My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 805 The Secret

Chapter 805 Mystery

The third elder brother felt that something was wrong.

Before not paying attention, the big brother went out.

Why did you go?

The eunuch he sent to the Ninth Prince's Mansion is back?
Is this to eat alone?
The third elder brother couldn't sit still anymore and came out in a hurry.

Sure enough, not in the yard.

When he left the Duke's mansion, he saw the elder brother standing under the wall without moving.

It can't be that I can't hold it anymore, so what?

How disgraceful!
There are few toilets in the capital. Except for the toilets set up by the three government offices in the entire inner city, there are only five paid toilets, and there are none nearby.

But people have "three emergencies", and there are many people in the streets and alleys everywhere...

Shu Shu said: "Is there any other shortcomings in their family?"

"Second Master De is quite decisive, but aren't you afraid of being criticized?" Shu Shu asked.

Mingzhu's family and Dong E's family are also related by marriage, and there are people who walk around on weekdays.

The most annoying thing is that relatives and friends have to follow suit.

"The leader is Gege from Yebilong's family in Xianghuangqi, then Gege from Mingzhu's family in Zhenghuangqi, then Gege from Warda's guard family in Zhengbaiqi, Gege from Huashan's family in Xianghongqi, Gege from Tong Guoxi's family, and finally Zhenglanqi Gege from the Li family..."

The elder brother snorted softly, ignored him, asked someone to carry the food box, and entered the Duke's mansion.

After hearing this, Brother Nine revealed his longing, and said, "That's even better, my childhood sweetheart, it sounds like I have a deep bond..."

If Kangxi really cared about these things, he could just seal up a position and keep him in the palace, instead of letting him out of the palace.

It's useless to know everything, family fortunes are inevitable, if you can't get up, you just lie down and lose...

Unless there are other pigtails, Deming will be like this.

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said: "Guilt, if you marry normally, it will be fine, but when did it turn out? After the old man dismissed his title, they hired Gege who had retired from the palace, and other families who had quit Ge Ge, no one married under Khan Ama's nose."

It is the Miao descendant of the Yehenala tribe who had the "Old Lady of Yehe" before and Empress Dowager Cixi later.

I really want to remember it.

It is rumored that Qianlong read the manuscript of "A Dream of Red Mansions" and once said, "This is the family affair of the Pearl".

As for the matter of the old man, if a person dies like a lamp going out, the story will be over.

Toss fee!

The clothes in the other clean rooms smell stinky after entering; the "clean room" in the carriage, after squatting for a while, is probably going to be full of fragrance.

Is there even an eldest daughter?

He pretended not to care before.

Shu Shu took a look at Brother Jiu and said, "I still think 'raised outside the palace' is interesting!"

Someone mentioned that it was the prototype of "Grand View Garden".

You must know that those who died like the only son of Guo Luoluo's family stopped sending them for seven days.

The third elder brother brought contempt and came over.

It seems that there are also film and television works, which are more bloody. Between the concubine Kangxi and Concubine Hui, Nalan Rongruo, a great talent, is added, interpreting the touching story of Kangxi beating mandarin ducks with a club, and the love life and death.

When others criticize him later, an "unfilial" can't be torn apart.

"Is it a concubine? Why hasn't anyone mentioned it?" Shu Shu also became curious.

Concubine Hui's "Nala clan" is the Ulanara clan, a member of the main clan of the Ula Kingdom. It is of the same clan as the Taizu concubine Abahai and Sifujin, and it is said to be distantly related to Shushu's mother clan.

Brother Nine nodded and said: "Yeah, it's just that 'staying in the palace' is very interesting, why didn't we catch up, if only you were still in your teens and you would marry me!"

It saves trouble to do it simply, it pleases the clan and saves money, but it also has hidden dangers.

If Brother Nine had been raised in Dong E's house, he would have repaired it long ago.

Later generations only know the "Three Queens", "Seven Concubines" and "Four Concubines" about the harem in the early Kangxi period.

