Chapter 769 Heartbeat (the first update asks for a monthly pass)

After lunch, Shu Shu took a pen and paper and started writing recipes.

Mrs. Uncle watched from the side and saw that she wrote "probably" and "maybe", so she knew that she was just thinking about the method, and she should have only eaten or read the name of the dish.

She looked at it and said, "It's all meat, and you have to eat vegetables."

Otherwise, it is easy to get angry this winter, and it is inconvenient to relieve.

Shu Shu pointed to the radish cake and said, "This one is almost vegetarian..."

However, she added a vegetarian dish, garlic lettuce.

After Xiaotang was called, Shu Shu asked, "You don't need to do too much, use a six-inch plate..."

These are the dishes, and Cantonese-style morning tea dim sum is the essence. Custard buns, red bean paste buns, brown sugar cakes, siu mai, etc. can all be made with existing ingredients.

There are also matching preserved egg and lean meat porridge, chicken sliced ​​vegetable porridge.

Shu Shu told Xiaotang again, and said, "Take the pastry and side dishes into account, first ten dishes at night, and ten more at noon tomorrow..."

Xiaotang made a note, took it down to ponder,

Mrs. Uncle looked at Shu Shu and said, "Don't you think the taste is bland this time?"

Since she no longer has a bad mouth and has a normal diet, Shu Shu has not eaten less chili.

At noon, I ate radish and beef offal pot, followed by dipping some chili oil.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "I still like to eat heavy flavors, and I can't eat enough spicy ones, so just try the others and forget about them."

Mrs. Uncle smiled and listened, but she was a little worried.

Such a spicy addiction, wouldn't you really conform to that old saying?
She doesn't have the habit of patriarchal, and she also likes soft and tender little girls, but with Shu Shu's status, it saves a lot of trouble to have a son-in-law early.

Otherwise, like Wubeile Mansion and Qibeile Mansion, the eldest son of the concubine will have to go to school, and the first son has not been seen yet, and it will be very troublesome in the future.

But when she saw Shu Shu serving tea with dried plums, she felt sour, so she let go of her worries.

There is no certainty about this taste, if it really works that way, it will be twins, and it will be a great joy.

Shu Shu, on the other hand, thought of the emperor's grandson's admission to school, and raised his mouth with Mrs. Uncle, saying: "This wave of little elder brothers must be like the wave of princes from Zhijun Wang and the others. Can't go wrong."

Kangxi was stingy with the title of the clan, but that clan was not the same as the emperor's grandson.

It's just that this wave of little elder brothers has made a stand?
Honghui and the eldest son of the third elder brother are all dead...

The elder brother's eldest son died early...

Hongsheng and Hongshu sealed the crown prince, and then lost the crown prince...

Except for Shang's two, the fates of the other three were also affected and implicated by the turmoil of "Nine Dragons Seizing the Inheritance", and their fates were ill-fated.

Perhaps it was because of being a mother. Thinking of this, she felt sour.

Needless to say, Hong Hui is cute and cute, which makes people feel distressed; even Hong Qing is also at an innocent age, looking at the jade carvings.

I don't know where the situation of "Nine Dragons Conquering the Inheritance" has gone wrong. I hope everyone gets better...

Outside the station.

After lunch, everyone got into the carriage and continued on their way.

After following the official road for more than an hour, the holy driver's team arrived at the Shunyi Palace.

Someone has been sent here to prepare to pick up the driver. The inside and outside are swept clean, and the room, hot water, hay, and soybeans are also fully prepared.

The head of the palace brought his subordinates and officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to pick him up outside.

The elder brother took the manpower and went to the defense.

The ninth elder brother took the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother to the palace with Kangxi.

When Kangxi reached the gate of the palace, he didn't go in immediately, but looked back at the motorcade.

Other people's carriages are only three in total, only Brother Jiu has four, and two of them are covered with linoleum.

Kangxi pointed to the two cars and asked Brother Jiu, "What are they?"

