Chapter 786 Godson
Akton was already stupid.

His face was pale with shock, but the place where he was slapped quickly swelled up.

The prince thought of his eloquent words just now, exactly the same as Li Gege.

Son and mother.

stupid thing!
The second elder brother is so smart, but he was implicated by this stupid mother and son.

The crown prince looked at Akton with undisguised disgust on his face, and said, "What kind of daydream? Do you think that you are the eldest son, and you will be the future crown prince? A concubine, since he is the eldest son, he has delusional thoughts, which is extremely ridiculous. !"

Speaking of this, he thought of his eldest brother, and thought of too much. This eldest brother was depressed when he was young, and sneered at Akdon: "Stop daydreaming! Your mother is frivolous and rude, meddling in the education of the emperor's grandson." , from now on, you will become a court lady, so you can be a concubine elder brother in peace!"

Of course, Akdon knew the difference between his son and his concubine.

Before he boasted that his status was precious, it was because he knew that his biological mother was a "Prince Concubine", but he didn't formally ask for it.

He hastily said: "Ama, although Erniang has made mistakes, I ask Amana to take care of her son and younger brother, and give Erniang some face!"

The crown prince looked at him, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and said: "You don't deserve to save face for you alone, as for the second elder brother, don't worry about it..."

There are other princesses in Yuqing Palace, but their status is not high.

The prince thought about the matter of the emperor's father finding adoptive mothers for the little princes, so he had other plans.

Later, you can discuss with the emperor's father, choose the daughter of a foreign relative to enter the Yuqing Palace, or choose a beautiful daughter from the Household Palace to enter the Yuqing Palace, and choose a decent and good-behaved adoptive mother for the second elder brother.

Akdon couldn't bear it anymore, sobbing softly...

The farce of Yuqing Palace spread to Qianqing Palace that night.

Kangxi listened, noncommittal.

He doesn't intend to interfere with the prince teaching his son, and he doesn't lack the emperor's grandson...

From the moment Akdon made his move on the fifteenth elder brother, this emperor and grandson had been abandoned in his eyes.

Two days later, on the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, all the yamen in the capital were sealed, including the House of Internal Affairs.

Except for the on-duty Lang Zhong and the principal, no one else needs to sit in the yamen.

Brother Jiu is going on vacation too.

Before the vacation, he came to Qianqing Palace to send "Nian Jing".

Kangxi thought he came here to explain the matter of Ri Nanyuan, and complained to Liang Jiugong: "One day I made up my mind. Before I asked him to go, he had a cough and was afraid of the wind, so he changed his mind again..."

Liang Jiugong didn't answer the call.

Brother Jiu is a lover of happiness.

There are so many princes and elder brothers, only he and ten elder brothers changed carriages when they entered Dongyue.

It is still "May [-]th" weather, so I should not be happy to go to Nanyuan paddock.

Maybe it's for something else.

After a while, Brother Nine came in with a proud face, held the booklet in both hands, and said: "Ama Khan, this is the 'nian tribute' prepared by my son..."

Kangxi laughed when he heard this, and said, "I still have a share?"

Of course he knows the word "Nian Jing", and he also knows that it is an official practice.

I just didn't expect Brother Nine to play tricks and call the New Year ceremony a "Nian respect".

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Of course, the Ministry of Internal Affairs is the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Khan Ama. If there is a boss, it must be you Khan Ama. My son has prepared a 'year respect' for you according to the rules!"

Kangxi was in a good mood, and was also willing to coax his son, saying: "Then I have seen and seen..."

Liang Jiugong took the excerpt and presented it to the emperor.

Kangxi read it, and the first item was "300 taels of silver"...

Similar words, brother Jiu also mentioned it last year, it was not so formal, and the money was brought over directly, and the amount was not as large as this year.

He was not surprised, he just said: "Don't have money in your hands, if you have money, you have to spend it..."

There was news from the Ministry of Internal Affairs before, that is, Brother Jiu also returned the New Year gift to the officials.

Kangxi also knows the general content of the New Year Ceremony.

That is also a lot of throwing fees.

Brother Nine said: "Don't worry, Ama Khan, it doesn't matter if my son can't save money here, but his son Fujin can save money. The silver houses, restaurants, and pastry shops under his name are all doing well..."

When Kangxi listened, he became more and more worried.

He looked at Brother Nine and said: "That is Dong E's private property, what has it to do with you, you are not afraid of Dong E's family's jokes?"

Brother Jiu said confidently: "Son Fujin's, isn't it his son's? If you divide the inside and outside, you will be far away. Besides, you have also divided the property for your son. There are Zhuangzi and shops, and you will earn a lot in that year. gone."

In addition, on the side of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there are three festivals and two longevity, not just a "yearly respect".

Therefore, even if [-]% of the "Nian Jing" silver is taken out, [-]% will be rewarded, [-]% will be filial to the mother, and [-]% will be sent to Qianqing Palace, he will not feel bad.

My father-in-law reminded me that this is Khan Ama's House of Internal Affairs, not my own.

I should know the size.

The second item in the gift list is "a pair of gold Ruyi, weighing 99 taels and nine cents".

Kangxi pointed to that and said, "What is Ruyi doing?"

