Chapter 767 Sticky
Before Brother Nine went out, the side dishes of the Ninth Prince's mansion arrived in the palace first.

Compared with the two side dishes last time, this time it is much richer.

In addition to the tender and raw cabbage, there are also pink water radishes, emerald green cucumbers, half-sized green peppers, small purple eggplants, and a handful of coriander and shallots.

Ningshou Palace, Yikun Palace and Qianqing Palace all got a share.

Outside the palace, it is not easy to let go.

Otherwise, this greenhouse is not enough to send.

However, Brother Nine invited Brother Ten and his wife over and had a meal directly.

The rest was up to Brother Jiu to decide, and sent a copy to the Dutong Mansion.

Both of them are generous, but now that they are stingy in delivering food, they feel uncomfortable.

But those outside the palace are all brothers, there is no reason to send this family over to the other family, and if you send them all, you won’t be able to send them.

Brother Jiu said: "It will be fine next year, just build a few warm sheds in Xiaotangshan, and eat as much as you want..."

At that time, it will be directly supplied to the mansion, and a fruit and vegetable shop can be added.

Shu Shu also nodded.

That's the downside of living in one place.

The four prince's mansions are connected together, and everything they do is under the noses of others.

Even with the tenth prince's mansion, it's not easy to send it alone.

Otherwise, there is still Sibeile Mansion...

Both of these places were given away, there is no reason not to send Babeile Mansion.

The half-brothers are all given away, so they can't be left behind in Wubeile Mansion.

As a result, the Zhijun Palace and the other two Baylor Mansions will not be given away.

It's because brother Jiu and everyone are not compatriots, but mostly half-brothers. The more so, the harder it is to distinguish between distant and close relatives on the surface.

It would be fine if they didn't communicate before, it's just a matter of borrowing money.

Brother Jiu is kind, but the brothers are also kind.

"By the end of the year, there will be a lot of dishes, and it's just right to give them together with the New Year's gifts..."

Shushu said.

Brother Jiu thought of his brothers because of the side dishes, and said: "The end of the month is the birthday of the fifteenth child, and the first month of the twelfth month is for the twelfth and fifth brothers. On the twelfth, prepare two more pairs of purses. Take it easy."

Although it is said that the younger elder brothers celebrate their birthdays, the birthday gifts prepared by the elder brothers outside the palace are similar, but the twelve elder brothers will be sixteen in the new year, and they are no longer counted as children.

He has all the private houses of Twelve Elder Brothers, the big head is with him, and there are more than 2000 taels of silver in the hands of Twelve Elder Brothers, which is enough for daily use, but if it is like last year, he wants to add another one outside the palace. Industry is not enough.

Shu Shu wrote it down, and said, "When did the master leave the upper study room last year?"

Brother Jiu glanced at her and said, "In late June, two days before the big wedding..."

The two pointed to their marriage in mid-March and their big wedding at the end of June.

Shu Shu said: "The next year will be the year of the draft. If it is calculated according to marriage, then the twelve elder brothers will have to study in the study room for a year and a half..."

Brother Nine said: "Who knows, back then some of the elder brothers left the study room as soon as they turned sixteen..."

Before, he was worried that the emperor's father would habitually neglect the twelfth elder brother, and wanted to let him come to the House of Internal Affairs to study as a poor student, but the twelfth elder brother declined.

Brother Jiu already planned to wait and see, and if the emperor couldn't remember later, he would also remind him.

After several days of preparation, on November [-]th, Brother Jiu's luggage was ready for going out.

In order not to alarm the common people, the holy driver had to leave the city gate before dawn as a rule.

Brother Nine, we have to start early as well.

Last night, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu went to bed early, and Yinchu woke up.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu, a little worried, and said: "It's fine when you go, the speed of the journey will not be slow, but when you come back, you can't say for sure, if you return with the eldest princess at that time, you will be fine." We're going to slow down..."

The eldest princess is here at this age, and her physical condition is not very good, so it is not convenient for her to travel.

Shu Shu knew that he was worried about herself, and said: "I have Ah Mou here, let Ah Mou stay here with me, master can rest assured."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "If you miss your father-in-law and mother-in-law, you can also bring your mother-in-law to stay for a few days..."

Shu Shu hurriedly shook her head and said, "No, it's the end of the year, and it's almost the twelfth lunar month, and everyone is busy."

In the month of moving out of the palace, Er Nie came over with almost the same frequency.

