The next day, there was news that Sheng Jia would return to Luan early.

However, as for the Duke's Mansion, there was still no grace in the palace, the Ministry of Rites was not asked to prepare a posthumous title, and no silver was given.

On the other side of the Princess' Hospital, Kangxi sent Liang Jiugong to give a reward, and also asked for the pulse case of Princess Shuhui from the Imperial Hospital.

If there is such a movement in the palace, the young and old in the clan will understand.

The younger generation didn't move much.

Only the prince of the nephew is still suffering.

Everyone suffered on the first day, and on the second day, many palaces also arranged for carriages to pass.

Waiting until the 27th of the twelfth lunar month, the third day of the old country's public death, is the day of "small burial" and funeral.

The old man is not the same as Da Fujin that time.

Da Fujin is the elder brother's Fujin, and cannot be buried directly, the coffin must be kept temporarily, and the husband and wife will be buried together after the elder brother dies.

However, he also knew that Brother Nine had good intentions, so he waved his hands and said, "I know, don't talk too much!"

"What about Gui Yuan?"

Over there, the triggering time was set at the beginning of Chen.

After all, from the beginning, Gui Yuan was a substitute.

[-] did not make a move.

Shu Shu wanted to go out to see her off, but Brother Jiu held her down.

Chunlin was eighteen or nine years old, tall and tall, and he was either someone else, or Heishan's apprentice and Xiaosong's senior brother.

He Yuzhu followed Brother Jiu to do his bidding, and Sun Jin went to the back to escort the car.

Shu Shu also installed a hand stove for preparation. If it takes a long time to get off the car, you can use that.

With the emperor's father watching over him, and there is no room for him to move around, then just keep to yourself and be a wealthy idler.

Brother Ten asked.

When Brother Nine returned to his carriage, Brother Ten was already waiting beside the carriage sleepily.

He counted the time and solar terms, and said: "Seeing that it is 'rain', it will be cold for a few days, and the river is about to open."

Even Zhang Ying, who is over sixty years old, is still a refined old man.

If you put on women's clothes, you will be a little princess.

Brother Nine couldn't help laughing "haha".

Brothers Ma Qi and Ma Wu, whom Khan Ama valued highly, were also handsome, a little more than ordinary people.

Nine-nine plus one-nine, cattle walk everywhere.

At that time, Brother Jiu only felt that his mother was partial to her mother's family, disregarding his own son's preferences, and was annoyed for a while.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu got up early.

Shu Shu also listened to the persuasion.

At the first moment, it was still dark outside.

Shu Shu asked the dining room to prepare instant soup and porridge, and also bought a lot of biscuits from outside for preparation.

Going out in the cold winter months can't be all dry food.

There is no need to fanfare, and there is no need to ask for "conformity to the dragon", just hope to pull the prince down.

The old man here is going to be buried directly.

At the beginning of last year, Sanguan Bao went to Beijing and brought Gui Yuan back to Shengjing.

The fourth elder brother was so ashamed by the laughter, he glared at the ninth elder brother, and said: "Don't dawdle, it's time to go, go back and get in the car!"

At that time, it was Concubine Yi who was in charge, saying that Ama Guiyuan was gone, and his grandfather was getting old, so he was thinking about his grandson.

After all, he had already left the gate of Babeile Mansion.

Brother Jiu waved his hand and said, "I don't trust the Guo Luoluo family. If I really write to them and ask them to prepare a melon and two dates, do you believe that they would dare to scrape the land under the guise of my master!"

In the early days, he thought there was nothing wrong with it.

Anyway, since he left the study room, these haha ​​beads are dispensable.

His behavior is somewhat similar to Fusong, he is a very stable boy.

Brother Jiu didn't look sideways. After hearing the greeting, he didn't stop on his feet. He turned his head to look over and said, "Morning my brother, I'll go see fourth brother first..."

Brother Ten thinks about it, but he is really not sure.

