"I'm not talking about these medicines!"

Kangxi frowned and said, "It's emergency medicine, such as heatstroke, vomiting, high fever, cold and other symptomatic medicines..."

Who is serious about thinking about those medicines?
That's not something to talk about between father and son.

Brother Jiu remembered "Huoxiang Zhengqi Powder", nodded and said: "It's good to have some prepared."

A cold is not an emergency, but this medicine is not bad either.

If it is used in the early stage of symptoms, it can reduce the danger by suppressing the high fever.

And the "alcohol" produced by Fujin.

Because the imperial court has a "prohibition on alcohol", there are really not many preparations.

If potatoes are popularized and used to make wine, more alcohol can be prepared.

In addition to reducing fever, it is also good for wound dressing and can be stored in the army.

Kangxi glanced at him and said, "What do you think about the matter of King Pingjun?"

Brother Jiu's face turned pale.

Thinking of this, he was still a little terrified.

I don't know if it was because I said something unlucky first, and then there are things that happened later; or if there were things that happened later, I mentioned this matter in a strange way.

He has also experienced several funerals in the past two years, but none of them have made him palpitate because of the death of King Pingjun.

No sign.

Seeing Brother Jiu's expression, Kangxi regretted asking about this matter.

He had heard someone mention it before, Brother Jiu was frightened, and he thought he should get better in the past few days.

Look at this, still cowardly.

Brother Jiu let out a sigh of relief and said, "My son just thinks that it's not easy to live a long life! My son is wondering if he should tell the teacher that he will learn "Book of Changes" after finishing "Book of Rites". Time to test for good or bad..."

This is not just nonsense, but he really had such an idea.

In addition to normal "aging" and "sickness", there are actually all kinds of messy ways to die.

It would be great if we could really predict the future.

In that case, danger can be avoided.

Kangxi shook his head and said: "Nonsense, you don't speak strange powers, don't worry about those crooked demons and evil ways, it's just an accident, I mentioned this because I noticed the charcoal poison..."

Life is at stake.

It was a county king who died, but it made Kangxi worry about the people in the capital.

He had stayed outside the palace when he was a child, and knew that the houses outside were different from those in the palace.

There are earth dragons in the main halls of the palace, but not all the houses outside.

It would be nice to have a charcoal basin.

Thinking of this, Kangxi said: "I called Shuntian Mansion to collect the annual charcoal poison death population. Every winter, dozens of people died of charcoal poison, and hundreds of people survived by luck. They were also aphasia and paralyzed. You pay attention to the prescription, you can look up the prescription for treating charcoal poison..."

Not only in the capital, but also in the palace, there are people who suffer from charcoal poisoning every winter.

It's just that "poison" sounds taboo, so when recording files, it is more recorded as "typhoid fever" and "stroke".

Brother Nine was surprised and said: "Are there so many people? My son didn't even notice."

Then you can really ask Le Fengming to look for this prescription, if you can try out a useful prescription and save people's lives, it is also a merit.

The biggest thing in this world is human life.

Kangxi nodded.

Although birth, old age, sickness and death are inevitable, this kind of sudden death is uncomfortable.

Brother Jiu said: "The son knows it, so pay attention to this matter!"

The deceased is gone.

No one has the power to bring people back from the dead.

If the living people can get rid of the charcoal poison and recover gradually, that would be a great thing.

Kangxi passed on the ninth elder brother for these few things.

Now that he finished speaking, he sent brother Jiu down.

Brother Jiu was not in a hurry to leave, he took a purse to Liang Jiugong, and said, "This is an annual gift for Wenda..."

Liang Jiugong didn't put it away immediately, but looked at Kangxi.

Kangxi raised his eyebrows and said: "What is it, bring it to me to see..."

This year, it's not over yet.

Is he going to remind Brother Nine to learn to avoid taboos.

Brother Jiu offered it with both hands and said, "Mints, it's for removing the taste in your mouth, if you want to eat garlic meat, leek dumplings, etc., it's okay..."

Serving eunuchs close by, you can't eat food with strong flavors, for fear that your breath will smudge the emperor.

Brother Nine has met it twice, and it doesn't taste like it.

Kangxi felt the weight in his hand, and when he opened it, there were sugar cubes wrapped in glutinous rice paper.

He unceremoniously dropped one and put it in his mouth, his mouth full of mint coolness.

Mmmm, it tastes good.

However, he didn't want to praise others, so he looked at Brother Jiu and said, "Can't you think about serious things all day long?"

Brother Jiu said seriously: "How serious is this? Eating meat without garlic has half the aroma. It's not bad to be able to eat meat happily, even if it's just a few days a year!"

