My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 800 Black Heart

Chapter 800 Black Heart

Maybe it's a holiday today, maybe because the dish "Family Portrait" is too refreshing, Kangxi is in a good mood.

When looking at the eighth prince, he was a little more patient.

If you don't demand anything else, this son is also capable of both civil and martial arts, and he can be regarded as an outstanding figure among the princes.

No one is perfect in this world.

"Khan Ama..."

The eighth elder brother held the wine glass, his expression was a little nervous, and his eyes were also cautious.

When Kangxi saw this, his heart softened, he also raised his wine glass, and said: "Take a good walk around tomorrow, don't be pulled too far by your elder brother and third brother..."


The eighth elder brother's eyes lit up, and he said: "My son must see the good and think of the same!"

This is the official room where the Gao family lives.

Or eat a light diet, eat more fruits and vegetables.

Today's Xiaonian, starting early in the morning, there was constant sound of firecrackers outside.

The houses here are all official houses, and they have no private property. They are all under the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and assigned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to live in a coat.

Served with sour radish and old duck head...

Now, the ice melts.

Even if his younger brother is like a greedy cat, he can't give it to him.

The atmosphere of the Gao family is not very good.

Shu Shu and Brother Nine came over to have dinner with Mrs. Uncle.

The capital, Ninth Prince's Mansion, Ning'an Hall, Xici Room.

Besides, if the elder brother is old, what about the emperor's father?

It's just that they lived in a large courtyard in the early years, and after Gao Yanzhong was promoted to a doctor, they moved to a small courtyard nearby.

Could it be that the matter of Fujin can be turned over?

The elder brother heard this, and immediately ate a few spoonfuls, revealing an empty bowl.

The fourteenth elder brother silently looked away and looked at the eighth elder brother.

Kangxi sat on it and looked at everything.

This Chen Gege also fell ill for a month.

Kangxi snorted softly and said, "I see that you are prone to big talk!"

On the table are dumplings with three fillings.

Brother Fourteen's voice has also changed a bit.

I have to bear it, I can't eat chili anymore.

She also prefers to eat fish heads, but she is afraid of fish eyes, so she doesn't dare to remove fish heads.

It turned out that after two days of private inquiries, I did inquire about the inappropriateness of Chen Zuoling's family.

She has a deep memory of Xiao Shiba's greasy appearance.

The inner government is covered with three banners, and they all live in the imperial city.

He is here, only 12 years old, and the wine cup is full of non-intoxicating fermented rice, just like Brother Thirteen.

When the fourteenth elder brother was standing in front of the imperial court just now, he remembered the scene of the two young elder brothers living in Yuzhou during the southern tour.

The elder brother noticed something and said, "What are you looking at?"

Mrs. Uncle's favorite egg and leek dumplings, Shu Shu's steamed beef and scallion dumplings, and brother Jiu's favorite pickled cabbage and pork dumplings.

Half a year later, brother thirteen has changed his voice.

Duck head only likes spicy food.

He glanced at the other sons again, and the third elder brother also moved similarly to the fifth elder brother, staring at the imperial banquet.

Li's eyes were red, the corners of his mouth drooped, and his face was full of anger.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "Okay, if you have more preparations, make up your body, maybe the little elder brother will be smart in the future."

The fourteenth elder brother quit, and said with a straight chest: "Who is as old as my son, who can compare with my son? Whether it is Buku, or riding and shooting, my son dares to single out!"

The thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother looked at each other with joy, stood up and said, "Thank you, Ama Khan, for the reward..."

The eye meat is tender, without fishbone; the fish brain is transparent, like jelly, not fishy at all.

It's just that he is not a fool, so there is no need to fight for the front.

Shu Shu ate happily, then looked at the fish head eagerly.

Kangxi looked at him, he was usually stupid, but he was able to talk when he was arguing with his younger brothers.

Neighbors in the neighborhood leaked some words, saying that Gege used to live at his aunt's house a few years ago, and taking medicine for recuperation was also blood-enriching medicine.

