My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 808 Misfortunes Never Come Alone

At the gate of Fayuan Temple, the fourth prince's face was drooping, and he couldn't tell what it was like.

Before setting off at the Duke's Mansion this morning, he whispered to elder brother about the charcoal poisoning.

Eldest brother was not idle at that time, and immediately sent someone to pass on a message to people in various prefectures, beware of charcoal poisoning.

Unexpectedly, it is still the case.

Brother Nine pursed his lips, and stood beside him, looking dazed.

He dare not speak anymore!
He has said that he "does not follow what he says", but he doesn't want to deal with it!

The tenth elder brother was by the side, seeing the ninth elder brother's face was blue and white, it was not good to look at, so he whispered: "Ninth elder brother, don't be afraid!"

He thought Brother Jiu was timid and was frightened.

Today's incident is indeed quite scary.

When I was at the Duke's Mansion in the morning, I was fine and I even talked to them.

Shu Shu ordered Walnut to go down and pass the water.

Kangxi frowned and said: "You bastard! How can the old man survive this, why don't you stop him?"

Are you that great?

"Is it my fault? What if I don't mention charcoal?"

The head of the palace, Shi, brought the eldest son of Prince Pingjun, Naersu, who was all in plain clothes.

"Fourth brother is probably scared too. Will he be afraid of Master in the future?"

When the sound of horseshoes sounded on the street, everyone looked over.

According to the time, he should have arrived before Shengjia.

Baylor Mansion, go to the room.

The fourth elder brother was also a little stunned when he heard this.

This kind of grievance, is it just to be dealt with?

The Chang Shi kowtowed and said: "Just now we, Fujin, were serving meals in Lao Fujin's room. The person who reported to him in the past showed his whereabouts. Lao Fujin inquired about the news, and he passed away after knowing that something happened to the prince..."

He won't admit it anyway!

Brother Jiu said: "Ama Khan came in person, gave sacrifices and buried him, built a tomb and erected a monument, and will stop tomorrow for a day!"

The saint has arrived.

He frowned and said, "Third Brother, please be careful with your words."

The earth dragon was burning, but because of the emptiness of the room, it seemed a little lonely in the room.

Prince Kang and Prince Shuncheng led the way, accompanied by other princes, and Kangxi went to Neerfu for the last time.

Besides, she has a widowed mother and a young child, and she also needs the backbone of the fourth elder brother.

"The royal family inlaid with the red flag obeys filial piety, Prince Kang's mansion and Prince Shuncheng's mansion follow the funeral, and the rest of the people go to offer condolences as usual, and they all went back to the city with Shengjia..."

Prince Zhuang whispered to Kangxi: "I can't just leave it like this. In a hurry, and there is no good coffin, I will bring the slave's coffin to the envoy of King Pingjun. It has been painted for six years!"

He is 50 years old this year, and the coffin was prepared when he was 44.

The princes and dukes are all rich and noble people, few of them can withstand the cold, since they know how to travel long distances, smoked cages are added in the carriage.

Prince Ping also heard the reminder, but something still happened.

The old Duke is an exception. He has a high seniority and is the son of Emperor Taizong.

Speaking of this, he thought of the expression and movements of the third elder brother, and with disgust, he snorted softly and said: "The third elder brother is really, hide away! It seems that the master is a villain, and the master has seen it. I'm not a loyal person, if my master is going to encounter difficulties, I guess he will be the first to run..."

"Who the hell was he in his previous life? Why was he so powerful?"

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the main house.

It's someone from Pingjun Palace.

It was the same at first, only close cousins ​​had to sit at night.

The seventh elder brother glanced at the third elder brother, but did not respond.

Shu Shu didn't know how to cheer.

If I hadn't been alert, I probably wouldn't have opened the curtains.

The third elder brother wanted to talk, so he glanced at the ninth elder brother and felt that he should not be too sloppy.

The palace also wanted someone to preside over the funeral, so Fujin sent Chang Shi to bring the elder brother Naersu over...

