My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 779 Deja Vu

Chapter 779 Deja vu
The next day, Shu Shu sent Xiao Chun to Gui Zhen's house, said that she was free on the seventh day of the lunar new year, and invited the couple to come over.

Shu Shu also told Mrs. Uncle.

Mrs. Uncle was a little surprised when she heard this, she was surprised instead of happy, and said: "It's too urgent to hand over the post to the door now, and now is not the time to come to the door as a guest!"

Shu Shu really didn't think of anything else before, she just thought that Gui Zhen had accepted her own make-up and came to express her gratitude.

Thinking about it now, it really makes sense.

Guizhen is newlywed, married for less than a month, and it's time to be honest at home.

Even if it's a New Year's gift, the two are of the same generation, so there is no need to come in person.

In addition, I was having a baby, and outsiders knew that I had twins, so few people came to disturb me at this time.

" it a problem?"

Shu Shu couldn't help but worry.

Shu Shu changed into another vest with a honey-colored pipa lapel, and the cuffs of her shirt were also trimmed with lace, and she also wore a half-cup on her head, which was decorated with gold-encrusted diamond flowers.

Gui Zhen nodded, looked at Shu Shu and said: "Sister-in-law is worried that our master will not let go of the guards. In the future, the first-class guards, Luanyi guards, and ministers will be promoted like this, blocking the way of nephew, and we are also worried that our master will be in front of the imperial court. Show your face, get decent..."

Brother Jiu said: "Then tell Ji Hong later, if there are some good tourmaline jewelry to keep, there will be more of this color."

If it wasn't for Shu Shu, the prince Fujin, who knows what kind of trouble would result.

Shu Shu said: "Amu is also in the mansion, he just sent someone to invite him."

Shu Shu pulled Mrs. Uncle, put her head on her shoulders, and sighed: "I still remember the situation when my cousin just married into our family last year. Such a smart and thoughtful person treated me as dear to my house. It's only been a year and a half... "

Even if she held it in his hand, no one would pick anything.

If this is regulated by the county prince's mansion, it would be better to use first-class guards, which are from the third rank, which is half a rank higher than Erhe's current fourth rank, and after a few years, he can make up for the deputy capital of the Eight Banners.

Because they were often together when they were young, and their ages were similar, they were closer than the cousin in Prince Kang's mansion.

Shu Shu asked Xiaochun to welcome the guests on her behalf.

It's too contemptuous to treat guests like that.

Shu Shu heard movement in the yard and went to the door to meet her.

When the ninth elder brother becomes the king of the county, Erhe's second-class bodyguard can also be promoted to the first-class bodyguard, and his qualifications and age are enough.

Shu Shu looked at herself in the mirror with satisfaction, and said: "Of course it's more beautiful than beautiful. I look good and I'm in good spirits. It's all because I married my master. I dressed up energetically. Don't talk about it. Others You can also know that I have fallen into the nest..."

Shu Shu looked at Gui Zhen and said, "If you don't miss Chengjue, then you can just quit."

"If the father-in-law really meant that, or if the nephews of the eldest son are not up to date, our father will fight if he can't say it, but the father-in-law is very good to the eldest grandson, and he raised it himself. When proposing marriage, he asked the matchmaker to pass the message to me. Let us split up next year..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu didn't find it surprising.

Not to mention anything else, just say that she sold all Dong E's property back before she got married, and Dong E's family will receive this favor.

It's just that the girl from Abate's branch has such a temperament, which has been recorded several times in history.

"Now because of the betrothal gift, my sister-in-law is making trouble again, suspecting that my father-in-law and mother-in-law want to surpass my uncle, and let our father be the lord..."

It's just because of the cutting process at this time, the diamond doesn't shine very much, it looks like white glass.

Brother Jiu couldn't help but turn his mouth up, looked at her tuanhua, and said, "I like diamonds? Why don't you send someone to Guangzhou to find out, there are more Western merchant ships there..."

Gui Zhen looked at Shu Shu and said, "Auntie was the one I worried about before, but now I don't have to worry..."

It is not called diamond now, it is commonly called "diamond".

Most men are ambitious.

