Chapter 781 Not Rare

In the evening, Brother Jiu hugged Shu Shu lightly, and began to talk about the guards in the palace who were on duty at night, saying: "At that time, Master thought that he was reluctant to go on duty at night, so he came out of the guards, and he was thinking that maybe this Is it the legendary 'old house on fire'?"

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing: "Isn't the guard in the forehead weak? Why are you getting old?"

Brother Nine said: "That's considered an old bachelor, and it's not easy."

Shu Shu said: "It's also my cousin who was used as news before, and I have lingering fears, and I don't like to be troublesome, otherwise so what if I don't let it go?"

Even if you don't want to fight, you don't have to follow the elder sister-in-law's mind like this.

You must know that there is another word called "instrument".

If it was Shushu, even if he was willing to take a step back, it would not be the way to do so.

At the very least, Erhe's future needs to be arranged by the family, not by the couple.

There is no need to be too sensible.

"Take it down and throw it away..."

He Yuzhu and Sun Jin brought several food boxes.

There is not too much sugar in it, and it is more based on the sugar content of the ingredients and the dried fruit itself.

When Kangxi saw the porridge, he knew it was Brother Jiu's "Your respect", and hummed softly, "It's getting more and more perfunctory..."

Brother Nine snorted softly and said: "If Huang Ama gave me less, if there is a reason, then I will follow; but if Han Ama asked me to give up my share, I would definitely not be happy, I am a filial son It's true, it's not stupid and filial."

Akdon lowered his face and ordered.

Bannermen love to eat sticky rice, and the Laba porridge in the palace is also based on old yellow rice, with several kinds of beans and nuts added.

This is also their filial piety

Speaking of this, he said with a smile: "It would be better if the internal treasury is exhausted. See how extravagant the prince's life is. For a visit to the east, the related various expenses are estimated to be 1 taels. Come a few more times, see Is Khan Amma generous..."

Brother Nine said: "Shall Fourth Brother send it to Old Ten's House?"

Right now, this bowl of Laba porridge is red, and the ingredients are more complicated.

When I asked the people in the imperial dining room, it was true.

But thinking of Erhe's appearance, Brother Jiu said: "What do you call this? This is always a disadvantage for honest people. It is estimated that my father-in-law was thinking like Erhe back then. He took a step back, but this retreat is not good. Just one step!"

Brother Jiu sent He Yuzhu to Ningshou Palace and Sun Jin to Yikun Palace.

She thought about it, and said: "With Heyi here, you should stay away from the affairs of Yuqing Palace. In the future, I will deal with them there. If you are too lazy to talk to me, just don't talk to me. Just keep a respectful distance."

Eunuch Wenda served him two spoonfuls of red Laba porridge, and said: "Jiuye has passed on a message, saying that elder brother is young, you should not eat more Laba porridge, just try it."

Shu Shu said: "I have prepared a lot, and I will send a copy of them all."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I will learn from you in the future, and I will be optimistic about people, but forget about the prince, he is a noble man, and it is not my turn to pick him..."

Love and hate are relatively strong emotions.

Brother Fourteen rubbed his stomach and said, "Why do you eat Laba porridge in Laba, but why don't you eat bacon and sausage?"

There should be a lot of Dongzi vegetables in the greenhouse, why did there not be a follow-up after paying filial piety twice?

Shu Shu nodded, of course she would not make such a mistake.

Who knows if Kangxi will have a convulsion at that time, thinking that the prince's turmoil is being "bullied" by other princes.

The fourteenth elder brother immediately said: "Then I will eat this bowl today, not the one from the palace, the old yellow rice used in the palace is old rice, I don't like to eat..."

Akdon has changed his words, and said: "Don't throw it away, keep it for the general to eat..."

Although it is true that he is stingy and holds grudges, he doesn't have to be so obvious.

Two kinds of Laba porridge today? !

But for children with sensitive senses of smell and taste, there is an obvious smell of storage.

Just as I was talking, the dining room delivered the food.

Next door, Brother Fifteen's meals were also served.

Next door, Akdon's expression was not good.

Because of the early rest, Shu Shu woke up with Brother Jiu.

Silent all night.

Brother Nine curled his lips and said: "The daughter of that branch has a bad temper, so she's really following her roots..."

Brother Fourteen complained.

Shu Shu comforted her and said: "I think too much, the emperor is rich all over the world, and most of what I have is also bestowed by the emperor, the emperor will not do that."

There is also hostility towards Yuqing Palace.

So what about perfunctory?
Didn't you ask me this morning?
Definitely remembering this too!

Today, there will be a big stove in the palace to cook "Laba porridge" and give it to the clan and ministers.

I didn't put soda in it according to the current habit, but used time to let the ingredients blend naturally.

Liang Jiugong was beside him, and couldn't help muttering in his heart.

Elder Brother Fifteen nodded honestly, glanced at the red one, then at the yellow one, and said, "Then can I only eat Brother Nine's?"

As for the eighth elder brother, there is no need to "treat him differently", as long as he is treated the same as the other princes.

Shu Shu said: "We've been through too. We soaked beans, rice and so on last night. My master will enter the palace later and bring a few."

It doesn't matter if the elders eat or not, they got what they wanted.

Brother Jiu curled his lips, and said: "Well, Master understands, he won't confront Yuqing Palace, and don't make excuses, at worst, we will avoid it."

Laba is today.

