along the way to prepare for this matter..."

But I know this person's resume, it seems that entering the cabinet is the peak, but in fact it is just the beginning, and there are more than forty years of glory.

The Imperial Mausoleum is not far from the capital, but it takes ten and a half months to go back and forth.

Kangxi glanced at him curiously, and said: "Aren't you worried about you, Fujin? You don't stay in the yamen for more than a day every day, why don't you feel afraid when you go out of Beijing?"

Fuqing is Ma Qi's third son.

It's just that Brother Nine and Zhang Ying have no personal relationship, and they are looking at Dianyi Zhang Tingzan's face, so the gifts are relatively ordinary, an antique incense burner, an ancient painting, and the rest are four pieces of satin and two volumes of mink fur.

Brother Jiu bowed and agreed.

Because Ma Qi's second son died young, apart from the eldest son Fulton, only Fuqing was older, too young to be crowned, married, and was idle before, so he did not fill the vacancy.

The Bachelor of Manchu University is the first rank, and the Bachelor of Han University is the second rank.

Shu Shu was quite curious about him, so she asked Brother Jiu to meet him.

I only hope that my master can learn a bit of wisdom from this teacher, and he can start well and end well...

Kangxi was a little confused when he heard it: "Study for the little elder brother? Whose little elder brother? From the five beile mansion, or the four beile mansion?"

Is it too much?

After Alan Tai's death, there was already a vacancy for the foreman.

Le Fengming pondered and said: "That's not necessary, if there are no other diseases, regular prescriptions will do."

It's just that compared with the senior qualifications of the Imperial Hospital, Le Fengming is a bit behind, and he is young, so even if he enters the Imperial Hospital, he is still a senior official.

Le Fengming respectfully agreed.

Every day at the beginning of Shen, he came home from the Yamen!

Fujin eats less other meats, and beef is not a taboo, so it can be kept on hand, and now it can be frozen...

Zhang Ying, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, is a bachelor of Wenhuadian University.

Shu Shu has met Ma Qi, but only met, and has never dealt with him.

The Le family has been a doctor for generations, and Le Fengming also has a good reputation in the medical field.

Whether it was driven by the emperor or served water between the father and son of the Tian family, no one can say.

Brother Jiu thought about Shu Shu's recent appetite, and felt a little distressed.

Le Fengming stroked his beard to control himself from losing his composure.

When the congratulatory gift was delivered to Ma Qi's mansion, Ma Qi was quite satisfied when he saw the gift list from the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

The former foreman was Ethan Ah.

After he asked about Ma Qi's candidate in private, he recommended Fu Qing in order of seniority.

This was something he had mentioned to Ma Qi when he was apprenticed as a teacher, and Ma Qi also accepted his kindness.

Shu Shu thought of something, and said: "Girl Qiqi, her Ren meridian is weak, her Taichong meridian is weak, and her heaven is absolutely dead, how should she rectify it?"

After hearing this, Shu Shu nodded and said, "Then trouble Le Limu to help prepare a few boxes of medicine."

He then asked Le Fengming, "Is there any proprietary medicine for digestion, so that if you eat too much, you don't worry about accumulating food, and you don't worry about gaining weight?"

Early on, I saw that Brother Nine was a scheming and innocent person, but after getting in touch with him a lot, he would find that it was more than that.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

The congratulatory gift for the Ninth Prince's Mansion has been prepared long ago.

Just seeing that neither Kangxi nor Yongzheng dealt with Ma Qi, but how much they valued him, one knew that there were some unknown inside stories.

Shu Shu was moved when she heard this, she took Jue Luo's arm and acted like a baby, and said: "Let Ernie and Ama worry about it, I will eat well."

Le Fengming was a little bit embarrassed when he heard this, and said: "There are two formulas that invigorate the stomach and eliminate food, but pregnant women are not allowed to use them. If Fujin wants to recuperate the stomach, he can only take it after delivery."

And there is also a customary rule, that is, Manchen is the foreman.

Mrs. Uncle smiled and said: "Perhaps it is because of 'the one who is close to vermilion is red, and the one who is close to ink is black'..."

"Well, son Shehan Ama Grace!"

This is going to be Amma, but it is different, as if she is much less childish.

Shu Shu listened carefully, and said, "Is it a special prescription?"

Fuqing is white, and he directly made up for the third-class bodyguard from the fifth rank, which means he has a future.

He thought about it and said: "When a woman is getting older, her kidney qi declines, and she should nourish the excess fire and deplete the fire. It should soothe the liver and regulate qi, nourish yin and invigorate the kidney, calm the nerves, and use Liuwei Dihuang pill and Xiaoyao pill..."

The veterans of the three dynasties, the veterans who started well and ended well, became the "Ba Ye Party" just for the sake of giving the eight princes for their own leaders?
The quality of this "eight master party" is not only impure, but also suspected of infernal affairs.

