My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 803 Good Times

By the time of noon, the clans of all the banners had almost arrived.

Ninth elder brother and the others are prince elder brothers, so it's not that they can't get a seat, but they are just sitting.

Tea is also not comprehensive.

There is a queue for the hut.

Those who came here at noon went to the pastry table in the afternoon.

I can really see the embarrassment, they are all hard-faced pasta, and one bite will break your teeth.

It's still cold in the room, and everyone didn't wear end caps today, and they came here in plain cotton clothes.

The fourth elder brother was already a little sick, but now his face is pale.

Brother Nine thinks this is not acceptable.

If we really sit here all night, no one can stand it.

Not to mention the other things, it is the water and land dojo outside, which costs a lot of throwing fees in a day.

Brother Jiu touched his chin and said, "It's from my mother-in-law's house. My brother thinks there should be a batch..."

As long as you have more money at hand, you won't be so incomplete.

But right now, thinking about the mess in Fu Guogong's mansion, he felt a headache.

The tenth elder brother said without hesitation: "It's a good time! The world is peaceful, the people are recuperating, and the treasury is getting richer! Most of the founding kings died short-lived, and few died at the end of their lives. My younger brother doesn't think about making achievements, but only looking forward to it. Ninth brother and I both live to be a hundred years old, and the house is full of children and grandchildren..."

Seeing this, the fourth elder brother didn't say much, and left the Duke's mansion with the ninth and tenth elder brothers.

Why keep it simple?

Prince Yu squinted his eyes and turned his head to listen.

It's cold and hungry here, how can I feel at home?

Brother Jiu saw that Brother Si's face turned red, reached out and touched his forehead, and said: "It's burning, go back and take some medicine, go to bed early."

The prince's mansion of the uncle's generation will arrange to "give porridge".

If the clan of the younger generation needs to follow the "gifting porridge", the elder brother will send someone to notify, as usual.

He still remembered the "small burial" and "burning seven" incidents after Da Fujin passed away last year. The hanging sacrifice was too cumbersome, so he said, "When will we come here from now on, 'small mortuary'? 'Burning seven'?"

Ninth elder brother thought of the hard noodles again, and remembered last year when the princes' mansions "supplied porridge" during the funeral, looked at fourth elder brother and said: "Fourth elder brother, shall we 'supply porridge'?"

The elder brother walked over, leaned over and spoke in a low voice.

Brother Nine did not leave in a hurry.

The emperor's father didn't show respect to this branch either.

The elder brother shook his head and said, "The funeral will be held the day after tomorrow, so just come here earlier..."

The old Duke has a high seniority, and when he is gone, almost all the clan will wear filial piety.

Da Fujin is a junior, and he didn't have a small funeral until May [-]th.

The fourth elder brother glared at the ninth elder brother, and said, "Don't dare to say anything!"

This one has been silent for more than 20 years, and rarely moves around with other princely mansions.

Brother Jiu thought about this, so he picked up the curtain of the car, and said to He Yuzhu who was walking next to him: "Go to the Dutong Mansion and ask Madam if she still has the cotton cloak from last year at home? If you have any, you can borrow it and use it. When the time is right, send it directly to the Duke's Mansion, and hand it over to the elder brother for distribution..."

Brother Jiu sighed and said: "They are all funerals, there is a huge difference, this is too simple!"

After saying a few words, when they arrived at the gate of their mansion, Brother Nine made an appointment with Brother Ten to go to the funeral together the day after tomorrow, and then returned to the mansion.

If Shu Shu were here, he would tell Brother Jiu that this should be "children with amblyopia".

The elder brother nodded and said: "It's what the second cousin meant. Seeing that the Chinese New Year is coming, if there is no mourning, everyone will be uneasy..."

From the difference between the funeral of Dafu Jin and the funeral of the old Duke, the world is so cold.

In the main room, Shu Shu changed into plain clothes, and removed hair flower and ear pliers.

Brother Jiu looked at it and remembered the allusion of "willing to be a virtuous king".

