My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 765 Smart Brother and Stupid Brother

Chapter 765 Smart Brother and Stupid Brother
The third elder brother entrusted the eldest princess to the imperial mausoleum, and is not in Beijing.

The fifth elder brother is the turn of the criminal department to check the files this year. The criminal department's office is on the west side of Qipan Street with Dali Temple and the Inspector's Office, and there is still a distance from the military department's office.

After Brother Nine came out of the Ministry of War, he went to the Ministry of Households first, met with Brother Four, and talked about the admission of the emperor's grandson.

It's the last year for Honghui, but he's still in a hurry.

"Now that there are few emperors and grandchildren, Khan Amma is rare. Looking back, it is difficult to register in front of the imperial court..."

Brother Jiu said, with a bit of pride: "Shouldn't the elder brothers thank me well when they turn around? If it weren't for the housewarming wine in our house, where would the nephews see Sheng Jia?"

The fourth elder brother looked at him, and asked without answering: "The Confucius Memorial Hall has been cleaned up before the beginning of autumn. How could Khan Ama think of the matter of the emperor's grandson's enlightenment?"

The fourth elder brother has always been on errands, and he often goes to the Qianqing Palace, so he can naturally see the changes in the surrounding enclosures.

When Xia Tian repaired the upper study room, he even repaired the place for offering sacrifices to the hole next to it.

Brother Nine coughed lightly, pretending he didn't hear it, and looked around at Brother Four's housekeeper.

He thought for a while and said, "Then let uncle teach me?"

If they really accept their favor, it's not that the other party will be so proud and rampant.

There is no need to catch up on sleep, the room is warm and makes people drowsy.

Although it is true that Guo Luoluo's family and Fifth Brother have a relationship that both prospers and hurts, but that family is also easy to get their noses in the face.

The fifth elder brother hesitated for a moment, and said: "Liu mentioned the matter of Hongsheng's enlightenment a few days ago, and mentioned that he wanted to choose a companion for Hongsheng to read from your fifth sister-in-law's family..."

Brother Nine wondered: "No, it's not just idle, Shenchu ​​can go home every day, Han Ama just talked about it just now, really, he is an old man who works hard, so he can't see others idle!"

"Ha ha!"

Like encouraging the emperor's father to enlighten the emperor's grandson, Brother Jiu also knows that he can't ask for favors.

The fifth elder brother woke up completely, looked at him dissatisfied and said: "You fooled people first, and it's up to me!"

People's hearts are unpredictable, but that's the case.

There are bad people in this world.

Brother Nine raised his chin and said, "Just underestimate people. Since when did my younger brother be afraid of hard work? Let alone an errand for less than three hundred miles, even eight hundred or one thousand miles, my brother has nothing to say!"

The fifth elder brother was shocked when he heard this, and said: "This is good, this is good, then I will take your fifth sister-in-law to eat first, and send someone to send you some good dishes to taste..."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Don't worry about it, my younger brother will also be Ama's person, not a child..."

Brother Jiu also accepted his favor, wrote down the points, and hummed softly: "I'm not stupid!"

Brother Nine said: "What's the matter? Why is Fifth Brother hesitating? This is grace. If you catch up with this wave, let's take care of this wave first. Later, Fifth Sister-in-law gave birth to a nephew, and then catch up with the next wave... "

Ninth elder brother glanced at fourth elder brother, and said: "Aren't you and fourth sister-in-law still there? Besides, old ten is also there..."

The fifth elder brother also noticed the inconvenience.

He thought for a while and asked, "When you were in the study, where did you find it difficult, Brother Wu? "University", "The Analects of Confucius"? Or something?"

After hearing this, Brother Jiu put his face down and said, "What do you mean? I am sure that Fifth Sister-in-law has no son-in-law, so she insists on chasing a concubine's eldest son? If you dare to say such a thing, then Fifth Brother, should you ask the imperial physician to follow you?" Fifth Sister-in-Law, take a good look, is she playing tricks on you, has she tampered with it!"

Brother Jiu had a bad premonition, and asked tentatively, "Is that "Thousand Characters"?"

After Gao Bin dealt with the land in Xiaotangshan, he returned to Brother Jiu, and now he is studying the summary documents with Zhang Baozhu.

Isn't it just adding to the chaos?
The fourth elder brother took a look at the ninth elder brother and said, "Aren't you busy recently?"

Find the node and make up for it.

How did the royal father choose someone?
Big Brother and Thirteen are fine, Old Nine and Fourteen...

