My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 793 The same old 9 as Jiu Fujin

Chapter 793 The Same Old Nine as Fujin Jiu

The next day, brother Jiu and Shu Shu got up late again.

When I opened my eyes, it was already Sichu.

Shu Shu was lazy and didn't want to move yet.

Brother Nine was already on fire, and said anxiously: "Oh no, Fourth Brother is so irritable, he must have come to see the raw powder early!"

Although he didn't send anyone over to call him, he couldn't hide the fact that he was sleeping late.

Shu Shu snorted softly and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

When the clapper sounded at the fourth watch last night, she was a little sleepy and wanted to settle down, but this one became a night owl.

Forget about anything serious or not.

Brother Jiu saw her like this, and said embarrassingly: "Get up and eat something before catching up on sleep, so as not to starve."

Shu Shu got up and stretched, and said: "Don't sleep during the day, go to bed early tonight..."

Brother Jiu's eyes wandered a little, with a bit of reluctance.

Shu Shu had no choice but to talk about the conditions for the second time, and said in a low voice, "I can't just stay like this forever, why don't I take a day off?"

Brother Jiu felt a little regretful, sitting on the edge of the kang, and said with concern: "Are you really tired? It's okay to rest for two days, everything is on you, I'm fine..."

Shu Shu saw that he was pitiful, it was hard to say he was dead, so he said: "Early to bed and early to rise is good for your health, we two can survive, and the little one..."

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu's stomach and felt it was an eyesore. He didn't have the kind father's heart of yesterday, so he gritted his teeth and said, "After giving birth this time, I won't give birth again, you are not a filial son!"

Shu Shu: "..."

As if someone is willing to give birth, she wrote down this sentence.

Brother Jiu didn't care about breakfast, so he hurried to the warehouse.

Su Peisheng and Xing's father and son were there, and in front of them were three small pots filled with snow-white lumps of cornstarch.

Xiaotang and He Yuzhu were also nearby.

It turned out that after the fourth elder brother left Su Peisheng last night, the ninth elder brother also asked He Yuzhu to stay.

Here, He Yuzhu also brought a small notebook, responsible for recording yesterday's corn flour processing procedures.

Brother Jiu said with joy: "It's all dried so quickly, how much is it?"

He Yuzhu bowed and said: "It was baked at the beginning of the morning, so I brought it here..."

Speaking of which, he pointed to the three pots and said: "I also weighed them just now. The flour of large potatoes is seventy-two-seven yuan per catty, the flour of medium-sized potatoes is two-two-three yuan per catty, and the flour of small potatoes is two or three yuan per catty." Two dollars..."

Brother Jiu was surprised, and looked carefully at the three small pots. The powder in them did look a little different.

The difference between the big potato and the small potato is nearly [-]%!

Immediately he felt something was wrong.

One person is missing.

He looked around, but still saw no one, looked at Su Peisheng and said, "Where is fourth brother, have you returned home?"

Su Peisheng bowed and said: "Our master didn't come, but Fujin sent someone over, saying that the master caught a cold last night, and he was afraid that he would get sick, so he wouldn't come, so he asked the slave to tell Master Jiu."

As soon as Brother Nine heard it, he understood what was going on.

Last night the brothers went from the front room to the conservatory and from the conservatory to the warehouse.

In and out, toss several times.

Brother Nine himself has a cloak on the outside and a thin cotton padded jacket on the inside, which is more convenient to put on and take off.

The fourth elder brother set off for Nanyuan in the morning last night, and he was still riding a horse. He was wearing a cotton padded jacket and an endmask.

In the hot room, even if the end cover is removed, the rest is covered in a panic.

It's cold and hot, it's strange if you don't catch a cold.

Brother Nine remembered that the recipe Le Fengming had prepared was "Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder" for exogenous cold, so he told Xiaotang, "Go get a few packs of 'Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder' from Fujin, and say that Si Ye has a cold. gone."

Xiaotang responded.

Ninth elder brother thought about the seriousness of fourth elder brother's attention to raw powder yesterday, and said to He Yuzhu: "Go on behalf of the master, and bring these three pots of raw powder to let fourth master have a look..."

He Yuzhu agreed.

Brother Jiu didn't rush to go by himself.

It's fine if it's normal, it's okay to be sick after that; but Shu Shu is heavy, so he needs to be by his side at this time.

If he gets sick during the new year, it will be bad if he infects Shu Shu.

Thinking of his discomfort, Shu Shu gave him peaches in syrup, saying that it would be good if he ate it, which was auspicious.

Although she knew that this was a nonsense made up by herself, but the meaning was good.

Brother Nine ordered He Yuzhu: "When passing by the dining room, take a jar of peaches in syrup and tell Fourth Brother to eat more of that, so that heals quickly..."

He Yuzhu agreed.

It is said to be a jar, but in fact, the small wine jar that holds rice wine is the size of two fists, so Brother Jiu doesn't feel bad about giving someone a jar.

After a while, Xiaotang came back with a box of "Huoxiang Zhengqi Water" and a small bottle of peppermint oil.

Ninth brother nodded, motioned for Su Peisheng to pick it up, and said, "Tell fourth brother, and I won't go there. If he wants to eat anything..."

Having said that, he stopped talking, and told Xing Haidao: "Pick a basket of vegetables from the greenhouse, don't use peppers, pick two more cucumbers, dig two big white radishes..."

If you are sick, you should eat a light diet, otherwise stomach fire will aggravate the condition.

When Xing Hai picked the side dishes, Brother Jiu thought of the Shanxi millet in the dining room.

That one is Gongyu from Shanxi, he specially sent someone to intercept and buy it.

