Chapter 801 How to Pay for Merit (Rolling for a Monthly Ticket)

Although she didn't want to admit it, Li Shi also knew that her sister had no good intentions.

She became discouraged, and said: "In the future, I will not interfere in the second child's marriage. I'll let you choose someone else!"

Gao Yanzhong thought for a while, and said: "Things will be smooth if things are slow, don't worry, the ninth master loves to support people, and the second child's future is stable."

Li Shi nodded and wiped away tears.

In the main room, Gao Bin and his younger brother Gao Yu looked at each other.

Gao Yu was born in the 30th year of Kangxi. He is only nine years old this year. He is a young boy with handsome features.

He whispered: "Is the marriage with the Chen family not over?"

Gao Bin nodded, feeling as if he had swallowed a fly.

He has been with Brother Jiu for a year, and he was also ordered to inquire about the news before.

That Chen family has a leader...

Gao Bin pursed his lips, his eyes were a little cold.

The couple studied "Book of Rites" in the study.

In that case, the assistant leader of the Chen family can be rewarded for his meritorious service.

When the old lady was seated, everyone followed suit.

Brother Jiu proudly said: "In that case, the master has done a good deed."

Earlier, he was thinking about how to pay for the work in Xiaotangshan after it was over.

The Gao family is short of a post.

With the help of Mrs. Gao, the dumplings were cooked quickly.

She is really his great aunt...

Mrs. Li nodded and said, "Daughter remembered it."

He was a little curious, and said to Shu Shu: "Go to the front and have a look, I don't know if the guess is right, but I hope that the heart of the villain will judge the belly of a gentleman!"

If it's just that his relatives played tricks on his marriage, it's really not a big deal, the big deal is breaking off the relationship.

Brother Jiu is a good master.

If the leader of the Chen family is the leader of the public, his plan is somewhat reliable.

Shu Shu thought about the system of the Eight Banners, and the idea of ​​Brother Jiu was a bit of a daydream.

It is dumplings stuffed with mutton and green onions.

Just making up for a gap is nothing, Gao Yanzhong's ability lies there.

Mrs. Li lowered her head and said, "You don't have to worry about it, the master said there is no need to worry, and pick and choose."

But although he didn't show much in his homework, he grew up holding his mother's dowry letter when he was young.

Gao Bin was dumbfounded, and said, "Isn't it? These slaves and father and son are not fools, how can they accept this instigation?"

Don't look at the face of the monk, look at the face of the Buddha.

Gao Bin stood in the yard ahead, seeing the orderly people around him, he suddenly felt that being a member of the Prince's Mansion was not bad.

Gao Bin said, "Son, go get the bowls and chopsticks."

Which man can bear such humiliation?

He had read Gao Yanzhong's resume, and knew that Gao Bin's grandfather had served as the inspector of Zheng Sanpin.

"Grandpa, it doesn't take that much trouble, just think about our family..."

Grandma Li put down her needlework and washed her hands in the washbasin on the floor before reaching the main room.

"Master Jiu, don't worry, I will tell my father when I return home, and check the Chen family carefully..." Gao Bin said solemnly.

Gao Bin was also uncertain, and struggled: "According to my father's guess, it was because my aunt was jealous of our family's rising life and didn't want me to get married, so I came up with this inappropriate candidate..."

Gao Yanzhong also said: "Yes, mother-in-law, don't be afraid of being late for a good meal, the good ones will come later."

Brother Gao Bin's clothes were mostly cut by the old lady.

Gao Bin agreed, left his home, left the imperial city, and came to the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

When the mother and son left the main room, a refreshing woman also came out from the west wing: "Mother, second uncle..."

The Zuoling where Shu Shu's family is located is the new Zuoling who was separated from the Zuoling of Dong E's family.

He misunderstood, thinking that brother Jiu was well-informed, and only mentioned them when he got wind of it first.

The little eunuch brought tea.

