Yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Brother Jiu called Gao Bin and stood by the big case.

On the desk, there is a flat sheet of paper, which is a sketch of the 10,000+ mu of mountain land and forest land purchased before.

Gao Bin pointed to one of the swastika marks and said: "A few miles around, there is only one temple called 'Daxing Temple'. The temple is old, and it has been around for a few years. The slaves even inquired about it, and some said it was a former temple. It was built in the last years of the dynasty, some say it was built in the early years of Shunzhi..."

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "No wonder there is no name. The name is not well chosen. If it spreads to the outside world, everyone will have to go to the border of Daxing County to find it. We have to find a way to change the name first."

He mused, "Why don't we call it 'Dachang Temple' and bring 'Chang' from Changping County?"

After hearing this, Gao Bin couldn't agree, and reminded in a low voice: "Master, this doesn't sound good, the sound is not good!"

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and then said: "'Xing, Qiye', so it is called 'Daqi Temple'?"

Gao Bin hesitated and said, "The name of this monastery does not have a place name, but there is a legend, a meaning or something. The name of the master is a bit flat. If this name is used, how will the following be arranged?"

Brother Jiu glanced at Gao Bin, and said, "You ask me, who do I ask? Huh! If you can't do it, you can't do it, and it's not easy for you."

The first thing I did when I returned to Shengjing at the beginning of the year was not to close the door and meditate on my own past, but to send someone to select a few girls who had just left their heads among the old family relatives, and write them down under the name of the eldest son Longke. In order to raise the granddaughter, unified education.

Anger arose in Kangxi's heart.

Although it will be cold in spring, it is still different from the dry cold before.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu, thinking of how careless he was when he first set the ceremony, he felt guilty.

The weather outside is warming up, as if the severe cold of the previous days is no longer there.

Shu Shu glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Why do you think of asking this? It's no wonder that you can fall asleep. According to Ama and Ernie's plan, the draft is just a formality, and then wait until I get engaged at eighteen and go out at nineteen. This time, it was three years earlier, caught off guard, Ene was calmer, and Ama burst into tears..."

She took pains to prepare for the makeup ceremony before, but she didn't show up because of her pregnancy.

Shu Shu twisted his waist, and said: "It's not rare! Is the master trying to trick me and hope that I will be virtuous? If so, I advise the master to wash up and sleep..."

It's not that Gege Guizhen clings to the prince for the sake of supporting her husband's family. With the family status of Shu Mulu's family, they are also a first-class family in Shangsanqi, so there is no need to make a profit.

Shu Shu thinks it should be because the cold snap has passed.

Just my husband's words...

On November 29, Tong Guowei and his eldest grandson went to the palace, and the prince summoned him, and he left after an hour.

Getting along with sisters-in-law is different after all.

Brother Nine put down the paperwork and felt bored.

Shu Shu said: "See what my cousin thinks, don't force yourself..."

Shu Shu didn't like to hear it anymore, raised her eyebrows to look at Brother Jiu, and asked, "What's the matter, did Ama despise the master? Or did Ernie not support your noble son-in-law?"

Brother Jiu felt obedient, and immediately said: "Isn't it because you think that the master is not good enough? It means that your age is not suitable, or else you will be better than the princess when you go to Yuqing Palace..."

But he was very sad.

An old Hanlin who has been writing articles for half his life, writing stories should be a basic skill, right?

My uncle has gained the benefits of nepotism, and he still wants to work hard on it.

"At that time, Khan Ama pointed out the marriage, so the father-in-law and mother-in-law couldn't sleep at night, right?"

No matter how much Ama and Ernie love her, they know how to measure it, and know that this is not an ordinary son-in-law, but a prince's son-in-law.

The sister-in-laws above should be respectful, but the ten Fujins below are still childish.

Brother Nine felt moved after hearing this, and said: "It's all about Fu Song, he's still young, Mr. Zhang is a talent, but he was contemptuous before."

It was their father and son who made the round before, and no one else interfered.

Where the prince stayed, green bricks were re-paved and the whole house was pasted with paper.

All kinds of preparations looked familiar.

This is true for girls from relatives, let alone your own baby bump?

Brother Jiu will only feel awkward when he sees this official document, the real uncomfortable one is still in the palace...

He Yi got an errand before, and was responsible for the prince's winter tour.

At this moment, Walnut came in, holding a greeting card in his hand.

The term "prenatal education" has been mentioned from ancient times to the present, and it is a field she is unfamiliar with. After all, she should be cautious.

It's very trivial, and I've been writing it down since mid-October.

In order not to feel wronged by Shu Shu, the previous dealings were mostly coaxing Brother Nine.

That would be even more hateful.

There is suspicion of betting separately.

Shu Shu didn't rush to make decisions, but left the post and said, "I'll send someone to reply tomorrow."

It's Guizhen Gege's post.

After all, he talked about He Yi's official documents, and said: "It's almost the same as the pick-up, and I feel very uncomfortable seeing it. This is the 'difference between monarchs and ministers'!"

If it's just a simple relationship between cousins, they are similar in age, and it was common when they were young, so they would definitely be willing to get closer; but if there is more relationship with the former sister-in-law in the middle, it is necessary to take into account what Shu Mulu's family thinks.

The prince may not be the only one who is thinking about it, maybe there are other elder brothers...