The elder brother saw that he had no good words, nodded and said: "Yes, the master is about to send someone back!"

Shu Shujiong.

I was busy with other things afterwards, so I forgot about it and only remembered it today.

The third elder brother saw his movement, swallowed in his mouth, and hurriedly said: "Is this food brought back? Big brother, what is this?"

Big Brother raised his eyebrows and said, "Try it first..."

The elder brother heard the movement and finished the last bite of dried egg in his hand.

Shu Shu said: "The emperor promotes etiquette, and he may not care about that in his heart, otherwise, he would not let Guo Gui into the palace."

As for the time when the successor entered the palace, it was three years after the death of Empress Yuan, which was already 15 years after Kangxi.

There is also a faint fragrance of mint.

"At that time, besides the empress, the main seats in the palace were the two Mongolian Fujin, and then there were the six princesses. Concubine Hui and Concubine Rong were still 'little Fujin' at that time..."

Shu Shu also felt that the form of the funeral was more important than the meaning.

When it was mentioned to the outside world, the eldest daughter was also hidden.

Brother Jiu was more in favor of it, saying: "There shouldn't be a big burial. There are serious principles in the "Book of Rites", which can educate people's hearts and make order stable, but some are too cumbersome. It's unnecessary to torment living people! It's not about singing a big show, you have to put that filial piety in front of others and weigh it!"

It is better than pastry.

The "Nalan family" of Mingzhu's family is the famous Yehenala family.

This "six squares" matter then became a taboo, and no one mentioned it.

Brother Jiu whispered: "Deming's Fujin is Mingzhu's eldest daughter..."

This Mingzhu family is not an ordinary family either.

Mentioning these concubines who left the palace, Brother Nine said: "My lord only now knows that the concubine Meng who was waiting in the palace at that time, in addition to Concubine Hui from the Horqin tribe, also had a Gege from the Zhalut tribe, whose status was only Under the empress, Kangxi should have left the palace 16 years ago..."

Mingzhu's first wife, Jue Luo Shi, is the daughter of Prince Azig, who was famous in the capital for being jealous and tough during her lifetime.

Brother Jiu had a gossip on his face, and said, "Master remembered something, thinking that he might be a broken jar!"

Rarely no smell.

The three sons and two daughters of Mingzhu's family are all descendants.

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "It's not a concubine, that Nalan Gege is Nalan Xingde's younger sister, Kangxi married into the palace for ten years, and I only found out about it after looking through Dong's files last year... "

Some said that the pearl belonged to the elder brother's uncle, and others said that the pearl belonged to the eldest elder brother's uncle.

Shu Shu listened, her hands were itchy.

Guo Guiren is the elder sister of Concubine Yi, who entered the palace directly as a widow.

Speaking of this, thinking that both Shushu and Fusong sisters and brothers are both civil and military, he said: "In that case, I can pull a ten-strength bow, father-in-law can teach the children, but Khan Ama can't, so I will be delayed !"

It's really eating alone!

As for that concubine Hui, she died, and was conferred the posthumous concubine, and later made up the concubine Xianfu, who was also from Horqin, into the palace.

Third Elder Brother couldn't wait any longer, got into the carriage immediately, and closed his comfortable eyes...

More than 20 years have passed, and I remember that Deming's wife is the daughter of Mingzhu, and there are not many of them.

Twenty years after Kangxi, "Concubine Jing" and "Concubine An" also disappeared in the palace.

"Then why no one mentions these six characters? Didn't one stay?" Shu Shu said.

According to later red scholars, the prototype of "A Dream of Red Mansions" is not the Cao family, but the Mingzhu family.

This is spicy and quite chewy.

Brother Jiu told Shu Shu about the old Duke's funeral the day after tomorrow.

According to Shu Shu's knowledge, Mingzhu's family only had two daughters in this generation. One daughter married into the clan, and she was Prince Wenjun's Fujin;

It turns out that there used to be another Nalangege who married into the palace to wait for the new year...

