Chapter 784 The Palace of Harvesting Fang

Brother Nine couldn't hear it any more, so he increased his footsteps.

Shu Shu glanced at the door.

Walnut picked up the curtain, and Brother Nine and Brother Ten came in.

Ten Fujin had already stood up, looked at Elder Brother Ten, and said joyfully, "Master Ten!"

The tenth elder brother nodded, and raised his chin in the direction of the ninth elder brother.

Ten Fujin obediently said, "Ninth Brother..."

Brother Jiu gave Shi Fujin an angry look.

"One husband and two wives" is still reasonable. In Manchuria, they married together in the early years, and there were times when there were multiple wives in Mongolia.

But where did the "one wife, two husbands" come from?
Does Abahai still have such old customs?
Could it be from Mobei Mongolia?

The matching tableware has an extra Mongolian knife.

Elder Brother Ten was alert, and felt that what he had heard before might have been misunderstood, so he asked Shi Fujin, "What did you say just now? Didn't you say that you need to take care of the glutinous rice balls and sesame candies?"

Elder Brother Ten looked at Shu Shu gratefully.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

I really don't know what's interesting, the young couple is sticky, why did he get in the way?

Elder Brother Ten was already looking forward to hearing a half-sentence.

Whether it is "one husband and two wives" or "one wife and two husbands" depends on fate.

It's just that apart from Kangxi, there is also the prince who arrived in Beijing in the morning.

Kangxi smiled, looked at the prince and said: "The prince is a hero, Father Xiao, I am so relieved!"

It takes a mile and a half before and after, and it is not easy if it is all mountain roads.

All are delicious.

Now there are rumors that the Guanyin Temple will be rebuilt in the spring of next year.

Guanyin Temple is a ruined and abandoned ancient temple hundreds of feet away from Hongluo Temple.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I will climb next year. I heard that the Guanyin Temple is being rebuilt over there, and the 'Guanyin Road' is being built to worship hundreds of Guanyin. When the time comes, I will go there to ask for a son. If you want to be pious, this end should be A lot of bumps..."

Kangxi praised: "I ate it once before, the taste is fresh and tender, and I am very happy. This is my son's filial piety, haha!"

It is also a warning to the royal family and dignitaries that enough is enough and no more ideas about bamboo are allowed.

The father-in-law is like a mother-in-law, and the uncle is like a mother-in-law.

After a while, lunch will be served.

Shu Shu was speechless, and pinched Brother Jiu's waist from behind.

A half-foot plate of lamb chops, a cabbage roll, a coir rain cucumber, and refreshing shredded radish, followed by two main dishes, one with Mongolian fruit and the other with milk tofu.

He felt that his younger brother should stand up and learn from his elder brother, with the air of the head of the family...

He is also old now and has his own judgment.

If Zhang Concubine is such a frivolous and bullying person, the imperial father will not tolerate it.

Elder Brother Ten looked at her round face, and wanted to remind her that if she ate again, she wouldn't be able to hold her, but she also knew that was inappropriate, so she nodded and said, "Okay..."

In the early years, during the funeral of Concubine Wen Xi, Mrs. Dong said a lot of strange things in front of Elder Brother Shi.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Then it's delicious, appetizing, and I've lost weight. If there is anything you want to eat, tell me, and I will change it..."

Brother Jiu couldn't get over the listening, so he snorted softly and said, "What's the matter?"

After hearing this, Brother Jiu was really a little nervous, and said to Shu Shu: "That smell is a bit pungent, don't smoke you..."

Do not move indecently.

The Yamen is about to be sealed.

It takes an hour...

He knew that the emperor's father praised and valued Tong's family, so he didn't reject Tong Guowei's overtures too much.

Ten Fujin was beside him, he had already picked up the Mongolian knife, and said to Elder Brother Ten, "Master, shall I carve meat for you too?"

Except for Brother Jiu who had a plate of soy sauce in front of him, in front of the others, besides the dinner plate, there was also a five-inch plate with wild leek flowers in it.

The Abahai tribe is a Mongolian tribe that went south...

This is the imperial palace, each palace has its own owner, the ones belonging to the crown prince are Yuqing Palace and Xiefang Palace.

Such a big baby, who is obviously married, but still dotes on her lively and cute, isn't that considered coaxing?
Ten Fujin took a flattery and said, "Then will you also buy me some delicious food?"

