Coming out of Qianqing Palace, Brother Jiu's footsteps were brisk.

He is also going to be Ama's person, and he will be more considerate of others.

In addition, his father-in-law and mother-in-law's love and concern for Shu Shu also impressed him deeply.

The royal family is different from ordinary families. Sometimes it is difficult for parents to show it, but the heart for their children should be the same.

As a son, he should be more sympathetic to Khan Ama and his wife.

People always talk about "the son wants to support but the relatives don't wait", which is a pity.

Don't make excuses for yourself, be filial early.

Outside Qianqing Palace, He Yuzhu was already waiting.

Brother Nine said: "I saw Aunt Peilan, what orders does the empress have?"

Brother Jiu is fine and inconvenient to go in and out of the inner court, but He Yuzhu is fine.

So he went to the right gate of Guangsheng, asked someone to send a message to Yikun Palace, and invited Pei Lan to come out.

Peilan came out and conveyed Yifei's words, saying that she likes Jin Ruyi very much, and that the New Year's ceremony in the future should be done according to this, and there is no need to prepare purses and collars.

Brother Nine listened and let it go.

Jin Ruyi of Yikun Palace is Xiao Ruyi, a pair of which is only 66 taels and six cents.

The big heads of their filial husband and wife are still the same as last year. They are two boxes containing purses, collars, and longevity locks.

This is not on the annual ceremony list, it is a filial piety between the husband and wife in private.

Concubine Yi refused to accept any more, so she asked Pei Lan to pass on the message.

Brother Jiu didn't intend to be obedient.

He has also been in financial distress before, of course he knows that if he wants to be comfortable in the palace, he needs more money.

Before the empress toured south, she subsidized the two daughters-in-law once, and gave him all the private house of 5 taels in September last year, so there should be nothing left in her hands.

He also has nothing to spend, and taking some money to honor his parents is also the filial piety that a son of man should do.

Even at the Dutong Mansion, in addition to the annual ceremony on the list, he also added filial piety in private.

Father-in-law and mother-in-law each have a share, and Mrs. Uncle of Ning'an Hall also has a share, but it is much less than that of Qianqing Palace and Yikun Palace.

Qi Xi's side is 500 taels of silver, and mother-in-law and Mrs. Uncle's are 300 taels each.

It's not that brother Jiu is stingy, but he knows that no matter how high the number is, it will attract criticism if it is spread outside.

The point is, Khan Ama will not be happy.

Brother Jiu has his own relatives far and near in his heart, but he is not stupid, he knows to hide it in his heart, and he has to follow the "relatives far and near" of the emperor's father in front of the imperial court.

When I got back to the Prince's Mansion, Elder Brother Jiu took a bit of pride and said: "Today I sent off the 'Nian Jing', Khan Ama is happy, the corners of her mouth have been raised all the time, and she is a little bit warm when talking to you. You can see it all!"

Shu Shu also laughed, and said: "It's good, I don't have to worry about the palace this time."

Brother Jiu said with a feeling of regret, "When I didn't come out, I was looking forward to moving out, but after I came out, I really missed our second school!"

When I lived in the palace, I felt restrained, and I didn't like the crowds in the palace.

Now that I think about it, it feels so good to walk to the Yamen every day. It takes only a quarter of an hour to walk slowly, and only half an hour to walk fast.

Shu Shu lowered her head, she didn't regret moving.

If they were in the palace, Bao Yi would see all the movement and movement, and if the husband and wife didn't separate rooms, they wouldn't know what kind of gossip they would make up.

I am much more at ease now.

No outsiders are left in the main courtyard except for sweeping during the day.

Brother Nine sighed and said: "There is no way to do this. The tree has big branches. This is the reason. I understand it in my heart. Everyone has their own small family, and so does the old ten."

Shu Shu recalled what happened yesterday, so she couldn't help reminding again: "Since you understand it in your heart, don't pick on your younger siblings in the future. The younger siblings are married from far away and have no relatives around. It's pitiful. We two want to be younger siblings." Relatives, not just the in-laws, if the prince elder brother above stares at me to find fault, would you be happy?"

