My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 799 The power of the sky is unpredictable

Chapter 799 The Heavenly Might Is Unpredictable

Heavenly power is unpredictable.

His majesty was already respectful and careful, and Erhe became more and more nervous when the old man next to him watched.

He put down the food box, lowered the horseshoe sleeves, bowed a thousand salutes, knelt down on one knee, and said with a trembling voice, "The slave, Erhe, has seen the emperor."

Kangxi glanced at the food box and said, "Come on, what is brother Jiu doing at home?"

Erhe became careful, because the fifth prince had asked this question just now, so he was a little less nervous, and said fluently: "Master Ma sent homework, and Master Ninth is now studying every day."

"Where's Zhang Tingzan?" Kangxi was slightly satisfied, and then asked.

Erhe said: "Since yesterday, Master Jiu has asked Mr. Zhang to take his annual leave..."

Kangxi: "..."

I know I'm not someone who loves to read.

Kangxi said sternly: "This precedent cannot be set! My bodyguard office is for raising generals, not a place for raising dudes!"

The eunuch serving food responded and went down to fetch the bowl.

Tomorrow is the siege of the two blue flags, Kangxi looked at the elder brother and the third elder brother, and said: "Tomorrow, we will capture it well, and let the princes with the blue flags see how brave our prince is!"

Moreover, his nephew's birthday is young, and although he will be an adult next year, he will still be half a child.

Even Heishan's apprentice, who is only eighteen years old, can draw a nine-strength bow now.

Erhe responded, hesitated for a moment, and whispered: "Ama, did your son make things difficult for you?"

Yuqian, it's time to eat.

The old nine of the chicken thief asked him to go out for a walk. He was afraid of suffering and refused to come out, so he couldn't stop resting at home.

Father and son spend the New Year together, and everyone enjoys it happily, and it is unavoidable to exchange cups.

The first-class bodyguards in the bodyguard office are released from the palace, and either serve as the capital commander or deputy capital commander in central Beijing, or go to the local Eight Banners.

It's not that he hasn't been shaken in his heart.

The elder brother and the third elder brother agreed in unison.

The fourteenth elder brother sat on the other side of the eighth elder brother. Hearing this, he poked his head over: "Does the ninth brother love studying so much, and he doesn't take a good rest after the holiday?"

Ma Qi is his half-father-in-law.

For another person, I should have known shame for picking two places where he was not well-mannered.

Fushan didn't say anything, looked at his son who was half a head taller than himself, and said, "Okay, stop talking nonsense, go back and report!"

But it works from top to bottom, and now the emperor admires Confucianism and values ​​the elders, so the courtiers like them can't go against each other.

Before, at the guard's office, his level was above average, and he was able to handle it well.

In front of the palace, Erhe waited, with a look of uneasiness on his face.

Even though he intends to leave the duke to his eldest son and grandson in his heart, this youngest son is also his own.

Brother Wu nodded and said: "Yes, then you don't need to read books, it's so tiring, and it takes a lot of eyes!"

When the eldest brother and the third elder brother retreated and it was the turn of the fifth elder brother, the style of painting changed a little.


I was procrastinating before and didn't make any choices, I just wanted to see how the eldest grandson's qualifications would be after Cheng Ding.

Erhe agreed, and went back to the city with the two carriages...


Erhe agreed and left from the front of the palace.

The eighth elder brother looked at him and whispered: "It would be great if the ninth brother also came over."

Kangxi looked better now, and said: "Kneel down!"

Kangxi glanced at him angrily.

Also "family portrait"?
Is this a "family portrait"?

Erhe bowed in response, lowered his eyebrows, and retreated obediently.


Kangxi looked at the eunuch who served food and ordered: "Bring some bowls and share some with the elder brothers."

Kangxi looked at Erhe and said: "Go down, tell brother Jiu, study hard, I will check after the next year, if you don't study well, forget about your annual salary next year!"

This is ecstasy soup!
The fifth elder brother smiled happily and stood beside the case. After toasting, he didn't go down immediately.

When we arrived at the north gate of the paddock, the fifth elder brother had sent eunuchs to wait here. Next to them were two carts, one of which was stacked high, either deer or roe deer.

Erhe's eyes were red, and he said: "Ama is right, my son is willing!"

Kangxi snorted softly and said nothing else.

It is a single seat.

When the eunuch serving food came to share the dishes, he whispered, "Put a few more cherries in the bowl..."

Brother Fusong looked at Ruya, he only became a adult this year, but he can pull a ten-strength bow.

At the beginning of the month, I also made up third-class bodyguards for Ma Qi's son Fu De, but the communication between the two families was still normal.

Fifth prince's eyes were suddenly attracted by the colorful dishes in Yuqian.

Fushan's face was a little hot, and he bowed and said, "I'm not yet a talent, I can only drive to Wuli..."

These people were all trained by Kangxi, and there is no mediocrity.

Kangxi was very helpless and nodded slightly.

Now that he has been working in the Ninth Prince's Mansion for less than a month, he has already met the king twice.

The elder brother smiled and said, "Then wait!"

His next head is the eighth elder brother.

Fushan backed out respectfully.

On the other carriage were living creatures, a doe and a fawn.

Erhe became more and more nervous, not knowing that the emperor was well, how could he ask about his own affairs.

Although I haven't shown it in front of people, I heard that I can draw a twelve-strength bow.

They both flew into the blue-bordered flag.