There are also some good courtyards, which are gift houses reserved for important ministers.

She didn't move her chopsticks much when the fish was whole like this today.


After the thirteenth elder brother finished his toast, the fourteenth elder brother got up.

He thought about it last year, too, and was happy to see it happen.

Brother Jiu and Mrs. Uncle both knew about her faults, one picked up the fish maw meat and put it in the plate to pick the thorns; the other picked up the cheek meat and put it in the Shu Shu bowl.

Thinking of this, Brother Eight was startled.

It's really getting back to life.

One by one, I was not so greedy when I was a child.

Kangxi's expression was a little slow, and he said: "Don't act too hastily, but proceed step by step, otherwise you will hurt your muscles and bones, and the gains will outweigh the losses."

Shu Shu felt a little guilty.

The elder brother gritted his teeth and said, "It's a good thing, save it for later, it's refreshing to eat after eating meat."

Seeing this, Mrs. Uncle picked up the fish head, took it apart, and gave Shu Shu the fish eye meat and fish brain.

They are all old nine.

She also wants to give birth to a white and clean baby.

Only then did the fourteenth elder brother smile, turned his face, looked at Kangxi, and said, "Khan Ama, even if my son is not as good as the top, he is more than the bottom. There are fourth brother and ninth brother, both of whom are not very old. He is good at riding and archery, and Brother Ten is also ordinary!"

Seeing that the two brothers also look like adults.

Cousin and cousin were just hanging out together, but at the beginning of the year when the post was about to be published, something happened to the family, the male was exiled to Ninggu Pagoda, and the female relative was sent to Xinzheku.

If they come in order, Brother Nine is Zhenglan Qi.

Elder Fourteen laughed and returned to his seat.

Mrs. Li went to ask her sister, but her sister denied it outright, only saying that it was slander from others.

Elder Fourteen laughed and said, "Only two arrows, Brother Thirteen will watch, don't ask to shoot more..."

Fifth Brother ate with open eyes and a smile, and looked at it, it didn't look like there would be any leftovers.

The eighth elder brother praised: "I was able to control the five-power bow when I was as old as the fourteenth brother, not as good as the fourteenth brother!"

Although Gao's father and son are working in the Ninth Prince's Mansion, they are the bannermen of the House of Internal Affairs and still live in the Imperial City.

On the contrary, the elder brother probably doesn't like sweets very much, so he took a spoonful and put it down.

That's because Yifei didn't taboo during pregnancy and was dry inside.

It's not that he is stingy, but that he eats and eats himself, and others also bury him.

But she was also impatient and picky, so she usually ate fish, either sliced ​​fish or dried fish.

The fourteenth elder brother patted his arm and said, "Don't worry, my son will become the No. [-] Batulu in Manchuria, and he won't fall into the problem of 'throwing seedlings to encourage growth'!"

Those who are close to ink are black...

When Kangxi saw it, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Seeing that the thirteenth elder brother was going to toast, the fourteenth elder brother's gaze was on the table of the brothers.

Kangxi nodded and drank the wine in his glass.

After Shu Shu is not bad at mouth, he prefers fish and shrimp.

Fifth elder brother gave him a thumbs up, and said, "Fourteen is not bad, it's about the same as I was then..."

Zhang Ying, who joined the cabinet this year, did not have a house in the inner city because he was not in the banner.

In fact, he has already compared it in his heart.

As a result, when the fourteenth elder brother secretly glanced at the big elder brother Tangguozi, Kangxi smiled.

Brother Jiu had already picked out the fishbone of the fish maw, handed it to her, and said, "If you like this bite, send someone to stock up on it..."

The prince's flag is not weak.

Eighth Brother endured his excitement and retreated.

Mrs. Bo also looked at Shu Shu.

Crisp and refreshing, like melon meat, it's actually cucumber balls, and it's delicious together with these.

"Delicious!" Shu Shu narrowed her eyes and ate with satisfaction.

Kangxi couldn't see him being complacent, and said: "Don't say that there is a sky beyond the sky, just ask your brothers, when you were your age, who was worse than you now?"