By the time someone sent a message from the front, Brother Jiu had already read several pages.

Gao Bin's eldest brother entered the military camp and was usually away from home. The Gao family did not live in separate households like other banner families where the sons married and lived together.

If Master Jiu hadn't made a point, the marriage would have been muddled, and he would have become a big joke, a bastard in the eyes of others.

Since it is said that we must study, we should not procrastinate.

Grandma Li said lovingly: "Sit down."

Li's dowry was swept away by her.

Shu Shu looked at Brother Nine and said.

Grandma Li didn't go back to the east room, she watched Gao Bin go out, she glanced at Mrs Li, and said, "Did something happen to the second boy's marriage?"

With the "Notes on the Book of Rites" sent by Fuqing, it is much clearer and less obscure.

Brother Jiu has gained a lot of knowledge in the past two years, and said: "Who knew, there are such fools who like to jump up and down."

The Li family is an old Fengtian family, they are family friends with the Gao family, and they were also officials and eunuchs back then.

Idle is idle.

Just like the Gao family, the ancestors were also high-ranking officials, but Gao Yanzhong didn't know how long Gao Yanzhong would be wasted without Brother Jiu's support.

Master Jiu is the prince, if you really want to plot against Master Jiu, can the emperor watch?

Grandma Li shook her head and said, "As I said earlier, the big girl has lost her conscience, you should pay less attention to her, but you are thinking about her three melons and two dates in the early years, and don't think about where her three melons and two dates came from... "

It's just that he died too early, the Gao family was weak, and there was no support, so they fell.

Gao Yu spread out in the chair, touched his stomach, and felt that his stomach was bulging.

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "Check it out carefully, if you really have bad thoughts, I will deal with him!"

When the Gao family was struggling, they also sent money and food.

Brother Nine's heart skipped a beat.

On the table, besides the dumplings, there are four small dishes.

At this moment, Gao Yanzhong and his wife came out from Westinghouse.

Mrs. Li looked at her two sons and said, "Set the table, I'll cook the pastry."

Master Jiu has a loose temper and has no intention of entering the court.

Gao Bin's grandfather and grandmother have passed away, and his uncle is gone too.

There are elder brothers and younger brothers who are decent.

Since he was young, he has allowed his cousin to bully him, so it's because he didn't succeed in his early years?

It's Gao Bin's eldest sister-in-law.

When Mrs. Li got married, her family was extremely poor, and she only brought ten boxes of books and a pair of armor left by Grandpa Li.

After Gao Bin left and Brother Jiu returned to the main room, he mentioned this matter to Shu Shu.

Brother Jiu has already arrived, seeing him in a trance, said: "What are you doing standing outside?"

Brother Jiu sneered and said, "Otherwise there are so many families, why did this one come to your door?"

Mrs. Li glanced at him with a look of displeasure.

Gao Bin was a little confused.


Brother Jiu couldn't help thinking too much when he heard this, and said with a frown: "Everyone knows that your father and son belong to the master and work in the master's house. What does the Chen family mean? It doesn't mean that they want to marry their daughter and instigate Your father and son are playing tricks in order to avenge the Lord, to avenge the Jin family, right?"

"Gao Bin is here?" Brother Jiu was a little surprised, and said to himself: "What did you find out?"

Is it okay to treat their family members as steamed stuffed buns?

Da Li is the eldest sister, her father was still alive when she got married, and the dowry was generous.

At this moment, Gao Bin came in and said, "Grandmother, father, mother, and son are going to the Prince's Mansion."

Brother Nine strode out.

Gao Bin frowned and said, "Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Shu Shu reminded.

Gao Bin came to his senses and hurriedly said, "Master Jiu..."

Gao Yanzhong helped the old lady and said, "Sit down."

Gao Yanzhong nodded and said, "Go ahead, thank you Master Jiu."

But if people dare to scheme against him like this, then he should practice hard.

