My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 798 Goodwill

Chapter 798 Kindness

Regarding his own marriage, Gao Bin only brought expectations before, and never thought about anything else.

But being reminded by Brother Jiu, he really worried about gains and losses.

In the marriages in this world, there are those who are close to each other like his parents, and there are also those who are like neighbors in the neighborhood who are full of chaos and quarrels after a day.

He was a little dazed and returned home.

His mother, Mrs. Li, couldn't help being worried when she saw this, and said to her husband: "Is it because the gift is too thin, and Master Jiu is not happy?"

Li's family was also from a family of officials. His father was a grain governor in Fujian and participated in politics. However, he was not born early and his family was in decline. So he married a husband who was two years younger at the age of 13. The husband and wife stayed together for many years and had three sons and two daughters. Never blushed.

Knowing Brother Jiu's temper, Gao Yanzhong shook his head and said, "No, Lord Jiu doesn't pick this."

Between father and son, there is nothing that cannot be asked.

Also to reassure his wife, Gao Yanzhong called Gao Bin, and asked face to face: "What's the matter? Is there something wrong with the Prince's Mansion, or does the Ninth Master have other orders?"

In particular, the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs won the "Annual Award" this year, and they were divided into three, six, and nine grades.

Before calling someone to go, he hesitated.

At the beginning, I only thought that the other party was Zuo Ling's Gege, and he was "kissing and kissing", so I couldn't be wrong.

Now it makes people feel numb. If they follow the emperor's standard, they will have to go through it all over again.

Perhaps it was because of their vision that they felt that such a person was a good choice.

That's a nice plus...

Brother Nine is not a nosy person, and he was able to mention Gao Bin in this way because he regarded him as one of his own.

Erhe bowed and agreed.

Therefore, Erhesi arrived outside the paddock at the beginning.

The nephew also dismissed the poor relatives of the Gao family.

Erhe held the meal in his hand, and said: "Today, Xiaonian, this is the 'respect dish' given by Master Jiu to the emperor, and he sent his servants to bring it..."

He was deeply moved, but he made up his mind to be the guard of the Prince's Mansion for a few more years.

Brother Jiu's magical stroke, won't he slap the imperial concubine Huixian?

I didn't pay attention when I was studying in the study before, and I fooled as much as I could.

Gao Bin glanced at Li Shi, hesitant to speak but stopped.

The fifth elder brother looked at the meal box and said worriedly: "Is it cold after being sent from such a long distance?"

No matter how much a sister kisses, she can't kiss her son.

Brother Jiu's move is also out of goodwill.

After a while, the seventh elder brother and the fifth elder brother came together.

A piece of bloodstone seal material, and a pair of palm-length gold paperweights.

It can only be said that it is self-inflicted.

As for relatives as matchmakers, it is much more unreliable.

Speaking of this, he hesitated for a moment, and relayed Jiu Ye's words.

Gao Yanzhong narrowed his eyes.

Stories are dead, people are alive.

Mrs. Li pursed her lips and remained silent.

It's Brother Fusong's business...

Wei Zhu and Brother Nine have known each other for a long time, and they also received Brother Nine's annual reward a few days ago.

Either way, it's pretty annoying.

"Then after learning this, what should I do if I point to the next one?"

Only then did Li feel relieved, and said: "It's your aunt who is the matchmaker. It can't be wrong, can she still harm us? In the early years when our life was difficult, we did not miss your aunt's help."

There is a lot of rumors in the Ministry of Internal Affairs about this elder brother's behavior.

In the past two years, he said some acid words at the beginning, but later they came less.

Early the next morning, Brother Jiu ordered Erhe to go to the Nanyuan paddock again to deliver "respectful dishes" to Yuqian.

Shu Shu felt that it was because of Brother Jiu's soft heart.

What do you think, "respect dishes" use cold cuts?

Now, she can't be sure...

Gao Yanzhong also had some understanding of his sister-in-law's temperament.

In the prince's mansion, the study in the main courtyard.

When Brother Nine is officially knighted, he will try his best to help select and assess the guards, and then he will talk about other things after supporting the guards here.

Since it was a "sincerely" dish, it was delivered before the beginning of noon.

Or... about Erhe's guards?

Gao Yan was filled with annoyance.

Fu Song's age and qualifications are listed here. The master of ceremonies of the fourth rank is already super promoted, and it will take three to five years before he can talk about other things.

When it's time for the New Year's Respect next year, everyone is afraid that they will rush to give their filial piety.

That's why when Brother Jiu asked him to recommend someone in the first month of the lunar year, besides Gao Bin, he also mentioned his sister's nephew instead of the aunt's nephew.

Compared with the number of 20 words, 69 articles does not sound that much.

Seventh elder brother nodded and said: "Wait, the master will send someone to the imperial court."

It doesn't matter if you have a bad heart, but when you borrowed money in the early years, your attitude was indeed different from what it is now.

Brother Jiu shook his head and said, "It's not 20 words. "Book of Rites" has three books in total, [-] words. In addition to "Book of Rites", there are also "Zhou Li" and "Rituals"!"

Today the paddock is surrounded by two red flags, the fifth elder brother is idle, so he comes to talk to the seventh elder brother.

Erhe is a noble son, and he is not a fool, and he also knows that this is the grace of Brother Nine.

Erhe flashed his waist card and asked the guards at the gate to pass it in.

Maybe it's a big vegetable?
In that case, eating it with barbecue will relieve the greasiness.

Erhe bowed in response, pleaded guilty to the fifth elder brother and the seventh elder brother, and followed Wei Zhu to Yuqian.

After all, he ordered the eunuchs around him to pass the message to the imperial court.

I hadn't thought about this before.