So they bought a box of Shoushan Stones from outside and made up four gifts.

I am afraid that I will get fat from eating, and my children will not be able to give birth when they grow up, so I dare not eat well.

Sometimes it makes people dumbfounded, he is a solid child...

The congratulatory gift prepared by Shu Shu is based on his heart.

Seeing his serious appearance, he seemed to have become more stable all of a sudden, and Kangxi also sighed.

Brother Nine found Fuqing to inquire about it. Ma Qi has no other hobbies. He is good at calligraphy, loves seals, and especially likes to carve by himself.

He glanced at Brother Nine, and saw that Brother Nine was also accustomed to it.

At the beginning of the year, Ethan Ah was old, and it was Alan Tai who made up for it.

Other elders can delay it by a few more years.

Compared with the old doctors, she is younger, and compared with Shu Shu and Brother Jiu, she is not too young.

Perhaps it is true that he is so rare.

But his young age is also relative.

For the time being, only Mrs. Uncle has a copy.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "It's still a blessing. I am also a blessing for Ernie and Ama. Who has such a filial, sensible and lovely girl like me!"


From a second-class family, the Fucha family directly overwhelmed Hesheli, Niu Hulu, Tong's family and other relatives, and became a first-class family since Ma Qi joined the cabinet.

Now this kind of relationship is just right, close but not close...

Fortunately, the ninth elder brother has not entered the court and the East Palace is stable. His eldest son Fulton is a staff member in the East Palace, otherwise it would be easy to attract criticism.

It is important to know that the arrangement of academicians in the imperial court is different from the order of palaces and pavilions.

With a status like Ma Qi's, gold and silver are nothing.

A set of bloodstone seal materials, a box of Shoushan stone seal materials, a pair of ivory paperweights, and a mink fur end cap.

Before joining the cabinet, not many people cared about his teacher-student relationship with Brother Nine; after joining the cabinet, this relationship became more of an eyesore.

Before Brother Nine's replacement arrived, the Dutong Mansion first sent four cow legs.

Brother Jiu heard this, and immediately said: "Is there no prescription that can be used now? It would be better if the effect of the medicine is more soothing..."

I thought Brother Nine had picked up some nephew for a good omen.

Although Heishan was born in a household, he has already made military achievements, and it is only logical that he has been recruited as a fourth-rank guard of the Prince's Mansion.

Brother Jiu didn't say anything else, but planned to order someone to get a cow.

When Brother Jiu opened the mansion, there were ten vacancies for guards. At that time, two were reported, one was the second-class guard from Heishan, and the other was the third-class guard from Fuqing. The other vacancies were still vacant.

Le Fengming shook his head and said: "The medicine is three-point poisonous, Fujin's current condition, it is not appropriate to test the medicine casually."

Le Fengming took Shu Shu's pulse, and his explanation was similar to what Jiang Taiji said.

Within two days, there were a few more beef thighs in the warehouse of the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

As for Zhang Ying, it is also a four-color ceremony.

Of course Shu Shu knew why Brother Nine asked that question, so she smiled and comforted her: "Master, it's all right, it's because of internal dryness, and I don't want to eat too much recently. There are more and more dishes coming out of the greenhouse, and it's okay to eat." Heart."

There is suspicion of neglecting public affairs for personal reasons!
Kangxi slandered, and joked: "You have also been detained in the capital for half a year, this time follow me to Yeling!"

Brother Jiu came back and followed Shu Shu and said, "Master, I was thinking that the teacher is young and should not be as experienced as those old men. I really thought about it. Khan Ama wants people to work, not to hire people to go to the cabinet." Those who are old-age, the teacher is so young that he can stand the orders of Khan Ama..."

Shu Shu is meeting a guest, it is Le Fengming who came to pay respects to Brother Nine.

Brother Jiu looked at Kangxi and said: "There is Doctor Jiang on duty in the mansion, and Dorogege is with him, and there are fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law beside him. There is nothing to worry about. My son returns early these days because of The errands at hand are all done, and there is no point in staying in the yamen, so I went home to study for my little elder brother..."

Jue Luo couldn't help pinching her face, looked at Mrs. Uncle, and asked in surprise, "Is she really my daughter? Why are you so thick-skinned?"

Brother Jiu got the oral order and came to see him from the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs.

Brother Jiu said with a bit of embarrassment: "My son is studying for the little brother in Fujin's belly. My son's homework was ordinary when he was young, so he thought that the stupid bird will fly first, and the little brother will teach him earlier, so that he will not be too much worse than the nephews in the future... ..."

Kangxi: "..."

It's too early!

Kangxi gave Brother Jiu a disgusted look, and said, "Is your homework so ordinary? You are not paying attention, learning from those who are out of the way, why don't you see that you are stupid?"

(End of this chapter)

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