Brother Nine said: "You don't need to find others, you and sister-in-law Wu are one, and sister-in-law five's family has a long history of family education, so you can just learn from sister-in-law five. Mr. Zhang has rules in his actions, and he is patient in teaching others. Can't go wrong..."

Fifth elder brother hesitated: "Then what shall I teach you fifth sister-in-law?"

The fourth elder brother glared at him, and said: "Remember what you said today, and you are not allowed to admit it outside!"

It cannot be revealed unless the permission of Khan Amma is given.

Brother Jiu frowned and said: "You are used to it. This is big-hearted, haven't you noticed it yet? What is there to be close to, a concubine's eldest son, should he still be the eldest son of the concubine? The fifth sister-in-law is kind-hearted, and she didn't do anything for her." It's sad for their mother and son, but it shouldn't be so aggressive..."

Since it wasn't for catching up on sleep, Brother Nine got involved, pushed Fifth Brother mercilessly, and said, "Fifth Brother is up, the banquet is over!"

After hearing this, fifth elder brother hesitated, looked at ninth elder brother, hesitant to speak.

Brother Nine said: "Khan Amma Fourteen is going out of Beijing to visit the mausoleum, so I ordered my eldest brother, younger brother, Thirteenth, and Fourteenth to accompany me..."

The fourth elder brother looked at him like this, he couldn't think of it, he must have made it up, he frowned and said: "You shouldn't get involved in this!"

Fifth elder brother opened his eyes and asked in a daze, "What banquet? What's the main course?"

The fourth elder brother said: "But this Dongyue went out to suffer, so don't talk about hard work when you look back."

If you are not an outsider, you can't lose face outside.

Brother Nine thought for a while, then glanced at Brother Fifth's personal eunuch and said, "Master remembers that you are serving Brother Fifth's pen and ink, so you should be able to read?"

If it hurts others to benefit oneself, it's fine, it won't suffer; but it's unwise to offend Yuqing Palace by hurting others and benefiting oneself.

Turning back to Yuqian and asking, he found that the fifth brother hadn't learned anything, and Ama Khan might not like it.

Brother Nine proudly said: "There are so many, look at the account books, remember relatives, go fishing, catch birds, grow vegetables..."

This person has no self-knowledge, and the more he lacks, the more he emphasizes something.

After hearing this, Brother Jiu quickly shook his head and said, "Don't!"

He also watched it last year, and he didn't dare to sleep with Shu Shu at night.

In the Xinuang Pavilion of Qianqing Palace, why he dared to speak recklessly, it was because he knew the most reliable news from the imperial court.

Speaking of this, he hesitated, and said: "Perhaps it is because of reading that I fell sleepy..."

The fifth elder brother hurriedly said: "You misunderstood, she didn't mean that, and she didn't have that ability, she just wanted to make Hongsheng get closer to your fifth sister-in-law..."

The eunuch bowed and said: "Yes, the slave has to serve the master's pen and ink, and has studied with the manager for two years."

Speaking of this, he said with regret: "My brother and Fujin had planned well before. When we move out of the palace, we will first scan the big restaurants in Sijiu City and add a few new recipes for the family. Now we will delay Later..."

Especially this kind of errand that needs to read the dossier.

There is a pair of words hanging on the back of the book case, "peace and distance".

The fourth elder brother saw him like this, and said: "Then you should be stronger outside, even if you suffer hardships, don't talk about it in front of the imperial court, and act like an older brother."

Brother Jiu glanced at the case file.

Brother Jiu said: "Okay, then brother will wait!"

The case files and records of the Ministry of Criminal Justice are clear and not complicated.

My own Fujin is a food lover, if she is happy, so is she.

When he arrived at the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Brother Jiu saw another scene.

Khan Ama pointed him to study at the Ministry of Punishment, which also allowed him to learn more about the world.

These officials of the imperial court are all human sperm. In the future, my five brothers and six departments will go around, and everyone probably knows that he is stupid.

Brother Fifth looked at him and said: "I didn't think about anything else at the time, I just thought about my family, wouldn't it be nice to get close, isn't that inappropriate?"

The fourth elder brother was speechless, and said: "But you didn't resign from the job, so you just accepted, where are the brothers and sisters?"

The fourth elder brother couldn't help frowning when he heard this.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "You are not old or young, Mongolian is basic, and you are not bad at horseback riding and archery, and you can bring your fifth sister-in-law out to eat more, and you should give things away. Strange……"

Seeing him coming, the eunuch who was following him wanted to call Fifth Brother, but Ninth Brother stopped him and asked in a low voice, "What's going on, Fifth Brother didn't rest well last night?"