Fujin said that in life, "eating and drinking" are two words.

People like Liang Jiugong and Wei Zhu already lost most of the fun of being a man, no matter how restricted they are in eating and drinking, it's really pitiful.

When Brother Nine was thinking about the New Year's ceremony, he didn't make any more gold and jade.

It's not bribery, and it's not good to use gold and silver all the time.

A pack of mints, the gift is light and the affection is heavy.

How good.

Everyone knows that he is the generous Ninth Master.

You don't really need to be like a money-spreading boy, spreading gold and silver everywhere.

Kangxi threw the purse to Liang Jiugong and said: "Jiu elder brother rewarded it, keep it well, I will give you a blessing in the afternoon!"

Liang Jiugong took it with both hands, but he couldn't laugh or cry. He bowed to Brother Jiu and said, "Thank you Master Jiu for your reward, old slave!"

Brother Jiu waved his hand and said, "It's nothing, but now there are only mint creams, and no other flavors are made. When I get other flower creams later, I will make sweet-scented osmanthus and jasmine flavors."

Liang Jiugong said "hehe", he didn't dare to think about what it would be like if he smelled sweet-scented osmanthus and jasmine.

Kangxi waved to Brother Nine and said, "Don't grind your teeth, kneel down!"

Brother Jiu just left the Qianqing Palace.

In front of the Qianqing Palace, the other princes and elder brothers all dispersed, leaving only the tenth elder brother, accompanied by his eunuch, He Yuzhu and Sun Jin.

On the first day of last year in the palace, all the princes who founded the mansion were called out of the palace, and all the princes in the palace were not allowed to leave the palace, so there was no New Year greetings for the biological mother.

As usual this year, this day is the day when the prince can pay his respects to his biological mother.

Unless there is the emperor's grace, in a year, the number of times mother and child meet is these few times, Zhengdan, the prince's birthday, and the concubine's eternal life.

Now, everyone went to the concubines to pay New Year's greetings.

The imperial concubine has passed away, and the ten princes are left behind.

Brother Nine was sore in his heart, but he didn't show it on his face, and he didn't talk too much, he directly greeted Brother Ten, saying: "Let's go, the empress should be in a hurry..."

Brother Ten hesitated for a moment, then nodded and followed.

"Ama Khan is asking about moving to Changchun Garden?" He asked with concern.

Brother Nine nodded and shook his head again, and said: "I asked, I feel like it's not this, it's about Xiaotangshan's incident, Khan Ama was afraid that the money would be wasted, so I was a little anxious, so I asked a few more questions..."

Also, Khan Ama was frightened by the incident in Pingjun Palace.

I just thought about preparing more medicines.

It's just that Brother Jiu feels that he has a city mansion, and he knows what to say and what not to say.

It's not that Lao Shi's mouth is not strict, but that the place is wrong.

This is the palace, all kinds of guards and guards are ears, and in the future, he will listen to the fourth brother's instructions for matters related to the imperial court, and he will always be grateful and never say anything bad.

"What happened?" someone asked.

"It's about buying the 10,000+ mu of land..." Brother Jiu responded casually, and then realized something was wrong.

It's not the old ten's voice...

He looked up and saw a few people standing in front of him.

It's Fifth Prince and his eunuch.

It turned out that it was Brother Wu who spoke just now.

The fifth elder brother left the square of Qianqing Palace, went to Ningshou Palace first, paid New Year's greetings alone, and then arrived at the right gate of Guangsheng, ready to go to Yikun Palace.

In the end, I asked the guard at the door, knowing that brother Jiu hadn't come yet, so he was waiting outside.

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "It's a long story, first go to pay New Year's greetings to Er Niang, and then I will tell you in detail when I come out..."

The fifth elder brother was concerned and confused, looked at the tenth elder brother and said, "Your ninth elder brother took money from Yuqian again?"

Brother Ten didn't know what to say, so he looked at Brother Nine.

Ninth elder brother took fifth elder brother's arm, and said: "There is no second time, it's still the 50 taels last time, come out and explain to you in detail..."

The fifth elder brother stopped asking, and looked at the guards at the door with warning in his eyes.

The guards watch their noses with their eyes, their mouths with their noses, and their hearts with their mouths.

Seems to have heard incredible news!

The emperor gave Master Jiu 50 taels of silver!

What a beloved concubine!
Even the other several princes who have been ennobled have only 23 taels of silver per household!
Seeing this, the ninth elder brother pushed the fifth elder brother into the right door of Guangsheng, saying: "It's not a rare thing, you know everything you need to know..."

