My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 771 Collecting Money

The next day, when the younger brothers woke up, He Yuzhu came in with his clothes in his hands to serve him.

The little eunuchs of the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother also came in.

Both of them felt that they were grown up and were no longer children, so they refused to take their nanny out, so they were groomed by the little eunuch.

The other side was fine, just watching Brother Jiu change into new clothes from inside to outside, the two of them knew that Brother Jiu was going to show off again.

Since yesterday, they have all stared at each other several times, but now they are all calm.

Brother Jiu changed it from the inside to the outside, not only the color of the clothes changed, but also the braided hairbands on the head were changed accordingly, looking clean and neat.

He flicked his sleeves, looked at the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother, and said with disgust, "Sloppy!"

This is not just showing off, but belittling others.

The fourteenth elder brother was not convinced: "My younger brother also changed into new socks, and he didn't take a bath, so who would change his underwear?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "It's dirty, how much sweat you sweat this day, how many sweat stains you have, it's not clean if you think about it!"

The fourteenth elder brother was puzzled and said: "Ninth brother, the Ministry of Internal Affairs still takes money from you? You and the tenth brother are not knighted, so the supply is covered by the Ministry of Internal Affairs?"

Seeing that he was about to take off his boots, Brother Nine quit and hurriedly stopped him and said, "If it's too hot, put your boots outside, or open the window..."

As for the personal eunuchs of the princes and elder brothers, they all stayed with the luggage cart to prepare the rooms for the night.

Elder Brother Thirteen said: "Let's have a look first, then we'll talk, if it's inconvenient, forget it."

Speaking of this, he looked at the two people's clothes and said: "It's good to dress like today, wear a few more layers, reduce it when the car is hot, and increase it when you get out of the car. Don't let others worry about it. It's not that I'm scaring you. You have made yourselves sick all the way, so don’t think about going far away in the future!”

Actually not.

Knowing that Sheng Jia arrived today, the third elder brother and Princess Rong Xian were already ready.

Brother Jiu heard this, frowned and said: "It's not warmer than in the palace on the way, take a bath every day, you don't want your body? The house is not warm, you are not allowed to take a bath, is it a joke when the wind is cold?"

The third elder brother said with a guilty conscience: "I don't smell bad, it's just a little sour..."

The third elder brother was not happy, looked at the feet of the ninth elder brother, and said: "What's the matter, didn't you still take it off?"

Shengjia took Princess Rongxian away.

"It stinks to death, it makes my grandpa stumble..."

Brother Jiu glared at him angrily, pulled his cloak, wrapped it up indiscriminately, jumped out of the carriage, and strode to the carriage behind.

In the carriage behind, Brother Jiu was breathing hard.

Brother Fourteen said: "Then Brother Ninth can sit with me..."

The guards who followed also took advantage of it and looked at Brother Jiu's carriage.

The thirteenth elder brother immediately said: "Then ninth brother sit with me..."

The emperor didn't ask, so he probably knew it well.

They set off at the beginning of the month and have been repairing at Mashen Bridge for several days.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "I'm not tired, let's go there first!"

Brother Nine had disgust on his face, and said: "Anyway, I won't sit down..."

Every year in the twelfth lunar month of winter, in addition to being a ghost gate for the elderly and sick, it is also not good for children.

Thinking of what happened just now, he still had lingering fears, his face was disgusted, and he said bitterly: "What's the matter, third brother, don't you wash your feet?"

Elder brother Jiu was triumphant, pointed to himself, and said, "Except for my younger brother, who can figure this out..."

Elder Fourteen immediately became honest, and said: "No way, we are not children anymore, we have to take care of ourselves."

Nine elder brothers blinked, very excited, nodded and said: "Yes, I should charge a sum!"

The taste of ginseng is mild and not overwhelming, and the aroma of dates is strong.

Today's road is not as fast as yesterday, only sixty miles.

These are three children...

They don't want to go to Xingzai, but also want to follow to the imperial tomb.

Kangxi got off the carriage, skipped the third elder brother, looked at Princess Rongxian and asked, "How is the Eldest Princess?"

Counting nine days, the third elder brother mainly wears cold-proof and warm-keeping clothes when he goes out. He wears boots with fur inside.

When Shengjia arrived, the two sisters and brothers came out to meet them.

Brother Nine also has an errand, as the head of the House of Internal Affairs, he has to go to the imperial mausoleum first, and see the head of the mausoleum over there to see how the preparations for visiting the mausoleum tomorrow are going.

He looked at the third elder brother and said, "Why don't the third brother follow me?"

Brother Nine held his breath, out of breath.

In addition to the two cars for luggage, there is also a spare car,
Brother Thirteen said: "That car should be reserved for my aunt."

Brother Jiu shook his cotton slippers and said, "My brother's feet don't stink..."

Having said that, he looked at the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother.

The third elder brother didn't ask, he touched it for a while, and probably figured it out, and said excitedly: "The newly modified carriage, who figured it out?"

According to the rules, when the holy driver travels, the royal car must have a spare in advance, and there is no spare for the cars of princes like them.

Brother Jiu took out his pocket watch and checked the time. It was still early, and it was only a quarter of the clock.

In addition to the road, the weather has cooled down and there are snowflakes in the sky.