The eunuch didn't respond immediately, but looked at the fifth elder brother.

Brother Jiu pointed to the case files laid out on several cases, with a puzzled face on his face, he said: "These various cases are more exciting than the story books, and they can't be made up. You can just read the story books if you can't read them." It's not serious homework, how can you still feel sleepy?"

Brother Nine took it with affirmation and said: "Why is it not good? Look at my younger brother. I studied with my younger brother Fujin last year. She likes to read, and I love to read with me. These two are not outsiders. She taught me, Isn't it just right for me to teach her? It's not a competition either, I insist that my younger brother be at the front..."

But this is too cowardly.

Spring sleepiness, autumn lack, summer doze, winter and March when I can't sleep.

Luckily he didn't come across it.

As far as my fourth brother is so diligent and tossing around, it's strange that he can calm down.

Looking at fifth elder brother, ninth elder brother felt a little worried.

Brother Nine laughed out loud when he saw this, "Fifth Brother, you are really big. You have been looking at the death penalty files all day long, whether they were murdered or poisoned, how can you still think about eating?"

After finishing the nonsense, he remembered his purpose of coming, so he relayed Kangxi's words and mentioned the matter of entering school after Hongsheng.

The fifth elder brother was lying on the table, sleeping soundly, the corners of his mouth were sparkling, and his saliva flowed out.

The fifth elder brother glanced at him, nodded, and said with a bitter face: "I didn't understand it at the time, so I just copied books all day long, and only knew words..."

He then told the man: "Then when Fifth Brother comes to the Ministry of Criminal Justice, you can read these case files to Fifth Brother, and tell him what you can, so that Fifth Brother won't waste his eyes."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Not bad..."

The fifth elder brother said with joy on his face: "Okay! Let Zhou Fu read it to me, so I don't have to read it myself. After reading it for a long time, I still can't read it."

Brother Jiu is also aware of his brother's shortcomings, and he also enlightened with the princes, but it seems that he has not enlightened, and his homework is worse than his own.

The fifth elder brother was a little moved, and said: "Then what did you teach your younger siblings?"

After hearing this, Fifth Brother said shyly, "Is this good? I haven't heard of such..."

Ninth brother thought for a while, waved to fifth brother, lowered the volume, and said, "Fifth brother, you don't want to be so chaotic, and you will easily delay your errands in the future. According to my younger brother, or you can find a teacher." , let’s re-open the door!”

Brother Jiu didn't expect that when he said to the elders just now that he "knows what he doesn't know why he doesn't know why", he would meet someone who "knows what he doesn't know"!

The fourth elder brother didn't keep him, just said: "What did you go to the imperial court today?"

Brother Nine didn't want to stay in the household department any longer, so as to avoid further training, he got up and said: "You are busy first, my brother has to find other brothers."

Brother Jiu curled his lips, it's too fake.

He didn't want to take all the prince's resentment on himself.

There are those who thank him and those who bother him.

But the fifth elder brother is 21. It's not that he studied when he was a child.

Brother Nine pretended to be confused and said: "What are you talking about? Brother doesn't know anything. It's not wrong for Han Ama to hurt his grandson!"

He doesn't care about appetite, what he cares about is going with Shu Shu.

In addition, Fifth Brother showed his true self by their side, so they might have the guts to fool Fifth Brother.

The fifth elder brother was overjoyed, and felt that it would not be difficult to sit in the office, and said: "Then starting tomorrow, I will listen to the case files here in the morning, and pick your fifth sister-in-law out of the restaurant at noon, and come back in the afternoon..."

The fifth elder brother said with a bitter face, "It's all words. If you read too much, your eyes will get blurred and you will feel sleepy!"

The eunuch whispered: "It's good, the second watch will rest, the one who got up at the beginning of the morning..."

The Fifth Elder Brother looked uncomfortable, and said: "Okay, what do you ask this for?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Of course! The fifth sister-in-law is only in her twenties, and she has only been married to the fifth brother for two and a half years. What is there to get close to the eldest son? When the fifth sister-in-law came in, according to the rules, you all It was time to send Hongsheng to the main room, but I was not willing to do so at the time, so I kept it, now that I have grown up to be sensible, and know that my mother has kissed, then send it to the main room, what kind of thought is there?"

"You have a crooked heart, you are used to it, so you bully Fifth Sister-in-law for her temper..."

Speaking of this, Brother Jiu frowned, and said: "Mr. Liu is like this, Hongsheng must teach him well, otherwise he will turn out to be an Akton, arrogant and arrogant, and he doesn't know his identity. It's exhausting..."

The next update will be at 1:25 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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