Chapter 766 Precious

Coming out of the yamen of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, brother Jiu entered the palace again and went to the guard's room.

It's not even noon yet, and Seventh Brother is also there.

In front of this elder brother, Brother Nine was very honest and did not dare to smile, so he simply talked about the emperor's grandson's enrollment.

Don't be in a hurry here at Qibeile Mansion, because Hong Shu, like Hong Hui, is one year younger than the other cousins, and will not start school until the next year.

Brother Seven heard this, looked at Brother Nine, and said, "Thank you."

Brother Nine laughed and said, "You're welcome, I just caught up, and Ama Khan sent my younger brother to run an errand, to pass on a message..."

The seventh elder brother looked at the ninth elder brother, did not answer, and was unpredictable.

Nine Elder Brothers changed the subject and said, "Seventh Brother and Seventh Sister-in-Law must hurry up when they are going to Hongluo Temple. If Aunt Wang is really going to have grandchildren, she must give birth to a nephew."

Brother Seven couldn't help frowning when he heard this, looked at Brother Nine and said, "Don't worry about everything!"

Ninth elder brother looked at seventh elder brother and said: "Seventh elder brother, don't be confused, don't learn from fifth elder brother, it's like you've been given ecstasy soup, you can't sort out the little things at home..."

Brother Seven didn't want to talk, so he waved to Brother Nine.

Brother Jiu snorted lightly, and didn't bother to preach any more, so he came out of the guard's room.

The rest is the third elder brother.

If you wait for the third elder brother to return to Beijing, it will be the end of this month or the beginning of next month, and the time is too short.

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and then told Sun Jin: "You go and tell San Fujin about it."

Sun Jin obeyed the order.

Three Baylor House.

Sanfujin was in a dispirited state, knowing that elder brother Jiu had sent someone over, and ordered them to tidy up before passing it on.

When she heard about the emperor's grandson entering school next year, she showed joy, and told the people around her: "Give me a first-class seal, it's hard for my little eunuch to run away in the cold."

Sun Jin hurriedly said: "Thank you Sanfu for the reward..."

San Fujin was already seven months pregnant, not only her body was bloated, but her double chin also appeared, and said: "How are you Fujin?"

Sun Jin bowed and said, "Master Fujin is fine."

Thinking of Concubine Yi's generosity and the love of Qi Xi and his wife, San Fujin felt bored, so he casually ordered his mother to see off the guests.

It is also pregnant, and there will be a "twin happiness" over there, and this...

Sanfujin felt that this baby was not like a little elder brother, it was different from when she was pregnant with Hongqing brothers, and the belly was also a little smaller than that time.

Because of this, my natal family had many doubts.

The brothers and daughters-in-law didn't say anything in front of her, but they were eccentric in front of her mother. They all suspected that she was lying, and insisted on labeling her as unfilial.

Sanfujin was disgusting, knowing that they did it on purpose.

Obviously he wanted to curry favor with her, but he was still unwilling and insisted on belittling her.

But when these words came out of her natal family, what do outsiders think?
As if she had received proof, outsiders looked strange when they saw her.

Sanfujin felt uncomfortable in the past two months, but she hoped that the child in her stomach would be born soon.

She is a concubine Fujin, if she really wanted to make a fuss about being pregnant during the filial period, it would not only be unfilial, but also appear to be frivolous and unsteady.

Now the emperor's grandson enters the study...

Sanfujin felt refreshed.

When the time comes, I have to choose a companion to read with. Several of my nephews are of suitable ages. What do they look like this time?
They have to take back what they said before.

Otherwise, she would rather choose someone from the Ma family than the Dong E family...

Because I was told once in the imperial court that Brother Jiu would leave the palace today without Shenchu. After dawdling for a while, he estimated that he would not leave the palace until the second quarter of Shenchu.

When he returned to the Prince's Mansion, Shu Shu was not in the room.

Xiaochun was here, and said, "I went to pick vegetables with the county master..."

Brother Nine nodded, and left the main room, and went to the conservatory.

In the greenhouse, Shu Shu and Mrs. Uncle were there, followed by Xiao Song and Zhen Zi who carried the vegetable basket.

Shu Shu wore a mask, which was tightly covered, and was happily instructing Xiaosong to pull out the carrots.

At the end of September, all I ate were small radish tassels, and now the water radish underneath has grown well.

Each is as long as a palm, the thick one is nearly an inch in diameter, and the thin one is as thick as a thumb.

Seeing elder brother Jiu come in, Shu Shu pointed to the water radish and said: "When it grows up, you can pay tribute to the palace!"

Not only the water radish, but also the cabbage has grown into a Chinese cabbage. The leaves have been stretched out, and they are as big as a palm and a half.

"The cabbage leaves are getting big too, you can make rice wraps, let's have rice wraps tonight..."

Shu Shu said to Brother Nine.

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Come out after picking it up, you'll sweat a lot in it for a long time, and you'll catch a cold if you go out again..."

Shu Shu answered, but she picked three small cucumbers and six small peppers herself before she came out of the greenhouse.

These are only beginning to mature, so try something new today.

When the dinner was served, Brother Jiu found that besides the cabbage leaves and the beef sauce for wrapping rice, there were also two small plates on the table, which contained sliced ​​cucumbers and peppers.

The husband and wife each had a plate in front of them, and brother Jiu's plate of shredded chili was half as small.

The number of cucumber sticks is the same for two people.