He was talking about the House of Internal Affairs and Yuqing Palace.

The fifth elder brother misunderstood, thinking that everyone inside and outside the palace knew about it, so he followed him into the West Sixth Palace.

While talking, the brothers arrived at Yikun's gate.

There had long been a chief eunuch waiting at the door, bowing down to pay New Year's greetings to several of them.

Brother Jiu motioned for He Yuzhu to give the magenta purse.

In the west room of Yikun Palace, Concubine Yi was talking to Wu Fujin and Shi Fujin, Elder Seventeen was wearing a red dragon hexagram, sitting in Concubine Yi's arms.

Hearing the commotion outside, Concubine Yi complained to the two Fujins: "It must be Lao Jiu who is slowing down."

The chief eunuch came in and said, "Your Majesty, the fifth master, the ninth master, and the tenth master are here..."

Both the five Fujin and the ten Fujin appeared.

Elder Seventeen also got up from Concubine Yi's arms and looked at the door curiously.

Concubine Yi nodded and said: "Please come in!"

Several elder brothers filed in.

Elder Brother Shi walked behind and followed the two to pay New Year greetings to Concubine Yi, when he saw his own Fujin smiling at him.

His heart settled down.

The seventeenth elder brother looked a little strange to the older brothers, and was cautious.

When Brother Jiu saw this, he felt disgusted, and said, "I haven't seen you for half a year, so I don't remember Brother Jiu? Little heartless, I gave you food for nothing."

Elder Seventeen is only four years old, but he knows how to talk nonsense. He is not happy, his eyes are wet, and he turns around and lies in Concubine Yi's arms: "Your Majesty..."

Concubine Yi glared at Elder Brother Jiu, and said, "For Chinese New Year, what do you want your younger brother to do?"

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Son, tell the truth, Xiao Shiliu can answer the words, why can't he even remember people? He will be entering the study room next year, how can he memorize books if he is so stupid?"

Concubine Yi frowned and said: "Why is it next year? Next year we will be seventeen and five years old, not even old enough..."

The prince usually enters the study at the age of six.

There are exceptions.

For example, brother fifteen.

It was supposed to be moved to the palace in 37 years to enter the study, but there were many things in the palace that year, Defei didn't mention it, and the emperor forgot about it, so it was moved to the second year.

Brother Nine said: "Ama Khan said that this year Xiaoshiliu will enter the study room, and there will be the second elder brother of Yuqing Palace and several nephews from the residence of the elder brother, the third brother, and the fifth brother; In the study, Fourth Brother and the eldest brother of Seventh Brother's family enter the palace..."

Speaking of this, he thought of Yuqing Palace, and said: "The third elder brother of Yuqing Palace should be the one next year..."

Concubine Yi groped Elder Seventeen's back, really worried.

Enter the upper study room, in front of it is the Noble Palace.

It's okay to be one year older, but I really don't feel relieved to let go when I am one year younger.

Elder Seventeen whispered: "Madam, my son doesn't want to go to school..."

Concubine Yi hurriedly said: "It's good to go to school, many people play with you, but in Yikun Palace, there is no one to keep you company."

Brother Seventeen nodded and stopped talking.

Brother Jiu saw him whimpering, hugged him from Concubine Yi's arms, and said, "Sit down well, you're already a child, and you still think you're two or three years old..."

Brother Seventeen was obedient, and sat by himself by the kang.

Brother Jiu remembered the purse that Shu Shu had prepared, got up and went out.

He Yuzhu was waiting outside together with the fifth and tenth prince eunuchs.

Brother Jiu asked for three red purses.

When he entered the room, he quietly handed one to fifth elder brother and tenth elder brother.

Then, he took the purse, handed it to Elder Seventeen and said, "Your sister-in-law Jiu prepared the New Year's greeting bag for you!"

Elder Seventeen took it with both hands, and said, "Hello Nine Sisters, Nine Sisters have something delicious..."

Brother Jiu pointed to his forehead and said: "Excellent, Brother Jiu is not good?"

Elder Seventeen handed the purse to Concubine Yi, and then hid behind Concubine Yi.

The fifth elder brother was still confused when he took the purse.

They are the same generation, and they are all adults, so they don't need to prepare their wallets, right?

Even if he really wanted to prepare, he would give it to his younger brother, so where would it be his brother's turn to give it to him?

Only now did he understand Brother Nine's intentions, and said: "Your fifth sister-in-law has already prepared..."

Elder Brother Ten also said: "My younger brother and Fujin are also preparing..."