He told Xiaotang: "Pack two catties of millet. If you are sick, you have to eat a light diet. That is just right for you. There is rice oil..."

Xiaotang agreed...


When Su Peisheng and He Yuzhu left the Ninth Prince's Mansion, several people followed behind them.

Some are carrying basins, some are carrying vegetable baskets, and some are carrying jars of sugar water.

The concierges at the Tenth Prince's Mansion and the Babeile Mansion looked strange.

Four Baylor Mansion, main house.


The fourth elder brother sat in the next room with his clothes on, his face tensed.

Ever since he was going to the Ninth Prince's Mansion in the morning and was persuaded by Si Fujin, his face turned dark.

Si Fujin had been married to him for seven or eight years, and he knew that he was angry with himself.

She persuaded softly: "No matter how important things are, they can't compare to my body. Besides, with Su Peisheng here, I will definitely do my best."

The fourth elder brother glanced at the clock and said in a hoarse voice: "I don't know what you're dawdling about, how long has it been?"

It turned out that he was not only angry because of his own cold, but also thinking about drying the cornstarch over there.

There was movement outside, and Su Peisheng raised his voice: "Master, the slave is back..."

The fourth elder brother couldn't wait, and said: "Hurry up and get out!"

Su Peisheng responded, and walked in through the curtain.

"How is it? How many catties of raw flour were produced?"

The fourth elder brother asked immediately.

Su Peisheng said the three numbers again.

The fourth elder brother fell into deep thought.

According to Brother Jiu, the potatoes were not planted very densely before, and the yield can be increased by [-]%.

If the potatoes in the field only have half the yield of the greenhouse, it is not cost-effective to make raw flour.

It is similar to Gu Zi, but not as practical as Gu Zi, and not as worry-free as Gu Zi.

Su Peisheng whispered, "Grandpa, Ninth Master sent He Yuzhu over here, and also sent a lot of things..."

The fourth elder brother said: "Don't let He Yuzhu come in, let him tell the ninth elder brother that he is fine, and he will be fine in two days."

He remembered Si Fujin's words.

Now that Jiufujin is pregnant, she is most afraid of getting sick.

In that case, He Yuzhu wouldn't have to see him anymore.

Brother Nine is also weak, he will be out of breath after walking a few more steps.

It would be bad if He Yuzhu came in and went back sick.

Su Peisheng agreed, and turned to go out.

Si Fujin called him to stop, handed him a purse, and said, "Don't let He Yuzhu work in vain, buy candy for the New Year."

Su Peisheng took it out with both hands.

He Yuzhu didn't even get in the door, so he received the reward and was sent back.

He knew in his heart that it was because of Si elder brother and Si Fujin's love for his younger brother and sister-in-law, so he went back briskly to return to his life...

The things he brought were also taken over by others, and they were all taken into Si Fujin's upper room.

Although the fourth elder brother was still "cough coughing", he couldn't help being excited when he saw the pot of raw flour that was whiter than white flour.

Maybe I thought badly.

This seems to be worth more than Xiaomi.

If it is sold directly, it should be more profitable than farming, right?

What about direct consumption?
Sifujin looked at a few other things.

"Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder" for curing diseases.

Smell of "peppermint oil".

Candied peach meat to eat.

There is also a small cloth pocket of golden millet.

There is also a basket of juicy vegetables.

Sifujin laughed and said: "I never thought Brother Nine would know how to take care of people..."

Su Peisheng was right next to him, and he told the truth that this was all arranged by Brother Nine.

This is rare.

If it was arranged by Shu Shu, she has always acted in a thoughtful manner, but it would be inconspicuous.

The fourth elder brother couldn't help but smiled, then looked at the candied peach meat and frowned and said: "Isn't this for children? Really, is it true that you are a child?"

They ate this peach meat in sugar water at the "Daji" on the housewarming banquet.

The kids love it.

When the children left, besides the gifts, there was also a jar of peaches in syrup.

Si Fujin said: "It's Jiudi's wish, so I'll take it, it's sweet, I just drank the medicine, sweet mouth..."

As for the "Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder", the fourth elder brother took a closer look and told Su Peisheng, "Go ahead."

Su Peisheng took it and went to find the cup.

The fourth elder brother has also heard about "Le Jia Cheng Yao".

He was very excited.

Not for myself, but thinking of the epidemic in the capital every few years.

It is also easy to spread in autumn and winter.

Forget it in the inner city, the livelihood of the people in the Eight Banners is borne by the imperial court, and there are very few poor families.

However, there are many poor people in Nancheng who are unable to seek medical treatment when they are sick.

If "Lejia Chengfang" is really effective, it would be a good policy for the imperial court to purchase it and use it for the poor in Nancheng.

When the medicinal soup was a little warm, the fourth elder brother drank it all in one gulp.

Hearing is delusion, seeing may not be believing, but personal experience can verify whether this "Le Jia Cheng Yao" is exaggerated.

just the smell...

The fourth elder brother couldn't help making a bitter face, and resisted so much that he didn't vomit.

Si Fujin had asked someone to open the peaches in syrup, poured him a bowl, put a piece in a spoon, and brought it to his mouth.

The fourth elder brother opened his mouth to eat, and the mouth was cold, with the sweetness of peaches.

His complexion got better now, and his eyes had already landed on the bowl in Si Fujin's hand.

Si Fujin handed it to him, and said: "It's a little cold, please swallow before swallowing..."

Si elder brother took the bowl and took a look at Si Fujin.

His wife has always been gentle and considerate, but he was used to it before and didn't feel anything.

But from last night until now, she took care of herself like this, as if it was no different from Jiu Fujin taking care of Brother Jiu...

Go to bed early, everyone will read the next chapter tomorrow morning, ^_^.

(End of this chapter)

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