Chapter 802 Prosperity of Children and Grandchildren

As for the Chen family plotting against Brother Nine?

Shu Shu felt that brother Jiu was thinking too much.

The Chen family is not stupid, they don't knock eggs like this on rocks.

From the bottom of his heart, Brother Nine was always suspicious and wary of the coating of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

According to later generations, there are some persecution paranoia.

It should be Eleven's business, which cast a shadow on him.

Shu Shu grabbed Brother Jiu's hand and said: "Don't say it's for no reason, it's not their turn to plot against you; even if there is something that really offends you, they will stay away from it."

The Jin family was sent by the emperor, and the Hesheli family was also involved in the middle, and it was not from the ninth elder brother.

Even if someone is really thinking about revenge, there is no reason to seek Brother Jiu.

I can only bear it any longer.

With Fujin by his side, the two of them talked about the situation of their big wedding in the past, with a bit of nostalgia.

Shu Shu couldn't help pinching Brother Jiu and said, "You are so bad!"

The next day, the couple still slept until the sun was up.

But that's all, there was no Dharani Sutra given, and only the Ministry of Rites and the Clan Mansion were ordered to handle the funeral as usual.

I just don't know if Sheng Jia will return to Beijing early.

In the final analysis, he still misses his own Shun'an Bank.

Brother Jiu couldn't help being disappointed and said: "In that case, how can I deal with people?"

Brother Nine stood beside him and said, "Would you like me to accompany you to Ning'an Hall?"

In the early years, the old man became a demon once, and then he lost the Duke Fu. The children and grandchildren of this family have no nobles, and they are all bald.

It took less than a quarter of an hour for everyone to arrive at the Duke's Mansion by carriage.

The older masters of the Duke's Mansion became more and more depressed after this result.

After all, they were the ones who didn't know what was good or bad.

Brother Jiu looked at him carefully, and felt that he was getting thinner, and said: "Your body is better? Don't toss so much anymore..."

He is the uncle of the emperor and Prince Zhuang, and also the uncle of Prince Xian and the princes.

This is hard-talking.

Brother Jiu didn't like to hear it anymore, looked at her and said: "How can anyone say that about himself? Is that pretending? He is a good person, and I'm 'close to Zhu Zhechi'!"

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "Forget it, let's stand up and digest, let's go read."

Brother Nine called He Yuzhu and said, "Go to Sibeile's Mansion and ask, is Brother Si better? What is the regulation?"

Although this kind of weather is common in the twelfth lunar month, I still feel that the blue sky and white clouds in the past few days are more pleasant.

On the other side of the Guogong Mansion, the sixth master of the Guogong Mansion came to report the funeral. He is not very old, in his twenties, but he is the cousin of the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother.

Looking at the house full of children and grandchildren, Prince Zhuang cried even louder.

Before the couple could move, there were hurried footsteps in the yard.

When the second master takes over the title, his legitimate sons can participate in the imperial examination.

It's just that among the Duke's sons, only the second master is the heir of the Duke's mansion, so there is no need to participate in the examination.

Brother Jiu said "hey" twice, with disbelief on his face.

The fourth elder brother was about to dress up, and said: "Since you have come out, let's go there!"

"What about the chariot?" Brother Nine said.

There are also many grandchildren, and there are more than a dozen now.

The couple talked about the past last year, but put aside the Gao family's affairs first.

It was the fourth elder brother who came out.

If the husband really got a beautiful maid, then he would probably be alone in the vacant room.

The fourth elder brother ignored the ninth elder brother.

He had a total of ten sons, two died and eight were born.

Go to the funeral sooner rather than later, especially for such close cousins.

Brother Jiu looked at her, raised his eyebrows and said, "Guess?"

As if it was just yesterday, Honghui turned out to be so old, and he was ten years younger.

It was the first time that Shu Shu was looking forward to the New Year so much.

He choked up and said a few words to Brother Jiu, and then went to Prince Xian's residence and Prince Zhuang's residence to report the funeral.

Prince Yu Fuquan and Prince Gong Changning have arrived.

Brother Jiu asked curiously: "Seeing that it's the Chinese New Year, it's time to come back from Huairou, right?"

Brother Jiu sat up, looked at Shu Shu, stroked his chin and said, "I thought well at the time, but women and villains are hard to raise, and it would be disrespectful for me to deal with you directly, which is a joke; wait for you to get married." , take care of your man, suppress his shortcomings, let someone do a "fairy dance" or something, ask him to sign a pledge, and honor Shun'an Yinlou to the Lord with both hands!"

Shu Shu couldn't figure it out for a while, and said: "Master, what else is there?"

Today's weather is not good, gray, not the appearance of blue sky and white clouds.

Not only them, but also the female relatives. Except for Shu Shu who is in a special situation, the others will go to the funeral afterwards.

The youngest son is the tenth master of the Gongfu. He is only three years old this year, and he has to be hugged and wept in mourning.

Brother Nine grabbed her hand and snorted softly, "Anyway, I'm just full of bad things, whoever offends me, I won't bear it in vain..."

In the afternoon, Prince Zhuang and Prince Xian returned to the city for the funeral.

They are nephews.

Still false.

The eldest son is the Second Master of the Gongfu, who is in his forties, about the same age as Prince Gong, and has grandchildren.

At someone else's age, when they are young and strong, can they still catch a cold by blowing the night wind?

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing.