Brother Nine proudly said: "I found out that I am becoming more and more considerate in my actions. Gao Bin is what I want to use. If he is really overwhelmed by housework, it will delay things..."

That nephew is arrogant, he claims to have a fourth-rank assistant leader as his uncle, and he has developed the temperament of a son-in-law, so he is not a down-to-earth person.

He was a little worried, and then thought of the greenhouse in his younger brother's house.

If there is anything wrong in doing things, Kangxi will regard it as a violation of etiquette.

He looked at Shu Shu and said, "It's agreed, we'll learn together, you can't leave me alone..."

Brother Nine felt much better after hearing this.

Knowing that Brother Seven was in charge of guarding the paddock, Brother Nine told him to go directly to Brother Seven this time.

Brother Nine brought up Gao Bin's marriage again, and said, "It's my aunt who is the matchmaker. If it's really good, why didn't I do it earlier? Gao Bin has been a teenager for a few years. Whose young man started to discuss marriage? I guess it's the same. For those who are stalking the crowd, I would like to mention a few more words..."

In this world, those who "hate others and laugh at others" are often not others, but relatives and friends around them.

After a while, Wei Zhu came over, bowed to the fifth elder brother and the seventh elder brother, then looked at Erhe, and said: "The emperor is idle, pass the guards over to talk."

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Yes, besides, what the guard Fu said is also reasonable, learn early."

He said to his wife: "Master Jiu is kind, he should inquire about it. My brother-in-law has a bad temper and likes to make trouble. He even made a move on his aunt in the early years. If he hadn't been beaten twice by his aunt, he couldn't stop , if his brother is also like this, then this family style really needs to be seen..."

Shu Shu nodded and said, "Let's learn together."

The fifth elder brother looked down at the big end mask on his body, and then at Can Xue in the corner.

Those outside who don't know Brother Nine say that he is greedy for money and has no regard for the prince's face. This is a different way to ask for money.

Gao Yanzhong really listened.

Erhe had already received the order, so he followed Brother Jiu's instructions and said, "Master Ma has assigned homework to our master, and now our master is studying every day."

Otherwise, if you really don't pay attention to this student, brother Jiu, and ignore Kangxi's words, what does Kangxi think?
Brother Jiu's face was troubled, and he said: "In this way, the "Book of Rites" has to be studied hard, and it can't be too long, otherwise it will appear that the teacher doesn't care."

Although spring began a while ago, and today is the ninth day of "June [-]", the weather is also cold.

"What is brother doing these days?"

It's just an elder brother who grew up in the palace, how could he think of asking about a blind date?

Shu Shu said: "It's okay. Among the Four Books and Five Classics, "Book of Rites" is already the biggest one, with nearly [-] words. If there is more than this, there is only one "Zuo Zhuan", which has double the number of words, and the rest are more and more. less and less..."

Mrs. Li thought more and more that it was because she was preparing to return the gift, and she became confused when she was concerned, and said, "Then what should we do? Let's give another gift?"

I read these roughly before, but I didn't understand them all. Now I read them carefully, and they are quite interesting.

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt a little worried.

This opportunity to appear in front of the imperial court, should Fusong and Erhe take turns, and then he let go of this idea.

In that case, the taste should be bad.

She praised: "Master is right. Marriage is not a child's play. It's better to be cautious."

Fifth elder brother said with concern.

Brother Jiu pointed at the book Fuqing sent, with a toothache expression on his face, and said, "Master, is this teacher really conscientious? In the presence of a university scholar, how many important national affairs can't be worried about, and you can still think about it." Grandpa is reading?"

Maybe they just had bad intentions and deliberately gave it to inappropriate people.

Erhe bowed and said, "It's a cold dish."

The fifth elder brother hadn't been around yet, but he had already greeted others and left some venison.

Among the sisters, they are the strongest, those who like to look down at others.

Shu Shu thought for a while, and said: "This should be the reason why the emperor attaches great importance to Lord Ma, treat him with diligence and respect."

So Fusong is not in a hurry here, he can come with Erhe first.

Brother Nine was a little emboldened, and looked at Shu Shu pitifully.

Shu Shu thought about the three books carefully, and said: "A lot of the content in the middle is repetitive, and it should be easier to learn together. There are 46 chapters in "Book of Rites", 69 chapters in "Yi Li", and "Zhou Li" Six chapters, adding up to [-] chapters, split it down, four or five chapters a month, and finished it in more than a year, so as not to procrastinate like this, and always be stared at by the imperial court."

Gao Bin quickly shook his head and said, "It's not a matter of returning gifts. Master Jiu was very happy to see the buns, and he also said that Fujin likes to eat sticky buns filled with bean paste, and the gift was just right..."

Immediately, she put it aside.

Hearing that Brother Nine had sent someone over, he was worried, so he came with him.

It's just that after Gao Bin became elder brother Jiu, she came over and said that her eldest son had grown up and was idle now.

The fifth elder brother heard this, showing sympathy on his face, and said: "It's not easy, you will leave later after finishing your errands, and the master left some meat for him."

Wei Zhu reciprocated, and showed kindness to the people in the Ninth Prince's Mansion, and whispered: "The emperor likes filial and honest children..."

Although he is tall, but his face is immature, he looks like a half-grown child, and when he said such old-fashioned words, Erhe didn't know how to respond or how to address him, so he just said politely: "Thank you for your reminder... ..."

Wei Zhu only said this sentence, then kept silent, and led him to the front of the imperial court.

By Kangxi's side, Fushan is also...

After the update yesterday, I found out that there is an extra silver alliance. Thank you, the leader. I am grateful and grateful. I will work hard to add more!
(End of this chapter)

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