He nodded and said, "Put your luggage away, let's go directly!"

Brother Nine smiled and said: "The ones who have taken care of the master, but not the elder brothers. They have all been ennobled and taken the money from the households. If you order the House of Internal Affairs, it will be Ding, Ding, Mao, Mao!"

Elder Fourteen glanced at Elder Thirteen and said, "But Brother Ninth still has a car?"

The carriage was well modified, but the two of them were a bit crowded, and it was just right for one person.

Several people bowed in response.

The third elder brother took off his boots happily...

Elder Fourteen and Elder Thirteen complained: "Is Ninth Brother going too far? Isn't it because we didn't marry Fujin? When we have Fujin, we must be more prepared than Ninth Brother..."

Princess Rongxian said: "A few days ago I had a cough, the imperial doctor prepared the medicine early, and after resting for a few days, I feel much better today."

Brother Nine still had some disgust on his face, and said, "Third brother must have done it on purpose! How could he not know that his own feet smelly? Chicken thief, you can't take advantage of him for nothing. Tonight, the master will ask someone to smoke the carriage, and give it to the second brother later. Sister uses..."

On the fifth day after leaving Beijing, Shengjia arrived at Mashen Bridge.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother listened honestly when they saw that the ninth elder brother was unhappy.

Even the followers who followed also had carriages, which were also ordinary carriages.

Princess Rongxian agreed.

The general manager of the imperial mausoleum is mostly an expatriate official from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Thirteen also nodded, solemnly.

Children love to move, and it is not just one or two who are gone after a cold.

Seeing this, the elder brother felt a little worried.

Brother Nine's voice was shrill.

Brother Thirteen was also unwilling to be rejected, and said, "Take a bath tonight, and let's get new ones too."

If the carriage moves fast, we should be able to come back when it gets dark.

Big brother glanced at ninth brother and said, "Do you want to take a rest?"

Elder Fourteen also nodded and said: "I will not go out even after washing, it has been dried."

Elder Fourteen nodded and said, "Mm, Mm, take a bath every day, hmph, it seems like who doesn't like to be clean!"

Brother Jiu heard what he said, so he didn't stop him.

With San Age's temperament, he must be able to do it.

The third elder brother hurriedly said: "Don't worry, my feet don't stink..."

This one warning is more effective than many sentences.

With their identities, who needs a change of clothes?
Also brought several boxes.

The third elder brother got into the carriage of the ninth elder brother.

The same goes for the next three days.

He looked down, this is Korean ginseng slices, plus tribute dates, not bad...

There are still thirty miles away from the imperial mausoleum, and the eldest princess and her party who left the capital first will rest here.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother both know that he loves Jie, and they feel uncomfortable for him hearing this.

Brother Jiu said: "Wash your face and feet, if you feel dirty on your body, just wipe it off with a wet towel. If you go out in winter, you need to be extra careful..."

The third elder brother nodded and said: "Okay, the younger brother will follow along, and he has been holding back for several days!"

While speaking, the third elder brother was sweating half of his body. He couldn't wear the mink hat on his body anymore, and he took off the end cap.

Brother Nine was surprised when he heard this, and it really was the case when he thought about it.

He has to be responsible for the security of the road, and he has no skills at all.

Kangxi was sympathetic to the hardships of the accompanying guards and guards, so every thirty miles he traveled, he rested for an hour and a half at post stations along the way.

Only then did the third elder brother show a bit of complacency, and lay down in the carriage, looking through the small drawers next to the left and right seats, first took a pair of new cotton mop covers, and then took the teapot and teacups , poured a cup, and took a sip of tea comfortably.

Elder Fourteen heard this, and hurriedly said: "Don't be like that, Third Brother has a temper, and he will definitely follow him when the time comes. Isn't that just ruining another carriage!"

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were heartbroken when they saw this, and looked at the ninth elder brother eagerly.

Kangxi said: "That's good, take me to visit the eldest princess."

Big brother's carriage was also modified by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and no one thought about collecting money.

After entering, he noticed the difference, not only warm, but also soundproof.

Brother Nine frowned, unwilling.

Brother Thirteen saw this, and said: "Brother Ninth turned around and settled the score with Brother Third, asking for the repair fee of the carriage..."

Fourteenth elder brother worried: "Then the carriage is stinky? Can people still be seated?"

"Third brother, you are not kind, you are lying..."

The coachman jumped in fright and hurriedly reined in the reins.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother just look at the big and stupid, and they are still half-grown children.

Kangxi turned around and told the older brothers: "You don't need to follow, go to your own business!"

The guards from the Sanbeile Mansion and the guards from the Ninth Prince's Mansion followed, called another twenty guards, two carriages, and everyone went to the imperial mausoleum.

This time, brother Jiu brought a spare car.


The elder brother was so careless that no one in the Ministry of Internal Affairs would give the eldest son of the emperor a small account of dozens of taels.

But who is called the third elder brother, then he has to be "specially treated".

Now that he has an idea, brother Jiu is not annoyed anymore.

He calculated in his mind that their carriages had fixed specifications and a fixed cost. Before the renovation, the cost was about 40 taels of silver. During the renovation, the cost was almost doubled.
Then make up a whole number, 100 taels of silver...

The next update will be at 1:27 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

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