Even if Gui Zhen wants to take a step back in such a big event, the husband and wife must be of the same heart, otherwise, the loss of the husband and wife will not be worth the gain.

According to the rules, the succession of the noble family's title is decided by the family itself, and the emperor will not interfere, but Erhe is also the son of the father-in-law, and if he is really going to be successful, it is hard for the father-in-law to think about changing the heir.

She looked a little complicated, and said: "Coincidentally, their family is somewhat similar to ours. The mother-in-law originally had four sons, and the middle two sons died, leaving the eldest son with our master. This is the age difference... "

Shu Shu thought for a while and said, "What about brother-in-law? What do you mean?"

Mrs. Uncle said: "You don't need to take care of everything, you should know the reason before you talk about it. Now you have to take care of yourself first, and others are on the back."

Although Guizhen has a natal family, her biological mother has passed away, and she has no sibling brothers, her biological father is unreliable, and her aunt is still a relative on the side of her husband's family.

Shu Shu used light pink tourmaline to match it, which looked lively and lovely.

Although after entering the customs, he began to pay attention to seniority and improve the status of the eldest son, but it is not a fixed number in the inheritance of titles.

After a short time, Guizhen arrived with Xiaochun.

"At that time, our grandfather was a guard, and my sister-in-law made a fuss. She stopped him from letting him go, and wanted to keep it for the eldest son..."

Guizhen took her hand and said with a smile: "I know, it's cheeky for me to mention this. Although I added a little Zhuang to you at the beginning, but you also added it back, which gave me enough face, but I still want to give it to you." Here I am, your thigh, I hug it..."

The late Wen Liang Beizi was the second son of Abatai, king of Raoyu County, Xiaozong of King Raoyu County, and Erhe's great-grandfather.

Brother Jiu also got up and went to the front hall to meet the guests.

Shu Shu glanced at him, and said, "Shouldn't it? You have to be more serious when you meet a male guest?"

He was filial to his parents-in-law at the top, and loved his sister-in-law and uncle at the bottom. In the middle, he did his best to take care of Xizhu's body.

But now this place is regulated by the Baylor Mansion, and it is best to be a second-class guard, which is from the fourth rank, which is half a rank lower than Erhe's now.

Although he and Erhe are different in dignity, but in terms of relatives, they are also cousins. This feeling is quite novel.

Brother Jiu looked at it and felt that something was wrong, and said: "I found out, every time you see your sisters-in-law and female guests, you have to be more serious, why?"

Dong E's family is a lesson from the past. In order to inherit the title, the husband and wife turned against each other and the brothers alienated.

Shu Shu is not an outsider, and Gui Zhen has nothing to hide, talking about a bunch of messy accounts from her in-laws.

It's no wonder Guizhen's sister-in-law is jealous, because Baqi already has the habit of young sons guarding the stove.

"Uncle's health is not very good, he didn't make up for the vacancies, and he started a family early, and now the eldest son is fifteen, and there are several more..."

When Shu Shu woke up the next day, she was still wearing loose robes, but not the previous "home clothes".

Otherwise, green, purple, red, yellow, there are many choices.

Shu Shu said cheerfully: "Our master is short of people, but I'd love to ask Master Jiu to nod in the end. This is the best of both worlds..."

I really didn't expect that later it would fall into the division between Lao and Yan.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "I just don't think it's necessary. They're not boudoir girls. They're all married. Can they be more beautiful when they get together?"

"My mother-in-law is kind, she gave me respect, and she also gave our father a respect. The dowry is comparable to that of my sister-in-law. This has attracted her extra thoughts..."

It's just not the same after all.

Seeing her stature, Gui Zhen was startled, and hurriedly helped her in, saying, "What are you doing out here, it's too outsider."

Speaking of this, Guizhen sighed and said: "Why bother, the good life makes the house uneasy, and I'm afraid..."

Gui Zhen said with a smile: "There is nothing to worry about!"

The cousins ​​sat in the east room, and Walnut served tea and snacks.

Shu Shu told Longan to go to Ning'an Hall.

Guizhen is a very measured person.

