Brother Jiu arrived at the Yamen early today, and he finished his official duties early, so it was almost the beginning of the year.

He threw an account book to Gao Bin and said, "Don't be idle, you should gather this carefully..."

Gao Bin asked curiously, "Master, what is this?"

Brother Nine said: "For the 'year respect' of the doctors and subordinate officials of the House of Internal Affairs this year, you can estimate a number according to the gift list, fold the silver, and then divide it into first, second, and third grades..."

Gao Bin's face was full of confusion, looking at Brother Jiu, he was speechless.

We didn’t have this last year, so why add it this year?
Whenever Master Jiu is dissatisfied, if he wants to collect more money, it is a matter of one word, but if that happens, the people under them will probably feel uneasy.

This is the Emperor's House of Internal Affairs, not Master Jiu's House of Household Affairs. If you really want to reach out, it's not a long-term solution.

He tentatively asked: "Master Jiu, what are you..."

Brother Nine said: "Reciprocity is a matter of courtesy, you can't just accept it, return the gift according to the level..."

Speaking of this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he said: "My lord, let's see who doesn't 'follow the crowd'..."

Kangxi listened and pondered for a while.

Knowing son Moruo father.

"Where is Fushan? What does he mean?" Kangxi asked.

Brother Jiu said: "Erhe is a bit foolish and filial, and he doesn't know how to be flexible, so he wants to take a step back and make everything happy. If it is a son, it is probably the same. If you don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, you can't be true. Let the old couple turn against each other..."

As soon as Brother Nine arrived at the gate of Qianqing Palace, someone spread the word inside.

After Tong Yuxiu left, Liang Jiugong went in to report.

Heishan recruited his apprentice to be his son-in-law, so it was not easy for him to be naturalized, because his apprentice's household registration was still a servant of Dong E's family.

The Lord worries about the labor of his ministers, and the Lord humiliates his ministers to death.

The householder is the household slave household registration under the name of the Zhenghu Bannerman.

Those who have military merits in Montenegro are qualified to open an account and become account holders.

Both taste rough.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said in a low voice: "Is this considered cronyism?"

It was estimated that half an hour later, a middle-aged official came out of Xinuang Pavilion.

Hearing Brother Jiu see you, he thought of the Laba porridge in the morning.

Whether it is respectful or not, silver is also the most intuitive manifestation.

Not only this Tong Yuxiu, but also the first-class bodyguard that Brother Jiu mentioned to Erhe yesterday, the one with the Yellow Banner Mongolian Deputy Commander, who was actually talking about the Tong family.

As an emperor, between "other people's private slaves" and "one's own people", he is naturally more willing to increase the number of people.

If you think that having Yuqing Palace as a backer is enough confidence, then Brother Jiu will not bear it in vain.

This son looked bluffing, but in fact he was not very courageous, and he followed the rules in everything he did.

Kangxi glanced at him and said: "You are willing, but you are in need of someone to take care of you?"

As he spoke, he talked about Erhe's identity and his relationship with himself.

Liang Jiugong had already opened his mouth and said, "Master Jiu, this is Master Tong."

The family has a shrewd wife, no maids and concubines, and two sons who live here, both of whom are descendants.

Kangxi was depressed.

In the past year, he has often come to Qianqing Palace, so he knows the approximate time when the emperor's father turned over his cards.

The Zhenghu Banner people are the Zhenghu and Baoyi population of the Eight Banners. They are treated the same when they are in the Eight Banners imperial examinations, in the Eight Banners' bidding, and when they make up for the shortage of banners.

The people of the Eight Banners are also divided into high and low classes, divided into Zhenghu banner people and household servants.

As he said that, he mentioned the matter of Heishan's apprentice, and said: "He was an apprentice of Heishan, and he was also born as a servant of his son's father-in-law's family. His Ama followed Peng Chun when he was in Ulan Butong, and he disappeared immediately. It's not that he died. On the battlefield, they fell off the horse when they broke up, and they didn't record the credit... Before the son's father-in-law gave their mentors and apprentices to his son, there was meritorious service in Montenegro, and they were separated, and the son directly made up second-class guards. This kid didn't make up last time. After looking at it for a month and a half, he was much better than the one who came out of the coat. My son wanted to make up for him with a third-class guard. I don't know if there is a precedent. Is he a straight banner man... ..."

It's not good for Liang Jiugong to talk about this with him, so he just pretended not to hear it.

He was a little irritable.

That was in April, and it's only eight months now, and you came back from your post in Guizhou? See you?

The previous situation was just right, the three descendants with close ties to the royal family stand together, which can deter other nobles.

There are only a few surnames in Shangsanqi.

Liang Jiugong said in a low voice: "It's the Tong family, the Guizhou procuratorate Tong Yuxiu has transferred to the Jiangsu procuratorate..."

This is a courtier's housework, and it is common for the clan's daughter to be domineering.

Brother Nine said: "This is the second thing my son wants to tell Han Ama..."

After a while, when he arrived at the Qianqing Palace, he was still dressed like a bell, but it was not the blue face when he visited the mausoleum, but the red Ning silk face.

These so-called "household people", also known as "private coats", accounted for a large proportion of the banner people.

Brother Nine came over with a note and said, "Ama, these are the guards that my son's house has added. You can take a look at it first. If it is suitable, my son will send someone to deliver it to the Ministry of War..."

Kangxi nodded, indicating to Liang Jiugong to pick it up.

