Chapter 792

Ninth elder brother stayed with fourth elder brother for a long time, and he was a little tired.

After sending off the fourth elder brother, he returned to the main courtyard.

Shu Shu got enough sleep in the afternoon, she is not sleepy now, she is just lying on her back thinking about the holidays while she is bored.

Walnut sat beside him, peeling pine nuts in his hands.

Recently, Shu Shu likes to eat this.

Eat a small cup of pine nuts every day.

Shu Shu grabbed a handful of pine nuts and smelled the fragrance in her mouth.

Although they are the prince's mansion here, it seems that the mansion has been opened, but because the division is provided by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, some preparations for the New Year are also arranged by the people from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

For example, after a few days to hang New Year pictures or something, it is still the rule of the palace, and it will only be hung on the 26th of the twelfth lunar month.

On the night of New Year's Eve, there will be a Mongolian feudal banquet. At that time, in addition to the Mongolian kings, Bei Le, Bei Zi, and Taiji who are on shift in Beijing, there will also be ministers of the interior, university scholars, upper three banners, guards, etc. accompanying the banquet. Accompanying banquet.

Only after the banquet is over, brother Jiu can come back to watch the new year with her.

Her side is fine, with Amu as a companion, Shi Fujin's side is not good.

She intends to invite ten Fujin to have dinner with her and Amu.

Let her go back after the banquet in the palace is over.

Hearing the movement in the yard, she knew that elder brother Jiu was back, so she glanced at the clock.

It's already the second quarter of the lunar new year.

Went out for a full three hours.

Xiaotang was sent to the garden twice, and she also told the reason when she came back.

Shu Shu was not surprised, after all, that Lord Yongzheng was famous for "doing everything by himself", and being an emperor exhausted himself to death.

It's just that she doesn't want Brother Jiu to "get close to Zhu Zhechi".

It's better to be relaxed.

Just like today's milling matter, who would dare to fool them if they ordered them to go on?

Choose a proper person to stare at, and they will do it well. It doesn't make much sense to have to follow along.

Brother Jiu went back to the house, washed up briefly, and straightened up on the kang next time, complaining: "Fourth brother is too serious! Really, if I have to watch everything personally, I would rather not make a fuss about it. Save worry and effort!"

Shu Shu poured him a cup of hot milk, and said, "That's right, I'm still worried because my master hasn't come back. It's windy outside, and the night wind is also cold..."

Brother Jiu took the milk, drank it in three sips, shook his head and said: "No wonder fourth brother eats a lot, and he hasn't gained weight yet. It's all exhausting. In that situation just now, he left reluctantly. If the master opened his mouth to accompany Now, I guess the fourth brother will stop right away!"

He didn't stay with customers, he stayed with him for three hours, sitting upright, his back ached from exhaustion.

He turned sideways and said to Shu Shu: "Help Master rub your shoulders, your neck is stiff from sitting!"

Shu Shu started, rubbed his shoulders, and helped him pinch his neck.

Ninth elder brother sighed comfortably, and said: "In the future, we should keep a distance from fourth brother, or else we will be appointed to be dragged by him to do coolies!"

Shu Shu's subordinates remained unchanged, but he admired him in his heart.

Brother Nine is really right.

The thirteenth elder brother in history was exhausted to death because of his dear fourth brother.

The ninth elder brother has a loose temper, and he does not have the loyalty of the thirteenth elder brother who "die for his confidant".

If the fourth elder brother catches him as a coolie, he will only try to be lazy.

At that time, if you can't tell the history, you will correct it back and continue the scene where brothers look at each other and hate each other.

You can be close, but you don't have to be close.

Shu Shu said: "Suiye, your body is the most important thing, if you really want to be tired because of these, I would rather you don't do anything..."

She was so straightforward, but Brother Jiu hesitated.

He turned his head, took a look at Shu Shu, and said hesitantly: "Fourth Brother is concerned about business, if Master follows along and works hard, maybe he will mention his title in the future."

Shu Shu said: "There are people beyond people, and there is sky beyond the sky. If you look up, when will it be the head? Don't force it too much, just do whatever you want."

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu's stomach and said, "Then what if our second elder brother doesn't have a title?"

Shu Shu rubbed his belly and said: "It's okay, I'll give him more private money. If he wants a high title, he can earn military merit by himself. If he is too lazy to earn it, he can become a rich man. The clan has already divided three and six." Ninth class is not the same as a family, if you are not fair, then you can make progress by yourself..."

Brother Nine said: "Master, I'm going to be Ama now, but I admire Prince An and Prince Anhe. Thinking about it, I'm really arrogant. I have made continuous military exploits. I have earned a few county king hats for my sons by my own strength..."

Prince Anhe, Yue Le, and the third successor of the Fujin Hesheli family had a total of four sons. At that time, except for one son, the other three made two county kings and one Baylor.

Prince An's Mansion was really hot at that time.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "It's too late..."

How now?
The prince's son descended as the county king.

In addition to retaining a county king for the other three sons, the other two were reduced to beizi.

Just last year, one of the shellfish was deposed and became an idle clan.

Nine Brothers leaned close to Shu Shu's ear and whispered, "Khan Ama is a bit unkind!"

These words are not mentioned for the first time.

Shu Shu squeezed his hand, and said softly: "There is no way around it, if you want the government order to be clear, you have to limit the power of the clan prince..."

Brother Jiu stroked his chin and said, "How far is it restricted?"

