My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 815 I Want Chapter Bahrain

Chapter 815 I'm Going Back to Bahrain
After Gao Bin and his son left and Brother Jiu returned to the main room, he raised the matter with Shu Shu.

After hearing this, Shu Shu frowned slightly.

"Is this using walnuts as an alternative?"

Brother Jiu said: "I guess Gao Bin was interested in it before, but he didn't dare to mention it to his parents."

Even though Gao Bin's family was a bit down and out before, his grandfather and maternal grandfather were middle-level officials, and Gao Yanzhong is now from the fifth rank.

But in the Walnut family, the father is white, and only the uncle is a pen post, so the two families are not suitable.

Now that the marriage has encountered twists and turns, Gao Bin wants to fight for it.

Shu Shu thought of Fu Song's marriage, so she could understand.

It is human nature for parents to want to choose the best when they say goodbye to their children.

After all, marriage is good for two surnames.

Shu Shu said: "Anyway, Walnut said earlier that it will take two years. I will not interfere with the marriage."

Brother Nine said: "I won't interfere with you, just let him go."

Outside the Ninth Prince's Mansion, Gao Bin and his son rode side by side.

Gao Yanzhong glanced at Gao Bin and said, "Have you thought it over and made up your mind?"

Gao Bin nodded without hesitation, and said, "Well, my son has made up his mind."

Gao Yanzhong sighed, and said: "Girl Walnut's character and deeds are fine, but her family is ordinary, and your children will not have any parents to support them in the future."

Gao Bin pursed his lips and said, "Son, do a good job on the errand, and earn credit for yourself."

Gao Yanzhong solemnly said: "You chose it yourself, and I will not stop you. If you regret it later, you are not allowed to vent your anger on others."

Gao Bin shook his head and said, "No, my son is not that irresponsible."

Gao Yanzhong shook his head and said: "If you are really responsible, when your mother wants to marry you, you shouldn't hide your thoughts. What do you think of Jiuye and Jiufujin now?"

Gao Bin pursed his lips and said, "I wanted to follow my mother's wishes..."

My mother has worked hard for the family for many years, and it is not easy. The brothers of the Gao family are more filial.

Gao Yanzhong disapproved and said: "Stupid! Filial piety is not about it. As parents, we hope that your life will be smooth..."

I really want to say it earlier, it is still a good story.

Now, it seems that if you can't find something good, you will settle for the next best thing.

When he got home, Gao Yanzhong mentioned this matter to his wife.

Mrs. Li was silent for a while, and said: "Let him go, I don't care!"

To be honest, their family still has the honor of other girls.

If Walnut hadn't recommended Gao Yanzhong at that time, then would Brother Jiu know who he is?

It's just that she was also a little frustrated, and she really cared less about her second son.

If she hadn't said that she couldn't get married this time, she wouldn't have known her son had other thoughts.

If it was the eldest son, he would have greeted her long ago.

They also live in ups and downs, not to say that they are born with rich eyes, and the birth of the eldest daughter-in-law is normal.

If it is the youngest son, it is a good idea, and there are times when it is mischievous.

Only the second child, always sensible, but almost wronged the child...

The next day, the second day of the first lunar month, brother Jiu still went to Dutong Mansion.

He also brought a "Gui Ning Li".

This is Dai Shushu's visit to his parents.

It's just that Weng and his son-in-law met yesterday, and there is nothing to say.

In addition, Jue Luo and Qi Xi were worried about Shu Shu's side, so they urged Brother Jiu to come back.

Brother Jiu came back and sighed: "This is why the father respects the father-in-law and mother-in-law. The character of the father-in-law and mother-in-law is really hard to pick. If you change to another family, you will probably want to flatter you, the son-in-law of the prince, and give it to your son." Only the father-in-law and mother-in-law are the ones who can get the benefits, and they always put you first..."

Shu Shu smiled and said: "There are many families who favor women over men. If the empress wins the princess, she will be designated as the first one."

Brother Jiu nodded and said: "That's right, before Fourth Sister came out, she was indeed more favored than Fifth Brother..."

This is about the six daughters of the emperor raised by Concubine Yi before, Princess Heshuo Kejing, who was ranked as the fourth princess, married to Khalkha Mongolia in the 36th year of Kangxi, and was the first princess in the Qing Dynasty to marry to Mobei.

