My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 795 My Bodyguard Office

Chapter 795 My Bodyguard Office

Seeing that the fourteenth elder brother was so angry, another haha ​​bead reminded in a low voice: "Master, that guard is called Chang Hai, and he is the second master of Cheng'en Gongfu..."

Elder Fourteen couldn't help being taken aback when he heard this, and said, "Hesheli's family?"

Cheng Engong of the Zhenghuang Banner is the prince's uncle's family.

In fact, this Cheng'en Gong has already been reformed, but everyone is still used to calling it the Cheng'en Gong's Mansion.

"It's the concubine of my grandfather, the younger brother of Mr. Chang..." Naha Zhuzi said.

Brother Fourteen's mouth twitched.

This is really a young brother.

He had met the prince's uncle, Chang Tai, who was in charge of the internal guards in his early years, and looked about the same age as the emperor's father, at least in his forties.

That coward Chang Hai looks to be in his twenties.

Brother Fourteen originally planned to go to the imperial court to file a complaint, but now he hesitated.

Don't look at the face of the monk, look at the face of the Buddha.

That's the prince's uncle. If he really sued him, wouldn't he want to offend the prince?
The fourteenth elder brother was a little depressed, touching the horse's mane of "Coral", with a gloomy expression on his face.

The Hesheli family was bold and reckless. At the beginning of the year, the emperor had disposed of the Hesheli family, and dared to let such a child serve as a bodyguard.

The thirteenth elder brother also came down from the paddock. Hearing about the incident in Zhenghuangqi, he came to look for the fourteenth elder brother.

Seeing that the fourteenth elder brother was unhappy, he reined in his horse and walked along, consolingly said: "Isn't it good, Zhenghuang Qi won the second place, and your capture is more than me and the tenth brother, don't worry about the rest."

The fourteenth elder brother pouted, and said, "Don't coax me, I've seen it, with me or without me, Zhenghuangqi is also the second!"

Elder Brother Thirteen shook his head and said, "That won't be true, maybe Zhengbai Qi is the second."

The bordered yellow flag is the head flag, and no other flags will compete.

But this second, Zhengbai Qi and Zhenghuang Qi are going to compete.

Brother Fourteen snorted softly: "Anyway, the yellow flag must be number one!"

Brother Thirteen smiled and said: "When the Mulan paddock is surrounded, let's tell Han Ama that you have a yellow flag in your palm!"

Elder Fourteen just wanted to nod, then shook his head and whispered: "Forget it, one thing more is worse than one thing less..."

If we really want to follow the orderly arrangement of seniors and youngests, the ten princes should have yellow flags in their palms.

But because the bordered yellow flag is the head flag, and Elder Brother has a special status, it's inappropriate, I'm afraid someone will think too much.

The fourteenth elder brother is the son of a concubine, and the eighteenth elder brother below is still young, he is treated as a young son, he is good at riding and shooting, and has been compared with the youngest son of the Taizu, Duoduo.

He is inlaid with a yellow flag, and he will be talked about by those who care.

"Why are you acting like a bitch, talking about our brothers all day long..." Elder Fourteen was a little annoyed.

Brother Thirteen didn't answer.

There have indeed been some changes inside and outside the palace this year.

When did it start?

After Suo'etu's death...

There was also a lot of gossip about Yuqing Palace. Although they didn't directly belittle the crown prince, they were not good words, such as "doting on concubines and destroying wives", "teaching children without a way", "brothers who are not in harmony"...

In front of the imperial palace.

Brother Seven stood beside him, and Kangxi held a booklet in his hand, which was the record of the riding and shooting conditions of the guards of the Three Banners in today's circle.

Most are fine.

Kangxi was quite pleased, as it should be.

It is the most correct choice to send outstanding children from various families to the imperial court for him to command and guide.

Small portion not so good.

The performance in riding and archery is average, and there are several people who miss three shots.

Kangxi had a sullen face. You must know that the bodyguards are not filled just by adding a name, and there are corresponding assessments. Then how did these people get in?
Or does it mean that he passed the test and entered the palace for a few years, but now he is useless?

Kangxi's face became even more ugly when he saw the record of Zhenghuangqi's third-class bodyguard Chang Hai falling from a horse.

As a man of the Eight Banners, riding and shooting is fundamental.

Riding a horse is like eating and drinking water, because you can panic and fall off the horse because of galloping, so what kind of waste is that?

