Chapter 804 Eye-popping
Before Shu Shu passed on Zhou Song, Brother Jiu came back.

Shu Shu was relieved.

Brother Jiu also saw the cotton cloak next to him, and said: "The Lord just sent He Yuzhu to the Dutong Mansion. If the cotton cloak on the mother-in-law's side is not used yet, just move it out and use it. The Duke's Mansion is in a mess. Prepare It’s not complete, and it’s very cold in the house.”

Shu Shu sighed and said, "It's already the 25th of the twelfth lunar month, I didn't expect that I would not survive it."

People with old age and illness like this, if they can celebrate the New Year, they will probably last another year and a half.

It has something to do with the weather, and it has something to do with the mood.

Brother Jiu thought about the more than 20 "hula la" males in the coffin shed of the Duke's Mansion, and said, "Is it related to the number of males in their family that Ama Khan holds the title of this one?"

The current "examination" system for the children of the clan was only added in the 27th year of Kangxi.

The children of the previous clan, when they reach the age of fifteen, can be awarded the corresponding titles according to their parents' backgrounds.

However, as the clan multiplied, this noble salary was a huge expense, and in 27 years, there was a "conferment".

He Yuzhu: "..."

Seeing that it was getting dark and it was inconvenient to ride a horse, the steward did not go directly to Dong E's house, but sent a carriage back to the Dutong Mansion, and he himself took a carriage to send He Yuzhu and the others back.

The sound of "哗哗" sounded for a long time before the elder brother got off the carriage refreshed.

Princess Shuhui knew that her younger brother's family had a large population and would cost a lot of money. She was afraid that the funeral would not look good, so she asked Princess Rongxian to send 500 taels of silver.

He Yuzhu got out of the carriage, talked to the person at the door, and went in to look for Elder Brother.

Shu Shu felt that this was good, so she ordered He Yuzhu to go down and pass on the message.

These two are salty and can be eaten as pastries.

Just make a face of it.

Brother Jiu rolled his eyes and said, "So you say that Brother San asked for it from me?"

However, even if there are, there should be a few.

Except for the eldest son of Xijue, the children of the clan who have reached the age of 20 have to take the clan exam and are awarded different titles according to their grades.

"Our master said that besides the convenient ones like almond tea and sesame paste, if there are ready-made pastries in the dining room, we also need a few packets..."

Shu Shu: "..."

It's past meal time, and I'm already hungry.

It was the 14th year of Kangxi, and that year was too sensitive.

When it comes to the lowest general in the clan, General Feng En, except for one son who takes over the title, the rest are all idle clans regardless of his descendants.

This kind of convenient food has to be counted on the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

It is not impossible for low-level clans to rely on the birth of sons to earn titles and grant money and food.

It's not good to go beyond the elders' "gifting porridge" and sending pastry seats, so drinking a bowl of almond tea, sesame paste or something should be fine.

Shu Shu asked Walnut to take a box of mint cream and a piece of toilet paper.

It was also a gift of money to Deming.

Brother Jiu said to Shu Shu: "Ask someone to open the storeroom, and bring two new Gong barrels over there, or you won't dare to eat if you're hungry!"

Brother Nine said: "That's not right, let him change the car and drive back. The old car can be used as a cleaning house, and I don't feel bad..."

After the couple chatted a few words, they asked someone to set the dining table...

At that time, everyone didn't care about anything else, but Brother Jiu ordered Zhou Quan to get two carts of cloaks.

For the Duke of Fengen Town and the Duke of Fengenfu, there are restrictions on the candidates for the examination. Only other legitimate sons and concubine sons are allowed to participate in the examination, and the other sons are directly idle clans.

Brother Jiu looked at her and said, "We've only separated for two and a half months, how can we have an old carriage?"

The third elder brother curled his lips and said: "I'm still careless, I only think about what to wear, and I forgot to eat. I have an empty stomach, and I can't keep warm even wearing a cloak!"