Gui Yuan is one of his haha ​​beads, a member of Guo Luoluo's family, and the grandson of the Sanguanbao brothers.

The eighth elder brother's smile was a little stiff, and he looked at the door of Sibeile's mansion.

Brother Jiu was not happy at that time.

The couple had breakfast.

Seventy-nine rivers open, eighty-nine geese come.

Going back to the Duke's Mansion, I have to mention it to my eldest brother, and pay attention to the carriage that follows the funeral, so that nothing happens...

It's not wishful thinking, thinking about that chair, but I feel that I can "add insult to injury" appropriately.

"An Sheng, stay here and sleep in the cage..."

Brother Jiu heard "Get in the carriage" and remembered the business, and said: "My brother's carriage was remodeled last month, and there are three smokers. It's not cold on the way. Fourth brother, go and sit with brother!"

The chariots for the trip were also prepared.

He looked at Brother Jiu, really worried.

Speaking of this, Brother Jiu said: "It's time to tell people to watch the fish market. Your sister-in-law said that Kaihe fish is delicious and has no earthy smell. You can stock up on it. The county lord won't let your sister-in-law eat beef. Done, said it was a waste of teeth, afraid of toothache in the future, your sister-in-law now likes to eat fish slices and dried shrimp..."

But the prince had been playing with them as a monarch and minister, so he didn't have that kind of affection.

The fourth elder brother also just came out from the gate of the courtyard, the ninth elder brother walked a few steps quickly, went up to meet him, and said, "Fourth elder brother, how is your cold?"

The blessed land of their family is on the Zhuangzi of their own Fangshan.

The "Shujiuge" in the capital is about the weather changes during the period between the year and the year.

Elder Brother Shi heard this, and said, "It's still cold in the Northeast, and there's still fresh food over there. You can ask the people from Shengjing to bring some over there."

[-] walk on ice.

He thought that the three officials were selfish and wanted to drag his grandson away, so he took Gui Yuan away through filial piety.

The entourage who followed them were second-class guard Erhe, third-class guard Chunlin, and eight guard vests.

Compared with that bastard Gui Dan, Gui Yuan is smart and sensible, there is really nothing wrong with him.

Fangshan is far away from the capital, less than fifty miles away.

Therefore, if the mourning team wants to return on the same day, they must start early.

Elder Brother Ten yawned, and said, "I've been lying down a long time ago. There was a strong wind in the middle of the night, and there was a lot of movement. When I woke up, I didn't fall asleep afterwards."

The fourth elder brother thought it was too unpleasant.

Although he doesn't quite understand why some men like men, but since ancient times, this kind of thing of splitting peaches and cutting sleeves has never stopped.

I also prepared two food boxes to fill my stomach on the road.

Compared with Jiangxian, Hexian is much worse.

Now, he had bad thoughts.

Everyone grew up as brothers, and love is here.

Brother Jiu came out wearing a cotton cloak.

Brother Nine is a simple-minded person, so he never thought that Brother Ten's insomnia was rooted in himself.

If it was really good, it would not be this dress.

It doesn't matter if another brother takes that position.

Now that he is married and knows a lot, he can't tell whether the rumors about Yuqing Palace are true or whether someone has slandered them.

This time the old Duke's funeral was held, and the two husbands and wives who had served for many years could also be buried in peace.

Red lips and white teeth.

When he was young, he was fairer than others, like a New Year's picture doll, which caused several haha ​​beads to circle around him.

The fourth elder brother shook his head and said: "No need, your fourth sister-in-law is worried about me, and asked someone to add an extra smoke cage to the carriage, it is enough."

The emperor's father can get angry with his uncle because of a word; if the crown prince has a rift with Brother Jiu, if he really wants to ascend the throne, can he spare Brother Jiu?
There is also the elder brother Akdun of Yuqing Palace, although he is young, he can see character, he is frivolous and rude, and has no sense of superiority and inferiority.

If there are really ugly courtiers, they will not be able to reach the imperial court.