When he saw the back and saw the family, he couldn't help being stunned.

I thought it was the same name before, but I didn't expect it to be Chang Hai from Hesheli's family.

If so, it is not surprising.

This is Kabula's old son. When Concubine Ping was there, he mentioned this younger brother. He was born a year before Concubine Ping entered the palace, and he had some shortcomings when he was young.

It seems that Kangxi was born in the 18th year, that is, he was the same age as the fifth elder brother, and he was also 21.

Kangxi glanced at Seventh Elder Brother and said, "When did Chang Hai replace the bodyguard?"

In the early years, before Changtai was not dismissed, he was the minister of the guards.

According to the Eight Banners practice, men at the age of 16 wear armor.

If Chang Hai entered the bodyguard office in five years, it should be Chang Tai who handled it.

Brother Seven said: "In the first month of this year, the first-class guard He Yi will be the head of the House of Internal Affairs, and Chang Hai will be the third-class guard."

Kangxi frowned, but he remembered it.

The first-class bodyguard vacated by He Yi was replaced by his sister-in-law Bose, and the second-class bodyguard vacated by his sister-in-law was replaced by a third-class bodyguard from the Tong family.

He didn't pay attention behind.

It turned out that the third-class guard vacated by the Tong family returned to the Hesheli family.

Kangxi had a sneer on his face.

Chang Tai was dismissed at the end of 36. Even so, he was still able to reach into the guard's office. What is the reason?
The identity of the prince's uncle!
Even if he was dismissed and lost his errand, people would still call him "Master Chang" when they mentioned it.

When it comes to Changtai's family, it is still called "Cheng'en Gongfu".

"It's so cute, his eldest son has grown up, he didn't make up for the guards, but he made up for his brother..."

Kangxi sneered.

In the eyes of outsiders, it is hard to say that Chang Tai is also praised for his kindness, not only raising the younger brother, but also arranging a bright future for the younger brother.

Chang Tai had a strange mind, and made friends with generals while his retinue was on the expedition.

This is a guilty conscience and dare not fill in the vacancy of his son, so he made up such a person.

Kangxi wanted to depose Chang Hai's bodyguard immediately, but he wanted to save the prince's face, so he suppressed his anger and said to Seventh Brother: "Go down!"

Seventh elder brother bowed and agreed, and left the imperial court.

Kangxi panicked, looked at Liang Jiugong and said, "Call Fushan in!"

Liang Jiugong went down to pass it on to others.

The three leading guards of Shangsanqi were waiting outside.

Liang Jiugong said to Fushan: "The emperor will see you, Your Majesty!"

Fushan obliged and followed Liang Jiugong in.

Kangxi raised eyebrows and raised his eyebrows, and said, "This is the palace guard you have passed the examination? Archery is a vain skill, and it takes effort to ride a horse?"

Fushan's face turned red, and he immediately knelt down to plead guilty, saying, "This servant deserves to die, for committing the crime of negligence!"

Kangxi sneered and said, "Is it really 'overseeing', or is it a deliberate blindness?"

Fu Shan dare not answer.

Kangxi said angrily: "Bastard! That's my bodyguard's office, not your old Xun's bodyguard's office, one by one, with your hands stretched long enough, my bodyguard's office, anyone can tell me what to do!"

Fushan was concerned, knowing that he was speaking for himself, and that he had violated the emperor's taboo by not handling the family affairs properly.

After Kangxi finished cursing this sentence, he said to Liang Jiugong: "The other two also pass it in!"

Liang Jiugong went out in response.

Kangxi frowned and said to Fushan: "I think you are also an old minister, and you have been cautious all these years. I will forgive you this time. If there is such negligence and favoritism again, you will sue yourself!"

Fushan said gratefully: "The slave is grateful for the generosity of the master, and will definitely do his job with all his heart."

Only then did Kangxi's expression soften, and he said, "Get up!"

Fushan became cautious and stepped aside.

This time the ministers leading the guards of the other two banners also arrived.

Kangxi looked at the three of them and said, "My bodyguards should be the outstanding children of the Shangsanqi, not the idiots showing their ugly faces in the paddock today! After the Lantern Festival, all the bodyguards will be tested for riding and shooting, and the outstanding ones will be promoted to the inner class." Wait, the outside class is transferred to the inside class; those who are unqualified will be dismissed directly, and the guard office is not a place to fill in the number!"

The three of them respectfully agreed...