Those concubines and concubines belong to other people's families, so it's not easy for him to come forward to clean them up.


But if it is really aimed at the prince's mansion, then you have to check it carefully.

Shu Shu said: "Ninety-nine are close to ten, if it's a happy event, it won't happen so fast."

But since he is the assistant leader of the Shiguan, even if he is dismissed, according to the regulations, he must be selected from other Chen family leaders.

Mrs. Gao has already given birth to a son, who is lively and lovely. She is three or four years old, and she was picked up by her uncle's family in the past two days.

Brother Nine greeted: "Follow..."

It was not until the old lady took the first bite that everyone lifted the chopsticks.

Gao Yu said in a low voice: "It's good if you don't succeed, Chen Gong is arrogant, I heard her tell my mother about how she starched and washed clothes back then..."

The table in the main room was set up, Mrs. Gao went to the east room and said, "Grandmother, dinner is ready."

Mrs. Gao has already got up to pick up the table.

However, because Grandma Li has been raised by Gao's family a few years ago, the Da Li family has also been in contact with this place in recent years.

Brother Jiu came to his senses, patted his forehead, and said, "Master, you are so stupid, you forgot about population reproduction..."

The old man is over sixty years old, and he is still very tough, and he is not idle all day long.

He glanced at Gao Bin, the gray cotton robe, the cuffs were worn white.

Gao Bin expressed his gratitude, and said, "Yes, if Master Jiu hadn't mentioned something, the servant would have fallen into the trap. The Chen family has a bad family style, and they are relatives of the Jin family."

Speaking of this, he paused and said, "The Chen family has nothing but worldly duties. They are just a middle-level family, so they probably don't have the courage, do they?"

Mrs. Li has read a lot, and she is a gentleman, and instead of remembering her sister's kindness, the two families resumed contact.

This time, he inquired about the Chen family's affairs in private, so he naturally heard everything about it.

It is a dumpling with a bag of meat, the meat stuffing is well mixed, and it tastes like a small meat ball.

Gao Yu obediently got up and went to help Mrs. Gao with her work.

It's just that Grandma Li was heartbroken, and she was never close to her eldest daughter.

Gao Yanzhong took his mother-in-law to take care of him, respecting him just like his own elders.

There are two plates of pickled vegetables pickled by the Gao family, one plate of shredded mustard greens with sesame oil, one plate of pickled celery, one plate of sweet and sour cabbage, and one plate of shredded kelp.

He also has a desire to make contributions in his heart. He not only thinks about the honor of the family, but also wants to serve the country and the people, and wants to become a figure in the history books.

Brother Nine and Shu Shu had lunch in Ning'an Hall and had already returned to the main courtyard.

Gao Yu glanced at Dongwu, and whispered: "Fortunately, grandma didn't know, otherwise she would be very angry."

In two days, you can inquire so much, what does it mean?
Not to mention that the Chen family's disorderly behavior was well known, it was not strictly hidden.

There were eight plates of dumplings in total, and when everyone put down their chopsticks, there was only one plate left, and the rest were all eaten clean.

When her father passed away, she took advantage of her age to take advantage of the chaos to pull things from her natal family.

If not, it would be difficult to say that it would be ups and downs.

Gao Bin had seriousness on his face.

Gao Yu said: "His family has a world job, which is different from ours. Auntie said that this marriage is highly regarded by our family."


Brother Nine hoped that he would not be able to follow his words, so he guessed right.

Mrs. Li nodded.

Brother Nine sized him up and said, "Did you find out?"

People from the Eight Banners have Spykers and official titles, which are different from ordinary banner people. Even the lowest ones are also middle-level people.

The two went to the study.

With Shu Shu by my side, I feel relieved.

Cutting off one's future is like killing one's parents.

Just use reasonable means to arrange Gao's family, there is no need to make extra troubles...

The fourth update is 12500, roll around and ask for a monthly pass!
The next update will be at 2:5 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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