There are two coffins parked in the family temple over there, which are the first wife and step-wife of the old Duke.

When others pulled the prince, he quietly helped him.

He also remembered the scene when his mother-in-law died.

Elder Brother Ten was worried that he would follow in the footsteps of the old Duke.

The eighth elder brother happened to bring someone out of the mansion, and when he saw the ninth elder brother coming, he thought he was looking for him. He was a little happy, and greeted: "Ninth brother!"

In this clan, the old Duke was the first to seal it.

There are two carriages in total, besides Brother Jiu's carriage, there is another carriage with food and charcoal fire.

Regarding Wu Fujin's grandfather's appearance and demeanor, the emperor had praised him several times.

Thinking of the rumors about Yuqing Palace, he whispered: "Well, the rumors about the crown prince, is there any truth to it?"

After the ninth elder brother left, the fourth elder brother got into the carriage, but he felt a little uneasy.

Even if Brother Jiu doesn't speak well, but he treats people well, and the brothers will be more tolerant to him.

During his southern tour, he also heard that in Fujian and Zhejiang, there was a "contract" between two men, and there was also a betrothal gift, just like a marriage between a man and a woman.

It's just too good looking.

Birth, old age, sickness and death are really helpless.

Brother Nine said: "Then you have to be careful, open the curtain twice to get some fresh air on the way, the smoke cage modified by my brother, the smoke exhaust port is outside the car, so you are not afraid of charcoal poisoning, your car can't do it..."

Guidan's brothers and cousins ​​are all young, and Brother Jiu was not old enough to choose Haha beads, so he chose his cousin Guiyuan.

Now it's time to give up the future, and it's human nature to be reluctant to protect the three officials.

Regarding the crown prince and the reserve position, Elder Brother Ten had always thought about it before, and he could afford to hide it if he couldn't afford it.

Except for Brother Nine, those belong to the subordinates.

Even the emperor Khan Ama is no exception.

Brother Jiu didn't get into the carriage immediately, but went east.

At this moment, the carriages were also parked at the gates of Sibeile Mansion and Babeile Mansion to the east, as well as Tenth Prince's Mansion to the west.

Can not owe.

Now that he has been on duty for two years, he has heard a lot of secrets, and when he thinks about it again, he feels something is wrong.

It's not auspicious to mention this on a day like this.

Although he had never met the old man before, so he couldn't express his affection, but the desolate incident of the old man also made him vigilant.

The fourth elder brother raised his head, dressed in a familiar outfit, with a hood on his head and a mask on his face, and said, "Okay!"

Brother Jiu greeted him to get into the carriage, looked at him, and said, "Is this because I didn't rest well yesterday? I'm going to have a hard day today, why don't you go to bed early?"

Brother Nine was silent.

Five nine six nine Along the river to see willows.

Everyone has a heart for beauty.

When she grew up, she stood out from the crowd among the princes in the study room.

It was Concubine Yi who made the decision to let Gui Yuan return to Shengjing.

Thinking about this passage now, is it true that the empress is well-informed and has some news?
Elder Brother Shi also vaguely heard that the haha ​​beads in the East Palace are all based on their faces.

Too many words will be lost.

He wants to bring the guards and guards, and these people have to prepare their own meals.

It's funny to say, I look pretty dressed up like this, but it's fun to see my fourth brother dressed up like this.

It's just that brother Jiu didn't get used to him at the time, and took him away when he was taken away, but he also refused to let other children of Guo Luoluo's family fill in the vacancy.

In front of the Prince's Mansion, the lanterns had already been raised, and the carriage was waiting.

It is the capital, because the "Law of the Qing Dynasty" clearly stipulates that officials and scholars are prohibited from prostitution, so some people took advantage of the loopholes and opened some "Xianggu parlors".

A whore in the law is a prostitute.

This kind of male whore is fine.

Because of the Spring Festival once every three years, tens of thousands of scholars stayed in the capital.

Many officials and scholars of southern origin are flocking to the "Xianggu Pavilion"...

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