Chapter 768 A Good Wife
When they passed by the post station for a break at noon, everyone got out of the carriage, all sleepy-eyed.

During the whole morning, everyone except Kangxi got a good night's sleep in the carriage.

Brother Jiu wore a bell and a hood and got out of the carriage. Not only was his body brand new, but his calfskin boots were also brand new.

He also wore lambskin cotton gloves in his hand, standing on the snow, stretching his waist.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother surrounded him when they saw this.

Seeing him dressed like this, the younger brothers were both surprised.

The thirteenth elder brother just laughed, and the fourteenth elder brother said directly: "Why does the ninth brother wear this kind of hat? Isn't this what children wear?"

They don't wear those hats anymore.

Brother Jiu proudly said: "Hey, there's no other way, who told your sister-in-law to worry about you, she despises ordinary sable hats and cold ears, so she specially asked someone to make this..."

As he spoke, he stomped his feet and said, "The boots are also new, and I changed several pairs."

The fourteenth elder brother listened awkwardly and said: "It's warm in the carriage, so you don't need such thick boots? It seems strange to cover your feet..."

Brother Jiu became more and more proud, and said: "Yes, so your sister-in-law Jiu also asked someone to make two pairs of soft-soled cotton slippers, which you wear in the carriage, and you only wear these when you get off the carriage..."

The fourteenth elder brother curled his lips, glanced at the thirteenth elder brother, and muttered: "Compared to the ninth elder brother, aren't we too rough, the mother's preparation is not careful!"

Elder Brother Thirteen shook his head and said, "The nuns are also doing their duty, it's Sister-in-law Jiu who takes care of Brother Jiu carefully."

Seeing them standing outside talking and not going into the station, the elder brother urged: "What are you doing outside, go in quickly, you have to hurry after eating!"

Today in Gyeonggi, there are all imperial roads, and the road is fast, and now I have traveled sixty miles.

After lunch and feeding the horses, in the afternoon, I can travel another [-] miles to the palace.

Brother Nine lazily said: "I've been bored all morning, isn't this a breath of air..."

The fourteenth elder brother didn't like to hear him show off, so he dragged the thirteenth elder brother into the post station.

The elder brother also took a nap in the morning, and gave a thumbs up to elder brother Jiu and said: "The carriage is well modified, and it won't suffer when you come out in winter."

Brother Jiu proudly said: "The time is short, and it's not too thoughtful. It's warm, but it's still upside down. I'll think about it when I'm free."

After the two brothers talked, they also entered the post station.

Kangxi just came back from changing clothes, he couldn't help frowning when he saw Brother Jiu's attire.

Brother Nine thought it was too hot, so he removed the hood and took off the bell cloak.

Inside is a Ning silk quilted uniform, outside is a cashmere vest, which looks very light, and there is a cashmere melon skin hat on the head.

The elder brother touched him and said, "Isn't it cold?"

Brother Jiu proudly said: "It's warm, the inside is not made of ordinary cotton, it's mixed with real silk, it's warmer than a cotton coat, and the vest also has a cotton lining..."

Kangxi looked critically, and said: "If you catch a cold in Toss, you can keep it where you are!"

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "My son is in good health, he won't catch a cold..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, and said: "It's the two of you, did you sneeze just now?"

Brother Thirteen felt a little embarrassed, and nodded.

Perhaps because it was too warm in the carriage, he sweated a lot, got off the carriage directly, and felt a bit blown.

Brother Jiu looked at He Yuzhu and said, "Bring a box of brown sugar ginger tea."

He Yuzhu responded and went out to get it.

The ninth elder brother ordered Sun Jin to fetch boiling water, and the thirteenth elder brother's eunuch to fetch the tea set.

After a while, He Yuzhu brought the tea box.

It is not quite the same as everyone imagined, it is a piece of brown sugar cubes.

There was also a bamboo tweezers in the box, so He Yuzhu took five pieces and put them into the washed tea bowls, and poured boiling water on them.

The brown sugar cubes melted quickly, and a strong ginger smell wafted over.

The fourteenth elder brother looked curiously and said, "Ninth brother, where is Jiang? There is no scum..."

