My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 814 Peach Blossom

Ning'an hall, the west second room of the main room.

A dozen or so people came in at once, and the room was immediately full.

Mrs. Uncle looked over the faces of several nephews.

Pearl bright sixteen, into small.

He has a smart older sister and cousin on top, and two smart twin brothers on bottom, who complement him like an ordinary person.

In fact, he is a down-to-earth child, and he is also very careful in civil and martial arts.

In the early days, his appearance was ordinary among his brothers, but he has grown taller in the past two years, but he is quite handsome, the more he looks like Shu Shu, the more he looks like him.

Now he and Fu Song are standing together, like twin brothers.

He has the position of assistant leader of the fourth rank, so he can directly fill in the vacancy of the fourth rank.

Or stay for a few more years of qualifications, and then make up for a higher level in a few years.

Anyway, the future is stable.

Xiaosan also looks like an adult, with a title on her body, and a marriage is settled.

Xiaoliu has the status of the prince's accompanying student, and her future is stable.

Only primary four and primary five have to work harder.

It was Mrs. Uncle who looked at the children who had grown up, and she couldn't help worrying about them.

But when she saw Shu Shu and Brother Jiu next to her, she felt at ease.

The family is well educated, and the children are not lacking in self-motivation.

People like them don't ask anyone to help them. Unless they are mediocre, they can't be wrong.

Xiaoqi is still in her infancy, so I won't mention it for now.

At present, among these children, the youngest Xiaoliu is nine years old, and they are set up.

In the future, when the branches and leaves are scattered, the population will flourish.

Mrs. Uncle held Jue Luo's hand, and said to Qi Xi, "Looking at their brothers standing here, they are finally worthy of their ancestors..."

It's not easy for them either.

The old ancestor had no children, so he adopted his nephew. As a result, there are only two grandchildren, Xin Dali and Qi Xi.

Now that Xindali's heir has been cut off, it has become a situation of one family inheritance.

Fortunately, there are finally more junior brothers.

Qi Xi took a look at Luo Shi, and said with a smile: "It's all thanks to Madam."

Jue Luo gave him a blank look.

Shu Shu was afraid that the elders would have something to say, and everyone would be an eyesore here.

When the younger brothers paid New Year's greetings to Mrs. Uncle, she greeted everyone: "There are a lot of good vegetables in the greenhouse these days, and they can be picked. I will show you to experience..."

Everyone went to school before, except for Zhu Liang, the others came to the Prince's Mansion before they moved in, and there was no greenhouse at that time.

Everyone followed.

Qi Xi thought for a while, and was worried when he saw his daughter's big belly, so he followed her.

Only the sister-in-law and sister-in-law were left in the room to talk.

Jue Luo took Mrs. Uncle's hand and said, "There is something I want to discuss with you. The third brother came over a few years ago and has taken a fancy to Xiao Si..."

This "third brother" refers to Madam Bo's concubine Norob.

The two families are cousins ​​and relatives-in-law, and their contacts are very close.

With Fusong's lessons learned from the past, Jue Luo still thinks that the eldest daughter is good.

Knowing the roots and knowing the bottom line, the blood is already far away.

If it's a noble daughter, she has a higher heart, and it will be troublesome at that time.

But there is Guizhen Gege, and I am worried that Mrs. Uncle will not like the marriage, so I come here to ask for opinions first.

Mrs. Uncle said: "The one born in the concubine Guerjia?"

Norob has several wives and concubines.

Everyone knows that this side wife is not because he dotes on his concubine and kills his wife, but because his legitimate sons have not stood up, and now the two elder sons are both born of this side wife.

Jue Luo nodded and said, "It's her young daughter, the same age as Xiao Si, fourteen..."

Otherwise, if the concubine is really out of line, then she really has to think about it.

Mrs. Uncle said: "That status is suitable. It depends on whether the child is willing or not. You should look at each other. If you don't like it, don't force it."

Jue Luo said: "Yes, from now on they have to live on their own, and they have to be happy with themselves."

Mrs. Uncle said: "The little one has become a member, what about the general's mansion?"

The two families have been engaged for several years, and now that the children are older, they can raise the date of marriage.

But in the past few years, the clan daughters have been marrying late.

Jue Luoshi paused, and said: "Master, what you mean is that you have to book a date after three years of junior high school. Anyway, if you are still young, your in-laws will also stay..."

These three years are about the filial piety period of Xindali.