Shu Shu hesitated for a moment, and said, "How is this princess's conduct?"

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "I went to school with my brothers when I was young, and my civil and martial arts are good, otherwise Khan Ama wouldn't be at ease pointing her so far..."

Shu Shu knew that this one was the famous "Princess Sea Clam" in later generations.

This "far" is not geographically far.

To be honest, Guihua City, where Princess Kejing's Mansion is located, is a thousand miles away from the capital, much closer than Horqin in the northeast.

However, Khalkha Mongolia is a foreign vassal Mongolia, which is different from Monan Mongolia.

There are officials sent by the imperial court in Monan Mongolia, but there are no officials in Mobei Mongolia. Each tribe has a Khan.

Compared with other Fumeng princesses, Princess Kejing is the real princess.

Earlier, Shu Shu was worried that because of Guo Guiren's affairs, the princess would hate Concubine Yi's mother and son.

Thinking about it now, since you are a smart person, that would not be the case.

It is she who needs Concubine Yi's mother and son in the capital for help, not Concubine Yi and her son who need her to add to the cake.

Shu Shu put this matter aside.

On the third day of the first lunar month, brother Jiu got up early again.

Today, Shengjia was moved to Changchun Garden by the Empress Dowager.

It was almost in the afternoon when Brother Nine came back.

"Fourteen is still talking about it today, telling us not to forget his birthday..."

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu nodded and said: "When the time comes, ask someone to make some fruit boxes and send them over."

Elder Brother Fourteen is born on the ninth day of the first lunar month.

The ten princes and his wife went to Changchun Garden, and they still lived in the elder brother's house outside the West Garden.

Because Shu Shu had agreed with Brother Nine before, with New Year's Eve as the boundary, the couple should be honest.

Brother Jiu also knew that Shu Shu had worked hard, but he didn't make trouble anymore.

The husband and wife are bored, apart from studying "Book of Rites", they are just thinking about the child's nickname.

"Fu, Fu, Bao, etc., there are too many calls..."

Brother Jiu said.

Shu Shu couldn't think of a good name either, so she said, "Why don't you name it directly? To save two names, the child will be confused..."

Brother Jiu glanced at him, and said, "Then what if the age of entering the study room is Khan Ama who circled the name?"

Shu Shu said: "Then please ask for your name after one year old..."

Brother Nine said: "No, you have to have a nickname, and I don't even have one. Among so many brothers, only the elder brother and the prince have nicknames..."

Shu Shu stroked his forehead and said, "Where is the nickname? Isn't that the name you used to use?"

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "Anyway, no one else has it, only the two of them have it."

Shu Shu didn't worry about it anymore, and said: "Then I will think about it carefully, there are still four months left, don't worry..."

Even though she said that, she didn't really know what was going on in her heart.

The twins will be born in advance, which should be at the end of February and early March.

At that time, Jue Luoshi was pregnant with Xiaosan and Xiaosan, who were born in August.

In that case, the delivery date would be early March.

Early birth has the advantages of early birth, the baby is small in size, and it is easy to give birth; but raising it outside is different from raising it in the stomach for half a month.

Shu Shu felt that she had become a Buddha, and could accept both outcomes.

Although it was her first time as a mother, she felt that the maternal love she bred was countless.

In her heart, she still takes herself more seriously.

Her spirit relaxed, and she felt that time passed quickly.

She was already in the mood to calculate the child's birthday, and then think about their zodiac range.

Is it an Aries baby, or a Taurus baby?

In any case, I hope to be two worry-free children.

As for the child's Ama, she has the shadow of a virgin boy.

Are you a Scorpio woman?

It seems a little far-fetched.

The days are leisurely.

In a blink of an eye, it is the ninth day of the first lunar month.

Brother Nine sent Sun Jin to Changchun Garden to give Brother Fourteen a birthday gift.

In addition to the prepared meals, there are also two Song editions of military books, and a set of "Great Qing Law".

Brother Jiu and Shu Shu raised their eyebrows and said, "Look at how I treated my younger brother? At that time, I was ignorant and didn't study hard. Now I have to go back to the pot. It's a lesson from the past. They should study hard!"

Shu Shu couldn't help laughing, and said: "It's hard to say whether the fourteenth brother is happy or not, the emperor and the concubine De must be thinking of the good of the Lord."