Brother Thirteen didn't speak, but he also silently made a choice...

Next, Kangxi signaled the eunuch serving food to move the porridge bowl closer, bowed his head and ate two spoonfuls.

To drink Laba porridge, drink it before noon.

In the study room, after the morning reading and morning class, the elder brothers are already hungry, waiting for the breakfast to be delivered.

Shu Shu made another stroke on the "Nine Nine Cold Dispelling Map".

Thinking of Eighth Brother, Ninth Brother felt a headache and said, "Let's send a copy to Eighth Brother too..."

As the old saying goes, "After Laba is the New Year", from now on until the Lantern Festival, the capital will be immersed in the atmosphere of the New Year.

In order to deliver the porridge, he purposely came early, just before breakfast in the palace.

Eunuch Wenda nodded and said, "Then elder brother eat slowly..."

In this way, he could not be blocked in front of the imperial court, and he would be dragged to be buried with him when the crown prince was abolished.

Brother Nine paid too much attention to Yuqing Palace.

The eunuch was still hesitating, hesitating and not daring to move.

He also got the Laba porridge from Brother Jiu, but he didn't care for it!
This is "slap a sweet date"?
He remembered clearly that that Uncle Ninth was not a good person, and he took advantage of the situation to blackmail several properties in the East Palace.

The fourteenth brother was still surprised, but the thirteenth brother had already reacted and said, "Is it sent by the ninth brother?"

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said, "Didn't Ama get out of it too? There are gains and losses in everything, as long as you go as you like."

"The people in the dining room in the palace are really dead. Knowing that Brother Jiu's food is good, can't you ask for more times and change the prescription of the dining room?"

He called the kitchen manager over, pointed to the two food boxes and said, "The one in the big tube is for brothers, and the one in the small tube is for Khan Ama, just serve it with breakfast later."

After breakfast, brother Jiu went to the palace.

Brothers who go to the study room, the daily meals are also provided by the imperial meals of the Qianqing Palace.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Of course! Don't worry, I won't pick up on that, and I won't let Han Ama get involved..."

Brother Nine whispered: "Who said that? I've figured it out. A few days ago, Ama Khan was worried about the profit of more than 100 million taels of silver. I don't know if I heard something?"

When they arrived at Sun Jin's place, they had to go to the right door of Guangsheng, and asked the father-in-law on duty to pass the word, and called Pei Lan to come out, and then delivered the things.

The butler bowed in response.

This is about the eldest grandma of Shu Mulu's family, Guizhen's sister-in-law.

On the contrary, he didn't care about it, so the sensitive eighth elder brother couldn't bear it, and wished to take the initiative to stay away from here in the future...

In addition to her damned obsessive-compulsive disorder, she collected eight types of miscellaneous grains, eight types of beans, eight types of nuts, and dried fruits, so she had this bowl of red-colored Laba porridge that looked rich in ingredients.

Elder Brother Thirteen thought for a while, and said: "Things related to Khan Ama are all big things. If the menu is changed, the various supplies below will also be changed. If something goes wrong, everyone will take responsibility, and I'm afraid they won't be happy about it." changed."

This is also an old custom in Manchuria, who love to eat old rice.

Shu Shu said: "The sticky rice is not easy to digest, so we put miscellaneous grains."

Brother Jiu took a sip and said: "It looks sticky, but it doesn't stick to your mouth when you drink it. It tastes good, and the empress should like it."

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Brother Jiu said: "In the morning, the palace should give 'Laba porridge'..."

When he arrived in the palace, Brother Jiu didn't go to the Yamen of the House of Internal Affairs, but went to the dining room of the Qianqing Palace first.

Hearing this, Shu Shu felt that things were not going well.

Because of this, Ama reprimanded Er Niang, who cried several times.

Ningshou Palace is not in the inner court, so He Yuzhu can go directly.

There was also bacon in the palace earlier, but Elder Fourteen was not used to eating it, but since he ate the bacon and sausage from Elder Ninth, he fell in love with it.

If you don't give it away, in the eyes of others, it would seem that Fujin, Shu Shu, is negligent in his duties, and Han Ama will think that the couple are petty and vengeful, and don't know the general situation.

Otherwise, separated by a palace wall, she would not be able to pay her respects for half a year, and the relationship would be alienated.

A total of several copies were prepared in the palace, besides the Ningshou Palace, Qianqing Palace and Yikun Palace, there was also a bag for the little elder brothers in the study.

Shu Shu said: "No, I like the princess, she is an excellent person."

Shu Shu said without hesitation: "It's fine if I refuse, even if I want to equalize the rich and the poor, I have to be willing to do so."

The General is one of the big dogs raised in Xiefang Palace, and Akdon's favorite dog...

Husband and wife gossiped a few words, then embraced each other and fell asleep.

Brother Fourteen sneered and said: "They don't eat feelings. Throughout the year, there are only a few dishes, and so is Laba porridge. It's the same every year..."

When breakfast was brought up for a while, Brother Jiu looked at the porridge in the bowl, and said in surprise, "Why is it this color?"

"How many good things are there?"

He complained, then fell silent.

Because he found sorghum and corn in it.

This is a bowl of multigrain porridge. There are indeed a lot of things in it, but there are really no expensive ones. The good ones are the same as lotus seeds and red dates, and the rest are all kinds of miscellaneous grains and beans...

(End of this chapter)

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