The prince of the Pingjun Prince's Mansion doesn't seem to have a long lifespan.

Whether it's an enemy, a relative, or an irrelevant person, it's human life, and it's heavy, and he doesn't want to bear it.

The eighth elder brother was lying on the kang alone, and tightened the cloak around his body.

I don't even have any sons, so I'm about to bury my grandchildren.

Kangxi nodded, looked around, looked at Prince Kang and said, "Where are the people from Pingjun Palace?"

Brother Jiu pursed his lips into a line.

Hearing the "charcoal poison" mentioned by elder brother Jiu, I was so shocked that I opened the curtains several times on the way to breathe.

Before, he only thought about the change of Prince Ping, but he didn't think about him.

Prince Zhuang was beside him, and he also sighed endlessly.

As soon as he reached the door, Brother Jiu picked up the curtain and came in.

This is not good news.

"Dong dong dong dong..."

In less than a day, it disappeared like this, and everyone felt uncomfortable.

Shu Shu didn't know how to comfort her.

It's a millet porridge, two egg pancakes, and two side dishes.

The fifth elder brother came over, groped his back and said, "It's okay, it's okay, birth, old age, sickness and death are the same as eating, drinking and lazard, no one can avoid it, it's just a matter of time!"

"Gods and Buddhas should believe and have to believe..."

The third elder brother was by the side, and felt that the ninth elder brother was not afraid, but more like a guilty conscience.

I really can't even think about it.

Kangxi got out of the carriage, and there was no sound on the field.

The Duke's Mansion was afraid of delaying everyone's New Year's Eve, so they didn't stop until the first lunar month, so they sent it out ahead of time.

Halfway through the journey, he felt a little dazed and nauseous, thinking it was because he didn't get a good rest last night.

He whispered to the seventh elder brother next to him, and said, "Does Lao Jiu have any grievances with Prince Ping?"

There is no hatred or resentment...

Seeing Shu Shu in a hurry, he hurriedly said: "Slow down..."

Brother Jiu felt that he was really guilty.

Si Fujin was beside him, and he was still afraid when he heard about King Pingjun.

Prince Kang was also puzzled, and said: "The servant has already sent someone to report the funeral..."

Shu Shu comforted: "What does this have to do with the Lord?"

In the distance, the sound of drums came from the direction of the Bell and Drum Tower.

Prince Ping stopped at the side courtyard of Fayuan Temple.

But it happened to catch up with the strong wind and cool down.

When the couple arrived at Dongci Room, they saw that Shu Shu was sitting steadily, and Brother Jiu sat on the kang, rubbed his face, and said, "Tell me, what is this?"

The ninth elder brother thought of charcoal poisoning, the fourth elder brother wanted to remind, and the eldest elder brother really reminded the people next to the palace.

Just then, there was movement in the yard.

It can only be said to be more metaphysical.

The fourth elder brother also took a shower and changed clothes before lying down exhausted physically and mentally.

Brother Nine sighed and said, "I only know what 'impermanence' is today..."

Being led to Shengjia, Chang Shi knelt down, choked with sobs and said: "Your Majesty, upon hearing the news of the funeral, the old Fujin of our manor was overwhelmed with grief, and died with him..."

Brother Nine said: "Tomorrow we will prepare two sacrificial ceremonies, besides Fayuan Temple, we also have to go to Pingjun Prince's Mansion, Pingjun Prince's grandmother also passed away..."

After all, his current situation is similar to Prince Pingjun's. He has a cold and is afraid of the cold and the wind...

What does it mean?
He's so nonchalant, if someone else hears it, they'll think it's Brother Jiu doing something.

Enter more.

Brother Jiu glanced at him, and really wanted to reply, "sooner or later" itself is the problem!
How many are willing to go early?
If it is a sick child, I will not say anything. If I want to leave, there is another sign.

The hot water in the dining room is prepared early.