Elder Brother Nine proudly said, "Among Khan Ama's many sons, other masters are not at the top, but when it comes to 'Brothers, Friends and Brothers', I will definitely be at the top..."

Shu Shu said: "I'm afraid the fourteenth brother is going to cry. I was looking forward to horses, bows and arrows, waist knives and so on."

When teenagers like to dance swords and swords, their favorite is good horses and equipment.

Brother Jiu snorted softly: "Who told me to be so loyal, I did it for his own good."

The next day, Elder Fourteen sent someone over.

It turned out that the fourteenth elder brother was depressed for a day, and was unwilling to reconcile, so he sent a "return gift" to the ninth elder brother.

It is a set of "Book of Rites" with 160 volumes.

"Our grandfather bought it specially with the New Year's money. It's the Song version..."

The eunuch who came to deliver the books lowered his head and reported.


Brother Jiu couldn't laugh or cry, and said: "This little bastard, he doesn't suffer at all, and the gift is returned very quickly!"

The eunuch added: "Our master went to the imperial court and mentioned this matter to the emperor, and the emperor said that the ceremony was well prepared..."

Brother Nine: "..."

When the eunuch left, Shu Shu couldn't help laughing out loud, and said, "Fourteenth brother is quite funny..."

Brother Jiu gritted his teeth and said, "It's not a good thing to be a child, but I've just pretended to be honest in the past two years!"

The husband and wife were chatting, and Cui Baisui came to report in a hurry, and someone from Yuqian came.

Shu Shu and Brother Jiu looked at each other.

Brother Jiu said: "It's still far away from the Lantern Festival, and even if it's a feudal feast, the Li Fan Yuan and the Ministry of Rites will be in the front, and the House of Internal Affairs just makes up the numbers, so you don't need to watch it yourself?"

Shu Shu said: "My lord, don't delay, you will find out when you go ahead."

Years and years after the year, I also took a break for half a month.

Brother Jiu nodded and went forward.

It's Wei Zhu.

"Master Jiu, the emperor has returned to the palace..."

Wei Zhu bowed and said.

Brother Jiu was not surprised when he heard this.

Last year, after Shengjia sent the Empress Dowager to Changchun Garden, he also went back to the palace once in the middle.

"Did Khan Ama send me there?" Brother Nine said.

What's the matter with the Ministry of Internal Affairs?
It seems that the only thing is to add the Yushi Yamen.

Brother Jiu thought about it.

Wei Zhu said: "The emperor saw the pulse of the eldest princess in the past two days, and he was not very good. He was worried, so he went back to the palace. He wanted to go directly to visit the eldest princess, but he was afraid that the eldest princess would be shocked, so he called the servants to come over. Send a message, let Master Jiu go there first, ask the princess carefully, and also visit the eldest princess..."

Brother Jiu listened and remained silent.

I have known for a long time that the eldest princess is struggling, but since the new year is over, I thought it would get better.

He nodded and said: "I understand, let's go."

Wei Zhu went back to report.

Brother Jiu went back and talked to Shu Shu, and then left the Prince's Mansion.

The Princess' Courtyard is very close to the Prince's Mansion, only two miles away.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the carriage arrived at the gate of the princess courtyard.

Brother Jiu got out of the carriage, looked at the still grand gate, and was deeply moved.

In the first month of last year, the brothers were sent over to watch Suo'etu ransack the house and question him.

I didn't think about it at the time, but now that I think about it, what does Khan Ama mean?
Killing chickens and scaring monkeys?
Knock the mountain and shake the tiger?

Brother Jiu was a little confused.

The concierge eunuch recognized the regulation of the carriage and rushed to report the letter.

When Brother Nine announced his family name to the concierge and strode in, Princess Rongxian had already come out to welcome him.

"Lao Jiu is here..."

Princess Rongxian's smile was a little tired, and she looked thinner.

Seeing this, Brother Nine cupped his hands in the direction of the Forbidden City, and said, "I came here at the order of Khan Ama!"

Princess Rong Xian's face became more solemn.

Brother Nine said: "Ama Khan was afraid to come over rashly and disturb my aunt, so I asked my younger brother to come and have a look first."

When Princess Rong Xian heard this, her eyes turned red, and she said, "Grandmother hasn't had rice water since yesterday..."

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "Then why don't you report it?"