Brother Jiu proudly said: "One is luggage and clothes, and the other is miscellaneous. Isn't this son Fujin worried that it will be inconvenient for him to be outside?"

This answer is not surprising, but Kangxi couldn't help but make a note in his heart.

When the weather clears up, I will send Brother Jiu a few hard jobs to see how he can still be at ease.

Fourteenth elder brother thought of the tea at noon, and his heart was already moved by seeing the carriage, so he leaned up to ninth elder brother and said, "Ninth elder brother, ninth sister-in-law must have brought you some pastries, otherwise drinking tea on an empty stomach will not be good for the stomach. OK!"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "It's not too much trouble, we have our own bakery shop, we sent someone to bring some directly, thinking that the food outside is not suitable, we can deal with it by eating cake."

Elder Fourteen immediately said: "Then let's try it at night, if there are pastries that don't suit your taste, younger brother will make it with Brother Thirteen, we are not picky eaters!"

As for what Brother Jiu likes to eat, he won't grab it, so as to save sister-in-law Jiu from keeping tabs on her.

Brother Nine nodded, saw Kangxi in front, and said: "There is a bag of mung bean cakes, don't move, save it for Han Ama..."

Mung beans are out of the fire.

The thirteenth elder brother said: "Then pick a bag of salty pastry for the eldest brother, the eldest brother doesn't like sweets!"

For the ginger tea at noon, the big brother didn't touch the cup, and left it to the thirteenth brother.

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "Master remembers several kinds of salty pastries, such as beef tongue cakes, meat floss cakes, salty twists..."

After everyone settled down in the palace, they simply freshened up and went to Yuqian to eat together later. Apart from the pot and other hot dishes, there were more than a dozen plates of pasta on the table.

Although Kangxi was reserved, he couldn't help but signal to Liang Jiugong to eat a few pieces of pastry when he saw the delicious food of elder brother, thirteenth elder brother and fourteenth elder brother.

The meat muffins are really good, not greasy, and they are salty and fragrant.

The ox tongue cake is too crispy and easy to fall off.

The mung bean cake tasted okay, but it was too sweet.

Brother Fourteen loves jujube flower crisps the most. He thinks they look good and are delicious, so he ate several of them himself.

The thirteenth elder brother prefers hawthorn pot helmets. The sweet pastry is sour, which makes it more delicious.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "The business on Qianmen Street is going well, and the shop on the Di'anmen side is also preparing to open. If you want to eat in the future, you can send eunuchs to buy it. It's agreed. Bookkeeping, don't take it for nothing!"

Brother Fourteen was surprised and said: "This bag of pastry is only a few dollars, Brother Ninth, do you also accept money?"

Brother Jiu snorted softly and said, "Of course, if you don't charge money, is it still a business? A favor is a favor, and a business is a business. If I send you ten bags, that's a favor; if you send someone to take a piece of cake, then It's also a business, if they are mixed together, wouldn't it be a mess?"

Elder Fourteen nodded and said, "You're right, relatives in the capital set up relatives, if you take it for nothing, you won't be able to open any shops!"

Brother Jiu thought of the restaurant on Qianmen Street, and planned to open a branch on Gulou Street.

It's just that that will have to wait until the lease of the shop expires in April next year, so it goes without saying now.

Kangxi listened to his sons grinding their teeth.

Brother Nine usually doesn't have enough brains, but those who have anything to do with the economy will not suffer, so that's good, he is a person who can make money, and he can be a rich and idle person in the future.

Brother Fourteen is also good. He was self-willed when he was a child, but he is better now. He can speak reason and is not stingy.

third child...

Thinking about Concubine Rong's behavior, mother and child are exactly the same, Kangxi really can't go against his conscience and say it's Chuoerji's fault.

At this moment, the elder brother had already finished eating a plate of ox tongue cakes, and said to the ninth elder brother: "The white table in our dining room is normal, and I will send someone to order it in the future."

Ninth elder brother immediately smiled and said: "Isn't that just right, our shop has prepared all kinds of fruit boxes, it's easy to eat for yourself, and it's decent to be polite."

