My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 788 Overjoyed

Chapter 788 Overjoyed

Brother Fourteen was surprised and said: "It's hard to come out to let the wind go, Brother Ten, why are you still in a hurry to go back?"

Elder Brother Thirteen smiled and said: "It should be to spend the new year with Sister-in-law Shi, and Sister-in-law Shi is the only one in Brother Ten's family!"

Elder Brother Ten smiled lightly, acquiescing to this statement.

This is not a temporary plan, long before he came out, he planned to return to Beijing at the latest on 24th, so that he would not let Fujin spend the new year alone.

Fourteenth elder brother gritted his teeth and said, "Then ask Khan Ama to pick a few more styles for you. It's so lively, isn't tenth sister-in-law someone to keep company?"

Elder Brother Ten: "..."

It's time to be thirteen in Chinese New Year, shouldn't you be sensible? !

He looked at Fourteenth Elder Brother and said: "Later, you say this in front of Ninth Sister, and find some friends for Ninth Sister!"

Brother Fourteen immediately covered his mouth, and said: "Take back what you said just now, let's forget it, Brother Ten, go and keep Sister-in-law Ten by yourself!"

It is clearly written in the book that women are jealous.

The tenth sister-in-law seems to have a good temper, but the ninth sister-in-law is different.

The fourth elder brother and the eldest elder brother came out from the imperial court, saw a few younger ones chatting together, and didn't know how to arrange it, so they urged: "Don't stay outside, take a good rest for a long time, tomorrow is the parade."

Tomorrow's first siege will be the emperor's siege with the clan, the prince and the guards of the upper three banners.

Elder Brother Ten and Elder Thirteen both nodded in agreement.

Fourteenth elder brother glanced at fourth elder brother, held back what he wanted to say, and nodded accordingly...

The capital, the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

Because of getting up late in the morning, the couple ate breakfast and lunch together.

After eating, before the beginning of noon, the two of them strolled around the yard.

Now it's "[-]", the weather is fine, and it's warm at noon, it's not so cold anymore.

After the stroll, the couple went to the greenhouse.

In the past, I sent a lot of dishes to relatives as New Year gifts, but now there are fewer to pick.

The two came to see the corn and potatoes.

From the preparation of the greenhouse after the Mid-Autumn Festival to the trial planting in early September, it has been three and a half months.

It's already tied up.

When Shu Shu saw her, she missed the tender corn, but after thinking about it, forget it.

Although the corn seeds are relatively easy to trade now, they were reserved in the capital and carefully cultivated, so it is better to save them for sowing next year.

Potatoes, on the other hand, have been three and a half months old, and the stems and leaves on them have withered, and it's time to harvest them all.

Today is to harvest potatoes.

The mansion is boring, so digging potatoes is a new thing.

Shu Shu told Xiao Song to invite Mrs. Uncle to come over and watch people dig potatoes with them.

As early as the beginning of the month, Shu Shu asked someone to dig it to see the size, thinking that he could taste it first, but it was only the size of a ping-pong ball at that time, so he didn't want to eat it, so he buried it back in the pit.

After a while, Mrs. Uncle came.

The steward of the greenhouse, Xing Quan, was headed by his eldest son Xing Hai, and there were four or five handymen working here to dig potatoes together.

The planting area of ​​potatoes is almost half of the land.

When the potatoes were dug out one by one, Brother Jiu looked proud, but Shu Shu was surprised when he saw it.

I heard from Xing Quan before that the potatoes used for planting were not big, but Shu Shu thought it was because others planted them improperly. This crop is cultivated intensively, and if you take good care of it, it should grow bigger.

As a result, when one plant came down, there was indeed a lot of potatoes in the nest, the few were seven or eight, and the many were nine or ten, but the size was only the size of an egg.

On one plant, occasionally there are one or two slightly larger ones, which are the size of duck eggs.

No wonder Mingren mentioned potatoes as "taro-like" in Mingren's notes. This is the kind of small taro from Jiangnan, referring to the shape and size.

A small scale has long been prepared by the side.

Brother Jiu asked someone to pick a few and weigh them. The ones were about three liang the size of an egg, three and a half the size of a duck egg, and two or three smaller than an egg for each plant.

In this way, the harvest per plant is about two to four pounds per catty.

It is completely incomparable with the potatoes that weigh half a catty or one catty in later generations.

Even so, Brother Nine was so happy that he told people to write down the total.

With this half of the land, the output of potatoes is 180 jin [-] liang.

Brother Nine excitedly said: "With such an acre of land, it is nearly 700 catties, 31 shi, which is twice as much as the previous highest record of [-] shi in Huangzhuang in the previous dynasty!"

Although Shu Shu was dissatisfied with the size of Tudou, she was also happy with the quantity.

Mrs. Uncle was beside her, and she was also a little excited.

People eat for food.

Even though she was born in a clan and didn't have to worry about food and drink, she also knew that the world was still dominated by common people.

If everyone had enough food and clothing, and no suffering from hunger or cold, it would be a peaceful and prosperous age.

Mrs. Uncle reminded Brother Jiu: "For such a great joy, brother can send someone to report the good news to the emperor..."

Brother Jiu hesitated for a moment, and said: "But there is only half of the land right now, and it's in the greenhouse, which is different from the land outside. Do you want to wait until the fourth brother planted it next year before reporting the good news?"

The follow-up trial planting of corn and potatoes will be handed over to the fourth elder brother.

Mrs. Uncle thought about it for a while, and said: "Then elder brother, let's send someone to announce the good news to Si Baylor, and we will see Si Baylor's arrangement later."


Brother Nine was happy, looked at Shu Shu and said, "Master, go back and write a letter to Brother Four. Are you going back with Master, or are you staying here with the county lord?"