The third elder brother had sharp eyes, saw He Yuzhu all of a sudden, called him over, and said with anticipation: "Did your master send you to bring a food box?"

It's just that Ge Jue is tolerant enough.

He Yuzhu reminded: "Master, the Dutong Mansion has it, it's just outside, it looks like it's been a few years."

The pastry is too dry, so I have to serve it with tea.

The third elder brother was a little confused.

The man who followed He Yuzhu to deliver the cloak was a steward of Dong E's family.

The eunuch said: "It's the same as noon, it's still rice cakes and milk tea, our master didn't move..."

There is no going back and forth, and I am dead.

The children and grandchildren of the old Duke add up to twenty or so, but not many are over 20 years old. It seems that there are four sons and two or three grandchildren.

San Francisco rebelled, the Yellow River collapsed, natural disasters and man-made disasters were mixed together, and the court was unstable.

Besides, what is there to do here?

If those second- and third-generation meritorious kings really claim to be the descendants of the Taizu and have bad thoughts, then internal and external troubles will attack, and the Eight Banners will be in chaos.

With two buckets so big, I have to find an empty room in the Duke's mansion to clean up, so I can't hide it from others.

The carriages here in the Ninth Prince's Mansion are all made by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. They use high-quality wood. The wood and labor of a carriage will cost 40 to [-] taels of silver, which can be equivalent to the two new carriages outside.

So, Shu Shu and Brother Jiu put down their chopsticks, and He Yuzhu brought the eunuch of elder brother here.

The elder brother's eunuch was beside him, his face was a little tense.

Shu Shu listened, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she said, "What if someone sees this?"

The eldest elder brother and the third elder brother were in the corner, talking with Princess Rong Xian.

Shu Shu said to He Yuzhu, "Find an old carriage from the carriage house..."

That taste is so ecstasy.

The third elder brother complained: "My aunt is recovering from illness, how can she listen to the funeral letter? You should keep it a secret!"

Princess Rongxian praised: "Brother Jiu is caring, he was so savvy when he was young, but he never thought he would be so considerate and sensible when he grows up..."

Either the prince or the county king will be sitting up late tonight. Do you want everyone to have an empty stomach?

Outside Di'an Gate, at the gate of Fuguo Duke's Mansion.

The elder brother looked in a daze, thinking of the cloak he wore at his family's funeral last year.

Perhaps Kangxi loves his name and is unwilling to bear the name of "killing uncle".

Princess Rongxian smiled wryly and said: "I didn't report it to grandma, it was grandma's right eyelid twitching this morning, and she was still having palpitations in the morning, feeling that something was wrong, then I got the news and went to see my cousin, and grandma followed , her old man guessed..."

I just don't know how the clan's mansion was calculated before, and whether the descendants of the Duke's mansion have this money.

This is a bit of a loss.

After the carriage was changed, Xiaotang's food was also prepared, and there were two big food boxes in total.

A Fuguogong like the old man is also called "Fuguogong who is not in the eighth rank", and only other sons are allowed to test the title, and even the concubine is just an idle clan.

The elder brother frowned and said: "The aunt is probably feeling uncomfortable right now, so you should go back quickly, don't leave the old man alone."

Princess Rongxian nodded and said: "Well, I'm leaving now..."


In the past, it was inappropriate to offer condolences, and it was also inappropriate not to offer condolences, so I called the steward over.

After holding it in for a long time, it was about to explode.

She thought of the face cream and hand cream on the dressing table, and she smiled.

Shu Shu was instructing Walnut, and said: "Go to the dining room and tell Xiaotang, in addition to almond tea and black sesame paste, put some vegetarian pastry, and the dried eggs and tofu baked yesterday, put a few more. Bag……"

It seems that the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not in vain, he can take care of his brother.

Fu Song was there too, but he couldn't show up.

In this way, there is no need to mobilize the crowd, and there is no need to make people look sideways, and it is cleaner to use.

Knowing that He Yuzhu and the others were going to the Duke's Mansion again, he just waited outside.