Shu Shu was curious.

But she endured it.

Shu Shu was also surprised that the downtime was too short.

The third grandma over there is Shu Shu's aunt, the princess of Prince Kang's mansion.

There is another thing that Shu Shu has paid attention to, that is, "Prince Gong's Mansion Garden", the famous seaside scenic spot in Shicha, the capital of later generations, was formerly known as "Heshen Garden" and then "Pearl Garden".

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "There are two people left, Gege from Huashan's family is 'Concubine Jing', Gege from Li's family is 'Concubine An', and Gege from Tong's family is the one who left the palace before the seventh concubine in 16 years. I made a sum, but I didn't mention the time when the other three Gege left the palace, so they should have left the palace before then..."

Money to burn!

It's just that the world is like this, and everyone follows the crowd, for fear of being picked on by others as unfilial if they are not complete.

The third elder brother couldn't help but "puchi" a little, laughed out loud, and said: "This old nine, it's really funny! This is too much tossing! I'm so particular about it, and I even put floral dew on it!"

"At that time, a total of six noble ladies from Manchuria were welcomed into the palace, and a 'gege' status was added, below Fujin and above Xiaofujin..."

When it came to the secrets of the palace, the couple said in private that it was nothing, and if they kept it on paper, they were just looking for trouble.

After finishing speaking, he didn't wait for the elder brother to speak, he rushed over and opened the curtain of the carriage.

It's just that they also knew the seriousness, so they generously gave the dowry, and didn't walk around there.

Shu Shu was surprised, she had never heard of it.

Shu Shu thought of that Bahrain Tai Fujin, and said, "Is that Ge Ge from Niu Hulu's family? Was he pointed out by the Empress Dowager to go to Mongolia?"

"If he can be released from the palace, then he must not have liked it, and he won't give Second Master De small shoes because of this. Did Second Master De think too much?" Shu Shu said.

At that time, the old Duke must also have disgusting thoughts.

Regarding Mingzhu, the novels and novels of later generations all described him as a relative of the elder brother's mother's family.

Brother Jiu was thinking and talking.

No one mentioned this "six grids" at all.

Mingzhu and his wife love their daughter very much, they are reluctant to marry outside, and they are happy to see it succeed.

This is a tasteful picture.

If brother Jiu hadn't read the documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, he wouldn't have known about it.

The third elder brother also saw the carriage, and said with bright eyes: "Is this a delivery? Have you cleared the warehouse of the bakery?"

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the main courtyard, and the upper room.

The third elder brother's hand holding the curtain of the car froze, and said with a sneer: "It's all here, and it's also Lao Jiu's sympathy..."

Then I saw clearly the inside of the carriage. There was a horn lamp hanging in the corner, and a chair was placed under it. Under the chair was a covered pail, and there was an empty pail next to it.

Thinking of this, she realized something was wrong.

Kangxi's harem actually raised so many "child concubines"?
Mrs. Dong entered the palace in her teens, and Concubine Rong entered the palace in her teens. Apart from his successor and Concubine Wen Xi, Niu Hulu's family actually had two other daughters entering the palace to wait for the new year.

Kangxi's emphasis on Sinology seems to be more for the people of the world to see, and it means "ruling Han with Han".

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "No, Bahrain Tai Fujin left the palace in the fourth year of Kangxi..."

Actually, it's bullshit.

If Kangxi keeps staring at this matter, even the children and grandchildren of this branch will not be spared, it will appear mean.

But a big man, how many people don't expect him to be brave!
Since you can't be brave, you can only pretend not to care.

In my lifetime...

He looked at Shu Shu's stomach, and said: "When the little elder brother enlightens, I will ask my father-in-law to teach me how to ride and shoot, and ask my teacher to teach me how to read..."

It's time to crush his cousins ​​and make up for his regrets...

(End of this chapter)

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