The fifth elder brother and the eighth elder brother are by the side, and they can also see that something is wrong with the ninth elder brother.

Thinking of this, Brother Jiu looked forward to it and said, "Don't you dare to train the Lord again?"

Others, don't have to sit overnight.

Because in addition to tabooing the year of birth, "Ming Nine" and "Dark Nine" are also taboos when he gets older, so when he was 44 years old, he found a good sandalwood and prepared it.

When he lay down, he began to feel restless.

She didn't know who Brother Jiu was in his previous life, and she just wanted him to be a less failed person in this life.

But this is good...

Just as he was talking, there was another commotion outside.

Just in time for a short break on the road, he got out of the carriage and walked around twice before he regained his energy.

She also asked someone to add a smoke cage to the carriage...

What if he was hated by Lao Jiuji, and he was also squared off?
He nodded and said: "It's my fault, what's wrong with me, what's not close, what's not close, don't talk anymore!"

Shu Shu said: "You don't have to worry too much about it, it's just an accident, and it's not common. Besides, life is like eating and drinking, and getting old is birth, old age, sickness and death. People can't avoid these in their whole life..."

Have you really turned the page here?

After the third elder brother asked, he thought of the southern tour, touched his chin and said: "Pingjun Wang bought the Taihu stone from Ji's family at a low price, and now Ji's family is under the door of the House of Internal Affairs. This Pingjun Wang and Lao Jiu can be considered kidnapping Is it right on the bend?"

Brother Nine came to a conclusion: "Blessing a little is a little..."

Si Fujin's voice trembled, he was really scared.

Listening to the sound of the drum, Shu Shu waited from the first watch to the second watch.

Except for Prince Jane's mansion, other princely mansions are his close cousins.

Brother Jiu was silent, and said: "Anyway, I'm not feeling very well, so I'd better talk less in the future!"

Even people who are not familiar with each other are embarrassing.

Before, he only thought about whether his health would affect his life span, and he didn't think about others at all.

At the age of Prince Pingjun, where would he prepare the coffin?

Because of the old Duke's funeral, the clan kings are complete, and almost all of them are here.

Husband and wife have been together for nine years, regardless of their relationship, they are already like relatives.

The third elder brother moved a little two steps away from the ninth elder brother, so he felt more at ease.

Seeing Brother Nine, his stomach was rumbling and he felt hungry.

The elder brother obviously sent someone to remind him, and King Pingjun also responded across the carriage, but he was still tricked.

Four Baylor Mansion, main house.

It's curfew.

If you speak too much, you will lose. Don't be afraid;

Brother Jiu had made a decision and couldn't help becoming curious.

Could it be that he really has a crow's mouth? !

After hot water was brought to the dining room, Brother Jiu came out to take a shower and change clothes, and the supper was also served.

Seeing this, Seventh Brother was a little worried.

She regretted that she didn't ask Sun Jin to wrap up her clothes and go there.

Shu Shu hurriedly got up and went out to welcome her.

Greetings, elder brothers, all the clan kings who got the news from the temple gate also came out to greet them.

He ate both omelettes, and he was in a better mood.

Now think about it, the wind has cooled down in the past two days, and the wind direction has changed a bit.

Does he still remember the time when he loved Fangren before...

"If Brother Nine hadn't reminded me, would I..."

This old Fujin is the grandmother of King Pingjun, the descendant of King Keqin of the second generation, Fujin Tong Jia, the cousin of Tong Guowei and Tong Guogang, and the concubine sister-in-law of Kangxi.

Thinking about the age of Nerfo, who was not yet thirty, Kangxi trembled in his heart.

Other people's carriages were either modified by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or smoked cages were added.

His carriage is the same as before.

After this day, I'm going to be freezing cold...

Prince Ping's age was wrongly written, it was about the same age as the elder brother, 29 years old.

Whispered, it’s about 300 million words, that’s the rhythm, the author also likes fast-paced and refreshing plots, but the pen is not strong enough to write.

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