My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 796 Roast Chicken

Chapter 796 Roasted Chicken
When it was getting dark, Elder Brother Ten entered the city.

The carriage stopped directly at the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

When Cui Baisui, the concierge, saw him, he hurried forward to pay his respects and greeted him inside.

Someone else came over and had to wait for the notification, but Elder Brother Shi didn't need it.

Elder Brother Ten said: "I won't come in, call someone to unload the car!"

Cui Baisui called people, and at the same time ordered them to pass the message inside.

Before the load of game was unloaded, Brother Nine also got the news and wandered over from the main courtyard.

"So early? I thought you had to come back tomorrow!" Brother Jiu said.

"Tomorrow is also idle, so I will come back early."

Brother Ten said, pointing to the piles of things that were unloaded on the ground and said, "Thirteen and Fourteen are there, and the rest belong to my younger brother."

When he got to the main room, he asked Shu Shu, "Old Ten came back from the paddock and brought a lot of game. How about roasting a plate of venison tonight?"

At that time, she was so ashamed that she couldn't bear it.

It suits Si Age's taste, very light.

Brother Nine said: "The big ones were given by the tenth, and some were captured by the thirteenth and fourteenth today. I heard that they didn't keep them themselves, so they sent them to us..."

Brother Jiu looked around and said, "It's too much. There must be six or seven deer and a dozen roe deer. How can I finish this?"

There is no need to put Elder Brother Ten in a pitiful situation.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said, "Too lazy to socialize is not the same as being unable to socialize..."

The fourth elder brother saw it, but frowned, and said: "Why is it so bland, isn't there meat? Why don't you order two plates of meat? Don't worry about me..."

He knew that the fourth elder brother came back yesterday because of the potato.

The nanny felt sorry for her, so she asked someone to bring in food.

Looking at Brother Jiu's expression, it's not a joke, but he really thinks so.

It's time for a 12-year-old child to face.

The couple also ate together at noon, which was very light, and it is the same now.

In fact, Elder Brother Shi knew that he, Fujin, had never eaten venison, but Aba Haitaiji should have.

Because these years when Shengjia was on his tour of the north, the Abahai tribe used to meet in the alliance and would follow them to encircle.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "I know, I don't talk about this outside, I just talk to you..."

Regarding Jiusao's meat-eating theory, Elder Brother Ten is also a little bit concerned.

Ninth elder brother looked at tenth elder brother, and whispered: "Why didn't you prepare some for fourth elder brother? It's not too troublesome to add two things like Thirteen..."

Brother Nine said cheerfully: "There are still some at home, just not enough to send someone to get them."

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt a little greedy, and said, "Sprinkle more peppers on half."

Sifujin lowered his head, his eyes were a little hot.

But Elder Brother Ten still asked someone to give it away...

Everything is ready-made, no trouble.

Shu Shudao: "The tenth brother is not a temperament that likes to call friends, so don't think too much, even here, I am lazy, and people who don't like to socialize don't socialize."

If he meets the eighth elder brother, it will be even more difficult for him.

At this time, it is most appropriate for Brother Ten to avoid it.

The tenth elder brother said: "As long as the ninth brother does not enter the court and does not contact the courtiers, it will be fine..."

Elder Brother Ten asked unexpectedly, "Because of the rush?"

When the concierge came out, the tenth elder brother said: "It's the wild game that the thirteenth and fourteenth elder brothers gave here. I brought it here and asked someone to carry it!"

He distributed another deer and asked someone to send it to Ma Qi's family, while Zhang Tingzan and Gao Yanzhong's family sent a roe deer to their family.

When the two elder brothers are pumping sticks, they are easy to get hungry.

Brother Jiu also came here from this time.

Brother Nine nodded, and Walnut went to the dining room to send a message.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's fine, your sister-in-law Jiu doesn't like to eat now, and she can't eat beef all the time..."

But if the normal communication between brothers would make the prince jealous, then the prince is too narrow-minded.

Brother Ten is really smart.

Brother Ten also has a dish of roasted venison.

Si Fujin also got angry and didn't eat that roast chicken.

Elder Brother Ten didn't hunt much wild game by himself, but when he brought his guards and guards with him, the catch was very rich.

As soon as Suo'etu died, some ghosts and snakes wanted to attack Donggong.

Thinking of himself, Brother Jiu couldn't help but feel worried, and said: "Then the master is so popular now, will the crown prince be afraid?"

The son of a noble concubine is not the son of a noble concubine, as long as Khan Ama doesn't care, the others will look mediocre.

If the title is not granted, it will not be sealed, and if the population of the flag is not allocated, it will save right and wrong.

Four Baylor Mansion, main house.

The prince is honorable and has a stable position.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "Not all, the clothes on his body are thick, and he didn't have the nerve to take them off in the room, and the master didn't notice at the time, he sweated and tossed twice in the garden..."

Brother Ten looked at Brother Nine: "..."

Brother Nine sighed, and said: "Ama Khan thinks the prince is precious, if he lifts the prince up, everyone will think that the prince is precious; Ama Khan thinks the eldest son of the emperor is good, so there will be a lot of people around the elder brother; Ama feels that Lao Shi, the son of a noble concubine, is different from us, he is estranged and guarded, so Lao Shi should have less social contact and not get involved with others..."

Elder Brother Shi whispered: "No need, if my younger brother makes friends everywhere, someone should go to Yuqian to chat with Yuqing Palace!"

After exchanging a few pleasantries, the two brothers left the gate of Sibeile Mansion.