Almost every ten days.

Because she is pregnant now, this frequency is not so conspicuous.

Ama is not a female family member, so it is not easy to come to the door too much, about once a month, mostly to buy some food and drink.

Shu Shu has already figured it out. After she gives birth and is confinement, she can find a reason to return home once a month, so that she can see her parents one more time.

When you can't tell, you are not their baby.

With small ones, you have to take a step back.

Brother Nine was still worried that she would be bored, and said: "You can ask ten younger siblings to play cards with you, and you can't sleep all the time, and you will be sleepy at night."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Okay, I won't be idle, don't worry..."

Brother Jiu couldn't help feeling her stomach, and said: "Master looks a little heavy, don't stand if you can tilt it, so as not to fall hard."

Shu Shu also agreed. Seeing that it was getting late, she fastened a newly made clock for him, and made a hood on it.

Unlike ordinary men's mink hats with open ears, this one is similar to a Guanyin pocket, covering the ears and the back of the neck.

Children and women often have hoods and snow caps of this style.

This is like an enlarged version of a beanie, with buttons on the front of the mouth and nose, and it can also be fastened to cover it.

Brother Nine took a look in the mirror and said flatteredly: "It would be great if it was bright red..."

What Shu Shu made was a bright red Ning silk cloak.

The one that Brother Jiu is wearing is a darker navy blue color, and the hat is also a mink fur hat with Ning silk face of the same color.

Shu Shu said: "When Master comes back, I will ask someone to change..."

Now it's Yeling, so you can't wear bright red and purple colors.

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "Forget it, it seems unsteady. I'm no longer a little brother, but I'm going to be Ama's."

Seeing his reluctance, Shu Shu said: "There is still more than half a year, and there will be time to be more stable next year."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's right, I just want to wear the same color as you, otherwise you look like a little girl, and you will make me look old."

Shu Shu stretched out her hand and put on her new cloak as well.

The red Ning silk surface is covered with cyan mink fur; the matching Guanyin pocket covers people tightly.

Brother Jiu hurriedly stopped him and said, "Don't go out, the night wind is cold, and you will have a headache carefully."

Shu Shubuyi said: "Your master is here, just take these few steps, and you can breathe, or you will be bored in the room all day."

Brother Nine had nothing to do with her, so he helped her put on her hood, mask, and gloves before helping her out.

At the door, Brother Jiu stopped and said, "Let's see first, is it cold..."

Shu Shu shook her head.

Although it is the "Two Ninth" weather now, the two of them can't stand the thick clothes, and they can't feel the chill at all.

Brother Jiu led her slowly.

It took less than half a quarter of an hour to walk from the main courtyard to the gate.

The luggage has already been packed, Brother Nine's carriage is also ready, and the people following are also waiting.

In addition to the two eunuchs He Yuzhu and Sun Jin, there were also Gao Bin, the long follower, and two guards, Heishan and Fuqing, with ten guards.

Shu Shu wanted him to bring more people, but Brother Jiu refused.

With Shengjia accompanying him, there will be no shortage of manpower in the palace.

If it wasn't for Shu Shu's insistence, he wouldn't even bring ten guards.

Brother Nine's luggage was loaded into two carts, as well as a traveling carriage and a spare carriage.

The apprentice from Heishan, named Hei Qiusheng, was left in the mansion, and together with the second and third boys of the Xing family, temporarily served as the guard and was in charge of training the guard's vest.

Xiaochun and Walnut followed them out.

Brother Jiu looked at Xiao Chun and said: "Fu Jin can't leave people around, you guys have shifts, and you have to keep someone on duty at night."

Xiaochun bowed and agreed.

Only then did Brother Jiu look at Shu Shu, intending to urge Shu Shu to go back.

Shu Shu was explaining to He Yuzhu: "The boots are all new, remember to change them frequently to avoid freezing feet, and change the socks and underwear every day."

He Yuzhu remembered it all.

Shu Shu said again: "If you take a bath and wash your hair on the way, you must dry it before asking Grandpa to lie down, so as not to have a headache."

He Yuzhu also agreed.

Heishan and Fuqing stood beside him, leading the horse, and saw that they were sticky.

Montenegro watched Shu Shu grow up, and he was only relieved when he saw this.

Young couples should be like this. With Da Gege's temperament and character, Brother Jiu should love him no matter how much he loves.