Brother Nine proudly said: "Ginger juice is added in it, of course there is no residue, otherwise it would be so uncomfortable to swallow ginger in one mouthful..."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the hot teacup, hesitated for a moment, took out a handkerchief from his cuff to cushion it, and personally brought a cup to the table of the Eight Immortals in front of Kangxi, saying: "Khan Ama, you also have a cup of tea, Drive away the cold..."

Kangxi glanced at him angrily and said: "It's so hot in the carriage, what's the cold, it's so hot!"

He was wearing a thick cotton jacket, and the boots on his head were also thick. It was so hot in the compartment that he couldn't sit still without the end hood. Later, he had to open the window to let in some heat.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "Then you should have said earlier, my son also prepares tea for the fire..."

As he spoke, he ordered He Yuzhu again: "Bring that sweet-scented osmanthus Longjing tea..."

Brother Fourteen heard this, and asked curiously, "Brother Ninth, how many kinds of tea did you bring?"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "Not many, there are four kinds in total. Besides these two, there are also ginseng red jujube tea and jasmine black tea. Your sister-in-law Jiu is nagging, and you need to bring two more at the beginning. Milk tea powder, and herbal tea with candied fruit, it looks like a little girl drinks it, but I didn't let you bring it..."

As for milk tea, I drink it every day in the palace, but I really don't have it when I go out.

Elder Fourteen said regretfully: "It would be great if I brought it with me. It's not convenient to make milk tea when I'm out, so I'd like to..."

Ninth elder brother glanced at fourteenth elder brother and said: "What's so difficult about it, if you want to drink it, ask someone to cook it!"

Brother Fourteen shook his head and said, "No need, there is no milk outside."

At this moment, He Yuzhu came back and brought in a new teapot. This time, he used a teapot and brewed a pot of osmanthus Longjing tea.

The elder brother didn't use the ninth elder brother to get started, he took the teacup and went to serve tea at the Eight Immortals table.

Kangxi drank a cup of ginger tea, his mouth was sweet and greasy, and he smelled the sweet-scented osmanthus Longjing tea, which was quite refreshing, and motioned for the elder brother to sit down next to him.

Brother Nine ordered He Yuzhu: "Your fourteenth master wants to drink milk tea, so go find a can of milk powder."

He Yuzhu trotted and went out again.

Elder Fourteen asked in surprise, "Milk powder? Made of milk?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Yeah, isn't it because your sister-in-law is worried about me going out, afraid that I can't sleep well if I choose a seat outside, so I can sleep soundly with a bowl of milk!"

Kangxi couldn't bear to see him shaking his head, and couldn't help complaining to his elder brother: "Dong E's other things are fine, but he is too used to Lao Jiu, and he is not a child, so he needs to be so careful?"

The elder brother was heartbroken.

When Dafujin was there, he was also considerate. Although he could not be like Jiufujin, it was not too bad.

He just laughed and said: "Siblings and sisters are virtuous, Lao Jiu is weaker than other brothers, with such a considerate person around, Khan Ama and concubine can rest assured..."

Kangxi's heart was slightly sour, and he felt that he was not only relieved, but also wanted to beat Brother Nine.

Otherwise, Brother Jiu's cocked tail would be too an eyesore.

When He Yuzhu brought in the can of milk powder, he added two spoonfuls of green tea to the brewed green tea. When it was mixed, it was a bowl of hot milk tea.

The fourteenth elder brother held it and couldn't put it down and said: "It smells more fragrant than the milk tea in the palace..."

After he took two sips, he was even more satisfied: "It's really delicious!"

Gongli's milk tea is made from brick tea or loose black tea, which has a stronger taste and is slightly bitter.

Now it is brewed tea, and it is Longjing tea with a light taste. It tastes better when paired with milk.

Seeing this, Eldest Brother took another clean teacup, mixed a bowl, put both hands in front of the emperor, and said, "Ama Khan, try it too..."

Kangxi took a sip, somewhat surprised.

The milk taste is more intense.

His heart skipped a beat, and he motioned Brother Nine to take the milk powder can, took a closer look, and said, "How is it made, is it easy to process?"