After the crown prince finished washing up, the chief eunuch of Yuqing Palace and the chief eunuch of Xiefang Palace also came to report the affairs of the two palaces these days.

Shu Shu has already called Walnut to her side, and whispered about adding food at noon.

Shu Shu felt that she had verified the "sleeping weight loss method".

Mrs. Uncle has a fairly close relationship with this concubine brother, and even Dong E's family is also close with this branch.

Elder Brother Ten nodded.

After the prince returned to the palace, he came to pay his respects, and Kangxi stayed for dinner.

Brother Jiu changed his mouth after being pinched, coughed lightly, and said: "It's not good to eat too much. It will be hard work to climb the mountain at Hongluo Temple next year, and you have to kowtow then, don't delay!"

Don't say anything rude, is it right to say this?

Brother Nine glared at Brother Ten.

Ten Fujin pulled the sleeve of Elder Brother Ten, and said: "I was talking to Sister-in-law Jiu about this. It turns out that glutinous rice balls and sesame candy may not necessarily be a couple, but they may be sisters or brothers. Then you can't have a bunny. With a rabbit..."

Elder Brother Ten remembered something, and said to Shu Shu: "Sister-in-law Nine, Shuncheng's royal family, Norob, has changed from Deputy Commander of the Han Army with the Red Banner to Deputy Commander of the Manchuria with the Blue Banner."

With the addition of the tenth elder brother and the ninth elder brother, these are definitely not enough.

Different from the silence and gloom before he left Beijing, the prince was a little more flamboyant, and said with a smile: "It's half-year-old venison, it's tender and easy to eat, it's delicious when braised or roasted, thinking about Khan Ama It's just right to eat..."

Shu Shu nodded with a smile, and said: "The one is bigger, the one is as thick as a finger, and it needs to be attached to the tendons. You can eat it directly..."

Shifu Jin happily said: "It's similar to what I ate when I was in Abahai, except that there are more stir-fried vegetables and side dishes!"

Brother Jiu wiped his hands, and said to Shu Shu: "Don't use the knife, how to cut it, tell the master, and the master will cut it for you."

I only planned to eat it for my sister-in-law before, so I didn’t call it a side dish, except for a hand-held lamb chop, a vegetable roll, and two side dishes.

He handled it like this without the slightest sense of awe!

The matching drink is the authentic Mongolian pot tea.

Now the remaining bamboo forest has erected a stele, with the words "Royal Bamboo Forest" written on it, and the fact that Kangxi descended to appreciate bamboo is also marked at the bottom.

The ninth elder brother looked at the tenth elder brother and said, "Ama Khan will go to Nanyuan Xingwei in a few days, will you go?"

Shu Shu knew that even though this was the same level, it was still a step closer, so she nodded and said, "That's really good news, let's tell Ah Mou later."

And Concubine Yi's mother has a good relationship with her mother-in-law, so she won't sit idly by.

It's really not easy for the prince Fujin to be in front of him.

After leaving Qianqing Palace, the prince returned to Yuqing Palace.

The staple food also includes a bowl of mutton noodle soup and a cage of mutton siu mai.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "Be good, why did you come back at noon?"

Akdon took back the Laba porridge given by elder brother Jiu and fed it to the dog!

When facing Shu Shu, he had already changed his appearance, and said softly: "Did the child make trouble today?"

The prince also laughed, hesitating for a moment.

This refers to the kowtow when offering incense.

The tenth elder brother knew the fault of his ninth elder brother, and he didn't like these strong smells, so he glanced at the ninth elder brother.

It is also appropriate.

Ten Fujin and Ten Elder Brother both looked over.

It just so happens that Brother Nine likes to be noisy these days, eating leek flowers, so it's better to keep a distance.

That's not only his uncle, but also the current prince!

Elder Brother Ten was at the side, behind the couple's back, rolled his eyes.

It's not that he dislikes Shifu Jin's fatness, but he also plans to have a son-in-law early, fearing that it will not be easy to have a child.

Today's imperial meal is mainly venison. This is not the annual tribute and fresh tribute of General Shengjing, but the capture of the crown prince's eastward tour.

Elder Brother Shi hesitated for a moment, and said, "Look at Ama Khan!"

In addition, there are two hot dishes added later, pot-packed pork and fried shredded pork with sauerkraut.