The Shu Shu he had seen back then had her face modified, and she looked like a pretty little beauty.

Thinking of the Chen family, she hesitated and said, "Ama's family is missing?"

In the end, it was money.

The mansion is also narrow, and there are more people watching the master than the servants.

Ever since he moved out, Brother Nine has prepared shoulder chariots for Shu Shu and Mrs. Uncle.

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes: "That's a solution only that idiot Gui Dan can think of!"

The branch of Changshu is also assigned to Xianghuang Banner, so the Gongfu is not far from Beiguanfang, just outside Di'anmen.

He Yuzhu agreed, but before he moved, the tenth elder brother glanced to the east and said, "No need to go, the fourth brother is out."

The point is that in that case, the family will lose money.

Prince Zhuang looked forward to his son, his eyes were red.

The three brothers didn't delay any longer, and went to the old man's mansion.

Brother Jiu said speechlessly: "You really think highly of me, that's the confidant promoted by Khan Ama, you are such a ignorant person?"

Brother Nine spread out on the kang and said, "My lord is impatient, how many families do you want to deal with quickly?"

There are many people in the clan, and funerals must be prepared throughout the year, so plain clothes are always available.

Shu Shu enviously said: "I'm not as good as my master in this. Sometimes I have bad ideas in my heart. I just want to save face, and I'm timid. If I look forward and backward, I like to pretend to be a good person in front of others."

Shushu asked Walnut to find a gray-blue cotton jacket to change into for him, and also took away the purse and odds and ends on his waist.

My little elder brother will be able to collect New Year's money at the earliest next year.

Brother Nine and Shu Shu looked at each other.

It's just that a few days ago I heard that it was getting better, and I thought I could survive until the end of the year, why did it die again?
Brother Jiu got up and said: "You stay here, don't worry about it, master go and have a look."

The old man fell ill last year, and the emperor leniently gave it to Duke Fu again.

Shu Shu looked at him, no one was so narrow-minded, and said curiously: "If the palace didn't marry me to the Lord last year, how could the Lord take revenge?"

Elder brother on the side of the government's mansion also got the qualification to be admitted in the clan's mansion.

Brother Nine and Brother Ten walked over.

"Master, Fujin, people from Fuguogong's mansion have come to report the funeral. The old duke passed away on the second day of the junior high..."

Shu Shu really couldn't guess for a moment.

After the two had brunch, Shu Shu didn't bother to move.

Elder Brother Shi nodded and said, "I've come back, and now I'm going to follow Ama Khan."

She stood at the door and looked outside, not even thinking about going out to breathe.

According to the original plan, Shengjia will not return to Beijing until the 27th of the twelfth lunar month.

Elder Brother Ten whispered: "Brother Ninth, don't talk about this, it's not good for Prince Zhuang to hear it later."

Prince Zhuang and Prince Xian should be back in the afternoon.

Ninth Brother couldn't help but muttered to Tenth Brother: "My God, what are you doing with so many births? I can't even recognize his face. Fortunately, it's a funeral, not a New Year's call, so why don't you prepare a lot of purses..."

Brother Jiu's generation is a grandnephew, so he has no place to show up, just follow behind.

Brother Jiu already had a smirk on his face, and said: "I don't want to take his for nothing, I will buy a good-looking girl and give it to me later."

However, the clan system has changed, and there is one more test title.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "Too lazy to go..."

But they dare not act like demons.

This is also the order of reporting funerals, starting with close cousins ​​first.

He thinks it's good to rest and recuperate like this. He goes to bed early and wakes up early, so that his whole body relaxes.

The four generations live under the same roof, it's a mess, it's disturbing to watch.

Compared with other branch houses, the old man's side can be said to have more heirs.

Shu Shu: "..."

There's also a mail delivery over the paddock.

The old man's title is not high, he is only the Duke of Fu, but he is one of the elders with the highest seniority in the clan.

In my own mind, I forgot this.

"Pick up what's left and make up for the vacancies, and then concoct other lawsuits?" Shu Shu said.

The eldest elder brother and the third elder brother who came by order came with them, and they came to mourn on behalf of the holy driver.

The fourth elder brother glanced at him, and said: "I was fine yesterday, it was your fourth sister-in-law who insisted on letting him be raised for another two days."

This old Duke is Chang Shu, the seventh son of Emperor Taizong, who has been ill since winter.

From the point of view of brotherhood, it would not be possible to confront those concubines and relatives in the open, but within the rules, no one can say anything if they cut their flesh slowly.

Except for the royal family, Prince Yu's mansion and Prince Gong's mansion, the rest are Taizong's sons.

When the ninth elder brother reached the gate, the tenth elder brother had already come over and was talking to someone.

As early as when the two of them first got married, Brother Jiu mentioned that he wanted to deal with her future men.

It was Cui Baisui, the concierge, who came.

In the evening, elder brother Jiu became energetic again, and he refused to idle for a day when he had time.

It's not good to break your promise.

It's very interesting, a knowledge point that I didn't pay attention to before.

So this is an upgraded version of "Phishing Law Enforcement"?
Finding fault?
Shu Shu said: "Didn't I memorize several items in my little book? Those who don't give me dignity, I will take care of them slowly..."

The youngest brother was born in the 36th year of Kangxi. How old was the old man at that time?


Prince Zhuang cried and cried, thinking of this, his face became distorted.

I am only [-] this year, and I still have a decade or so to have a child...

(End of this chapter)

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