My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 794 Accident

Chapter 794 Accident
Ninth Prince's Mansion, when the dining table was set, Brother Nine also came back, with a little complacency on his face.

Shu Shuduo took a look, and found that his eyes were fluttering, and he kept aiming at the dining table.

Shu Shu followed his gaze and looked over, what was on the dining table different from usual?

A new dish...

It looks green and white.

The peeled and depleted cucumber flesh formed small circles, with peach flesh stuffed in the circles.

This is some rough knife work...

Shu Shu remained calm, a little sweet in her heart.

With joy, she urged Brother Jiu to say: "Master, wipe your hands and sit down, there are new dishes in the dining room today, it's refreshing to look at."

Brother Nine coughed lightly, and said, "Really? Then you have a good taste..."

Shu Shu responded, but did not rush to stretch out her chopsticks.

When Brother Nine was also sitting at the dining table, Shu Shu stretched out her chopsticks and picked up a piece.

The fragrance and crispness of the cucumber are still there, and with the soft waxy peach flesh in the middle, it is a bit like eating cantaloupe.

Brother Jiu saw that she was eating seriously, and asked, "How does it taste?"

Shu Shu nodded and said: "It's well built, it's like eating cantaloupe, it's delicious."

This mixed way of eating reminded her of a post she read in her previous life.

Apple slices and cucumber slices are eaten together, which tastes like cantaloupe.

It seems that cucumbers go well with fruit.

The corners of Brother Jiu's mouth turned up, and he said comfortably: "My lord, try it too..."

Brother Jiu picked up a chopstick and put it in his mouth. He also thought it tasted good.

When he was in the dining room before, he took a sip and found the taste not bad, somewhat familiar.

Hearing Shu Shu's words, he realized that it did smell like melon.

"Since this new dish is good, why don't you give this dish a name..."

Brother Nine was a little excited, looked at Shu Shu and said, "You're a young boy, let's hold 'Sincerely'!"

People do not blame.

Especially those who show filial piety and don't waste much money, Shu Shu is very supportive.

But the name...

Shu Shu felt that her brain was not enough.

She thought about it for a while, but she wanted to aim at being tall, but she couldn't think of it, so she hesitated, "Stuffed cucumbers?"

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu and encouraged him, "Think about it again?"

Shu Shu said: "Cold melon and peach?"

Brother Nine was a little disappointed and said, "Is there anything else?"

Shu Shu shook her head: "Recently, my brain is stupid, I can't speak..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while and said, "What about an auspicious name like 'Fu Shou Xi'?"

After hearing this, Shu Shu didn't know why, but what appeared in her mind was "A Gathering of Heroes".

She glanced at the dish. Among the "color and fragrance", there was no color, and the fragrance was weak. Only one taste was above average.

Just eat something new.

Shu Shudao: "I also made syrupy cherries, oranges, and grapes this year..."

Brother Jiu understood, and said: "Then add a few more, the colors are bright..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "With so many different words, how about calling it 'Family Portrait', or 'Happy Meeting', or 'Gathering of Heroes'?"

Brother Jiu's eyes sparkled, and he said with a final word: "Just 'Family Portrait', it's good to listen to, and it's also suitable for the festival!"

Shu Shu glanced at the cucumber's knife skills, feeling a little worried.

She was afraid that elder brother Jiu would cut off his hand, and she was also worried that it would be too late.

If a daughter washes her hands and makes soup and is filial to her elders, everyone will praise her; if a son does this, Kangxi will probably reprimand him, and others will talk about it.

After all, what is emphasized now is "a gentleman stays away from the kitchen".

Shu Shu said: "My lord, don't do anything, otherwise, the emperor will discipline you instead, even the empress may not feel happy..."

Concubine Yi is smart, so she would definitely think that elder brother Jiu was cooking at home, and the original purpose was for his daughter-in-law, which makes people feel very uncomfortable.

Brother Jiu remembered "Book of Rites", and said with a bitter face: "I just remembered, Khan Ama let me read the book, I forgot!"

He just nodded and said: "Okay, otherwise, Khan Ama thinks that I don't do my job properly, so I should think I'm not pleasing to the eye."

After the husband and wife had a simple meal, they asked Xiaotang to bring over several jars of sugar water and fruit.

Take out a spoonful of each and put it in a plain white deep dish. It looks really good.

Brother Jiu hesitated and said, "Should I still put cucumbers? They are all soft, but cucumbers are hard, so it doesn't look good..."

Shu Shu thinks the tender green color of cucumber meat is very beautiful.

Now there are several kinds of fruits, peach flesh is white, cherries are red, oranges are yellow, peeled black grapes are purple, adding green is just right.

Shu Shu said: "Pick the tender cucumbers, peel them, dig them into melon balls, and put them inside, so it won't look awkward."

Brother Jiu felt good when he heard it.

Shu Shu told Xiaotang to prepare.

After a quarter of an hour, Xiaotang came back with the cucumber balls he dug up.

Put it on the plate, and the color match is just right.

Brother Jiu stood up, looked at it several times, and was very satisfied.

He said to Shu Shu: "Shouldn't you just 'respect'? Grandmother and Empress will pay respects in a few days, otherwise it's not good to be empty-handed during the Chinese New Year, but it's too dense to pay respects twice... "

"Okay!" Shu Shu nodded and said, "Master is thoughtful."