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Master, go back first, I'll go to Ning'an Hall to have some tea before going back."

Brother Jiu nodded, said goodbye to Mrs. Uncle, and hurried out.

Mrs. Uncle held Shu Shu's hand, and the two of them also left the greenhouse.

Mrs. Bo said softly: "Si Bei Le has a fair personality, so don't worry about it too much."

This is because she knows Shu Shu's temper, and she doesn't like to suffer.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Well, Master Jiu is innocent, and needs more care from the brothers above..."

While talking, the two arrived at Ning'an Hall and sat down in the second room.

The daffodils on the kang table have already sprouted buds and are about to bloom.

The red agate flowerpot, green leaves, and white buds are pleasing to the eye.

Shu Shu said: "I remember that Ah Mou still likes roses, this time there is a lot of space in the greenhouse, so let's ask people to share more pots of roses?"

There are also some flower pots in the greenhouse now, but the number is small and only occupies a small area.

Mrs. Uncle said: "It's a good house, don't use these useless things, the rose is easy to live, just in season, buy some flowers and trees in the spring of next year, plant them in the garden, and they can bloom from the Dragon Boat Festival to after the Double Ninth Festival..."

Shu Shu said: "Does Amou have any flowers that he wants to plant?"

Mrs. Uncle shook her head, and said: "Don't worry about flowers and plants. You spent thousands of taels of silver to build the house. After one winter, you'll get hundreds of taels of charcoal. Whether it's growing vegetables or breeding, it's all serious business. If you really want to use it to grow flowers and grass, it will be a waste..."

Shu Shu didn't force it, she really missed the sweet potato.

The yield of sweet potatoes should be higher than that of potatoes.

Potatoes may still have a process of breeding and evolution, but I have never heard of sweet potatoes when they were still small.

According to history, sweet potatoes were locally popularized in Fujian at the end of Ming Dynasty.

It's just that because of the current geographical isolation, it hasn't been extended to the north after decades.

With such a pleasant climate in the south, food is harvested twice a year, and there is no shortage of food. Except for the mountainous areas of Fujian, no one regards sweet potatoes as a good thing.

In the eyes of the common people, only food is decent, and good land must grow food.

Everything else is included in the dishes, which are dispensable, edible or not...

In the main room, in the study.

Brother Jiu was really hesitant when he picked up the pen.

Between these brothers, they used to be in the palace, and they never saw each other when they looked up, so they really never wrote a letter.

It's not the same as being face to face.

In front of the emperor's father, he could write whatever he wanted in the letter, he was not afraid of being ugly and timid, and he dared to say big things.

But in front of his brother, he still showed a bit of honesty.

He didn't gossip, and looked at the record book next to him.

Only use these to speak.

How many places were planted in total, how many catties and seeds were used at the beginning, how many potatoes grew into plants, the number of potatoes per plant, and the total weight.

The times of thinning, watering and fertilization in the middle are also written.

I wrote three full pages, and finally wrote down the output data of Huangzhuang in the previous dynasty for comparison.

Then, after thinking about it, he called Erhe who was on duty to come over, gave some instructions, and ordered him to take his name card and go to the Nanyuan paddock.

Although he accepted Erhe's request and made him the second-class guard of the prince's mansion, he still felt sorry for him.

Sending the letter today, the fourth brother's temper should be reported to the imperial court, maybe he will ask Erhe to answer.

Brother Nine briefly talked about the matter of digging potatoes before, and said, "If Brother Four asks, you can briefly talk about it."

Erhe responded, took the letter, and went out to the Nanyuan paddock.

Horse racing was not allowed in the city, so he left Beijing through Deshengmen, walked to the official road outside the city, and rode southward on horseback.

In half an hour, he arrived at the gate of the paddock.

Because Shengjia was stationed, the security of the paddock was upgraded.

But Erhe was lucky, it happened that the seventh elder brother took someone to patrol the paddock, and when he knew him, he asked someone to send a message to the fourth elder brother.

After a while, the fourth elder brother came over. Hearing that it was the ninth elder brother who wrote to him, he was a little worried.

The two brothers met face to face two days ago, and it didn't seem like something was going on at that time.

He was worried that there was something urgent, so he opened the letter immediately and read it, and when he saw the back, he was already excited.

He put away the letter, looked at Erhe twice, looked at his clothes, and said, "Your guard?"

Erhe bowed and said, "It's the slave Erhe."

The fourth elder brother nodded and said: "Master Fu is also in front of the imperial court, you come with me, and prepare for the emperor's questioning."

Erhe complied and followed the fourth elder brother into the paddock.

When he was outside the palace, he signaled Erhe to wait, and went to the door to call someone to pass the message.

Kangxi was meeting several ministers leading the guards in Shangsanqi, talking about the siege tomorrow.

The guards can all be noble children, but they cannot be mediocre children.

The civil and military officials of the imperial court are required to be "inspected by the capital", and the guards of the upper three banners are also required to regularly assess riding and shooting, and those who do not meet the requirements will be dismissed.

Speaking of which, this was the reminder from Brother Jiu to Kangxi.

He trusts Shangsanqi, but he trusts the powerful Shangsanqi more than the abandoned Shangsanqi.

Like Shu Mulu's family, the children are obviously outstanding, because they are not the eldest son, there should not be one or two guards who have to give way to the eldest son.

If the person replaced is not bad, then Kangxi will not interfere with these things; but if he dares to make up for it, he must be banned, otherwise, the guard around him will be useless...

I went to bed late last night, and my mind is a little numb today, so I just finished writing.

Rolling around asking for a monthly ticket, the ninth monthly ticket, the glory depends on these few days at the beginning of the month, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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