Brother Jiu patted his mouth.

The fourth elder brother was with the third elder brother, and he was a little hesitant when he heard it.

That's why Jue Luo was able to take out two carts of new cloaks at once when he was attending a funeral at the Prince's Mansion in Zhijun.

Brother Ten was by his side, but he thought of a word.

Brother Jiu held back all the way.

The fourth elder brother felt weird, so he slapped the ninth elder brother's hand.

However, Fuquan, who occupied both the respect and the head, was not chosen as the heir.

When Brother Jiu and the other princes leave the palace this time, they are always "following Uncle Wang and Uncle Wang" when they go, and they are not in the book of favors with that side.

It took only a quarter of an hour to arrive at the gate of Sibeile Mansion.

The fourth elder brother is a caring person, and he also feels that it is inappropriate.

He shook his head and said: "Forget it, you are happy to fill the house with you, the bamboo in my grandfather's house is not so expensive!"

The eldest elder brother knew the younger brother's temper, and said: "You are not alone, the juniors will not stay, and others will go home later, just come over for the funeral in the future."

He glanced at Brother Jiu, remembering the cotton cloaks from the Zhijun Palace last year, hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Can I change the cloak from last year?"

The allusion of "willing to be a virtuous king" is a bit deliberate.

Brother Jiu was dumbfounded and said, "So fast?"

The second master of the government decided to simplify the funeral, maybe it was because of this reason...

If it is "feed porridge", he will send someone to the pastry shop to bring the pastry in stock, which is also convenient.

No big or small, out of order!
The tenth elder brother is more reliable, and he was a little worried when he saw this, and said: "Fourth brother, do you want to send someone to the imperial hospital?"

According to her habit, after the cloaks are given out, another batch will be prepared.

She didn't know what to wear, so there was nothing wrong with being careful.

The second cousin he was talking about was the current mourner, the second master of the Duke's Mansion, Deming.

You know, starting from Emperor Taizu, the royal family is "the son is more expensive than the mother" at the front.

Brother Jiu glanced at the dry snacks on the small table.

The world is hot.

It's not that he is meek and has no ambition, but because he was born with a disease in one eye.

Where is it my turn to speak...

Brother Nine thought of Brother Seven, and felt a little worried.

It is estimated that there is no money.

The third elder brother was a little unhappy.

The eldest elder brother looked at the third elder brother and said, "Don't go, third brother, we were sent by Khan Ama."

The fourth elder brother thought for a while, then shook his head and said: "Since Uncle Wang said that our grandchildren are not allowed to follow the funeral, it should not be necessary. If it is used, the elder brother will send someone to tell us."

He whispered: "Let's count it as a good time, or not?"

At the old man's age and seniority, if the funeral is done well, he should stop his coffin on July [-]th.

In that case, everyone can't stop for a year.

The third elder brother got up and said: "That's also good, so that we don't have to stay in the mess, fourth brother, don't sit still, let's make room earlier!"

The brother came in one car, and returned in one car.

Since they came on behalf of the emperor, and the princes of the nephew generation are all there, they should naturally be kept.

It's not because the emperor doesn't want to see this one...

He urged the fourth elder brother: "Then you guys go back first, so that everyone won't have to work hard."

Although they are cousins, they had no human relationship before.

In the present, this is a child with congenital insufficiency.

Prince Yu sat in front.

The big brother took a look, and it was really worrying.

Xin Dali was sick and weak, and when he was old, every winter was a checkpoint, so he had already prepared things for funerals.

If it was Emperor Taizu, "a son is more expensive than a mother", their titles cannot be lowered, not Baylor, but also Xiao Baylor.

The new batch of cloaks, if there is no other use for them, should be kept.

When Dafu Jin passed away last year, not to mention the prince who was enshrined, even the elder brothers in the palace would come out to attend the funeral.

He is a man of good manners and is afraid of being rude.