Now my uncle passed away, and Xizhu also died of illness.

Shu Shu said: "Don't worry, Ah Mou, with me, in my heart, my cousin is also half my own sister..."

This is the diamond removed from the diamond bracelet bought by Suzhou Wanbao Pavilion.

When she became a bride last year, she was a little bit excited, but also a little bit nervous and careful, and she was in the state of taking care of her life.

The well-behaved Wangfu Gege became a second marriage and hurt her body. It is only natural for her to accept the compensation.

Much calmer now.

This is also the practice of the Eight Banners honored nobles, and the world is marriage.

Gui Zhen smiled and said: "Anyway, he is still young, so we are not in a hurry. Wait until ten or eight years, Lord Jiu will be conferred a title. Who knows if he will be promoted to a higher level? It won't be lower..."

It's just that there are very few of them on the market, and they are all from the imperial palace of the former dynasty. They were tributes from Myanmar to the Ming court, but most of them are large-scale artifacts, and they have not been used in jewelry.

This is the difference between the guards of the princes and the guards of the upper three banners. The guards of the princes are half a level lower.

As she spoke, she also looked at Guizhen.

This was a joke between the sisters before Shu Shu got married.

Even if you have survived for a few years, it is not a qualification.

Guizhen was wearing a silver-red flag dress, her hair was combed in a dish, and there were gold-studded ruby ​​flowers on it, and a red-faced ermine cape outside, with a ruddy complexion.

It was almost the second quarter of the sixth day of the lunar new year when news came from the front yard that Guizhen Gege had arrived.

Gui Zhen said with a smile on her face: "He also thinks the same way. Uncle is honest and good-natured, and has a good relationship with our master. Even sister-in-law is not an outsider. She is also our master's cousin. Yes, just be more straightforward."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Don't worry, I'm a Mou's favorite, so I should be filial to A Mou."

It is matched with a gold diamond bracelet on the wrist.

Gui Zhen, the eldest daughter-in-law and elder sister-in-law, has done her duty conscientiously, and she really can't find any faults.

If that's the case, with Brother Nine's narrow-mindedness, he might lock himself up and prevent him from seeing outsiders.

She has a straightforward temperament, since she came to the door, she openly talked about her current difficulties.

Shu Shu nodded.

Guizhen followed Xiaochun, followed by a little girl.

She also drew her eyebrows and put on transparent lip balm.

At the end, Guizhen said with a sigh: "I have experienced riches and honors, and I have also experienced ups and downs. Now I hope to live in peace."

Shu Shu is lucky for Gui Zhen, if she really wants to have a child, it will still be a mess.

Shu Shu laughed and said, "It's only been four months. If this is a cat in the house, when will the cat go?"

At that time, Brother Jiu also divided the population of the banner, and Erhe happened to have a vacancy for guards to accommodate the population of the banner.

"Now that the uncle and sister-in-law are making such a fuss, the mother-in-law is also annoyed, and she doesn't plan to let us move..."

Mrs. Uncle nodded and said: "It is estimated that he is also in a hurry to go to the doctor. Let's see what to say first. If you can help, please help."

If you really encounter difficulties in your in-law's family, there is no place to complain.

Shu Shu shook her head, said: "No, this set is enough, the color is thin, it's not easy to match clothes."

In the end, all the side branches were mixed in.

Although there is also a third elder brother who is also brother-in-law, but there is no such discussion between brothers.

In fact, there are already emeralds now.

Shu Shuxin moved, and said: "Cousin came here to ask about the lack of guards in our house? It's just that it's half a level down, and it's not easy to make up for the lack of Sanqi with this qualification..."

Shu Shu knew Gui Zhen's temper, and it was not easy to say these words.

After all, the age is here, looking calm, but still a little uneasy about the future life.

She shook Guizhen's hand back, and said, "We also grew up together. I told Ah Mou before that in my heart, being a cousin is treated by half my own sister. You should live a good life, although you are self-cultivated." , but I will not be a pissed off daughter-in-law, I will support you..."

The little nephew and the little niece went home, and Jiu also ended the days of eating and playing with him, trying to get back to work.

(End of this chapter)

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