How dare the Tong family? !

Brother Jiu said: "Let's go on the seventh day of the lunar new year. I'll take a day off. Erhe is also quite funny. Last time I followed us back to the Dutong Mansion, and I couldn't speak in front of my father-in-law..."

Brother Jiu took the documents and took a few glances at them. They were all related to the Shengjing House of Internal Affairs' preparations to welcome the prince, as well as various preparations for the palace and travel along the way.

Since there are male guests, we have to wait for the day when Brother Jiu takes a bath.

But there are still two or three years to come, and it is better to work together.

After all, the matter of Xiaotangshan is not an official matter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but also the private matter of Master Jiu.

It's a bit like "see no evil".

If there is a serious official business, it can be justified, it is just a winter hunt to relax, such a mobilizing teacher, Brother Jiu feels sore...

In the Ninth Prince's Mansion, in the study of the main courtyard, Shu Shu is reading "Book of Filial Piety".

Shu Shu laughed and said, "Ama and Ernie watched Cousin Guizhen grow up, because they were afraid that she would be wronged."

Gao Bin also knew his own shortcomings, so he suggested, "Why don't you invite Brother Fu Song and Mr. Zhang to be counselors?"

The reason why Kangxi hid this matter and used other charges to deal with Tong Guowei was also to leave room for the Tong family.

Otherwise, the Tong family will not end well when the crown prince ascends the throne.

Just looking at the sunny weather makes me feel at ease.

When I first decided on the ceremony, I was reluctant and indifferent, which was also in the eyes of my father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Now Kangxi realized that Tong Guowei's plan was not on him, but on the prince.

Brother Jiu has met Guizhen Gege, he has a bright and generous personality, and he looks like an older sister in front of Shu Shu.

Brother Jiu took her hand and said, "Where is this going? I just felt that the prince is honorable, so I sighed..."

When the prince is on tour, the local reception is the same as the reception.

Several adopted granddaughters...

When he saw another news related to it, Kangxi had a sneer on his face.

Ever since she was sure she was pregnant, she was a bit biased in reading.

Brother Jiu thought of the two sons-in-law who were paid attention to by his father-in-law, and said sourly: "It must be because the candidates are not suitable."

Walnut understands that he has to ask Brother Nine.

This is to fool the prince without knowing the inside story, so you insist on sticking to the prince?
The death of the prince's brother Chenghu and the death of Empress Renxiao are inseparable from the Tong family.

She admired Fujin very much in her heart, she held Brother Jiu in her hand tomorrow morning, but in daily life, when it comes to Brother Jiu, she is never self-confident, and always asks Brother Jiu for her own opinion...

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu didn't speak, but thought of a word in her mind, "There is no two suns in the sky, and there are no two monarchs in the country".

She was her cousin, and she had been in her boudoir for too long, so she gave her face and allowed her to enter the palace; what are other people, how could I give face to the Tong family?

After she got married, Shu Shu lived in the palace, and her interpersonal relationship was relatively closed, except that she had more sisters-in-law.

She also wants to meet Gui Zhen.

Liang Jiugong is beside him, like a clay sculpture and wood carving.

After a while, Zhang Baozhu came with Gao Bin.

The whistling of the north wind was much quieter.

"Six or nine heads in spring", in ten days or so, it will be the beginning of spring.

Kangxi was also watching the news from Shengjing, but his mood was extremely complicated.

When Brother Jiu came back, he heard that Gege Guizhen wanted to come, and said: "It's good, their home is in Zhenghuangqi, it's only two miles away from here, and you can walk more in the future. And many companions."

This is the prince.

After all, he went down to find someone.

In the afternoon, Brother Nine realized later, and asked, "Has Director He returned the official document yet?"

He Yi did have official documents, but they were all reported, very trivial, and there was nothing that needed Brother Jiu's approval, so Zhang Baozhu handed over other backlogged official tasks to Brother Jiu first.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

The Shu Mulu family is said to be kind from outside, but how they live at home, they still know how to live at home.

She wanted to bring her husband to visit Shu Shu and give her a New Year's gift.

Tong Guowei is too self righteous.

When Kangxi heard the news, he felt a little disgusted and thought of Concubine Tong in the palace.

When it comes to the prince's food, clothing, housing, and transportation, even the pastries and meals in the paddock palace along the way are all handed over from the Shengjing palace.

This is a newlywed, and the bride can't go out alone as a guest, so she goes in and out together.

and then?
In the eyes of elder brother Jiu, he is the pillar, and he has to worry about everything...

Gao Bin shook his head and said, "I don't know, I'm going to ask Mr. Zhang..."

This is an unkind heart towards Donggong!
Kangxi became more and more disgusted, and said bitterly: "I'm getting more and more dizzy!"

The groggy day before made people feel depressed.

Although the prince said that he set off from the capital at the beginning of last month, he did not arrive in Shengjing until the 28th of last month because of the siege on the road.

Winter is coming to an end.

The Tong family is obviously unwilling to be silent.

Shu Shu also hasn't seen Gui Zhen for half a year.

The Tong family took a wrong step and touched the emperor's back.

In the emperor's heart, the Tong family is different, and there are many praises.

In recent days, the emperor mentioned Longkodo several times.

Looking at it like that, he wanted to find an excuse to transfer Longkodo back.

It should have been dropped...

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