The two baby bumps in my Fujin's stomach won't have such and such problems, right?
At this moment, the elder brother had already finished speaking with Prince Yu and came back, and said to the ninth elder brother: "The uncle said, the juniors don't need to sit up at night. Seeing that it is getting dark, you should go back too!"

In the past, Brother Jiu felt that "full children and grandchildren" was a good thing.

Speaking of this, he pointed in the direction of the fourth elder brother and said: "The fourth elder brother has a cold these two days, and he still hasn't recovered quickly!"

Now that the Eight Banners have been sinicized, thick burials have become popular.

After the emperor's father came to power, Jia En was close to him, so he promoted his uncle to be the assistant Duke.

Empress Xiaohuikang was the concubine treated by Xiao Fujin at that time, ranking behind Concubine Ningxi.

I really want to be like the old man, from his teens to his 60s, he is happy, but Shu Shu is not.

Not only the elder brother and the third elder brother, but also the elders such as Prince Yu and Prince Gong, those who are pampered and pampered cannot suffer from the cold.

Although Prince Zhuang is the eldest among the clans present, there is still a distant relative.

He went to the eldest brother and asked in a low voice: "Brother, there is no place here, it's messy, it's not in a good shape, it's fine for the nephew's generation, sitting at night is also a matter of affection, can the grandnephew's generation go back... ..."

He said: "Wait, I'll ask Uncle Wang..."

Concubine Ningxi, the mother of Prince Yu, was a young Fujin at that time, and she was the highest-ranking concubine in Manchuria.

Just at the intersection, He Yuzhu responded and went to Dong E's house.

Brother Jiu thought about the house just now, and felt a little worried, and said: "You don't even add a charcoal basin, big brother, they don't catch cold after sitting all night?"

But the Xinda ceremony is not available in April, and it is already summer, so those cloaks are not needed for funerals.

He didn't want to break the rules again, and be yelled at by the emperor's father when he turned around, as if he really didn't have good manners.

Otherwise, the five princes, the seventh prince, and the eighth prince would not be asked to stay in front of the imperial court, and should all be sent back for the funeral.

The Tong family is not in the same class as the Dong E family. The Dong E family is a descendant of the king, and this branch is also a descendant of the founding father He Heli.

It looks like a normal person, but it is actually almost blind.

"Be careful!"

During the reign of Emperor Taizong, most of them were "meritorious seals", and it was stipulated that the prince and the county king should not be hereditary, and that Baylor would be reduced to the hereditary succession of the Fuguogong, and the Fuguogong would not be hereditary.

The fourth elder brother just got up.

But seeing Prince Zhuang, Prince Jian, Prince Yu, Prince Gong, Prince Xin, Prince An and others on the honorable positions, he felt that it was not bad.

The eldest elder brother went over to talk to the fourth elder brother and told them to go back first.

It is to go to the funeral and wear it after the funeral.

It is rare to get close to these clan elders on weekdays.

Putting it aside for later generations, if it is corrected and treated early, it will also be cured.

The emperor is not here, so Prince Yu is the elder of the princes and brothers.

Maybe this happened, but it was not the main reason why Emperor Shizu chose his heir.

The fourth elder brother shook his head and said, "No need, there are some proprietary medicines at home."

Those cloaks were prepared by Dong E's family for the funeral of Uncle Xindali.

The old Duke was also the son of the emperor, but he was born of a concubine, so his title was extremely low. When the emperor Shizu was the emperor, he was the general of the country.

The brothers got out of the carriage and watched the fourth elder brother enter the mansion, the ninth elder brother and the tenth elder brother turned and left.

But as it got dark, she also began to miss Brother Nine.

With the lessons learned from the fourth elder brother, she was afraid that the ninth elder brother would also catch a cold.

She asked someone to find out the cotton cloak she wore last year, thinking of the tenth elder brother and the fourth elder brother, she was planning to ask someone to ask the two prefectures...

Happy Lantern Festival.

I had insomnia after adding updates a few days ago, and I have been idle for the past few days. In the future, adding updates will drop from time to time, and it will not be connected anymore. Waste the author, ^_^.

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