Concubine Yi looked at Brother Jiu and said: "You stay at home, don't get sick, it won't be good for Shushu when the time comes..."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "My son is not going anywhere, he just stays in the mansion, and won't come out until the yamen opens."

Concubine Yi looked at Elder Brother Ten again, and said: "I have big hawthorn pills here, you can take two boxes back later, Sheng Jia will go to the garden, you two will go there when you have nothing to do, and then take Bu Yin for a stroll , it’s a good thing to eat well, move more, and you won’t accumulate food..."

Elder Brother Ten looked at Fujin Ten and said, "Do you want to go?"

Ten Fujin nodded hurriedly and said: "I want to go, now that the Chinese New Year is over, and I'm one year older, shall we go to Hongluo Temple?"

Everyone smiled and looked at the two of them.

Elder Brother Ten's face was a little hot, he nodded and said, "Go if you want..."

Everyone didn't stay in Yikun Palace for long.

They are all the people who founded the mansion, and they have to go back and wait for others to pay New Year's greetings.

Concubine Yi's name was Pei Lan, and she brought out three jewelry boxes as rewards for several Fujin.

As for the brothers, there is no preparation.

"I don't know what you lack, I didn't ask anyone to prepare it, what's the matter, I asked you Fujin to prepare it for you..."

Concubine Yi is humane to Fifth Prince and the others.

We are not children, we have passed the age of looking forward to New Year's gifts.

Only Brother Nine muttered: "Your Majesty is really good at being a mother-in-law. With a daughter-in-law, the son is behind!"

Concubine Yi snorted softly and said, "Who told my son not to be counted on? It's so considerate, and it has to be a little padded jacket!"


When they came out of Yikun Palace, everyone was divided into two places.

The female relatives are leaving the palace through Di'anmen, and the carriages of the fifth and ninth princes are outside Qipan Street.

Ten Fujin whispered to Elder Brother Ten, "I'm waiting for you at Di'anmen?"

Elder Brother Ten said: "No need, there are too many carriages and people are chaotic today, you go home and wait for me..."

Ten Fujin nodded obediently.

Fifth elder brother glanced at Wu Fujin.

He had already told his wife about Hongsheng's enrollment.

There was nothing wrong with it at first.

Every government has its own style, so concubines are indispensable.

I haven't heard of any mansion, all of which are descendants.

But after being scolded by his younger brother, the fifth elder brother also knew what was inappropriate.

Liu Gege's heart grew a little bigger.

He was glad that Hongsheng could enter the palace to study.

Separate the mother and child so as not to go back and teach them wrongly, and the eldest son will become such an annoying virtue as Akdon.

He thought for a while, and told the eunuch beside him: "Master and Fujin are back together, you go ahead and bring the others back!"

The eunuch agreed.

Brother Ten hesitated after hearing this.

Ten Fujin said crisply: "Di'anmen is close to home, and Daqingmen is far away. You don't have to accompany me, you can accompany Brother Jiu!"

Brother Nine was by the side, hearing this was not pleasant to his ears.

Why do you feel that you have become a little pitiful?

After Shi Fujin finished speaking, he took Wu Fujin's hand and walked north along the corridor.

Fifth elder brother followed.

Brother Nine pointed at Shi Fujin's back, and really wanted to complain to Brother Ten, was Ten Fujin short-hearted?

But thinking of what Shu Shu reminded him before, he still swallowed it, and said: "You Fujin are dancing alone, you can go if you want!"

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said: "No, brother Fujin is right, the road here is far away, Brother Nine is not interesting by himself..."

Brother Jiu snorted softly, feeling very satisfied.

The two brothers left the palace and went home in a carriage.

Shi Fujin, who came back one step ahead, didn't get out of the carriage at all. When he saw Brother Jiu's carriage arrived, he got out of the carriage and greeted him.

The young couple held hands and went back to the tenth prince's mansion.

Brother Jiu couldn't help curling his lips when he saw this, and said to He Yuzhu, "Look at this slimy..."

He Yuzhu smiled without saying a word.

This is the real brother, the style passed down in the same line as his master.

They are all Fujin fans.

I was so busy this morning, it actually took two hours.

When Brother Nine came back, it was just the beginning of the moment.

Before Shu Shu had breakfast, the couple had brunch together.

When the dining table is removed, someone will come to pay New Year's greetings.

It was Qi Xi and his wife who brought their sons to pay New Year's greetings to Mrs. Uncle.

After hearing the report, Brother Jiu quickly stood up, intending to go out to meet him. He looked a little nervous, looked at Shu Shu and said, "Sir, should I go to the Dutong Mansion to pay New Year's greetings first?"

