My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 785 Khan Ama Knows

Chapter 785 Khan Ama Knows (Second Monthly Pass)
The prince felt a headache.

This is the palace!

Eunuchs, court ladies, Bao Yi, how many pairs of eyes are watching!

He rubbed his brows and said, "Why did Second Elder Brother ask someone to beat Big Elder Brother's dog to death?"

The second elder brother has been smart since he was a child. Although he is three years younger than the eldest elder brother, he is already at an age where he can reason.

On weekdays, the brothers get along well. Although the second elder brother is a younger brother, he knows how to respect his elder brother and does not compete with the eldest brother.

The chief eunuch lowered his chin and said: "On the day of Laba, the elder brother asked someone to take Laba porridge from the upper study room and fed it to the general. The second elder brother went over and said that the general was stubborn and spilled the porridge bowl of the elder brother. , causing people to strangle to death..."

The prince's face was livid, he patted the table and said: "You bastard!"

Naturally, this is not about the second elder brother, but the eldest elder brother who acted recklessly.

He got up "teng", strode out of Yuqing Palace, and went to Xiefang Palace.

Yuqing Palace is narrow, and there is only such a large space in front and back.

In a short time, someone reported to the princess.

Mammy showed concern, and said, "Your Majesty really doesn't care about that side?"

The princess smiled wryly and said: "What do you do? Why bother to please? The second elder brother is smart for such a mother, it's a pity..."

Being implicated by the elder brother, the second elder brother also registered in front of the imperial court.

The third elder brother has already returned to Yuqing Palace, and now he is being raised by the Crown Princess.

In the future of these emperors and grandchildren, the third elder brother must be ranked ahead of the second elder brother.

It's just that the third elder brother is already four years old, and he is a child with ordinary qualifications. He is much worse than the fifteenth elder brother, let alone compared with the second elder brother.

Although the second elder brother didn't get the permission to go to the study, but he followed the enlightenment of the Eastern Palace staff, and I heard that he has completed three hundred thousand...

At this moment, the prince has arrived at Xiefang Hall and Li Gege.

Li Gege got the news and knew that the prince would return to the palace in the morning, and he had already dressed up and waited.

Seeing the prince coming, she warmly went forward.

"Grandpa, you are back..."

There was honey in her voice, and she leaned on the prince as she spoke.

The crown prince became irritable, he stretched out his hand to stop him, and said, "Speak well!"

Enchanting and enchanting, I don't know how to be dignified.

In a few years, Akdon will be an adult, and she is also going to be a mother-in-law, and she still thinks about these things of competing for favor and flattery all day long.

Li Gege noticed that his face was ugly, and he said with grievance: "It's true, the slave didn't recruit you, whoever recruited you, who will go if you get angry?"

She knew that the crown prince had returned to Yuqing Palace before, so she thought it was due to some unhappiness with the crown prince.

The prince's face was very ugly, he looked at her and said: "Second elder brother is at fault, the princess is the one to discipline me, it's your turn to get angry?"

Li Gege was dumbfounded, and said: "That's the slave's son, the slave can't discipline him anymore?"


The prince patted the table and said, "That's the son of Gu He and the princess!"

Li Gege's face was pale, he looked at the prince, and said with red eyes: "What does the Lord mean? What does the empress mean? This is not enough to raise the third elder brother, but also to rob the second elder brother?"

The prince narrowed his eyes, very excited.

Acton is gone.

Even if Yuqian hadn't registered, it would be unbearable for him to be so stupid at the age of nine.

I didn't see anything when I didn't go to the study room earlier, and the rules were good on weekdays; but in the past year when I went to the study room, there were several mistakes.

Even if the prince protects the calf in his heart, it cannot be said that Akdon acted properly.

Three years old, and Akdon is already nine years old. He was completely crooked under the influence of his biological mother.

The crown prince glared at Li Gege, and said: "You are such a good boy! Starting today, the second elder brother will move to Yuqing Palace and raise him alone!"

Li Gege wanted to stop him, but he hesitated when he heard this sentence, but he still said: "Master, why don't we treat each other more favorably? Akton should be sad, and I've been thinking about you these days..."

The prince said impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense, how can Gu have so much time to take care of the children, isn't there a teacher in the study?"

Li Gege said: "Then why don't you take Akton away, the second elder brother is still young, and I have to take care of this slave..."

The prince said with a dark face, "Gu didn't discuss it with you, if you really love the second elder brother, you will stay away from him in the future."

Li Gege burst into tears, and said: "Is it the empress who forbids it? The empress still wants to raise my second elder brother..."

The prince looked at Li Gege and said, "Where is your private house? Since the birth of Akton, your monthly salary has been subsidized by you, and the monthly bills of Akton and the second elder brother are also kept by you. After all these years, it should not There is less money..."

Li Gege's eyes flickered, he didn't dare to look directly into the prince's eyes, he stroked his temples and said: "My brother used money before, and I lent them."

The crown prince's eyes were filled with waves, and he said, "Didn't it be given to Madam He?"

Nanny He, the crown prince's wet nurse, was executed along with her husband and children in the first lunar month.

Li Gege trembled, and with a forced smile on his face, he said: "Then... maybe the servant has misremembered it, and the nanny borrowed it from the servant once..."

"At the beginning of last winter, the princess 'borrowed' after she was diagnosed with pregnancy..." The prince's voice was cold.