Brother Nine thought of He Yi.

Usually at this time, everyone is done.

Guizhou procuratorial envoys transferred to Jiangsu procuratorial envoys. It seems that they are at the same level, but they are different.

However, neither of these two people was born in the Xianghuang Banner, but stayed in the side branch of the Zhenglan Banner.

Kangxi lowered his head and opened the booklet, only to see something wrong in the first line: "Erhe, Zhenghuangqi? What's going on?"

Kangxi listened, not very happy.

Later, when wars continued, these household servants followed their masters to fight as "followers". After making military exploits, they were eligible to open an account.

Liang Jiugong came out, bowed and said: "Master Jiu, the emperor is still summoning ministers."

The bodyguard is a military officer and must be reported to the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War.

Seeing Liang Jiugong's respectful posture, he knew that this was someone with status, but he didn't know who it was.

Household servants are not allowed to participate in the Eight Banners imperial examinations. Even if they become account holders, they cannot be approved as usual, and can only supplement infantry, logistics, craftsmen, etc.

Over the past few decades, the proportion of household members has declined, but it still accounts for [-]% of the men in the Eight Banners.

But after a long time, there are also disadvantages, and it is not easy to move now.

In the dark black end cap, his makeup is too eye-catching.

Otherwise, these old fritters from the Ministry of Internal Affairs will rush to follow suit.

Brother Jiu glanced at him, and said: "If it wasn't for Master Fu's connivance, how could Jue Luo dare to make a fuss?"

And what's with that smell?
A little bland, no rock sugar?
Kangxi was picky in his heart, nodded and asked Liang Jiugong's successor to come in.

Fushan is his trusted minister, he has been the minister of the guard for 20 years, and he also knows the situation of Fushan's family.

There is no shortage of guards from the three banners in each prince's mansion, and most of them are made up by the prince's haha ​​beads.

Kangxi frowned and said, "Confused!"

However, the eldest daughter-in-law ruled over her husband's family, and regarded the lack of guards as something in her pocket, and did not allow younger uncles, which made Kangxi feel uncomfortable.

If someone really doesn't know how to count and despise Brother Nine, then they should also get rid of two of them, killing chickens and scaring monkeys.

It's normal for He Yi's family to give him an annual gift, but who knows what he thinks in his heart.

Gao Bin happily said: "Slave check it carefully!"

Brother Jiu really didn't understand, so he came over to ask.

These two were lucky, the emperor wanted to promote Tong's family, and Erlundai's room had already been ordered, but Tong Guowei's room was not mentioned, so the rest were members of the Pangzhi tribe.

Kangxi said: "It's okay, but if there is no merit, it should stop here."

According to the trial in the fifth year of Shunzhi, [-]% of the men of the Eight Banners were household servants.

If the guards were only selected from the Baoyi population, they could be handed over directly to the Ministry of War, without going through the imperial court at all.

"My son has dealt with him a few times, and he is a very honest person. I found out that my son's house is also lacking people, so I thought of getting the best of both worlds. Neither Heishan nor Fuqing were born as guards. As for the guards Yesheng, he passed by and set up the booth, so my son can save some energy..."

Brother Jiu nodded reservedly: "Master Tong is also well."

He didn't read the news in a hurry, but looked at Brother Jiu and said: "Let's talk, but what's wrong?"

He had an impression of this Tong Yuxiu. In the first half of this year, Sheng Jia came to the dragon boat to pay his respects during his southern tour. It was at that time that he was promoted, from the fourth rank of Jiangnan Fenglu Road to the third rank of Guizhou Inspectorate.

A Zhengsanpin in a remote place, and a Zhengsanpin in Jiangnan.

Brother Jiu heard this and said: "It's okay. In a few years, my son will make up for him in the northwest. He can draw a ten-strength bow and train soldiers. He trained the guards on his son's side. It’s not big, but it’s worth it, it’s a pity to just be a guard.”

Brother Jiu said: "These people around my son are just a follower to make up the numbers, so they don't need it. The capital is peaceful, and ordinary ones are fine. Too good ones are wasted."

Brother Nine asked curiously, "Haven't you met anyone at this point?"

But Kangxi remembered clearly that there was no such person in Brother Nine's haha ​​beads.

He promoted the Tong family, but he didn't want to stay by his side, so he had to let him out.

Tong Yuxiu bowed and said: "Slave Tong Yuxiu has seen Lord Jiu, please be safe..."

Brother Nine laughed and said, "I really can't hide anything from Khan Ama, there is one thing, my son is not sure about it, I want to ask you to help me see if it's okay..."

Whose Laba porridge puts sorghum and corn?

This is the money that should be filial according to the rules, and he accepted it calmly, without any intention of extorting more, but if anyone fools him, then he must know it well and not be treated as a fool.

At the end, he felt grievanced, and said: "Who is born later, there is nothing you can do..."

If you really want to ask him to say that the "young son guards the stove" outside the customs is also a fairer way.

The eldest sons are in the front row, and they have been educated by the young and strong fathers, learned the skills of making contributions, and also received the support of the family; when the younger sons were born, the fathers were already old and could no longer lead the younger sons to make contributions. It makes sense to leave a legacy.

In this way, in the future, there will not be too much difference between the brothers.

Like the Confucian eldest son inheritance system, just because he is the first child, he enjoys most of the family resources to himself, which is too unfair to other children...

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