Chapter 770 Women Are Not Easy
When the ninth elder brother came down from the imperial court, he saw the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother waiting outside.

Brother Jiu glanced at the two of them and said, "Want to see Ama Khan?"

The thirteenth elder brother smiled and said nothing, the fourteenth elder brother flattered him and said, "We want to sleep with ninth brother..."

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said, "Are you still a child, you dare not sleep?"

Elder Fourteen complained: "The last time I was at Brother Nine's house, Brother Nine said he wouldn't leave, so he left anyway. This palace is always full of people, and the noise outside is so loud, it's scary to hear it!"

In the middle of winter, the north wind howled.

The wind is jittery, and it is a little scary.

Thinking of this, Brother Jiu felt chills on his back, so he said impatiently: "Okay, then come here!"

The fourteenth elder brother cheered, and took the thirteenth elder brother to ask someone to carry the bedding.

After the three brothers had simply washed up, they all lay down on the kang.

Fourteenth elder brother looked at ninth elder brother and said, "Ninth elder brother, is that right?"

Shu Shu chattered to Mrs. Uncle, worried about Gui Zhen.

Due to her pregnancy, Shu Shu couldn't go there to add makeup in person, so she asked Mrs. Uncle to help her.

The marriage between Guizhen Gege and Erhe was set on November [-]th, which is today.

The thirteenth elder brother said from the side: "It's not in the well, if it is in the well, the women and children will not be spared."

Brother Fourteen rolled his eyes and said, "No wonder Ama Han treated Peng Chun's two sons so harshly. If the Eight Banners were to mess up from inside, it would be terrible."

Brother Fourteen thought for a while and said, "Then I'm at the top of the kang, and the top of the kang is warm!"

The daughter-in-law of the Wu family had no other choice, so she wanted to guard hundreds of acres of land and help her son grow up.

Only the daughter-in-law and infant grandson were left in the Wu family, so the clansmen came over and occupied the Wu family's shop.

People are far and near.

The clan Fujin and the clan's daughter rarely reconcile, even if they are widows, they will keep their chastity and never remarry.

Brother Fourteen said, "Where's the butler, why is he gone?"

The fourteenth elder brother gloated and said, "We travel so comfortably, and the third elder brother will look after you later."

The Thirteenth Elder Brother said: "At one time and another, there was still chaos at that time. This matter was still a case of conspiracy by many people. It is difficult to investigate. If the case must be closed indiscriminately, it is also an unjust case. The imperial court should consider this as appropriate. Most likely will not be held accountable.”

Brother Thirteen lowered his head and suppressed a smile, and said, "I can do anything."

However, the children and grandchildren of the Hesheli family were sent to Ningguta, and the two sons of Peng Chun were also sent to Ningguta...

I don't know how their days in Ningguta are going...

Mrs. Uncle added Huairou's Zhuangzi, and a set of prestige, [-] Zhuang tickets.

According to Jue Luo's original intention, he planned to add [-]% to the market price. This is an inner-city property, and it has always been priceless, and the usual [-]% increase is not easy to buy.

The capital, the Ninth Prince's Mansion, the main house.

Fourteenth elder brother curled his lips and said: "There is no need to guess the rest, it is designated that the daughter-in-law here took revenge and poisoned the well!"

Brother Nine snorted softly and said, "Is there any enmity to remember? What is it that brothers gossip? When you leave the upper study room and work as an errand in the Ministry of Punishment, you will know what resentment is and what enmity is... ..."

"Why didn't you mention it earlier? By mentioning it now, it makes outsiders pay more attention to Cousin Guizhen..."

Don't worry about Beijing.

It turned out that at that time there was a small Zhuangzi living together under the Baoding Mansion, all of whom were members of the Wu clan.

Brother Fourteen excitedly said: "How about I tell Brother Nine a story, it came from outside..."

A post was also sent over there, but because Brother Nine was away, Fu Song went to the Ninth Prince's Mansion for the banquet, and came back to talk to Shu Shu, it was very lively.

In the early years, it was common for women from the Eight Banners to remarry with Li, but in recent years it has become rare.

It is not easy for the remaining female family members to show their faces outside, so it is a matter of course for the clan relatives to take over the shop.

Elder Fourteen turned sideways, looked at Elder Ninth and said, "My brother found out, Brother Ninth, you are really nice, you don't hold grudges!"

Fu Han and Fu Hai's wife are having a dispute.

Elder Brother Thirteen said: "Grandmother and the others go slowly, and hurry when it's warmer, it should be fine."

The clan mansion also sorted it out into a book, and the House of Internal Affairs issued a yearbook for these clan widows.

It was the five door-to-door houses in Di'anmenwai Street that were intercepted and bought from Guidan back then.

When he heard about the case at the Ministry of Criminal Justice, he had the same reaction as Brother Fourteen, and felt that the county magistrate and prefect should be held accountable.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "It's a bit timid, but it's not completely heartless. Hearing that the little master died, he came back in private and told about being forced to leave."

Jue Luo also went, and added a small courtyard in Chaoyangmen, two sets of heads.

Brother Fourteen curiously said: "Then tell me, let the younger brothers see it first!"

After Shu Shu thought about it, she still added the first one, so as not to cause trouble for Gui Zhen.

When Mrs. Uncle came back after adding makeup, she mentioned something to Shu Shu. Gui Zhen planned to return to Mrs. Uncle the land deeds of the three properties that Uncle compensated before.

