My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 780 Hot Stove

Chapter 780 Hot Stove
Prince's Mansion, front hall.

Erhe was a little shy, and asked Brother Jiu about the lack of guards.

Brother Jiu was surprised and said: "You want to leave the guard's office? Why, because you want to stay overnight in the palace?"

The guard class in the palace lasts for six days and rests for six days.

During the six days when he was on duty, he lived and boarded in the palace, guarding day and night.

It would be quite difficult for newly married Yaner, but Erhe is already a second-class guard, and after a few more years to make up for the vacancy of a first-class guard, his future will be better.

Now that this kind of downgrade comes out, it will be a loss.

Erhe shook his head and said, "My nephew will be a man next year, so he should be on the job..."

It's not that if he vacates a second-class guard vacancy, his nephew can directly fill the second-class guard; it's just that he greets the guard at the side and makes a private agreement with the acquaintance, and a second-class will be filled. A third class was vacated, just for his nephew.

There is a certain number of guards in the palace, not all world jobs, but they are about the same.

Shu Shu said: "Just do whatever you want, if you don't take advantage, don't suffer."

This is also human nature.

No matter how close a grandson is, he can't compare to a son.

However, the two sisters haven't seen each other for more than half a year, so they can't finish talking; when Mrs. Uncle came over, the aunt and nephew also became very close.

Gui Zhen didn't take it seriously, she also took a look at Shu Shu's breasts, and said: "My sister's face is thinner, but her body is also plump..."

Speaking of this, he thought of one thing and said: "Didn't a few days ago a first-class guard replaced the Mongolian deputy capital of Xianghuang Banner? You are ruining your future like this, why don't you discuss it with your ama, and use it for your own sake?" , anyway, it’s just to advance the future, and it doesn’t take up space, and then it’s released outside..."

It's not a fault of husband and wife to reunite and get close, but Shu Shu's physical condition is here.

The milky white soup is only seasoned with salt and pepper, and the taste is not greasy at all.

So it has to be that the children of these families are outstanding. If not, I would rather have nothing than abuse. Anyway, I can get a share of money and food to support the family by supplementing the army.

They are married to Wen Liang Beizi.

The foreheads of the Qing Dynasty had ranks. Princess Gulun wore the same beige for the forehead, and Princess Heshuo wore the prince of the same town for the forehead.

I don't know what's inside, anyway, what I found out is that mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are in harmony, and there is no concubine to add to the obstruction.

As a result, after a month and a half, there are two good ones, plus the apprentice from Montenegro, who didn't make up last time, and he plans to make up for this time.

Shu Shu then talked about making up for the guards.

Ninth elder brother complained, and said: "How can there be such a reason, you have to work hard, you must give way to him? What's the hurry, wait until you finish your qualifications and get promoted to the first-class guard!"

Shu Shu nodded with a smile and said, "I just hope that I won't go back any longer..."

Gui Zhen said: "It should be after the new year, it's good to come out early, so that the family will not be suspicious, and it's not worth the hurt."

Gui Zhen and his wife came early, they probably planned to avoid the meal, and left after half an hour.

Erhe said: "Gege also keeps talking about Fujin, and I'm still worried when I hear that Fujin is twins."

Guizhen nodded in agreement, then hugged the uncle and said, "In today's gift list, there are two boxes of hickory nuts. I remembered that my aunt likes this most, so I bought some."

Brother Jiu saw that he seemed to have made up his mind, so he didn't say anything to evade, and said: "Then you can come to the master's side. The mansion was very short before, and I just plan to make up a few more guards."

Brother Jiu rubbed his chin, and realized later: "Master, this mansion has become hot, and the sons of the first assistant, the second assistant, and the minister who led the guards have all come over!"

When these people come here, they always have to find a way to give them a future.

There was a shortage of guards before, so he only reported two, and the others were all vacant, but he also called Heishan and Fuqing to be assessed by the guards, mainly to inspect the children of a few assistant leaders and internal management leaders.

Now that Guizhen's eldest sister-in-law is afraid, it may be that Guizhen's mother-in-law really moved Liyou's mind.

Shu Shu became shy, nodded honestly and said, "Well, well, I didn't mess around..."

Is it so obvious?
She has been a cat in the house for more than two months, covering her snow-white skin, her cheeks are pink and tender, and her eyes are a bit attractive.

When the family is separated and they are the masters of the family, it will be fine.

Erhe said honestly: "That is the Tong family, not ordinary people can compare."

Now living in her husband's house, it is definitely not easy for a young daughter-in-law to visit around.

Mrs. Uncle nodded and said, "Okay, I will eat well..."

Although he nodded to let people come, he didn't like Erhe's style very much.

When she got the news, she arrived a quarter of an hour late, just to give the sisters time to talk.

Shu Shu said: "Everyone has his own ambition, so there is no need to force it."

When Shu Mulu's family sent someone to propose marriage, Mrs. Uncle also specifically inquired about their family.

Seeing that her eyes were irregular, Mrs. Uncle glared at her.

Today, Ninth Elder Brother Xiumu will come back after seeing off the guests. Mrs. Uncle got up after asking a question, looked at Shu Shu's rosy face, and reminded in a low voice: "I know what I know, don't make trouble..."

By the second quarter of noon, it was time to eat.

When Mrs. Uncle moved her chopsticks, Gui Zhen picked up the bowl and took a sip of the soup.

Brother Nine said: "Fu Jin is the same, before adding makeup to Ge Ge, he also spent a lot of time thinking..."