Of course he knows the importance of his son, and he also knows how much his father looks forward to his grandson.

If that child is born, he will be about the same age as the eighteenth elder brother, already half a year old.

It was really the emperor's father who was too mean to Akton, with his undisguised dislike, and even brought the second elder brother together.

At that time, the prince thought that the second elder brother was involved by Akton, and felt that the emperor's father's anger was inexplicable.

There is also Li Gege's side. I used to praise Li Gege because "mother is more valuable than son", but he was not the only favorite, nor did he spoil his concubine and destroy his wife. Why did the emperor find it hard to tolerate?

Before that, the prince didn't think of other places.

But when the emperor's father spoke to ask the princess to teach the third elder brother, he noticed something was wrong.

Akdon's unruliness is different.

As the eldest son of Yuqing Palace, Akdon was very well-behaved when he was a child, and he was not a child who was naturally arrogant.

He is old enough to understand the difference between a concubine and a concubine.

There is also the arrogance of the Li family, which is completely unreasonable.

The Guerjia family is the prince's serious Yue family, and they are still cautious in their words and deeds.

The prince is not a fool either, if he senses something is wrong, he will be able to find out the general reason through this investigation.

He also understood why the emperor was so mean to Li Gege.

Li Gege is a sinner!

For the sake of the two emperors and grandchildren, she was not dealt with, but she was not allowed to ascend to the high position again.

The second elder brother was not implicated by Akton, but by Li Gege.

"Khan Ama knows!"

The prince's voice was cold.

He also understood why Khan Ama bypassed him and executed Nanny He and Ling Pu directly.

These two people interfered with the royal heirs, which was a big taboo.

If he uncovered it and dealt with it, he would have the reputation of "not knowing people clearly" and "doting concubines and destroying wives".

The nobles of the Eight Banners have relatives, and the Guerjia family is a rich family. If the matter is revealed, he, the crown prince, will be disgraced.

The emperor's father loved his son, so he directly used other excuses to execute those two people.

Li Gege's body softened, and there was a bit of fear on his face.

The prince glanced at her and said: "If you really love the second elder brother, just pretend you don't have this son, and don't meddle in his affairs..."

Li Gege still wanted to speak, but the prince frowned and said, "Ama Khan didn't attack you, but to save face for the orphans. Do you really want to go to the Punishment Department? At the time, Nanny Liu and Nanny He in the Second Institute What is the end? Put to death, Ji did not..."

Li Gege's teeth were shaking and he was speechless.

The prince strode out and went to the side hall where the second elder brother lived.

The small figure was sitting upright behind the desk, copying a book.

Looking at it like that, it is very distracting.

The prince stopped the eunuch who was about to greet him, and walked forward gently, and frowned when he saw what was copied.

"Book of Filial Piety"...

Mrs. Li is a jerk, he doesn't know the seriousness.

If this spreads outside, what will others think of Second Elder Brother?

I thought he had something unfilial to be punished like this.

Maybe it was because of his heavy breathing, the second elder brother noticed something, raised his head, saw him coming, his face showed joy, then he put down his pen, approached but respectfully said: "Ama..."

The prince pointed to the "Book of Filial Piety" and said, "Have you read all the words?"

The second elder brother's face was a little red, and he said: "I only know about [-]%..."

The prince nodded and said: "It's not bad, I didn't recognize everything when I was your age..."

The second elder brother had joy on his face.

There is no child who does not like to be praised.

The prince said: "Why did you ask someone to kill Akdon's dog?"

The second elder brother's smile froze, and he whispered: "The dog ate the big brother's porridge..."

The prince was much relieved after hearing this.

Really smart.

I can understand that it is inappropriate and give an appropriate solution.

He was only six years old, and he was more thoughtful than Akton.

The prince misunderstood.

He thought it was Laba porridge from the dining room of the Qing Palace.

If that's the case, it's a royal gift.

The second elder brother's solution in this way is the most appropriate way to turn Akdon's "big disrespect" into a vicious dog grabbing food.

When the study was over and the prince sent someone to send Akdun to reprimand him, he realized that it was not the "Laba porridge" from the Qianqing Palace, but the "Laba porridge" brought into the palace by Brother Jiu.

Akton also said angrily: "I told my second brother, and the second brother asked someone to strangle the general to death. How unreasonable is that?"

The prince's face became more and more ugly, and he said: "The porridge of brother Jiu, the emperor drank it, the queen mother drank it, and the other brothers in the study also drank it, why can't you drink it?"

For Akton, the emperor is the lord, and Brother Jiu is also the lord.

The prince looked at Akdon, feeling strange.

How dare a concubine grandson of Yuqing Palace despise the prince so carelessly?
The previous time when I beat Brother Fifteen, I could say that it was a child who got angry, and I didn't know the severity; this time Brother Nine brought in the porridge properly, and he still wanted to make a fuss.

As a prince himself, he never dared to belittle Prince Yu and Prince Gong.

Seniors and young are orderly, and there are differences in respect and inferiority.

Akdon saw that he was upset, and felt a little guilty. He also argued: "My son is afraid that he will hold grudges and let others play tricks on him, so he dare not eat..."

Before the words were finished, there was a "pop", and the prince's big-eared melon seeds had already come down.

Akdon was short of stature, and was thrown out all of a sudden, and fell to the ground...

(End of this chapter)

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