Ten Fujin said to Ten Elder Brother: "I brought my sister-in-law a jar of chive flowers, and it was elder brother who brought it this time. At first, I was afraid that Nine Sister-in-law would smell disgusting, so I didn't give it when I delivered the beef jerky last time. Now Nine Sister-in-law Don't vomit, just try..."

Brother Jiu agreed, picked a lamb chop, and shaved the meat for Shu Shu.

Kangxi felt palpitations inexplicably, remembering the news from Xiefang Palace.

The prince is in his prime and has the power to fight a tiger.

Even though he had never dealt with Zhang Bin, he knew his imperial father somewhat.

Brother Jiu looked at it and felt it was an eyesore.

After hearing this, Shi Fujin went in, and immediately said to Elder Brother Ten, "Master, don't look for food, let's go climbing next year!"

Elder Brother Shi did not refuse either, and accepted it calmly.

Brother Ten couldn't help laughing, and glanced at Brother Nine.

Brother Jiu said: "I don't plan to go, if you want to go, use the carriage here."

Otherwise, it would be hard work to go back and forth twice a day from the south city to the north city.

Although I've asked the imperial physician, it's not a problem these days, and husband and wife can get close, but they can't be old and unruly.

Now my stomach is upright, but I don't feel fat anywhere else on my body.

It should be a nonsense deliberately provoked by Dong.

If the ages are too far apart, it's not easy to study and work as an errand.

Shi Fujin also suppressed a smile, and murmured to Elder Brother Ten: "Brother Ninth is a child, how nice it is, master coax me too..."

Before, Shu Shu sympathized with his hard work and refused to let him come back at noon.

It will take an hour...

Elder Brother Shi nodded on Shi Fujin's nose.

If it wasn't for coaxing Shi Fujin, there wouldn't be such a menu at noon.

The couple had gossiped about this before, and they both thought that the abbot was "causing disaster to the east" in order to preserve the endangered bamboo.

Like a wicked mother-in-law!
This is also a strange phenomenon in Aixinjueluo's family.

But Elder Brother Ten was also tempted.

Brother Nine said: "It's fine this afternoon, Master came back just in time to see Old Ten coming back..."

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine, smiled and said, "I ate twice during the northern tour last year, and I really thought about it..."

The royal meal is also on display.

Don't bother...

Kangxi still had a smile on his face, but felt a little harsh.

Shu Shu asked the walnuts to add a pot of meat and a sauerkraut fried rice.

At that time, the nephew on Brother Jiu's side can also grow up in class to class.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go shopping later when you want to eat."

In the eyes of the prince, this Khan Ama has loose teeth, so he should pay attention to eating?
The prince didn't realize it, and was still talking about his hunting record, with faint pride: "My son shot and killed two tigers, captured four cubs, and placed them in the paddock palace. When they grow up, they will be released..."

The Ninth Brother who was in front of others was still the old Ninth Brother; the Ninth Brother who was in front of Nine Sister-in-Law had already changed into a living person.

Ten Fujin asked curiously: "Do you still climb mountains? I haven't climbed this year, and I only kowtowed once."

It was then that I understood the meaning.

Kangxi had a proud expression on his face, but he thought of Tong Guowei meeting the prince in his heart.

The people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs were sent to the capital just for "Your Majesty".

The official business that can be handled is almost finished.

What did you say?

Elder Brother Shi understood it, this is a small rabbit, and the male and female have not yet been separated.

It's not a small amount of food, but sleep is an hour longer than before pregnancy.

He was actually quite interested in Nanyuan, because the abandoned concubine Dong Shi moved to Nanyuan.

Because of this, Elder Brother Ten misunderstood Concubine Zhang and almost blamed Elder Thirteen.

But now he is interceding for Tong's family, he has to think again, and he can't intervene rashly...

The Fifth Prince was really too ruthless, if the abbot didn't think about it, the bamboo forest would be cut off.

Yuqing Palace has a Crown Princess in charge, and everything is as usual.

There were several quarrels in Xiefang Palace. First, the second elder brother ordered to kill the eldest elder brother's general Black Dog.

Then the elder brother fought with the second elder brother, and the second elder brother fought back after being chased and beaten.

Li Gege favored the elder brother and reprimanded the second elder brother...

(End of this chapter)

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