Qi Xi had already told the eldest son that even though he was not passed on to his uncle in name, he was the heir to the title of this branch, and he would also enshrine his uncle's incense in the future.

Zhu Liang has no objection either.

For Uncle Xin Dali, the younger brother is very affectionate, but Zhu Liang, like Shu Shu, stayed in the uncle's house when he was a child, and his uncle taught him in his early years.

There are two uncles and nephews, and they have a deep relationship.

Mrs. Uncle was silent, and said for a while: "That's fine, it's because of your hard work, the eldest daughter-in-law has to come in later."

Jue Luo shook his head and said, "It's nothing, that's fine, forget about our master's concern..."

The deceased is gone.

There is no need to worry about how many bad things happened during your lifetime, the rest is just missing.

Just like what Jue Luo said just now, they are really too thin.

Brother Qi Xi also lost his father in his early years, they depended on each other for life, and their bond of love was deeper than that of ordinary brothers...

In the conservatory.

Shu Shu sat on the chair at the door.

Neither Qi Xi nor Brother Jiu would let her go in to pick vegetables.

Fearing that her feet would be slippery, she shrank again.

Shu Shu didn't try to be brave, and sat down honestly.

Brother Nine was so obedient, he even asked someone to lift a chair for Qi Xi, and then left the father and daughter to talk, and he took a group of brothers-in-law to pick vegetables.

Shu Shu said to Qi Xi: "Jiuye asked someone to buy land in Xiaotangshan, there are hot springs there, a greenhouse will be built in the spring, no need to burn coal, it will be bigger than this greenhouse, when the time comes to grow watermelons, you can eat watermelons during the Chinese New Year! "

Qi Xi loves to eat watermelon.

At that time, Shu Shu asked people to plant watermelons on Daxing Zhuangzi, and this was also the reason.

Qi Xi smiled from ear to ear, and said, "Then Ama is waiting for winter watermelons..."

A daughter is so filial and caring, shouldn't she be in so much pain?
Qi Xi looked at the sons, big and small, in the field, and began to dislike them again, and complained to Shu Shu in a low voice: "Little San is not very clever, and after a few words at Beizi Mansion, he doesn't want to go anymore, and he is already in his late teens." , on top of Qiqing..."

No need to guess, Shu Shu also knows what Su Nu Beizi will say to Xiao San.

She frowned and said: "This is not a trivial matter. If Su Nu doesn't give up and keeps talking about this in front of Xiao San, then in the future, it will either be a disharmony between the husband and wife, or a rivalry between brothers. Amma, should you have a good talk with the other side? ?”

Qi Xi nodded and said: "Ama knows, she invited Su Nu Beizi to drink a few days ago and talked about it."

Sunu Beizi is a very self-motivated person.

It also has something to do with his origin.

He is a descendant of Guanglue Baylor, and his grandfather was once the owner of the white flag.

Later, he lost his position as the banner owner, and this branch became only a small lord with a red flag.

In this branch, he is the only one with the highest title. In his early years, he was just a Duke of the state. Now this beizi is still promoted later, which is incomparable with other branches.

With today's admiration of the eldest son, the position of Su Nubei's son is also embarrassing.

They are the descendants of the emperor Taizu, but they are descendants of sinners who have been deposed.

Compared with Prince Li Lie's lineage, their status in the Eight Banners is very different.

Qi Xi whispered: "Little San is only fourteen, it's really not good, after two years we can only settle the marriage quietly..."

It is good for a noble daughter of the clan to be a daughter-in-law, but if the two families are not the same, there is no way.

Shu Shu said angrily: "It's all because of my daughter, otherwise, Xiaosan wouldn't have gotten engaged so early..."

If you withdraw after getting engaged, the two families will become enemies, which is not good for the children.

Like the verbal one before, it doesn't need to be so troublesome, it's just a joke.

Qi Xi said: "Look again, it may not be that far. I told Lord Bei that his identity is not suitable for getting involved in matters related to the title. Otherwise, what will the emperor think? Will he misunderstand that he has great ambitions?"

After all, according to the Confucian theory of the eldest son, the branch of Sunu's family is the eldest son of the Taizu.

That is to say, Sunu is of a younger generation and is the nephew of the emperor's family. In addition, he is indeed outstanding. He also made meritorious service when he went to war with Prince Anhe in his early years. He performed well in the Battle of Ulan Butong in Kangxi's 29th year.

If he was a clan brother of the emperor's equal generation, he wouldn't be praised like this...

The time for family reunion is short.