In another part of the palace, several dead deer and roe deer were placed on the ground.

The fourteenth elder brother said proudly: "This is a deer I shot, and the two roe deer will be given to the ninth brother!"

As for himself, he will be surrounded for several days, and there will be other seizures.

Brother Thirteen also said beside him: "I still have my share, but the big animal only has one deer, one roe deer, plus a few pheasants, that one is good for making soup!"

Elder Brother Ten is about to go back to the city, and he has already made a report in front of the imperial court this morning.

Beside the carriage that Elder Brother Ten was riding in, there were also two carriages prepared to pull things.

The tenth elder brother glanced at the fourteenth elder brother, and said: "The fourth brother went back to the city yesterday, and I heard that he won't be back for a few days. Don't you share your share with the fourth brother?"

The other prince's mansions are fine, these brothers are all in the paddock, there is no shortage of these.

And the ninth elder brother and the fourth elder brother are not in the paddock.

The fourth elder brother is also the same mother and brother of the fourteenth elder brother.

Brother Fourteen heard this, with a troubled face, and said: "But I just shot a deer, it's not enough..."

Sending only one roe deer to the Sibeile Mansion seems to be too thin; but sending the deer there would be a small gift from Brother Nine, and he was not happy about it.

Brother Jiu didn't come, but he was thinking about him and lent him his mount.

On the fourth brother's side, apart from reprimanding himself, there was nothing good to say.

Elder Brother Thirteen said from the side: "Didn't the others shoot too, just move two of them first?"

It was the first time Fourteenth Brother made a siege, and his eight haha ​​beads all followed, followed behind Fourteenth Brother, and each of them captured something.

Elder Fourteen nodded and said, "That's right, I forgot about this, then the ones I shot will be given to Ninth Brother and Ninth Sister-in-law, and I will make up a similar one for Fourth Brother..."

The fourth brother is not likable, but the fourth sister-in-law is a good sister-in-law. She is also an uncle, and there are also eldest nephews and eldest nieces.

After the thirteenth elder brother moved to the palace, he and the fourteenth elder brother grew up together in Zhaoxiang. When the fourth elder brother disciplined the fourteenth elder brother, he often took care of the thirteenth elder brother.

Elder Brother Thirteen said, "Then I'll gather two roe deer for Fourth Brother!"

Elder Brother Shi just helped them deliver things, but as for what to deliver, he didn't intervene.

After a short time, the things were almost assembled, so Elder Brother Shi got into the carriage, brought guards and guards, and left the paddock in a mighty way.

Sitting in the carriage, he remembered what was wrong during the morning walk.

Except for the guards of the upper three flags in the competition, are there too many guards following?
Thinking of this, Elder Brother Ten opened the curtain of the carriage, looked at the man on horseback in front of the carriage, and said, "Bose, did you see anything in the surrounding area this morning?"

Boser is his long history and his nephew, who used to be the first-class guard in the palace.

Bo Se said: "The slave saw Qi Ye go to the imperial court..."

Seventh elder brother's errand, also did not deliberately hide it from others.

Well-informed people also know the general idea.

"Is there any news from the guard's office?"

Elder Brother Ten asked curiously.

Bose thought about it carefully, and said: "Before today, it was all short stories from the parents, and there was no news related to the palace; after today, the Changhai incident should be news..."

Elder Brother Ten thought of He Yi.

He glanced at Bose, He Yi is still Bose's uncle.

Ever since the emperor's father ascended the throne and promoted his relatives, the Hesheli family, the Niu Hulu family, and the Tong family had many marriages.

Externally, the three families hold together; internally, they also compete with each other.

"Did He Yi intervene in Chang Hai's job as a bodyguard?"

Brother Ten asked.

After hearing this, Bose nodded worriedly and said: "He came forward and went to Fu Gong's mansion to mediate this matter on behalf of the Hesheli family..."

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said nothing.

Since the crown prince went to the Qianqing Palace to file a complaint in September, He Yi's head of the House of Internal Affairs has been unstable.

He Yi was also in charge of the prince's east tour before.

That is, Shengjing is thousands of miles away from the capital, so news from that side reaches the capital more slowly.

Now that the matter of Chang Hai happened, it was justifiable for the emperor to deal with He Yi...

The position of 12th on the list is unstable, and it is about to fall. Readers who have not insured the monthly pass, Xiaojiu is begging for a monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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