Chapter 807 Shocking Change
When Shu Shubu woke up, he was already upright.

Shu Shu stroked her round belly, which was less than five months old, and looked like she was seven months pregnant.

She was a little scared.

There are still more than 100 days, so how big is this belly?

She can't wait to write a sentence directly, four months later.

The word "it's ripe" has actually become a vision.

Come on quickly, three months later...

Shu Shu was complaining silently when there was movement at the door.

Walnut came in and said, "Fu Jin, just now Shi Fujin sent someone to ask if Fujin is free next afternoon. If she is free, she wants to come and talk to you."

Shu Shu said: "Don't wait for the afternoon, you go over now, say I'm free, please come over ten Fujin, it happens to be eating pot at noon."

If it is pulled by a carriage, it will make the deceased move in the coffin, which is unlucky.

If you can't come back there for a while, you can just let it go.

Shi Fujin said with a bit of joy, and motioned for the girl to put the box and open it.

Shu Shu thinks that Shi Fujin is in a good state, he can't just be a child all the time, it's good to grow up gradually like this.

Another doll prince.

As she spoke, she opened a red brocade bag at the bottom, revealing a few broken lenses inside.

Inherited to Narfurt, it has been four generations of kings.

This is the saying in the capital, "If you haven't entered a temple in your life, you have to take a photo in the temple after you die (funeral treatment)".

Therefore, for more than 40 miles, the barbarians will take turns to lift the bar, and the speed will slow down.

When the dining table was removed, Shi Fujin had already rubbed his stomach, and said, "I'll just eat two bowls of noodles at the end, I'm so panicked..."

It was Elder Brother Shi who told her that this small hand mirror was almost worth the money of two horses and three mules.

The whole funeral procession was in chaos.

When it was meal time, the dining table was set up.

They are all official roads, if the carriage travels fast, it will take an hour and a half to arrive.

Only when joint burial or bones are combined, the child time will be selected.

There was the sound of clappers outside, it was time to enter, and Prince Jane Yabu had arrived.

You can't help but eat and drink freely.

Ten Fujin said happily: "I want to save a lot of money, and then I will make a fortune for my little elder brother and little Gege. When I return to Abahai, I will also buy ten cars for my father and Ehe." present!"

Kangxi shook his head and said, "That's the descendant of the king of meritorious service. My heart is saddened by such a passing away..."

Shu Shu nodded: "That's true."

After hearing this, Shu Shu immediately became nervous, her heart pounding, and said, "Did something happen on the road? Startled the horse, or what?"

It's not cold in the carriage, but it's not good to be cold outside.

Because Shu Shu avoids spicy food at the moment, the non-spicy sauerkraut pot is arranged for lunch today.

"Sister-in-law Jiu, yesterday the shopkeeper came to check the accounts, and I found that mirrors are the best seller in the shop..."

When everyone noticed something was wrong and opened the curtain of the carriage, Nerfo's face was ashen and hardened.

"I broke one by mistake yesterday. Looking at it, isn't it glass? With silver foil pasted on the back, it is a mirror! If such a simple job can be made by the internal manufacturing office, the price will come down. They also told people to sell it to Mongolia..."

Yabu immediately knelt down and blocked the way: "Your Majesty, I'm afraid that the county king will be uneasy..."

Kangxi went straight out of the Xinuang Pavilion, Eldest Brother and Yabu followed, and Ma Wu, the first-class bodyguard on duty outside, immediately followed with others.

Shu Shu said: "Just deal with it, bring a charcoal fire, and you can have a warm meal."

After these three months, it is equivalent to a year's profit of the two silver houses in her hands.

She has never met the county king face to face, but only knows that his son will be Cao Yin's son-in-law in the future.

"Fujin, Prince Pingjun is gone, I didn't enter the city, I went to Fayuan Temple first with the other lords!"

Shi Fujin said: "Even if the glass is more expensive, it is definitely cheaper than buying a mirror directly."

The father and son looked at each other in blank dismay, with ugly expressions on their faces.

He glanced at Liang Jiugong and ordered, "Change clothes..."

Sun Jin hurriedly said: "There is no accident, it is because King Ping has a cold and chills these days, so he asked someone to add a smoke cage to the carriage, and he was poisoned by charcoal..."

The two silver houses in Shu Shu's hands were doing well in winter, so she considered a figure and said, "500 taels?"

Shifujin’s is water mixed with hawthorn jam, while Shushu’s is barley tea.

Shi Fujin said dumbfounded.

Shu Shu knows that this silver is not that silver.

Nerf is only in his 20s, how old can his son be?

Prince Jane Yabu sent someone to call him, but there was no response from the carriage.

Kangxi stretched out his arms, and asked Liang Jiugong to change his clothes.

Shi Fujin said with a smile: "Master Shi said, he will earn only two or three years, and there will be more foreign goods stores in the capital, but I think it's okay, and I'll sell it to Mongolia when the time comes."

Never expected that such an accident would happen.

Shu Shu praised: "It's good to have a plan, it's really good, and it will be the pillar of support for the family in the future."

Sun Jin didn't see the situation, but he heard what people said.

Yabu persuaded: "Your Majesty, be humble..."

Later, his brother failed to live up to his expectations and lost the county king, so he attacked the county king.

A group of people left the gate of Qianqing, there was already a carriage prepared here, and the accompanying guards were also leading their horses to stand by.

"Gudu Gudu", a large bowl of hawthorn water, Shi Fujin drank it in a few sips.

The young man lost his father, and he was conferred the title of son after fifteen.

Don't be like the fourth elder brother a few days ago, hot and cold, but easy to catch a cold.

