My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 791 Don't mention Fujin

Chapter 791 Don't mention Fujin
When the dining table was removed, Brother Jiu was still full of thoughts, praising his delicious food.

"This soup is boiled with beef bones and tendons. It has been boiled for four hours and filtered through a fine mesh so that the soup is not cloudy. Apart from the delicious stewed radish, the stewed noodles are also excellent..."

Brother Jiu said, his face became more and more smug, and he sighed: "It's my younger brother Fujin who is worried, worried that the noodles will be hard, and never asks people to make that one at night. , it's okay..."

The fourth elder brother is not good at commenting on the actions of the female relatives, so he just reminded him: "Since the beef bought by the Dutong Mansion for the younger siblings, please save some."

Brother Jiu said with a toothache: "Father-in-law said that the beef is not tasty after being frozen for a long time. In addition to the beef that was sent, there are several cows in the village. If you save it, when will you eat it?"

Fourth elder brother: "..."

Rao knew that he should be more magnanimous, but he couldn't help feeling sour.

It's a pity that I don't have this blessing. Long before Fujin pointed it out to me, my father-in-law was "the first father-in-law".

Brother Nine, I can only say that stupid people are blessed with stupidity.

He changed the subject and said, "What should I do if the amount of cornstarch produced is small?"

If the yield per mu is less than that of millet, there is no need to promote potatoes as food.

After all, its storage and processing are too complicated.

For millet, it is relatively simple. If it is punched out, it can be stored for several years in a dry state.

Brother Nine said: "Then brother Zhuangzi will grow it himself. In addition to taking raw powder, the remaining dregs can be fed to pigs and rabbits..."

Speaking of this, he remembered that Shu Shu mentioned that he could try to use this to make wine when there were no potatoes harvested a few days ago.

Now there is a "prohibition order", which prohibits the use of grain to make alcohol in large quantities.

As long as it's not grain wine, it's fine.

Thinking of this, Brother Nine was also worried that the potato would look like it was more than 100 years ago, so he fell silent again, and said, "Then what if we think about it differently? Even if potatoes can't replace food, they can replace vegetables..."

Brother Jiu has also seen a lot of people's livelihood in the past two years. Most of the people's houses have vegetable gardens in front of and behind their houses.

Moreover, the land of this vegetable garden is not small, the small ones are two or three points, and the large ones are more.

"Only take out a fraction of the land to grow potatoes, which is about two hundred catties. Keep them well. It will be enough vegetables for half a year. If you are also raising pigs and chickens, then you can make raw flour and add dozens of catties of grain, and the rest will be used as feed. It's suitable, and it's a good thing in one fell swoop..."

The fourth elder brother remembered the New Year gifts from the Ninth Prince's Mansion this year, pigs, sheep, chickens, and rabbits.

Pigs, chickens, and rabbits were raised by Dong E's Zhuangzi, and they bought sheep from Shi Fujin.

The pigs and sheep are all shells, while the chickens and rabbits are live.

Compared with food, if potatoes can be turned into meat, it will be a happy event for the common people.

The fourth elder brother said: "Let's see how many fans we can get."

Brother Jiu thought of the tedious process of making flour, and said, "It's too troublesome. It not only consumes manpower, but also costs money. The charcoal and firewood used for drying also cost money."

The fourth elder brother thought for a while, and said: "If you are not in a hurry, you should be able to dry it in the sun, so you don't have to worry about firewood money."

Brother Jiu thinks about it for the same reason, but he thinks that the potatoes can only be used as a backup, and he still values ​​the corn, saying: "It will take a few days to harvest, but my brother estimates that the production will not be less."

The corn kernels are large, and they were carefully handled at that time. There are only two cobs left on each corn plant, and they are "pollinated" according to Fujin's words. Now it seems that each cob is very thick.

seeing is believing.

The fourth elder brother couldn't sit still, and said: "Go, go and have a look!"

Brother Jiu didn't object either, and said, "Then let's have a look."

He Yuzhu carried the horn lamp, and the brothers returned to the greenhouse.

Pick up some dry corn stalks and break off the corn on top.

The two brothers peeled open an ear of corn, revealing the golden grains inside, which were very plump.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "If Guzi yields two stones per mu, it shouldn't be difficult to double the corn. The size is here."

The fourth elder brother picked a corn and put it in his mouth, chewed it a few times, and said: "It looks dry, but it's still a little wet inside. This one needs to be dried, and it will lose weight by then."

Brother Jiu said: "How much can it be reduced? I have said more than [-]%, and there is still [-]% left!"

Speaking of this, he looked at the withered and yellow corn stalk, and said, "This is also grass, isn't it just ready-made dry feed, it can be used in pastures, but it can't be used directly, it is also firewood!"

The fourth elder brother looked at the corn cob in his hand and said, "The corncob in the middle should also be useful."

Brother Jiu said: "I hope that the people in Gyeonggi will become rich, so that people from Jiangnan will not come here, all of them are arrogant. We really think that our side is a poor place!"

He was born in the capital and grew up in the capital, so of course he doesn't like others to criticize the capital.

The fourth elder brother thought more, and planned to use new grain to open up wasteland and increase production instead of encroaching on fertile land.

On both sides of the Yongding River, due to the continuous floods in the early years, many fertile fields were destroyed. When the river water receded, many saline-alkali lands were left.

The output of that kind of land is lower than that of Xiatian, and no one is willing to open up wasteland for farming.

What if corn and potatoes are grown in saline-alkali land?

Brother Jiu thought of something else, and said, "Fourth brother, "Using ash as dung" is mentioned in "Qi Min Yao Shu", so using ash as fertilizer has also existed since ancient times. Didn't you say that potatoes suck the ground? Then How about potatoes and corn? It’s just right to use corn stalks as fertilizer..."

