My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 790 Technology

Chapter 790 Technology

After hearing the reason, Elder Brother Ten let go of his worries.

However, when he heard that the fourth elder brother was going back to Beijing, he was also ready to move.

Immediately, thinking that he would have to master Zhengbai Banner Siege tomorrow, he could only stop thinking about it.

Although there are many princes in charge this time, the elder brothers are all enlisted in the flag, and they have to follow the five flags to encircle.

There are only three princes without other flags, as Khan Ama had ordered before.

I don't have a suitable reason, and I can't go to the imperial court to ask for leave.

After a simple meal, the fourth elder brother returned to Beijing with Erhe.

There are no carriages.

When I came out with Shengjia this morning, except for the tenth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother, and the fourteenth elder brother who rode in a carriage, the other elder brothers all rode horses.

Even with the fifth elder brother, the same is true.

The emperor rectified the clan, and disliked the clan for not practicing riding and shooting, so these princes had to lead by example.

I came from Xingwei originally, so if I came here by car again, it would be outrageous.

Because the fourth elder brother was with the guards, the speed was slower than when Erhe came alone, and Shen Chuqian returned to the capital.

Brother Jiu was hugging Shu Shu to make up for sleep, and was still dazed when he was woken up by He Yuzhu.

"Master, fourth master is back, waiting for you in the front yard..."

He Yuzhu whispered.

Shu Shu also woke up.

Brother Jiu glared at He Yuzhu, and said to Shu Shu: "Go to sleep..."

Shu Shu glanced at the clock on the Baibao Pavilion, sat up, and said, "It's almost an hour, and I'll be sleepy if I sleep at night..."

Brother Jiu looked better now, looked at He Yuzhu and scolded: "No winks! What to do in a hurry, don't disturb Fujin's rest in the future!"

He Yuzhu hurriedly said: "It's the servant's fault, I won't dare next time."

Only then did Brother Jiu say: "Who did you say was here?"

It turned out that I didn't hear clearly.

He Yuzhu glanced at him, and said: "Si Bei Le is here, and he came back from the Nanyuan paddock with the guards..."

Brother Jiu froze, and hurriedly said: "Then it would be disrespectful not to push the Lord earlier!"

Is that the elder brother, or the one who loves to reason?

He Yuzhu was helpless.

Shu Shu thought of Tudou, and said: "It should be because of Tudou, master go ahead."

Brother Jiu nodded, got off the kang, put on his cloak, and went forward.

Before the potatoes were harvested, Shu Shu had many plans.

French fries, mashed potatoes, spiked potatoes...

But thinking of the size of an egg, I always feel that it doesn't look like the kind of rustling potato in my memory...

Prince's Mansion, front hall.

The fourth elder brother even drank a few bowls of hot tea and got impatient, so he waited for the late ninth elder brother.

Before he got angry, Brother Jiu had already apologized: "It was a lunch break before, and He Yuzhu went over to wake up my brother, it was late."

The fourth elder brother listened, and his expression eased a little, and then he felt that something was wrong, took out his pocket watch, looked at the time, and said, "How long have you been sleeping?"

Brother Jiu said: "I lay down when I was young..."

The fourth elder brother shook his head and said: "Sleeping in the daytime to nourish the mind is the way to preserve one's health, but it should not be too long, otherwise you will have restless sleep at night!"

Ninth elder brother didn't like to listen to big truths, so he said, "Fourth brother, are you also shocked by the weight of potatoes? If you really want to talk about it, the land is less than half a cent, it should be slightly less, and the seedlings in the middle are not very large. Densely planted, there are only 190 plants, if the planting is more dense, there should be [-] or [-] more plants, so that two catties can add twenty or thirty catties..."

The fourth elder brother said: "Where are the potatoes?"

Brother Jiu said: "In the warehouse next to the greenhouse, the stone mill is also ready, you can try to make flour..."

Fourth elder brother is impatient, said: "Then let's go!"

The two brothers went from the front hall to the warehouse on the East Road.

Because it was used as a warehouse, it was very cold inside.

The two brothers were wearing end caps and cloaks, so they were not afraid of the cold, but they also looked at the potatoes in the bamboo basket thoughtfully.

According to the information found, this potato cannot be frozen, and it will rot after freezing, so the storage is indeed a problem.

Brother Jiu said: "Before I thought about taking out a hundred catties, let people try how much powder they can produce."

The fourth elder brother shook his head and said: "You don't need to try that way, make flour according to the big one, the medium one, and the small one, ten catties each."

Brother Nine was puzzled and said, "You still need to divide them like this. Aren't the big ones and the small ones all potatoes?"

The fourth elder brother said: "Try it."

There is a drying furnace in the dining room of the Prince's Mansion, which is prepared for making dried and dried meat.

Brother Jiu thinks that it should be relatively simple, that is, wash the potatoes, grind them into a slurry with a stone mill, precipitate the wet powder, and then take the wet powder to the dining room to dry.

There are Xing Quan and his son leading people to work, and the ninth elder brother and the fourth elder brother can only order people.

Seeing that the mashed potatoes were yellow, Brother Nine showed disgust, and said to Brother Four, "Brother Four, should you peel them?"

The fourth elder brother had no idea in his heart, but his expression remained unchanged, and he said: "No need, I'll clean it up when the time comes."

Xing Quan and his son are good at work, but they are definitely not good at technology, so they dare not try in the next step.

Brother Jiu ordered He Yuzhu: "Go to the dining room and ask, who knows how to make cornstarch, come and try..."

He Yuzhu responded and went, but Xiaotang followed He Yuzhu after a while.

Brother Jiu asked curiously, "You can even make cornstarch?"