Brother Jiu said: "'Heavy money to ward off evil spirits', my son saw that his son Fujin had made Jin Ruyi before, and he looked golden, and it looked good on display, so he wanted to honor the pair of Khan and Ama, and the empress also honored a pair of little ones. Yes, Khan Ama is the son of heaven, and all evils will not invade, but this is the filial piety of a son, looking at this, it is like seeing a son..."

Kangxi was not happy when his son left the palace as an adult.

Hearing this, he ironed in his heart, but said: "You know how to spend money like crazy, isn't it the time to be poor last year?"

Last year, for the thousands of taels of silver that were rewarded at the end of the year, how much I had to grind my teeth with myself.

Brother Nine straightened his back and said: "Thanks to Han Ama, my son's bloodstone business has also started to return money. If you want to honor Han Ama, you can also be filial. If you just play with your mouth, your son will be embarrassed to go You come forward..."

The bottom part is finely broken.

Two cashmere hats, one maroon and one royal blue.

There are two cashmere clothes, one in maroon and one in royal blue.

Two pairs of mille-soled cashmere ankle boots, one pair of maroon and one pair of royal blue.

Two pairs of Songjiang cloth socks, one pair of blessing characters, one pair of swastika patterns...

Kangxi looked at it, feeling numb in his heart.

Brother Jiu proudly said: "This is the material from the Jiangning cashmere factory. Cao Yin found a craftsman and prepared a slurry for cleaning the cashmere, so that the current cashmere is not the same as the two previous ones, and is not the same as that of Europa. The ones on the other side are not bad in comparison. Two bolts of material were delivered, which felt soft and light. My son thought that this is also a happy event, so he asked someone to make these two spring clothes. I wear thin silk cotton, and I can wear it after the beginning of spring; another set without lining, I can wear it in February..."

Kangxi snorted softly: "Nonsense, how can I wear this color well?"

Brother Jiu said: "Why is it not easy to wear? The Chinese New Year is just in time for the occasion. Khan Ama, you can't always wear indigo, gray blue, and gray regular clothes, which will make people lose your spirit. You are the same as your son. You are all white, and you wear red." Just right, bright..."

Kangxi glanced at him and said, "How do you talk? What does it mean that I am the same as you, and what does it mean that you are the same as me!"

Brother Jiu laughed and said, "It's about the same. Father and son are the same. My son doesn't know your size, Khan Ama, so I guessed it. It's an inch and a half bigger than your son's, and your shoulders are bigger." One inch, and three inches added to the waist, but this is a good material, and there is a margin, if there is something you don't like, you can tell someone to change it..."

Kangxi glanced at Brother Jiu's figure twice.

According to this addition, it is about the same size as him.

He felt uncomfortable again, looked at Brother Jiu's new clothes, and said, "Don't waste your time eating and dressing all day long, study hard, and learn more about business..."

Brother Jiu drooped the corners of his mouth when he heard this, and said, "Ama Khan, in ten days or so, my son will be eighteen, so there is no need to rush to study, the teachers are all in the cabinet, and the court is still busy with important affairs. Let's forget about it?"

Kangxi frowned and said, "Isn't there still Zhang Tingzan? I pointed you to a scholar of the Hanlin Academy, so that you can be used as an ordinary official? Study "Zhou Li" well, and ask Zhang Tingzan if you don't understand it!"

Brother Nine was surprised and said: "Ama Khan, what do you mean? Isn't Mr. Zhang the son of Dianyi?"

Kangxi snorted softly, "What are the ceremonial responsibilities of the Prince's Mansion?"

Brother Nine hesitated and said, "'Holding the Ritual Festival, Daoyin'..."

Kangxi said: "Isn't it his duty to accompany you to learn "Zhou Li" and correct etiquette?"

Brother Nine heard that this was wrong, and said: "Ama Khan, but is there something wrong with your son's actions recently?"

Kangxi glared at him, and said: "How did you give the annual gift? If you are impatient, you can ask the master of ceremonies to come forward on your behalf. How do you think, you still favor one person over another?"

Brother Jiu said awkwardly: "You are talking about Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang? My son is thinking about it. Fujin is now pregnant with twins and working hard. My son will go to the Dutong Mansion to show his face and tell his son and mother-in-law to let them not Worried; on the teacher's side, my son didn't know him well, so I wanted to be more polite. On Uncle Wang's and Uncle Wang's side, my son was a little embarrassed, so I asked the brothers for an example. The Master of Ceremonies went to Starling's side, so my son told Lao Ten, and they all followed the example of the older brothers..."

Kangxi shook his head and said, "It's the first year for you to open the government, so why ask about this year's case? Shouldn't you inquire about last year's case?"

Brother Nine whispered: "My son also inquired about last year's case. Last year, Chang Shi went with the master of ceremonies..."

He is also an errand, can he be so sloppy?

Kangxi frowned and said, "Last year, all your brothers had filial piety!"

Brother Nine suddenly realized, with annoyance on his face, he said: "Son didn't expect this, it is indeed that the son disrespected the uncle and uncle, and also misled the old ten, he is young, he follows the son act..."

Kangxi knew that he didn't do it on purpose, but was just negligent, so he calmed down a little, and said: "It's good that you know it in your heart, don't mess up the distance!"

Brother Jiu listened with his hands down, nodded obediently, and said: "My son knows that apart from the family members, uncle Wang and uncle Wang are the closest..."

The next one is tomorrow morning, everyone, watch it tomorrow morning, roll around and make an appointment for tomorrow's guaranteed monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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