Brother Jiu frowned and said: "You are so nice, what are they picking on? You are blind, so you are just looking for trouble?"

Speaking of this, thinking of the profound words that the eighth elder brother said before, he said: "If there are such people, they must have bad intentions. They deliberately provoke us because they can't see our love!"

If it's really good intentions, even if you haven't dealt with Shu Shu, you should know "love the house and the crow".

Thinking of this, he also understood Shu Shu's meaning, and said: "I just saw that Mrs. Borzigit has not made any progress after a year of marriage, and I still have to worry about coaxing the old ten, so I feel uncomfortable and feel sorry for the old ten. "

"That's what the tenth brother is willing to do. If the tenth brother is not willing, he would have taught him a long time ago. How good it is now, the young couple are so sweet..." Shu Shu said.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said, "You can't just be a child forever! All right, I will pay attention to it in the future. Let's worry about it when they have a child."

Shu Shu responded, but couldn't help complaining in her heart.

Always so confident, I don't know how much I am.

It is estimated that in the heart of the tenth elder brother, he is also worried about the child's upbringing for him, the ninth elder brother.

Because of the start of the annual holiday, Brother Jiu started to get sticky again after eating and drinking enough.

Shu Shu didn't disappoint either.

In order to be comfortable when lying on her side, she drew a picture a few days ago and asked Xiaochun to sew the kind of waist-protecting side sleeping pillow used by pregnant women in later generations.

It also provides convenience, so you don't have to worry about pressing your stomach anymore.

The lights were turned off early, but the two stayed up late and slept until the sun was up the next day.

When Shu Shu got up, counting the days, he had to discuss with Brother Jiu: "It's only until the year before, let's divide the bedding after the year..."

Brother Jiu was a little anxious when he heard this, and said: "That's only five months, and the imperial doctor said that four to six months is fine."

Shu Shu lowered her head and touched her stomach, it was already like a pot.

"That's before the diagnosis of twins, Ah Mou asked Doctor Jiang..."

It's her own, who is tempted occasionally, but she doesn't want Brother Jiu to see her clumsy appearance with a big belly.

Keep the distance beautiful.

Even loving couples must maintain a good image.

Everyone has a heart for beauty.

Brother Jiu felt a little melancholy, pinched his fingers to count, and said, "Then there are only ten days left!"

Shu Shu couldn't help grinding her teeth, but she also knew that this age was when she was full of energy, so she had to coax: "It's good to be patient, it won't be long, until the end of May next year..."

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "No, Doctor Jiang said that you have to stay in confinement, and it will be at the end of June!"

Seeing that he was considerate, Shu Shu couldn't help being considerate, and said something in a low voice.

Brother Jiu still shook his head and said, "No, I don't want you to be tired, I want to be comfortable with you..."

Shu Shu is not used to saying these things during the day, her face is a little hot, but she also feels sweet after hearing this considerate words.

She found that brother Jiu is actually very smart and learns quickly.

Being a husband and wife with yourself, you will be able to coax people with your mouth...

This day is also the day of Shangxing Nanyuan paddock.

After a morning's trek, Shengjia arrived at Nanyuan Paddock, 35 miles away from the capital.

Because of the encirclement, there are clan princes, princes, the Eight Banners and the Eight Banners officers and soldiers accompanying them.

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother were also among the accompanying princes.

The elder brothers above were all very different in age, and the ninth elder brother didn't come, so the two of them stuck to the tenth elder brother.

Although the tenth elder brother had something on his mind, he didn't show it on the surface, and still told his younger brothers about the siege tomorrow.

Starting tomorrow, we will be surrounded by Nanyuan paddock for five days.

Their mounts were also brought over.

The tenth elder brother and the thirteenth elder brother both have Tianshan horses, which are tall and mighty, and the fourteenth elder brother is drooling.