Brother Jiu thought for a while and said: "It's convenient in the prince's mansion. There is an oven and a small millstone. You can dry it first and then grind it into powder. You need to use new milk within two days..."

Speaking of this, he glanced at Kangxi and said: "It may be inconvenient to be in a nearby place, as there is not so much firewood."

When the wife asked someone to do this, the couple had a discussion.

If it is easy to process, it may not be the same as cashmere, and it can also become a business on the grassland.

But not very realistic.

There are no big trees on the grassland, and all the daily fuel for herdsmen is cow dung, which is enough for daily use, but not enough for other things.

Kangxi visited the north many times, and he also knew the life of the herdsmen. After listening to the words of the nine princes, he knew the reason.

The elder brother said: "The palace can also do it, and the milk will be more abundant. At that time, Khan Ama can reward people."

It is now the 38th year of Kangxi, and those ministers who became officials in the early years of Kangxi are getting old.

The emperor's father has always been nostalgic and sympathetic to the veterans. He often sends people to visit, and there are many rewards.

Kangxi nodded, and said to Brother Nine: "Turn back and tell the Imperial Dining Room to write down this sum..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Well, the palace can also prepare more, and it will be convenient for Khan Ama to go on tour in the future."

Elder Fourteen had already finished one cup of milk tea and was mixing the second cup. Hearing this, he said, "Ninth Brother, this is the powdered milk. Then what kind of powdered milk tea did you mention just now?"

Brother Jiu pointed to the brown sugar ginger and said: "First boil it like that, and then grind it into powder. The color is yellower than milk powder. I use black tea. There are salty and sweet ones, and the salty ones are added. Fine salt, sweetened with icing sugar..."

Brother Fourteen looked at the teacup and felt that the half-way milk tea in front of him was dull.

He wants to drink salty milk tea, but also wants to drink sweet milk tea!
Capital, Ninth Prince's Mansion, Shangfang.

The dining table is already set.

Today's pot is Shu Shu's named radish and beef offal pot.

It contains beef, beef tendon, beef heart, tripe, beef intestines, and beef louver. It has been stewed for a whole morning, and it is very soft and rotten. Later, white radish and fried tofu were added.

Smelling the smell, Shu Shu's saliva came down.

She personally served Mrs. Uncle a bowl, mainly big pieces of white radish, and said: "Amou taste the radish first, it tastes better than meat..."

Then, she served herself a bowl, which was mostly radishes.

Mrs. Uncle looked at the radish in the bowl, a little surprised.

Shu Shuda is very picky, and radish is also one of the dishes he doesn't like.

Only cold dishes made of green radish skins are eaten with two chopsticks, and other white radishes and carrots are not eaten much, because radishes are too strong.

Not to mention the stewed white radish, even the white radish in the meat stuffing, she would not eat it if she could.

When did tastes change?
At this moment, Shu Shu couldn't wait any longer, and urged: "Amou, taste it quickly, this radish is almost melted."

Mrs. Uncle nodded, moved her chopsticks, and took a bite of the radish.

As Shu Shu said, it melts in the mouth, and the mouth is full of juice.

The beef soup neutralizes the taste of radish, and it tastes refreshing without the smell of radish.

Mrs. Uncle laughed. It wasn't because of a change in taste, but because of pickiness.

It is estimated that I ate this dish in the palace, so I never forget it.

Who would have thought that white radish is so delicious cooked like this.

Shu Shu ate a few pieces of white radish before she said comfortably: "I've been thinking about this bite for a long time, I didn't think about it before..."

Mrs. Uncle said kindly: "Eat what you want, it is convenient to go outside now, if there is no one in the house, send someone to go outside to buy it, don't be short-sighted!"

Hearing Mrs. Uncle's words, Shu Shu was really hungry.

After eating radish and beef offal, who can't miss Cantonese morning tea?
In addition to ingredients such as prawns and crab roe, other ingredients are also common.

Money belly, black pepper cowboy ribs...

Carrot Cake with Preserved Meat, Chicken with Glutinous Rice in Lotus Leaf...

Steamed pork ribs with black bean sauce, steamed chicken feet with black bean sauce...

A day of [-] words, roll around and ask for a monthly pass!
The next update will be at 1:26 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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