On the first day of the new year, people kept coming to pay New Year's greetings.

Even the Dutong Mansion has to go back to entertain guests.

Qi Xi and his wife stayed for a quarter of an hour before taking their sons back.

Here at Shu Shu, a group of little elder brothers and little princesses were ushered in.

This is what she got to see.

The red envelope has already been prepared.

"Uncle Nine Happy New Year, Aunt Nine Happy New Year..."

Amidst the tender and lovely New Year's greetings, the red envelopes were handed out one by one.

Brother Nine seized the time and went to Ma Qi Mansion again.

The carriages outside the mansion lined up for half a street.

When Brother Jiu came back, he was still talking to Shu Shu: "Why are those guys in the Ministry of Internal Affairs not polite, and just ask people to put down the post, so it's New Year's greetings?"

Shu Shu said: "If they all come, will Master come?"

Brother Jiu nodded and said, "That's true."

This is the Prince's Mansion, if anyone dares to join in, it will be a mess.

After a while, Gao Yanzhong and his son came.

Facing Brother Jiu, Gao Yanzhong pulled his son to kneel.

Seeing that something was wrong, Brother Nine hurriedly pulled it up, and said, "It's just a New Year's greeting, what are you doing with such a grand ceremony?"

Gao Yanzhong still insisted on kneeling, kowtowed before getting up, and said: "If Master Jiu hadn't mentioned something, Gao Bin would have become a big joke..."

Brother Jiu looked at Gao Yanzhong with a bit of dissatisfaction, and said: "You parents are too careless. It is related to his marriage, why are you so confused? Are you too partial to the one with the big head and the small one? If you don't slip, you just fool around and raise it?"

Gao Yanzhong said with shame: "Jiu Ye said that our husband and wife were negligent. Seeing Xiaoer worry, I will not bother..."

In addition, the Gao family has risen. They thought that making friends with relatives was a hot stove, and they didn't want to be snobbish.

Seeing that he was not stubborn, Brother Jiu looked better.

He is also not slippery, and he understands the feeling of being ignored by his parents.

"Do you have any plans for Gao Bin's marriage?"

Brother Nine asked: "Don't worry about the dowry, the master has already prepared it..."

Gao Yanzhong said: "The servant has asked him, he wants to learn the job well in the past two years, and then talk about kissing slowly."

After hearing this, Brother Jiu thought that the Gao family wanted to wait until Gao Bin made up for the errand, and then said after he had a grade, so he said, "That's fine, there's more room for choice..."

Speaking of this, he looked at Gao Bin and said: "When the spring comes, go and help the fourth brother, and work hard on the corn and potatoes. This kind of trial planting has been tested by the emperor, and it is easy to get credit. To make up for an errand in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or to fill in an errand in the household department, seniority is enough..."

Gao Bin was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "Then beside Master Jiu?"

Brother Nine said: "I just want to make up for other people, and besides, Cao Shun is coming back."

Gao Bin hesitated for a moment, and said, "The servant recommends someone to the master?"

Brother Jiu sensed that something was wrong with him, and said, "Why are you blushing?"

Gao Bin quickly looked away, and said quickly, "Maybe it's because of the wind?"

Brother Jiu raised his eyebrows and said, "Then tell me who you recommended, why did it make you feel guilty and blush?"

Gao Bin said: "It's my uncle's nephew, he's thirteen this year..."

Brother Jiu waved his hands after hearing this and said, "What are you doing at such a young age? The age when you should study, just study hard..."

Gao Bin hurriedly said: "The people who study at home are just like slaves. They don't know much about reading. They have been studying for seven years."

Brother Jiu's mind turned quickly, looked at Gao Bin, and said, "How many aunts are you?"

Gao Bin's face turned redder, and he said, "The slave is just an aunt..."

Brother Jiu joked: "What's going on, have you got a bad heart?"

Seeing that he wasn't upset, Gao Bin boldly said, "A slave is one who honors virtue and does not avoid relatives..."

Brother Jiu snorted lightly, and said, "Okay, I'll make a note of it."

He still remembered how he noticed Gao Yanzhong.

He is a relative of the maid's family next to Fujin.

Gao Yanzhong is the brother of Second Aunt Walnut.

Isn't Aunt Gao Bin's nephew Walnut's younger brother?
Gao's marriage is inappropriate, how many days?

Brother Jiu wouldn't believe it if it was said that this kid had a new idea.

I guess it was taken into account before, or Gao's parents didn't allow...

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