He will also become the prince of the clan in the future, so he naturally hopes to be less restrained.

Shu Shu thought of a saying, "Government grows out of the barrel of a gun".

The power structure of the Eight Banners is actually the same.

The confidence of the princes of the clan is still the number of banner subordinates.

Especially in these old-fashioned palaces that founded the country, the assistant leaders inherited are all dozens of big.

There is no way to compare Prince Yu's generation with Prince Enfeng of Prince Zhijun's generation with Gonggong.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "When the prince has no ability to control the inheritance of the throne, it should be almost restricted."

Brother Jiu blinked, breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile: "Then it's almost done now."

Shu Shu smiled without saying a word.

It's not even close.

When Yongzheng limited the number of princes and princes, and Qianlong began to change the system of generals and kings, allowing nobles to be in charge of the army, and conferring a series of honorable princes, the power of clan princes was curbed.

But that's it.

Banner population is small, dare not fight among themselves.

The royal family, the imperial family, and nobles maintain a delicate balance.

Brother Jiu hugged her and said in a low voice: "I don't want the prince to be the emperor, the eldest brother and the fourth brother are fine..."

Shu Shu's heart trembled.

Brother Jiu has continued to babble: "The prince is not generous, even if we look at him now, we can't guarantee that he will not hold grudges. If he becomes the emperor, I guess he will be like the current uncle and uncle. , hiding at home and not showing up much..."

"Big brother is loyal and good to brothers. If he becomes the emperor, he will take care of us..."

"Fourth brother is fine too. I'm pretty sure how he behaves..."

"Forget about the third brother, Khan Ama doesn't want to see him anymore, but he hasn't woken up yet..."

Shu Shu hugged him back, and said: "Whoever you love, as long as Fifth Brother doesn't want to fight, I'll be a 'royalist', and we won't help each other..."

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Don't worry, I don't care about 'conglongzhigong'. If you don't do good brothers, you can't be a dog or a horse? Since ancient times, there is a saying that 'the cunning rabbit dies, and the running dog cooks'!"

Shu Shu's hanging heart let go, as long as there are numbers.

Brother Jiu is not stupid at all.

As long as he goes to the good brother filter, he also has a bit of eyesight for seeing people.

Brother Nine said: "Have you forgotten? You reminded me before that behind me, there are fifth elder brother, tenth younger brother, and empress with you, even father-in-law and mother-in-law. I fell into the pit, and I even fell with you, I dare not, and I can't bear to..."

Shu Shu has some impressions, but it also feels like it's been a long time.

The corners of her mouth curled up.

Obviously married for only a year and a half, but it seems that they have been together for many years, they are used to the existence of each other, and they feel like an old married couple...

Brother Jiu, however, had a sneaky look in his eyes, and began to count the time, saying: "It's 21 today, and it's only ten nights away from [-]..."

You sleep a lot during the day, but you can't sleep at night, so don't waste your time...

study well……

Four Baylor Mansion, the upper room.

The fourth elder brother had finished grooming and had been lying down for a long time.

Si Fujin was beside him, listening to his slight groans, turned over and sat up, with concern on his face, he whispered: "What's wrong, master?"

The fourth elder brother said hoarsely: "Perhaps the wind has blown, and I have some symptoms of a cold."

Si Fujin turned over to hold the lamp, and saw that Si elder brother's face was burning red, and his forehead was also sweating profusely.

Si Fujin hurriedly poured hot water for him.

The fourth elder brother drank it all "gudong gudong", asked for another glass, and said, "it's okay, just sweat."

He lay down again, his brow still furrowed.

But Si Fujin couldn't ignore it, he tiptoed out, called the girl on duty outside, and went to the dining room to make ginger tea.

"Put a few red dates, and add a spoonful of brown sugar..."

Sifujin gave orders in a low voice.

The girl went down in response.

After a while, hot ginger tea was served.

When Sifujin brought it to him, he tried the temperature of the ginger tea, guessing it was just right, so he pushed the fourth elder brother.

The fourth elder brother didn't sleep well either, and opened his eyes.

Si Fujin said: "Master, drink ginger tea before going to sleep..."

The fourth elder brother nodded and sat up.

Only then did Si Fujin realize that the back of his shirt was wet.

She took a set of underwear and put it on the smoker to smoke.

After Si elder brother had a big bowl of ginger tea, Si Fujin threw in a clean towel and said, "Master, change your clothes and wipe yourself..."

The fourth elder brother also felt uncomfortable, nodded, stretched his arms, and let Si Fujin do what he wanted.

Si Fujin helped him wipe the sweat from his chest, back and armpits, and changed him into a clean shirt.

The fourth elder brother suddenly remembered that the ninth elder brother said that Fujin was fine when he opened his mouth, but in fact, his own Fujin was also fine.

Si Fujin not only helped him change his shirt, but also put away his bedding and pushed him into his own bed.

The fourth elder brother lay down, looked at Si Fujin, and thought of the little girl who was wearing a red auspicious dress and smeared red rouge on her face before the big wedding...

Si Fujin took out a new bedding and put it outside.

Sensing that the fourth elder brother was looking at her, she looked over, with a gentle expression, and said softly: "Master, sleep well, call me when you are thirsty..."

The fourth elder brother looked at her oval face, and remembered how anxious she was when Li Shi was pregnant with a big princess, and felt a little guilty...

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(End of this chapter)

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