Brother Nine couldn't help laughing, sometimes Fujin was cute and persistent.

Always be fair, not because you are afraid of losing yourself, but because you are worried about accidentally making others suffer.

Therefore, picking cucumbers and peppers is done in multiples of three, and that’s why Mrs. Uncle also brought a portion.

As for the missing green chili shreds, it was because of the consideration of Brother Jiu's stomach.

Brother Jiu's heart is soft, it means that he has met himself, he is so considerate to others, he knows how to love her; if he changed someone, took advantage of it and acted like a good boy, what would his life be like?

If Shu Shu hadn't pointed it out to him...

He shook his head, no if.

Shu Shu had already made a rice bag, handed it to him and said, "Try it..."

Brother Jiu took it, took a bite, and said, "Sweet!"

Shu Shu listened, with a smile on her face.

In this cold winter season, eating this kind of rice is completely different from summer, it is more refreshing and delicious.

The two of them ate with this, and the few dishes were basically untouched, so they continued to enjoy it.

A piece of braised steak was awarded to Zhaojia Gege, a piece of tripe pot was awarded to Director Cui, and a piece of braised beef in sauce was awarded to Madam Qi.

When the dining table went down, Brother Jiu talked about the matter of visiting the mausoleum with his retinue.

After hearing this, Shu Shu also felt worried.

Now the weather is counting to nine, it is the last day of "[-]th", and the departure on the [-]th is in the "[-]th".

If you go back and forth for half a month, it means "Two Nine" and "Three Nine"...

Today's winter is different from hundreds of years later.

According to later generations, it is still in the "Little Ice Age", especially in North China, where winter is bitterly cold and spring and summer have little rain.

But the prince's retinue is grace...

Shu Shu said: "Then you have to prepare well, the carriage for the trip is packed..."

Brother Jiu is also a person who doesn't like hardship.

Although I said it loudly in front of the fourth elder brother, who would be willing to suffer if they can enjoy happiness?

"Besides smoking the cage, what else can I do?"

Brother Jiu asked curiously.

Shu Shu thought about the current carriage regulations, and said, "Add a layer of wool felt to insulate the heat and cold better."

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "This is fine."

Shu Shu said again: "You can put a smoke cage under the seat, and the smoke exhaust port of the smoke cage is directly under the compartment."

In this way, there is no need to worry about the safety of the closed compartment, and the smoke cage can be larger.

"In this way, a carriage can hold up to three smoke cages..."

Shushu said.

Brother Jiu said: "That's warm, but it's easier to catch a cold when you get out of the car?"

Shu Shu said: "There is still a lot of mink fur left over from last year, just enough to make a bell cloak for my grandfather, and put it on when I get off the car..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help curling his lips, and said, "Then let's do the same thing, and you do one too..."

Shu Shu looked down at her stomach.

The smock is going to be looser now, and the bell cloak is indeed more convenient.

She nodded and said, "Okay!"

At the beginning of winter, she asked someone to prepare some duck down.

Originally, I wanted to make a coat for Brother Jiu, but now it seems that it is not as warm as mink fur.

The current weather is estimated to be around minus [-] degrees, and only the woolen clothes are the warmest.

She was going to have someone make a duvet and put it on the carriage.

Brother Jiu remembered what his duties were, and the next day asked someone to simply modify his own carriage according to Shu Shu's idea.

After adding a layer of wool felt, it is much better.

Brother Nine learned from one instance and added it to the third floor.

Two layers of waterproof felt paper are sandwiched between three layers of wool felt.

In this way, it is not only windproof, but also soundproof.

Sitting in the carriage, the wind outside could not be heard, and the sound of the carriage rolling on the ground was much quieter.

Brother Nine was overjoyed, and directly asked someone to drive the carriage to the construction department, and asked the craftsmen here to remodel the carriages that Shengjia went on tour according to this standard.

The carriages of the princes can be transformed directly, but the royal carriages need to be modified if they want to.

Brother Jiu asked the construction department for pen and paper, drew a simple sketch, and went to Qianqing Palace with it.

Just as the eldest elder brother came out from inside, the ninth elder brother said: "I am about to send someone to tell you, look at this..."

As he said that, he showed the sketch of the carriage to Eldest Brother, and said: "Your carriage is at the Wangfu, send it to the Construction Department, let's change it together."

The eldest brother took a rough look, pointed to the two grooves on the west side of the carriage and said, "What is this for?"

Brother Jiu took a look and said, "There is a smoker cage underneath to keep warm, and a kettle and pastry are placed on top."

The elder brother nodded and said: "That's right, then I'll ask someone to send it over."

Brother Jiu proudly said: "With my younger brother here, I appointed everyone to travel comfortably."

The elder brother boasted: "Okay, then we will wait."

When he got to the front of the imperial court, the ninth elder brother also said the same thing, saying: "Khan Ama has a body of ten thousand gold, and the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are also young, so my son thought, it is better to travel less and suffer less."

Kangxi looked at the drawings but didn't say anything.

There was already a smoking cage on the carriage, but it turned out to be one, and it was located in the carriage.

Now there are two more, plus two more layers of wool felt outside the carriage.

All trails.

Still afraid of suffering.

Kangxi looked down on him very much, and wanted to say something to Brother Nine, but he thought that Brother Thirteen and Brother Fourteen were still there, and they were also friendly little brothers, so he said, "Well, let's rebuild according to this... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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