Xiaotang said: "Fu Jin read it from the book, the mung bean jelly in summer is the mung bean jelly made by slaves."

Brother Jiu pointed to the cleaned potatoes and said, "How do you make potato flour?"

Xiaotang didn't take it all in, and said cautiously: "I haven't done it before, why don't you follow the method of mung bean cornstarch first?"

The ninth elder brother looked at the fourth elder brother, and the fourth elder brother nodded.

Since raw powder must be taken, the process should be similar.

Xiaotang first sent someone to the dining room to get the gauze bag.

Mashed potatoes were ready-made, so Xiaotang started to squeeze out the pulp with a gauze bag.

Squeeze out ten catties of potatoes to get half a pot of pulpy water.

Seeing this, the ninth elder brother couldn't help frowning, and said to the fourth elder brother: "Fourth elder brother, it won't be much, right?"

The fourth elder brother also didn't feel very good.

Xiaotang moved the cloth bag in his hand and said, "Master, this can still be washed out."

Brother Nine was overjoyed and said, "Wash it quickly!"

So Xiaotang asked someone to pour water into the pocket and rub it with the potato dregs.

Every time there is new pulp water, until the fifth time the water squeezed out is already a little clear.

She just stopped.

At this time, there was a whole basin of potato pulp in the basin.

The ninth elder brother and the fourth elder brother watched Xiaotang's next move.

Xiaotang looked furious, and said: "This will have to wait for two and a half hours, and the water and powder will be separated before it can be dried."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Okay, I understand, you go back first, and I will send someone to call you when it is drying."

Xiaotang responded and went down.

Brother Nine took the cloth bag, glanced at Xing Quan, and then told Xing Hai beside him, "You are strong, knead it again, see if you can get some more powder, don't waste it."

Women's strength is small.

Even if Xiaotang is used to doing errands on the stove and is older than ordinary women, she is still inferior to young and strong men.
Xing Hai is Xing Quan's eldest son, and Xi Zhu's elder brother from the same mother. He is 25 or [-] years old.

He responded, and according to Brother Jiu's instructions, poured water into the cloth bag and rubbed it again. Sure enough, the water that came out this time was still cloudy and contained a lot of raw powder.

Ninth elder brother raised an eyebrow at fourth elder brother, proudly said: "It's good to have half a tael more."

Xing Quan rubbed it twice again before Brother Nine stopped.

The remaining two potatoes were also made into a slurry according to this procedure.

When it's done, it's time to hold the lamps.

The rest will wait until the time comes, and then go to the drying oven to dry.

Zhou Song came over and said, "Master, Fujin knew that Fourth Master was coming, so he asked the dining room to prepare meals, and sent his servants to ask you, where is the dining table?"

Ninth elder brother looked at fourth elder brother.

According to what he meant, it was naturally placed in the main room.

This is a brother, not a foreigner.

With the old ten and the others replaced, Brother Nine is in charge.

Changing to the fourth elder brother, he still feels a little guilty in his heart, and dare not let him "do as he pleases".

The fourth elder brother said: "Let's put it at the front!"

Seeing the reluctance on the face of the ninth elder brother, the fourth elder brother said: "It will be inconvenient for younger brothers and sisters later..."

Brother Nine is right when he thinks about it, Fujin is wearing "home clothes", seeing that the elders are indeed a little neglectful, he seems impolite; changing clothes and dressing up is also hard work.

He just nodded and said: "Then let's eat ahead, you have a good meal today, brother Fujin asked someone to stew radishes at noon, and stewed them all afternoon..."

The fourth elder brother listened, feeling a little baffled.

If this radish is stewed again, is it still a radish, or is it some kind of expensive dish?
But when he thought of the dishes he had eaten here before, as well as the recipes for his house, he was really curious.

The two brothers went back to the front, washed up briefly, and the dining table was set up.

In the middle is a plate of braised beef, next to it is a lotus leaf cake, and a bowl of beef offal, and there are four side dishes, roasted eggplant, fried yam with fungus, celery and bean curd sticks, and refreshing mixed vegetables. The staple food is beef fried buns.

In front of the two, each of them had a bowl of soup.

Inside is half a white radish and a spoon.

The fourth elder brother was afraid that they were young and would not know how to live frugally, but seeing this dinner table, he couldn't say anything.

He had already heard about the beef in the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

When Qi Xi sent it over, he didn't carry anyone behind his back.

They are all Mongolian beef cattle bought from pastures outside the mouth, not farming cattle.

Shu Shu also sent someone to pick up the beef ribs, and asked someone to send some to Sibeile Mansion, and told Honghui and Da Gege to make beef bone soup for drinking.

As if offering a treasure, Brother Jiu urged, "Taste this radish first..."

The fourth elder brother looked down at the soup bowl, somewhat satisfied.

The soup is translucent, and there is no oil on it, it looks very refreshing.

The fourth elder brother took the chopsticks and went to pick up the radish.

Brother Nine said: "You have to use a spoon, otherwise it won't hold up, and it will be stewed."

The fourth elder brother put down his chopsticks and used a spoon.

After he took a spoonful and put it in his mouth, he understood why Brother Jiu was so proud.

The word melts in the mouth, I have seen it a long time ago, but today is the first time I experience it.

There is no need to bite at all, it seems to be swallowed directly.

It seems that what is put in the mouth is not a mouthful of radish, but a mouthful of soup...

Seeing the expression of the fourth elder brother, the ninth elder brother also bowed his head and started eating.

Who can resist this stewed radish?

But it can't be called radish and cow miscellaneous, it doesn't sound good, and it doesn't sound good, so it needs a nice name.

Old soup radish?

Fairy radish...

The list is 11th, roll around and ask for a guaranteed monthly pass!
The next update will be at 2:2 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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