Nine princes really set off the Zhenglan flag, among the brothers, who is the master and who is the second?
He lowered his head, Elder Fourteen had already taken his last bite of his bowl of "Family Portrait", and even drank the sugar water.

Wait until the birth is over, and then eat happily...

The third brother is faster and has already put down the bowl.

Shu Shu shook his head with Brother Jiu and said, "Forget about anything else, I can't eat for now..."

Speaking of which, it was none other than the Jin family who was related to Guo Luoluo's family by marriage.

Peach meat is the best, grapes are also good, oranges are third, and cherries look good and taste more ordinary.

Elder Fourteen laughed and said, "Don't you like sweet things, brother? There are all sweets and fruits left..."

Dry pot duck head.

But no one is a fool.

Kangxi dissatisfied: "You can't compare yourself?"

The elder brother is 16 years older than him, and he is getting old soon.

It's just that he has grown a head, and he's still a child.

There are sweet-scented osmanthus in it, drinking like sweet-scented osmanthus syrup.

Chen Zuoling's brother-in-law is also famous, not an unknown person.

The fifth elder brother stretched his neck, looked at it eagerly, and said: "Khan Ama, if there is any leftover, my son will also ask for a bowl. Don't waste the good things, it is also the wish of the ninth elder brother..."

The fourteenth elder brother was dumb, his eyes glanced between the brothers, and his eyes were tangled between the fifth elder brother and the eighth elder brother.

Not only the thirteenth elder brother ejaculated, but the fourteenth elder brother also ejaculated.

The fourteenth elder brother glanced at the eldest elder brother.

That Ge Ge had discussed marriage with someone before, but it was not someone else, but her aunt and cousin.

In the imperial city, in the east official building, in the depths of Xiertiao Hutong, there is a courtyard house.

The eunuch serving food agreed.

Li choked up and said: "Master, I really don't understand how my sister can do this. Our second child needs to have good looks and good character. He is her nephew..."

Kangxi looked at his arm, frowned and said, "How many arrows have you shot?"

Seventh elder brother didn't stare at it, but the fruit bowl in front of him was also bare.

Just in time, the eunuch who served food came back after serving the thirteenth elder brother and the fourteenth elder brother. Kangxi looked at the half bowl of "family portrait" left and said: "Listen to the fifth elder brother, divide the rest!"

He held it forward, like a proud little rooster, and proudly said: "Khan Ama, my son tried the six-strength bow this morning, and he can control the string!"

There was also wine in front of the three of them, which was thick wine made from yellow rice.

A picture appeared in Shu Shu's mind.

Gao Yanzhong comforted: "It's not a bad thing, hasn't it been found out?"

Brother Jiu said: "Oh, why did you forget this? Does that only eat fish heads? Can other heads work?"

There is only chicken and fish in the table, so there is also a stewed mushroom with chicken and a sweet and sour anchovies on the dining table, plus a few side dishes.

He glanced at the eldest brother and the third elder brother, and then at the fifth and seventh elder brothers.

Right now the mood is a bit complicated.

Ever since Fujin contradicted the Queen Mother in Ningshou Palace last year, the emperor's father has been critical and disgusted in his eyes.

"Khan Ama..."

Seventh Brother moved slowly, but he kept moving.

The new year's dinner is here.

He ordered the eunuch serving food: "Give the thirteenth brother and the fourteenth brother another bowl of 'Family Portrait'...

Gao Yanzhong thought for a while, and said, "Perhaps I don't want my second child to be a high-ranking relative!"

Da Li gave birth to four daughters, and only then did she get an old man, who was the same age as Gao Bin. Since she was a child, she was used to praising her own son and belittling Gao Bin, a nephew.

Gao Bin didn't know much about reading, and he was not good at riding and shooting. Mrs. Li looked down on this nephew very much, and felt that he was not as good as her precious son.

Now Gao Bin has become Brother Nine's long-term follower, walking in the yamen of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is normal for Mrs. Li to be jealous...

(End of this chapter)

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