After a while, Shi Fujin followed Walnut, followed by a girl, holding a box in her hand.

In the end, only Sun Jin came.

As for sending them to Fayuan Temple, they didn't go directly to the city for funerals. It was because there was a regulation that people who died outside the city, unless they were state heroes and important ministers and had received an order from the emperor, they couldn't send their coffins back to the city for funerals.

The side dishes are mutton slices, vermicelli, bean curd, blood sausage, meatball platter, vegetable platter, and the staple food is hand-rolled lasagna.

This is the grand-nephew of the clan he watched growing up, he is a good, worry-free and sensible boy.

Xiaochun saw him nearby and asked someone to prepare a drink.

Shu Shu was also a little uncomfortable.

Nerfo was raised in the inner court in his early years.

Cao Yin's eldest daughter, who later became a princess, is now raised in the inner court, and is the companion of Shiwu Gege.

But because it is a funeral, there is a coffin to raise the bar.

Who would have thought that to send away a man who is not even eight cents, he would also be accompanied by a banner owner and county king.

Prince Ping?
Isn't that Narfo!
The age is similar to that of the elder brother, 27 or [-] years old.

Kangxi's face was ashen, just now the elder brother had already rode over to report the funeral.

However, because there are many weddings in winter, and there are many preparations for dowry and dowry, and foreign goods are in fashion now, the turnover and profits should be considerable.

Walnut responded and went to the Tenth Prince's Mansion.

She said: "We can't burn this kind of transparent glass. It's all foreign glass from Guangzhou, and the price is not cheap. After a while, we can ask our master to ask the master of glass making in China to see if it can be imitated." ..."

Ten Fujin ate happily, and Shu Shu ate half a bowl of food after seeing this.

Ten Fujin was a little worried.

"My lord said, send people over there, see what the regulations are before coming back to change clothes, Prince Jane has already entered the palace to ask for an order..."

At that time, the funeral procession had all arrived at Fangshan, and all the other masters got out of the carriage, only King Pingjun hadn't got out of the carriage for a long time.

Compared with other princes under the Five Banners, the royal family of Naerfu is relatively close.

Is this gone?

Cannot be pulled by a cart.

It opened almost at the end of September, so it's only been three months so far.

After hearing this, Shu Shu rejoiced for her and said, "That's really good."

Shu Shu's mind was a little confused, so she put all these aside and asked Walnut to go to the dining room to prepare some vegetarian pastries for Sun Jin to take there.

"Is anyone else injured?" She asked again without waiting for Sun Jin to answer.

When it was time to light the lanterns, Shu Shu was looking forward to Brother Jiu's return.

In the morning at the beginning of Chenchu, it was more than 40 miles to Fangshan Fudi.

When everyone is buried, they haven't shown up yet.

"This little mirror can be sold for 22 taels of silver, and the makeup mirror has to be doubled..."

Shi Fujin "giggled" and said with a smile: "Excluding the monthly money and losses, there are a total of 200 taels. Master Shi said that even if the business is weaker in other months, there will be more than 2000 taels of silver in a year. !"

Following the old Duke's funeral, their relatives who wore filial piety returned to normal.

It was windy last night, and today is a bit cooler.

Shi Fujin feels that he has a heavy responsibility. There are more than 200 people in the Prince's Mansion. Now it is the Ministry of Internal Affairs who take the monthly order, and he will have to pay for it himself in the future.

The current mirror is still a mercury mirror.

To avoid noon, can not be delayed until dusk.

Even if the ten elder brother's salary comes down, it will be equal, and if he is not careful, he will be short.

Ten Fujin said proudly, "Sister-in-law Jiu, guess how much money our foreign goods store has earned in the past few months?"

After the burial, the return journey will be fast.

He should be brought up by the inner court.

For her, money is not bad, and she doesn't have much feeling about how much money is.

Both the first king and the second king of this line had great military exploits and were the pillars of the Qing Dynasty.

Usually in the afternoon, around application time.

There is a palm-sized hand mirror and a one-foot-square makeup mirror.

But the time of burial is also limited.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Naerfu has already stopped in Fayuan Temple, and he still needs to ask for an order on how to manage the funeral.

The sesame sauce fermented bean curd sauce is dipped in, and some leek flowers brought by Shifujin before.

Shu Shu was also speechless.

"I don't know if it's convenient for our master and the others to eat?"

Kangxi couldn't sit still after hearing this, and said, "I'll go over and take a look."

In addition, King Pingjun is an "external mourning ghost" or died unexpectedly. According to the current custom, he cannot be carried home. The funeral must be held in a temple, so that the deceased can form a relationship with the gods and Buddhas, which is of great benefit to his reincarnation.

During the watch time, you should be able to enter the city...

Liang Jiugong bowed down, and after a while, he came in with a set of gray plain cotton clothes.

The fact that the branch of Prince Ping's mansion is younger is because the first king of this branch is the eldest son of Prince Li Lie and the eldest grandson of Emperor Taizu.

Pingjun Wang Naerfu is a junior, he is the great-great-grandson of Prince Lilie, a generation younger than Brother Jiu and the others, but he is the owner of the red flag.

In the future, there will be little elder brothers and little princesses, but money cannot be missing.

It's a messy day, and everyone should be hungry.

Kangxi got into the carriage, surrounded by guards, left Daqing Gate, and went straight to Xuanwu Gate.

Fayuan Temple is located on Nanheng Street outside Xuanwu Gate...

There was a new leader yesterday, thank you, and work hard to add more tomorrow and the day after tomorrow.

The next update will be at 2:7 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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