The elder brother nodded and said: "Well, that ceremony also requires people to add fruit boxes."

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were listening to Zhile.

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu's counting three melons and two dates, and thought of the million taels of profit he promised, he was helpless.

If you say that you love money, sometimes you are like a boy who spreads money, being stupid outside but not inside; if you say you don’t love money, when it comes to business, people are even more energetic.

It's just the profit of one million taels of silver...

Kangxi was a little moved.

The sons are all young and don't know the sufferings of the world. They have money in their hands and squander it recklessly.

When the dining table was removed, he left brother Jiu to talk.

Brother Jiu was a little bit puzzled, he didn't keep his precious eldest son, and he didn't care about his youngest son, why should he be kept?
Kangxi said bluntly: "It has been two months since you paid the money back last time. How is your business of one million taels of silver doing?"

Brother Jiu heard this and wanted to show off, but he became cautious again.

He sent someone to return the 5 taels from Yuqing Palace. What if Khan Ama knew that the profit was huge and insisted on giving it over there at this time?
His arms couldn't twist his thighs, but he didn't want to hold his breath.

He thought about it, and said: "It's the beginning, and the plan is almost done, but how much profit is, it's hard to say now, Khan Ama, you are also good at economics, and you know that this shopping mall is like a battlefield, and everything is unpredictable... "

Kangxi glanced at him and said, "I only give you brothers a share, do you really want to pay according to the cost?"

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "If the profit can be shared like that according to the amount my son planned before, now that the capital is at risk, it's hard to say..."

Kangxi also knew this truth, and said: "Haven't you ever thought about it, just treat it as an ordinary loan?"

In that case, the bulk of the profits will remain.

Brother Jiu looked at Kangxi and said: "It's useless for my son to ask for so much money. I told my brothers when I moved. This is contrary to what I said, and my son will not be able to be a man in the future; besides, I really want a son." They are all in their pockets, and they have more money than the inner treasury, so maybe someone is thinking about it..."

Kangxi felt uncomfortable, so he glanced at him sullenly, and said, "You are so shameless, do you really think you are the God of Wealth?"

Brother Nine laughed and said: "Anyway, this time, my son is just a boy who gives money."

Mentioning this, he thought of the renovation of the palace.

According to the plan, it is planned to start construction after the opening of the next year, and this is subject to imperial approval.

He said: "The Datang Spring in Xiaotangshan was built by the previous dynasty. The house is dilapidated and you haven't been there for many years. Do you think it's time to repair it?"

When Kangxi heard this, he hesitated.

In the past two years, a large sum of money was allocated to the Empress Dowager to build the North Garden.

If Xiaotangshan is repaired, it will be a lot of money.

Brother Jiu said proudly: "The bloodstone business is starting to see money back. This business is being repaired. The flowers, stones, plants and trees are the big ones. My son will take care of it for you!"

Kangxi was in a good mood when he thought that there was still [-]% of his profit in it, so he just reminded Brother Jiu: "This can't be counted in the throwing fee of the transaction, it has to be paid from your [-]% profit..."

At that time in Hangzhou, the father and son still had a small game on the distribution of profits.

Brother Jiu borrowed 2 taels from Kangxi and promised to give [-]% of the net profit.

Kangxi allowed him to use the craftsmen in the palace to make the conditions up to [-]% of the net profit.

Kangxi only mentioned this sentence.

Brother Jiu looked at Kangxi's appearance, and wanted to tell him proudly that what he wrapped was not an existing flower and stone, but a new palace.

But looking at the appearance of the emperor picking up money, he felt that he could not be stupid and generous, nodded and said: "Just as you said, I will not embezzle your money..."

Since the imperial father picks him up, then he will pick up his brothers!

According to Brother Jiu's previous plan, the Xinggong paid out of his own pocket and directly named the brothers.

Now it seems that why are you so stupid?

Brothers, settle accounts.

When the time comes to give everyone rebates, it will not be one-to-one, and the money from the palace will be deducted first...

(End of this chapter)

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