Fu Qing was so awkward, his eyes didn't know where to go.

In the end, Brother Nine still didn't get past Shu Shu, and got into the carriage.

But he didn't want the carriage to move, insisting on waiting for Shu Shu to enter the yard before setting off.

Shu Shu nodded with a smile, supported Xiaochun, turned around and went in.

Brother Jiu saw her enter the gate, so he lowered the car curtain.

The carriage started, left the Ninth Prince's Mansion, and headed for Di'anmen...

Because it is a long trip, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother both have their own carriages.

But the fourteenth elder brother disliked being bored in a car alone, so he squeezed into the thirteenth elder brother's carriage after leaving the Shenwu Gate.

As soon as he got in the car, he noticed something was wrong.

There is no smoke cage in the carriage, but it seems to be warmer, and the end cap cannot be worn.

He opened the neckline, looked around, and found that the carriage was strange, the seat was warm, and it was slightly hot to the touch.

"The carriage is well modified. It's better than putting the smoked cage directly in the carriage. It's much more spacious and feels warmer..."

The fourteenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother were chatting.

Brother Thirteen took off his sable hat, and said, "It's almost the same as in the house, let's go with the big clothes, so as not to sweat and catch a cold..."

The fourteenth elder brother took off the end cover, touched the carriage, looked at the brand-new woolen cloth, and said, "It's also replaced with a new one, it seems to be warmer..."

Because of the long trip, the two were excited. They slept late last night and got up early this morning, so they were still a little tired.

As soon as it was warm, the two of them felt sleepy, so they directly folded the end cover and used it as a pillow, and the two of them squeezed together in the carriage and lay down.

Although there was also the sound of the wheels, but because there were three layers of woolen cloth under the carriage, the noise was reduced a lot, and the two fell asleep snoring after a while.


In the imperial chariot, Kangxi also noticed the difference when he came up, and signaled Liang Jiugong to remove the end cap and sable hat.

The tea and pastry on the imperial car was prepared by Liang Jiugong, so he opened the drawer under the seat familiarly, brought out the teapot, and poured Kangxi a cup of tea.

Kangxi was sitting and took the tea.

The tea temperature is just right.

Liang Jiugong said: "Master Jiu is filial and thoughtful."

Kangxi snorted softly: "That's how it was when I was young, just being lazy and clever..."


The eldest elder brother was wearing cotton armor, brought guards and guards, and accompanied the imperial chariot on horseback.

Kangxi thought of this, lifted the curtain, and told the elder brother: "They are all on their way, I don't need to keep anyone here, you go by car."

Eldest elder brother leaned over and replied: "When we get out of the city, my son will change the car."

Kangxi nodded, so he was relieved.

It can only be said that the dragon has nine sons, each of which is different.

There are those who are coquettish and lazy like Brother Nine, and those who don't know how to rest without orders like Big Brother.

Kangxi felt disgusted, and said to Liang Jiugong, "It's up to whoever has this temperament that favors the light and fears the heavy, it seems that it's not as sensible as Brother Thirteen..."

Liang Jiugong said: "This is also Jiuye's filial piety. Once he was ill, he knew how to cherish his body, and he was reluctant to let the emperor and empress worry about it. If it was someone else, at this age, how could he think about these things..."

Kangxi thought of Brother Jiu's tossing twice last year, which was really scary.

He shook his head and said, "Stupid, don't use it when you should be careful, but be honest when you should be lazy..."

This is about being fooled by Nanny Liu, and about heatstroke later on...

In Brother Nine's carriage, He Yuzhu was reporting the number to Brother Nine: "There are only five pairs of boots, I'm afraid that I will not be warm if I sweat or get wet; fifteen pairs of socks, I ask you to change new ones every day, and the coat is too. ..."

In addition to these inner and outer clothes, Fujin has also matched the colors, wrapped them up one by one, and made small sticks on them.

Brother Nine proudly said: "I don't worry about Fujin when I go out, and of course I don't worry about Fujin when I'm at home..."

With that said, he bowed his head and took a sip of tea.

This tea is also specially prepared, there are several types in total, one is the ginseng red date tea that he drinks now, and there are several for spare, brown sugar ginger tea, jasmine black tea and osmanthus green tea.

On weekdays, you can drink ginseng and jujube tea to fight fatigue, jasmine black tea to fight cold, osmanthus green tea to relieve fire, brown sugar ginger tea to fight cold...

(End of this chapter)

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