Fushan said in shame: "The slave is confused, always thinking about the best of both worlds, abolishing the public because of personal interests, and ashamed of trusting the master."

This was a good thing, Brother Nine is also a kind person, so he spared no effort to support it; but it blocked the way to make money for the guards.

In addition to roast venison, braised roe deer meat, and pheasant soup pot, each table also has a plate of dumplings.

The serving eunuch looked at Kangxi.

Cool and sweet!
want to eat!

Brother Nine is a naughty face, every time he admits his mistakes happily, but he knows his mistakes and doesn't correct them.

Brother Fourteen sympathized and said: "Then Brother Ninth is really not easy, why not come over and surround us."

Fushan bowed and said, "I dare not, but I will remember."

In Kangxi's view, it is time for brothers to support each other and check and balance Xianglan Banner.

If it weren't for Ma Qi staring at him, I don't know what kind of laziness it would be.

Only then did the fifth elder brother look away, and sincerely praised: "Today's new dishes look good in color, and the taste should be good too!"

The emperor has ordered him twice, of course he will not know that the emperor does not like it, but insists on making up his eldest grandson.

The elder brother and the third elder brother are okay, and they are focusing on the dialogue with the emperor's father.

I only asked him to study with Zhang Tingzan on the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, and I promised him face to face very honestly that I would give Zhang Tingzan a holiday when I go back!
This is not in front of him, otherwise, Kangxi will definitely reprimand him.

The palms of the palms and the backs of the hands are all meat.

But after more than half a year, he didn't mean to get close to him.

Kangxi looked at Fushan and said, "Isn't your eldest grandson going to be a young man next year? How hard can you draw a bow?"

Embarrassed, Erhe said: "The slave's arm strength is a bit lacking. It's a bit difficult to open the eight-strength bow, and the nine-strength bow..."

Shu Mulu's family's bodyguard will be selected from among the offspring.

It's just that there are no major wars in the world today, and there is no need for the Eight Banners to fight, otherwise they can stand out among the clan princes.

It seems that he is not the Ninth brother he knew.

Erhe's riding and shooting is slightly better than Fuqing's.

As a result, after arriving at the Prince's Mansion, needless to say, the Black Mountain guards had a stature like a black tower, and the tendons on their arms were thicker than other people's thighs.

When I saw it clearly, I felt a little familiar, isn't this the candy fruit from Jiudi's house?
Looks good in color and tastes good too.

It was also taught by hand, and the qualifications of the eldest grandson are slightly inferior to those of the youngest son.

It was red, purple, and yellow, and he couldn't help but look at it several times.

Unlearned, incompetent, and unmotivated.

This is not a place to teach his son, Fushan said: "Master Jiu is very kind, please do your job well."

The eighth elder brother sat between the two, listening to the two talking, still smiling on the face, but he didn't know what was going on in his heart.

Looking at the food box, Kangxi lost a little expectation, and said, "What kind of rare thing, sent all the way?"

Erhe said respectfully: "Jiu Ye said this is called 'family portrait', today is a young year, and I will add a New Year dish to the emperor."

Moreover, the riding and shooting of these two sons were all taught by him, and they did have some advantages.

The third elder brother nodded in agreement, but thought about it in his heart.

Starting from the elder brother, the princes took turns to toast.

In order to avoid suspicion, he did not transfer his son to the internal shift.

Fuqing was not good at riding and shooting, and could only draw a six-strength bow.

Kangxi looked at everyone and said, "It's Brother Jiu's 'respectful dish', called 'family portrait', you should try it too..."

The fifth elder brother went down with joy.

The fifth elder brother nodded and said: "Master Ma is too serious, why are you so anxious about Chinese New Year, the festival is so restless..."

There is also Jiufu Jin, who has long been a legendary figure in the bodyguard...

Fushan was silent for a while, and said: "Ama is also at fault, I should have explained it to you long ago..."

Listening to what the emperor said inside and outside the words, he seemed to be dissatisfied with his Ama.

I haven't seen my son for four or five years.

The eldest brother, the third elder brother, the fifth elder brother, the seventh elder brother, the eighth elder brother, the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother are all there.

"How about riding and archery? How hard can you shoot?" Kangxi asked.

When he was in front of the imperial court just now, he didn't dare to raise his head, but he had ears.

He took a look at Erhe. He was tall, with straight eyebrows and eyes, and looked like an honest boy.

Because it was a young year, Kangxi asked someone to pass on his sons.

He has eaten.

"Family portrait..." Kangxi silently recited the name, his expression unchanged, but there was a lot of irony in his heart.

Fushan looked at him with complicated emotions.

Only then did Kangxi look at Fushan and said, "What's the point of replacing my eight-power bodyguard with a five-power boy? If things go on like this, can the guards still be used in the harem?"

The eunuch who served food only agreed.

Even if his nephew is a bodyguard, he won't go to the inner class, he will spend a few years in the outer class until the rules are complete.

The eunuch said: "It was raised by the deer garden in the paddock. The master said that Jiuye's reading is a waste of eyes, and deer milk is good for the eyes, so he went to buy a new one. In order to prevent weaning, he let the deer follow."

Ma Qi has already entered the cabinet, and he still takes time to watch Brother Gu Jiu study, not just in the name of a teacher.

The eighth elder brother was thinking, while holding the wine cup, paying attention to the movement in front of the imperial court.

At this moment, Brother Seven has already made a toast.

The eighth elder brother stood up and walked to the front of the imperial court...

(End of this chapter)

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