There is a curfew before entering the watch, and it is still early at the beginning of the year.

For the rest, he asked the dining room to keep it here.

Elder Brother Ten smiled and said, "I'm not impatient with socializing, so I just want to get along with Brother Ninth."

The two of them didn't say anything else, and Elder Brother Shi went back home.

Si Fujin nodded, and said to Brother Jiu: "Thank you, Uncle Jiu, for the medicine too. Our master has sweated after drinking it, and he is already better."

A total of one car, soon unloaded.

The fourth elder brother shook his head, looked at her and said: "I'm lying, who was not used to the dining room food at that time, and wanted to eat roast chicken?"

Although it has been seven years, but if you really want to talk about it, it seems like it was yesterday.

It is millet porridge, steamed buns with milk, a plate of minced garlic cucumber, a plate of sweet and sour radish skin, a plate of stir-fried cabbage, and a plate of minced meat and eggs.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Okay, then I will guard the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and I really want to go to the sixth department to learn errands. If I get together with the third brother, I guess either he will hurt the master or the master will hurt him; forget it for the fourth brother, because he has a quick temper Irritated, but also diligent and ruthless; Brother Wu is pretty good, but I'm afraid that Khan Ama won't like us to learn the same job..."

Elder Brother Shi laughed and said, "Isn't there Master Qi? You can ask Fu Song to bring some back, and if you can't finish eating the rest, you can make jerky."

He really felt that he was the most popular among the brothers.

Shu Shu was taken aback for this nonsense, then thought of Elder Brother Ten, and said, "What's wrong?"

Shu Shu naturally had no objection, and said: "I also bake some peach cakes, the ones are durable and full, and it's good to eat them in milk tea."

Seeing him like this, Shu Shu reminded: "In the future, master, don't brag about tenth younger brother, let others listen, and think that master is instigating tenth younger brother."

Brother Jiu asked someone to pick a deer and two roe deer and sent them to Dutong Mansion.

Brother Nine was dissatisfied and said: "Ama Khan hopes that his son will be respected by brothers and friends, so why treat him differently?"

I didn't expect to be so upset.

Even if they didn't deal with each other earlier, now they live in the same street, and contacts are inevitable.

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said, "Master, I'll go there with you. Fourth brother caught a cold yesterday, and he's being raised at home."

Kangxi let the prince "east tour" is also a warning to those people.

The fourth elder brother knew about it at the time, and was not happy, so he gave her a hard time.

Shi Fujin smiled happily after eating, and said, "It's delicious, it's the first time I've eaten this."

The top respects the elder brothers, and the bottom also loves the younger brother.

The fourth elder brother continued: "Those people in the palace love to be particular about clothes, I am afraid that they will say no good about you, and the elders will also pick on you, so I only said about you once."

If it can satisfy Fujin's appetite without gaining weight, that would be great.

Si Fujin blushed all of a sudden, and said angrily, "It happened 800 years ago, why do you still remember?"

The couple are eating.

It was getting darker and darker.

Elder Brother Ten said: "I kept several heads, since I like to eat them, I will store them in the ice cellar and eat them slowly."

She relied on pastry and milk tea to support her, and she lost several catties in half a month.

After the meal, Xiao Chun and Walnut went down, Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu, "I don't even want to 'give food' to Ama Khan!"

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said, "No need to send them off. I entered the city from Nancheng today. When I passed by the inner hall, I asked someone to unload a deer and two roe deer..."

Shi Fujin blinked, and said, "Then...can you send one to the inner hall? I want to ask my elder brother to try this too..."

The tenth elder brother kept it calmly, but the little brother gave it to him, and the ninth elder brother wanted to return some gifts, so he said: "There is so much meat, I can't finish it for a while, and I will ask someone to roast it into dried meat to make snacks for them." Bar?"

How old was she then?
12 years old, just married into the palace, still a child.

Elder Brother Ten respectfully said: "You are welcome, the younger brother has returned first, and he hasn't washed up yet."

The two brothers were talking, and moved to the gate of Sibaile Mansion.

Si Fujin said awkwardly: "Sir, don't talk about it, it's all over."

Elder Brother Ten said: "Then you rest, my younger brother will go to Fourth Brother's house, and the two younger ones will prepare some for Fourth Brother."

The fourth elder brother thought of what happened back then, and he was a little embarrassed, and said: "My master said you at that time, not because I thought you were greedy..."

The Tenth Prince's Mansion, the main house.

Brother Jiu said distressedly: "But it's not the case that the hands and feet are tied up, why don't we discuss it with Han Ama some other day?"

The prince's dining room was not complete at that time, and the regular dishes on the stove were really unpalatable.

Si Fujin got the news and rushed out, saying: "Trouble Uncle Ten..."

From this point of view, the "culprit" who caused their brothers to be divided into ranks and disputes, was not others, but the emperor himself.

This is still his ninth brother, who has been so confident since he was a child.

Si Fujin smiled, and said: "I don't like meat much either..."

Elder Brother Ten shook his head and said, "No, it's fine now, life is simple, and it saves worry and effort."

Since then, she has been cautious in speaking and acting in the palace, not daring to make a mistake in the rules.

At that time, she really thought that the fourth elder brother said that she disliked her because she was worried that she would embarrass him.

Now that they have been married for many years, she also understands the temperament of the fourth elder brother. He has a cold face and a warm heart, and he doesn't know how to say good things even if they are good.

She looked at the fourth elder brother and said with a smile: "Then when Grandpa recovers from illness, give me a roast chicken, and Grandpa will eat it with me..."

(End of this chapter)

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