This family's own idea is to save some money, so he can't say anything; but if the old and the young are really going to suffer like this, the elder brother will not bear it.

Shu Shu felt that Kangxi would not be stingy with the few money and food, it was mostly because of his dislike and dislike.

He shook his head and said: "Our lord sent servants to deliver things to the lord, they are in the car outside."

Eating cakes costs milk tea, and after spending milk tea, you have to go to the clean room.

Eldest elder brother is also not good at self-discipline, he always depends on Prince Yu's actions.

But because there are too many people here, the buckets in the clean room are full.

The walnuts responded and went down to prepare.

Master Jiu really didn't give any orders.

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Then after two days, can the carriage still work? How stinky is it?"

This "other people" is also limited. All sons of the clan above Beizi can participate in the test, including other sons, concubines, concubines, concubines, and other sons who do not inherit the title.

Xiaochun also went to open the warehouse and took two new Gong barrels.

After receiving the two carts of cloaks and watching Princess Rongxian's carriage leave, the elder brother ordered his personal eunuch to go with He Yuzhu.

The money and rations of this idle clan have to be received from the age of 20.

Brother Jiu heard this, and also thought of the clean room in the Duke's Mansion, with a look of disgust on his face.

But seeing Prince Yu watching from the sidelines, he didn't intend to come forward.

It's time for dinner, brother Jiu is already hungry.

He looked at his eunuch and said: "He Yuzhu has worked hard, he has run several times, reward!"

Brother Jiu glanced at the clock and said: "Seeing that you are right now, isn't there any meal prepared at the Duke's Mansion?"

Princess Rong Xian glared at him, and said: "Are you an elder brother or a younger brother? If you don't have food, you won't send someone to talk about it? Do you want others to feed you food?"

Third Elder Brother and Princess Rongxian followed and heard it too.

But then he coughed lightly and got into the carriage.

Even if they receive money and rice, the family will not be rich if they eat it.

Eldest elder brother has already greeted He Yuzhu: "What is it, sir, go and have a look..."

It's not appropriate for Chang Shu to talk about his status as the concubine prince of Kangxi.

What's rare is that the cloak has a small size, and the people in the mansion changed the white face, and I wore a few small ones until the funeral was over.

If someone else dared to slap her in the face like this, her life might be in danger.

The emperor's father didn't have an edict, so Deming could only attack the generals of the country, and became a middle and low family member in the clan, and he couldn't get along with them in the future.

The third elder brother looked awkwardly, glanced at the elder brother, and said: "The younger brother is in the back, and the elder brother is the main one."

Really like a sister.

He Yuzhu reported to the elder brother: "It's a plain cotton cloak. Our master thought that the room was cold, and worried that you and the third master would catch cold, so he sent the servant to the Dutong Mansion to borrow two carts of cloaks, and asked the servant to distribute them to you."

Princess Rongxian came to express condolences on behalf of Princess Shuhui.

The third elder brother thought for a while, and said to Princess Rong Xian: "Second sister, the younger brother will send you off..."

He Yuzhu came at this time.

This is not a simple funeral, but too shabby.

"Isn't that a food box? It's just a pastry seat?"

The mourning shed was brightly lit.

When the elder brother was invited outside the mansion, he couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the "clean car" parked.

In the 85th year of Kangxi, it was stipulated that idle clans could receive money and food according to the sixth rank of the people, with an annual salary of 85 taels and an annual rice of [-] dendrobium.

The old lady is also procrastinating, and she might feel uncomfortable after hearing this news.

Shu Shu didn't think well for a while, and said: "Why don't you take it in, ask someone to drive a carriage over there, and stop at the gate of the Duke's Mansion."

The eunuch had already brought a purse with him, and immediately gave He Yuzhu a big purse.

He Yuzhu took the purse with both hands.

Seeing that he was about to enter the watch, and when the curfew was about to arrive, he didn't dare to delay, thanked the elder brother for the reward, and walked back to the prince's mansion with the two guards he brought along...

The next update will be at 2:6 noon on December 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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