Nothing to do after dinner, the couple went to the study.

Brother Jiu remembered something, and asked someone to invite Fu Song over, saying: "I forgot about the annual leave, how do other people's houses have holidays?"

Fu Song said: "I was just going to talk to you about this. Other mansions are closed from the 29th. During the holidays, the big guys come to work in shifts to guard against the master's orders. After the new year is the tenth day of the new year. It's earlier than in the yamen... ..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "The guards and guards are fine. According to this, the two ceremonies will start tomorrow. Don't delay the New Year. There is no need to take turns during the holidays. Come back directly after the new year!"

Fu Song only thought that Brother Nine was considerate of the elders of the two adults, so he nodded in agreement.

Anyway, it's okay for him to be idle, just come over and be on duty.

Brother Jiu looked at him and said: "You are also on vacation, have fun for a while, look for former classmates, friends, and cousins..."

Fu Song shook his head and said, "I didn't have many contacts before."

Brother Jiu said: "You are a fourth-rank official, and you have to let them see and see when you return home."

Fu Song smiled and nodded, "Okay!"

It would be good to take a few more days off, he can spend more time with Ama to socialize.

His "returning home" doesn't have to be for those boring people, but he can accompany Ama, so that the Dong'e people don't speak sour words.

In the second half of this year, the capitals and deputy capitals of the Lower Five Banners were replaced several times.

The emperor released several clan guards to serve as the deputy governors of the Five Banners, and some people talked about it, guessing that the governors would be replaced next.

Although Qi Xi became an uncle, the uncle who served as the governor of Manchuria was different from the uncle who was not appointed as the governor of Manchuria.

Especially in Dong E's mansion, some people said that Dong E's Manchuria would be lost. Although Qi Xi won the title, he lost the Sacred Heart or something...

Shu Shu was at the side, listening to the two talking, she remembered something, and said: "If someone urges you to go on a blind date during the Chinese New Year, you will meet if you are happy, and if you are not, you can push it to Master Jiu."

Unmarried young men of the right age, who can avoid talking about marriage during the Chinese New Year?
Fu Song didn't nod, but looked at Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu said straightforwardly: "Listen to your sister..."

"Yeah!" Fu Song finally responded, and went out to talk to the two Dianyis.

When Fu Song went out, Shu Shu couldn't help laughing and said: "So you don't like to study "Book of Rites"?"

As soon as Kangxi finished speaking and asked Zhang Tingzan to read it, he gave Zhang Tingzan an annual leave.

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said, "I've been targeted by Khan Ama for this subject, and I can't escape, but I don't want to follow him to study, how comfortable we two are studying together..."

After all, it is a society of etiquette and law.

Follow the rules and you can never go wrong.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Then teach me well, I read it when I was young, but I didn't pay attention at the time, I almost forgot about it!"

Brother Nine is always good at being a teacher, so he got excited when he heard it, and said, "It will start in a while, you have to call me Mr."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Would you like to offer a cup of tea first?"

Brother Jiu wanted to nod, but then shook his head and said, "No rush, we'll talk about it tomorrow..."

Let's first look at how well Fujin learned the "Book of Rites". If he is as fast as French and Italian, then he is not a good teacher.

Fortunately, Shu Shu didn't show any unusual talent this time, and she was just like herself. She read every sentence and didn't understand the truth inside.

"Ha ha!"

Brother Jiu didn't know what to think, and laughed out loud.

Shu Shu raised her head and looked at Brother Jiu, a little angry.

Is it a joke that she is stupid?

Don't even look at when?
This is a special situation for her, and she doesn't have enough brains...

Brother Jiu saw that she had a bad complexion, and knew that she had misunderstood, so he hurriedly explained with a smile: "I think that our husband and wife are a match made in heaven, and we don't like to read this kind of books very much. Foreign literature is fast, and math skills are good. You’ve learned well, don’t you think they’re the same?”

Shu Shu also laughed and said, "It's really..."

Brother Nine smiled again.

Shu Shu said: "Remember what's so funny?"

Brother Nine gritted his teeth and said, "Master, I just remembered that rude saying, 'fish looks for fish, shrimp looks for shrimp'..."

As he spoke, he himself remained silent, and the next sentence was not pleasant.

He changed his tune and said: "Things of a feather flock together and people are divided into groups, then we are a group..."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Marriage is destined, maybe it's because of this, it's like two small fishes on a yin and yang plate, they come together to form a circle..."

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said, "It's you who hooked me, and Lord who hooked you, and we are next to each other..."

The two were sweet, and the first siege at Nanyuan Paddock had come to an end.

South Court Paddock.

The fourteenth elder brother was riding on a tall horse with a triumphant expression on his face.

His haha ​​bead rode behind, holding his captured.

He shot a deer, two roe deer, five hares, and seven pheasants.

It's just that the Zhenghuang Banner Guards Battalion, which he is in charge of the flag, seems a little embarrassed.

Brother Fourteen's face drooped suddenly.


There were no accidents in the other two flags, but it happened in the yellow flag!
A guard was turned upside down while running a horse, yelling, and was rescued, but he was so scared that he peed his pants!
Such poor riding skills, such cowardly courage, are also worthy of being a palace guard?

Roll around to ask for a monthly pass, and it's [-] more.

The next update will be at 2:3 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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