The tenth elder brother saw that it was funny, and asked Chang Sui to bring another maroon Tianshan horse over, and said: "Ninth brother heard that you were going to follow along, and asked me to bring you a horse, but it was raised by the ninth sister-in-law. I only lend you a ride for a few days, not giving you a gift!"

It is the little red horse "Coral" raised by Shu Shuda, who was taken by Brother Jiu as a mount during the northern tour last year.

Brother Fourteen saw this, wishing he could jump up, and then he said a little uneasy: "Did Brother Nine tell Sister-in-law Jiu? Don't let Sister-in-law be unhappy, it's Sister-in-law's after all..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "As I said, Sister-in-Law Nine is also willing to ask 'Coral' to come out to relax, and she also prepared pine nut candies..."

As he said that, he asked someone to bring out a few purses, handed one to the fourteenth elder brother, and gave one to the thirteenth elder brother: "This is from the 'Red Tiger', and the rest is my 'silver bag'." girl's..."

"Red Tiger" is the Tianshan horse of the thirteenth brother, and it is also a red horse.

"Yinniu" is Tenth Prince's Tianshan horse, a silver-maned horse.

Brother Fourteen took the purse, tied it around his waist, and couldn't wait to walk towards the little red horse.

"Wow, it's really magnificent, tall and big!" He touched the horse's mane, almost drooling.

Elder Brother Shi kindly reminded: "It's okay for you to be a mount for a few days, but it's better to change horses when you're riding around!"

Elder Fourteen was taken aback, and said: "Why? Is it because 'Coral' is tired, or because he hasn't changed his horseshoes this year, so it's not easy to gallop..."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and looked at the horseshoe, but he couldn't see any damage.

Elder Brother Ten said: "This is the horse that Lord Qi bought for Sister-in-law Jiu, and Sister-in-law Jiu is also relieved to let Brother Jiu serve as a mount. It is conceivable that this horse has a gentler disposition..."

Elder Fourteen hesitated for a moment, and chose style between style and practicality, and said: "It's okay, when walking around, I will slow down, just be more accurate."

Elder Brother Thirteen was already feeding his "Red Tiger", and he was a little entangled when he heard this.

His "Red Tiger" seems to be a bit docile.

His mind turned quickly, he looked at Elder Brother Shi's "Yin Niu" and said, "Brother Ten, your horse is not fast, is it?"

Elder Brother Ten fondly groped "Yin Niu"'s horse's head and said, "I'm also reluctant to call her fast..."

Elder Brother Thirteen whispered: "Brother Ten, Master Qi did it on purpose, right? Are you picking such gentle-tempered horses?"

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said: "The ones you don't send are not ponies, they must be selected. It's not easy to send a strong horse to us."

After all, the Eight Banners cannot do without horses, and they are used in daily life. If you really want to send a strong horse to the prince, you will be asking for trouble for yourself.

Elder Brother Thirteen hugged the "Red Tiger" and said: "I will continue to ride the 'Red Tiger' tomorrow. I will take it slow and let it have fun. It has been three months..."

Seeing the thirteenth elder brother like this, the tenth elder brother was relieved.

He didn't intend to see Dong Shi anymore.

Even if she saw her, she still slandered Concubine Zhang, which was not credible, it was mostly nonsense.

He trusted his eyes.

Dragon begets dragon, phoenix begets phoenix.

From son to mother, Concubine Zhang is not such a bad character.

Otherwise, Concubine Hui would not take care of her, and Concubine Yi would not have a good relationship with her.

Elder Brother Ten looked up at the sky.

Clear sky.

very nice.

The last trace of haze in his heart dissipated, and he said to the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother: "Tomorrow, we will work hard and shoot a few more deer and roe deer. Go back to brother nine, sister-in-law nine..."

Thank you all, bow down, and then roll around asking for a guaranteed monthly pass.

The next update will be at 2:1 noon on February 12st, welcome to Qidian APP.

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