Brother Jiu came back, and snorted softly: "Erhe is not very smart, Ge Ge is afraid that he will suffer in the future if he follows him, and there is still room for his future. Is that his nephew or his son?"

Gui Zhen put down the soup bowl and said.

Brother Jiu said: "If you change a guest you don't like, even if you disturb me, I won't get used to it; Ge Ge is Fujin's sister, so I don't need to be a stranger in the future, it's better to come and go often."

With longan beside him, he said, "Fujin, did you pick the tin?"

When there was no news from Erhe at the front, he hesitated whether to urge him, Brother Jiu said: "This is the first time I come here, I always have to eat, Fujin got up early and asked someone to stew soybeans and pig's trotters, saying that Princess loves it of."

When Mrs. Uncle left, Shu Shu sat in front of the dressing table and looked at herself.

Brother Jiu was not happy after hearing this.

Erhe shook his head, and said seriously: "The slave is not wronged, the slave is willing..."

And both of them are candidates for forehead.

He is also an uncle and has a bunch of nephews.

After lunch, Gui Zhen took her leave.

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "No trouble, we are all under the watchful eyes of Han Ama, but fortunately Suo'etu is gone, otherwise, with his worry-loving posture, I'm afraid he will be regarded as a thorn in his side!"

Longan started to help her take off her clothes and went to Tiantou.

She is willing to help Gui Zhen, but if she really wants to cause hidden dangers, she will use another method, and would rather introduce him to the ten elder brother's house.

Here in the main room, Gui Zhen is much more refreshing. Hearing that there are soybeans and pig's trotters, she immediately said: "Then I will eat two more pieces later..."

Being an Ama is different, and the expectations for the eldest son and grandson are still different.

Mrs. Uncle is invited to sit in the middle, and Gui Zhen and Shu Shu accompany her.

Brother Jiu said disapprovingly: "Those rules, seniority, etc. are just to fool the outsiders. Shun Anyan made up the third-class bodyguard last year in the spring, and was promoted to the first-class at the end of the year; Buxi seems to be only fifteen, isn't he just a first-class guard?" Waiting for the guard?"

Brother Nine waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, you won't bear it if you don't rise or fall in your rank, as long as you don't feel wronged."

Speaking of it, they are similar to Dong E's family, they are all founding nobles, but their family is the main branch, and their status is similar to that of Peng Chun's family.

Erhe stood up, bowed and said, "Thank you Jiuye!"

However, he is "close to Zhu Zechi", and has suffered from Shu Shu's faults, that is, he doesn't like to support idlers, and he doesn't like to make up for others.

It's not the eyes of a girl anymore...

Those are all super products, so they are naturally qualified to directly make up for the first-class guards.

After Guizhen's back came out of the courtyard, Shu Shu and Mrs. Uncle turned back to the room.

Walnut and Xiaotang were serving meals, serving everyone soybean trotter soup.

Shu Shu nodded, stretched out her arms, and said, "Take off your vest too..."

Mrs. Uncle nodded and said: "If you don't want to fight, it's right to avoid it."

Erhe shook his head and said: "It's not what the slave Ama meant, but the slave thinks so. If it's convenient for Master Jiu, the slave will ask for a vacancy for guards. If it's inconvenient, the slave will find a way to fill the vacancy of the flag outside the palace." .”

But seeing that brother Jiu was not joking, he really thought so, he hurriedly said: "Slave Amak is self-absorbed and dedicated to the public, so I don't want to be biased, the age and qualifications of the slave are here, even if there is a first-class guard vacant, how much is it?" If people wait, it will not be the turn of the servant to be promoted."

Guizhen's sister-in-law is her mother-in-law's cousin.

When the table came, Guizhen's eyes were red. Besides soybeans and pig's trotters, there was also a rice cake with red dates, which was also her favorite.

Erhe looked at Brother Jiu, a little stunned.

After Shu Shu showed her pregnancy, she changed her meal to the floor table.

Shu Shu thought about it, really, she was a little worried, and said, "You won't cause trouble to the master, will you?"

Shu Shu felt a little melancholy.

Mrs. Uncle said: "You look fine, what did you say before?"

Shu Shu glanced at her chest and said with a smile: "Then drink more..."

"Grandpa Fu let it go? Is the old man so partial?"

Not an outsider, Shu Shu was really tired, so she asked, "When will you and your brother-in-law move out?"

According to Fujin, he is the son-in-law of the black girl, and he has good qualifications, but he is young and has not caught up with the war in the Eight Banners.

In that case, it is the third-rank status, which can jump out of the restrictions of other banners, and the scope of filling the vacancies will be larger.

Brother Jiu looked at Erhe with sympathy, and said: "My lord, there are still a few second-class guards vacant here. It's easy for you to come here, but it's just delayed..."

Now they are all women and Taoists, not boudoir children, so they dare to say anything.

"I really miss this..."

Conceived in October, flesh and blood depend on each other.

Erhe became more and more embarrassed, blushing, and said: "We shouldn't bother Fujin at this time..."

Shu Shu sent to the corridor, and it was still Xiao Chun who saw off the guests on her behalf.

Shu Shu wasn't worried about Yuqing Palace, she just said: "Then Yu Qianye, don't hide it, just tell the truth, let's help relatives too."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I know, I have to make up a few guards recently, and they just happened to be together, and tomorrow my master will go to Qianqing Palace..."

It's been three days at the end of the month, and I'm begging for a monthly pass.

The next update will be at 1:30 on December 12st, welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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