Shu Shu left Mrs. Uncle there, and the two of them were also talking about the gossip about the palace.

Such a major case would definitely alarm the state government. Even the capital sent a servant to specialize in the case, and found out the previous murder case.

Seventeen men in a village were all poisoned to death, and only one survived. In particular, a big case of murdering the family was involved.

He talked about a major case in the year of Shunzhi, which happened in June of the third year of Shunzhi, the major poisoning case in Baoding Prefecture.

Because I also got a shop on the Di'anmenwai Street from the Crown Princess before, I can just move out one to add makeup to Guizhen Gege.

In addition to this shop, there is a pair of Jin Ruyi prepared earlier.

The ninth elder brother looked at the thirteenth elder brother.

Elder Brother Thirteen thought for a while, and said, "If the clansmen want to occupy the shop, they must first expel the housekeeper..."

The two congregation sister-in-laws who haven't had much contact with each other, in Shu Shu's place, of course they can't compare with the cousin Guizhen Gege.

Hearing the sound of ghosts crying and wolves howling outside, Brother Nine's hairs all rose, and he forced himself to be calm and said: "No, I don't worry, I'm sleeping in the middle, you and Thirteen are on the same side!"

Among them was Mr. Wu, who had accumulated a family business for decades, and had a prosperous shop in fertile land. As a result, one year when he took his wife, children, and housekeeper to go out as guests, he encountered robbers. Except for the housekeeper who ran fast, the other three members of the family were arrested Hacked.

Brother Fourteen frowned and said, "I have no loyalty at all. I ran away when I encountered bandits before; now, the mistress and the little master also run away when they need help..."

Within a year, five of them died.

The day before yesterday was makeup day.

Brother Jiu glanced at him and said: "Don't mention ghosts and gods, it's late at night, do you want to sleep in the second half of the night?"

Although Prince Kang Taifujin did not go there in person, he also sent someone to send a set of gifts.

Because of the need to "change traditions and customs", the clan also began to respect "zhenlie".

Don't think about the rest, after a table of wine and food, seventeen died and one survived.

Mrs. Uncle didn't want it, but mentioned it to Jue Luo Shi. In the end, Jue Luo Shi converted the silver to Guizhen according to the market price, and it was regarded as buying back the three properties.

As a result, they encountered bad luck again. On the way back from Guining, the mother and son were pushed into the river with the maid. Later, the villagers passed by and found that something was wrong.

When the housekeeper came back with the bodies of the masters, he also sued the government, but the world was not peaceful at that time, and there were many bandits and bandits, so nothing happened in the end.

Shu Shu expected this.

When he lay down, Brother Jiu felt empty and felt uncomfortable.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother also caught up with sleep in the morning, and they are not sleepy right now.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "There is no question of guilt, but the future is about the same."

Elder Brother Thirteen said: "That's why the imperial court emphasized that 'murder cases must be solved', 'those who murder will die, and those who wound others will be punished'. Only with legal principles can we warn the world to avoid evil thoughts and protect the people's health and peace. For example, in this case, if the real culprit is found out after the three members of Mr. Wu's family are killed, the lives of the next two people will not be in vain, nor will we have to force the weak girls to use such terrifying means to take revenge..."

The ninth elder brother did not answer immediately, but looked at the thirteenth elder brother.

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Yes, it's in the banquet. This daughter-in-law wants to remarry under the pretext of distributing all the family property of her husband's family to the clan relatives, and invited all eighteen young men in the clan..."

Brother Nine thought of Princess Dachang and Princess Rongxian, sighed, and said: "I was also negligent, I didn't think of these before."

Brother Nine said: "He committed suicide in prison."

Brother Nine remembered the files he read last year. Although they were all murder cases, there were no major cases that were too shocking. Instead, he heard about some other cases that were alarming.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "The honorable families are all connected to the Eight Banners. If there is chaos in our own family, then there will be wars and it will not be enough to slow us down."

Both of them are also ancestral daughters, one is a descendant of Prince Li Lie, the other is a descendant of Guanglue Baylor.

For example, Chun Wang Fujin received his husband's half salary of the prince, 5000 taels a year.

Elder Fourteen laughed and said, "Then I'll sleep in the middle..."

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were silent.

Elder Fourteen muttered: "These bullshit patriarchal rules are weird. Without a male, wives and daughters are like fish and meat. They are slaughtered by others. People from the tribe who are eight lifetimes away can come and take charge of the family. It's because women can't stand up. , instead of a heroine like Sister Jiu, if anyone dares to murder Brother Jiu, Sister Jiu will chop him up!"

Fourteenth elder brother said angrily: "What about the local officials, the magistrates, and the magistrates, have they not been held accountable?"

Fourteenth elder brother said: "Since it is 'the murderer dies', then these murderers should die without guilt. What happened to this woman?"

Gui Zhen refused, and wanted to return it to Dong E's family free of charge. In the end, Mrs. Uncle made the decision and converted it into silver according to the market price.

When Guizhen's dowry was brought to the palace yesterday, many people were stunned.

Those who are jealous will start to say, the husband and wife are chicken thieves, it is very affordable to find such a real marriage for the youngest son.

Then someone complained, and also mentioned that Shu Mulu's family valued this marriage. The dowry was 800 taels, and the dowry was 24. It was no different from marrying the eldest daughter-in-law...

(End of this chapter)

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