What I thought about before was New Year's greetings on the second day of the new year.

Shu Shu shook her head and said, "No need, the second year of junior high school is just right..."

In her heart, her mother's family is naturally closer than her husband's cousins ​​and clansmen, but in the current world situation, clan relatives should be ranked ahead of in-laws.

Brother Nine said: "Go and meet me, don't make trouble..."

After all, he hurried over.

In the flower hall ahead, Jue Luoshi gouged out her husband with a knife.

Really want to come out is a come out.

Just now at home, he mentioned at home that the second day of junior high school tomorrow, his girl is too heavy to return to peace, so he scratched his heart and lungs.

Otherwise, the children should have come to pay New Year's greetings.

He didn't ask anyone to deliver a letter, so he came here rashly.

Brother Nine came in and said, "Father-in-law, Happy New Year, mother-in-law, I was supposed to pay New Year's greetings tomorrow, let's pay my respects first..."

Qi Xi coughed lightly and said, "Brother, Happy New Year, we came here in a hurry."

Brother Nine shook his head and said: "Don't be an outsider, you are not someone else's family, your son-in-law's family is just like your own..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Fu Song and said: "You are too ignorant, you are all family members, not outsiders, just go to the main courtyard."

Fu Song bowed and listened.

Brother Jiu led everyone to the main courtyard.

Shu Shu was already waiting in the yard, wearing a bell cloak.

Seeing Qi Xi and Jue Luo Shi, she came forward with a smile, hugged Jue Luo Shi's arm, and said: "I am thinking about the red envelopes from Ama and Ernie, Ama said to give to my daughter until she is 80 years old, but my daughter took it seriously! "

Qi Xi nodded and said: "Ama has already prepared it, and brought it to you today!"

Shu Shu listened and smiled.

She mentioned to Brother Jiu before that it would be easier to receive gifts after moving out.

This is true.

The annual respect of the officials of the various ministries of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is richer than when they were in the palace.

Let's put it this way, even if Shu Shu and Brother Jiu are not in business, as long as Brother Jiu is the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the two of them will have enough money.

But the New Year's red envelopes from parents are different after all.

Shu Shu smiled and said: "Next year, I will prepare three copies, but we have agreed that the daughter's share will be the biggest!"

Qi Xi took it for granted: "That's natural, in the eyes of Ama and you, no one can surpass you!"

What is a grandson?
It was the flesh and blood that fell from the daughter.

If he could choose, he would rather not have a daughter, so that the couple wouldn't have to worry about it.

Brother Zhuliang has long been used to it.

Xiao Liu couldn't help but look down at himself, and muttered to Brother Jiu: "It's another day I want to be Xiao Gege!"

Brother Jiu patted him on the shoulder and said: "It's useless to be a little princess, there must be a first-come-first-served relationship between girls here, your eldest sister has been a daughter longer than you, and has the deepest bond with her parents. "

Xiaoliu nodded and said: "Well, I know, the eldest sister is the first child of Ama and Ernie, it's rare; when it comes to my second brother, half of it is rare, besides, there is still my brother before me; when it comes to the third brother, When the fourth brother comes out, it’s a bit rare, but when it’s the turn of the fifth brother and me, it’s nothing special.”

Brother Nine said: "That's because you're not old enough. Your nine years are definitely not comparable to your elder sister's 18 years, but it's okay. Be a man and be open-minded. Don't worry about these things, I don't care about them!"

Xiao Liu smiled and said: "Don't worry about it, if you really want to talk about it, the eldest sister is also at a loss. When we landed, my sister was in pain. When the eldest sister was young, we were not there yet!"

This is another one who will figure it out.

Brother Jiu actually thought it made sense, and said: "From now on, I won't pick our mother's favoritism anymore. My brother loved me when I was young, and I still have it when I grow up. Being a younger brother doesn't hurt."

The third, fourth, and fifth neighbors couldn't help looking at Fusong.

The prince's brother-in-law doesn't seem to be coaxing Xiao Liu, but rather being coaxed by Xiao Liu.

Zhu Liang felt a little uncomfortable.

My brother-in-law Bai is one year older, and he still doesn't look very smart.

From now on, I am afraid that the elder sister will have to worry about the family and the outside world.

Fusong thought it was good.

I hope Master Jiu will always maintain this innocence.

At this moment, Shu Shu and her parents are also glued to each other.

A group of people went to Ning'an Hall.

Shu Shu has already dispatched Walnut, and went to report the news first...

Direct two in one, [-] a day, roll around and ask for a monthly pass.

The next update will be at 2:9 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

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