The fourth elder brother heard his heartbeat, nodded and said: "You can try it."

He looked at Brother Jiu and felt sorry again.

Although Brother Jiu is young and immature, he is more careful when doing things.

It's not that he got interested and then ordered his servants to build a greenhouse and then put it down, and he was willing to read the agricultural books attentively.

Brother Nine said again: "My brother plans to ask someone to dig a fish pond in the village next year, and start raising fish next year..."

People eat for food.

Brother Jiu found out that as long as he manages food-related things, he can never lose money.

In a few years, the greenhouse in Xiaotangshan will be able to sell Dongzi vegetables in the capital.

The two brothers were chatting, and the sound of clappers outside came.

It's two days.

The slurry also settled for nearly two hours.

Brother Jiu said: "It takes time to dry it. I can't come out tonight. Let's go and have a look, and then order someone to watch it?"

If you live in your own house, you will stay up late if you stay up late.

But this is my brother's house.

The fourth elder brother also knew it was inconvenient, so he nodded.

The two brothers went from the greenhouse to the warehouse.

Several pots of slurry water in the warehouse have changed from yellow to red.

Both brothers were stunned.

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said, "Is this poisonous?"

Regarding the poisonous potato, the two brothers are quite afraid.

Human life is at stake, and this is an imported thing. If it is really poisonous and edible, it is better not to do it.

The fourth elder brother also frowned.

Brother Nine ordered He Yuzhu: "Call Xiaotang to come over and ask if the mung beans have changed color when taking powder..."

He Yuzhu went down in response.

The fourth prince heard this, his brows relaxed, and he said, "Sometimes mung bean porridge also turns red..."

Brother Nine also thought of this, nodded and said: "Yes, brother also remembers, brother Fujin said that because of the use of iron pots or iron spoons, now our mung bean soup is all green..."

The fourth elder brother stayed here for half a day, listening to the ninth elder brother talking about Fujin, he kept holding back.

Now he couldn't help it anymore, and said: "In the future, when you talk, you don't need to keep mentioning you, Fujin, as long as you know what's in your heart, it's not easy for the female relatives to speak out."

Others shouldn't mention it, and brother Jiu should mention it less, otherwise it will be disrespectful.

Brother Nine closed his mouth.

He didn't actually say anything, did he?

Fujin is actually much smarter than he said.

He didn't say anything about the key points.

He knows that people in the world are ignorant and can't see women being too smart, but is fourth brother also so vulgar?
He looked at the fourth elder brother, doubts were almost written on his face.

The fourth elder brother thought for a while, and said: "The tree attracts the wind, if you don't want your siblings to be criticized by others, you'd better not mention it."

Brother Jiu knew that this was kindness, but he was still a little bit upset, and said: "I really don't know how those 'talented women of the Eight Banners' got their reputation. After writing a few sour poems, they are talented women, and they are sought after by others? Qun Shu is a talented woman, or a real good wife. When her younger brother said he wanted to warm the house, she figured out the flue. She also consulted a large number of agricultural books and excerpted useful knowledge for her younger brother to read. Otherwise, my younger brother is still working on an errand in front of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, how can I have time to think about it?"

The fourth elder brother also thinks Dong E's is quite virtuous.

But he still said: "The world is like this, siblings are not clan daughters, there are elders above."

Nine princes have come to understand the difference between royal princess and royal daughter-in-law in the past two years.

Here in the royal family, Shu Shu is just his own Fujin.

What everyone looks at is not Shu Shu's own excellence, but whether she treats herself well, whether she is filial to her elders, whether she is friendly to her uncle and sister-in-law.

Even if she is not well-read, but illiterate, as long as she does the above points, she is still a qualified Prince Fujin.

If she really became famous and showed her abilities, the elders would have to worry about her lack of distraction and lack of ability to serve themselves well.

Shu Shu should have known this earlier, so she hid her clumsiness in front of outsiders.

The elders would only praise Jiu Gege for the same ability.

Ninth elder brother said disgruntledly: "Okay, younger brother understands, and will not praise Fujin outside from now on."

While talking, Xiaotang followed He Yuzhu over.

She looked at the water and said, "It's normal, it doesn't affect the lower part of the head, it's the same when the mung bean is raw."

Brother Nine said: "Look at it, what's the deal?"

Xiaotang just looked at it, compared it, pointed to the pot of milk water she participated in and said: "This one is almost powdery!"

As she spoke, she poured the water on top, leaving a layer of wet powder underneath.

This wet powder is khaki.

Brother Jiu said disgustedly: "It looks like it's buried, it's trashed, it must be covered in mud, do you want to wash it?"

Xiaotang said: "If you want pink and white, just pour out the water on top, replace it with clean water, mix it up and sink it again, two or three times it will be snow white and snow white!"

Ninth elder brother and fourth elder brother looked at each other.

The two brothers love cleanliness, and they really can't bear to dry this kind of yellow powder.

The fourth elder brother asked: "Re-sink, how long will it take, will the fans become less?"

He didn't know this, so I asked a few more questions.

He remembered that if you grind the wheat, it will be divided into colors.

If you want the wheat to be white, you need to grind it a few times less, but it costs a lot to throw it away, and less wheat comes out.

On the contrary, it is rye, which can be ground several times, and it will be more catty.

Xiaotang thought for a while, and said: "Every time I wash it, it sinks for two hours. When the water is clear, there will be no powder flowing out, and there will be no shortage."

The fourth elder brother nodded, looked at Xing Quan, still a little worried, and told Su Peisheng: "You stay here tonight, and wash this up..."

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(End of this chapter)

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