Princess Rong Xian choked up and said: "Grandmother said, it's the Chinese New Year, don't disturb everyone, and said to wait until the Lantern Festival and then submit the booklet."

Here in Princess Bieyuan, the imperial doctor has been arranged to be on duty.

Brother Jiu summoned the imperial physician and said, "Have you used ginseng?"

The imperial physician bowed and said, "Master Jiu, the Eldest Princess stopped ginseng a few years ago and replaced it with Korean ginseng. For the past two days, she has been using ginseng soup to support herself..."

Brother Jiu knew why the emperor was worried.

It is true that the bad time has come, that is, two or three days.

It's just that since he came here on orders, what he hears is not what he hears, and what he sees is believing.

Brother Jiu said to Princess Rong Xian: "Second Sister, Brother, go over and have a look, and if you turn around, you can return to Han Ama..."

Princess Rongxian nodded, and led Brother Jiu to the eldest princess' bedroom.

Brother Nine held his breath and concentrated, afraid of disturbing the old man.

The eldest princess lay with her eyes closed, breathing extremely weakly.

Her hair was only gray before, but now half a month has passed, it is completely white, and it has lost its luster and looks dry.

Her eye sockets were severely sunken, and her eyebones were sticking out.

Brother Jiu looked at it, feeling a little uncomfortable.

Although I have only met this aunt a few times, she is a kind old lady.

Looking at this, I am really struggling.

At this moment, the eldest princess opened her eyes.


Princess Rong Xian came forward with a little excitement.

The eldest princess' eyes were a little blurred, and she said for a while, "Rong Xian..."

"It's my grandson..."

Princess Rong Xian took the hand of the eldest princess, but her body froze.

The Eldest Princess' hands were cold.

"What day is it today..." The Eldest Princess asked with a smile.

"On the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, five days later, it will be the Lantern Festival..." Princess Rongxian said with a forced smile.

"Five days..."

The eldest princess sighed: "I can't make it through, I can only be an unpleasant person, let's give the emperor a piece of paper..."

"En!" Princess Rong Xian nodded with a choked voice, and sent someone to write a script for Chang Shi Chuan in a low voice.

Brother Jiu saw that the eldest princess's forehead was oily and her complexion was gradually rosy, so she didn't dare to delay, pulled the waist card and handed it to He Yuzhu, and said in a low voice: "Go to the palace to report to the emperor, and say that the eldest princess woke up and sweated. Like pulp!"

At this moment, Princess Dachang saw Brother Jiu behind Princess Rongxian, put down Princess Rongxian's hand, looked intently for several times, and said, "It's Brother Jiu..."

Brother Jiu took two steps forward, took the old man's hand, endured his fear, and said, "It's grandson..."

The Eldest Princess smiled and said: "The food my elder brother gave me years ago is good, I ate all of it, it's very satisfying..."

Brother Nine hurriedly said: "There are still some more. The greenhouse at grandson's house is bigger than this sleeping hall. If you want to eat anything, grandson will send someone to get it."

The Eldest Princess said: "I want to eat a package of rice, and I want a package of rice with coriander and shallots..."

"Okay, okay! My grandson will send someone to fetch it right away. I want the freshest cabbage leaves, as well as tender coriander and shallots..."

Brother Jiu held the eldest princess's hand, and his heart trembled from the ice.

Fearing that he would lose his composure, he quickly turned his head and said to Sun Jin, "Hurry up and pick vegetables at home, you need all these things, then go to the dining room and bring beef jerky and milk skins, and put some Mongolian fruits..."

Sun Jin trotted away.

After hearing this, the eldest princess swallowed: "Beef jerky, milk skin, Mongolian fruit..."

Ninth elder brother forced a smile and said: "Prepare a few more, you choose to eat!"

The eldest princess seemed to be lost in memory. After a while, she looked at brother Jiu and said, "brother is a considerate and good boy. I thought what I was looking forward to was a package of meals, but after hearing what elder brother said, I realized that beef I'm too hungry for Naipizi..."

Brother Jiu said: "Then try them all, which one you like, you tell your grandson, grandson puts the most emphasis on eating and drinking, no one is as good as the food prepared by our family."

The eldest princess didn't nod, but shook Brother Jiu's hand back, and said, "Brother is a good boy, my little grandson is just as old as Brother..."

As she spoke, she seemed a little tired and closed her eyes again.

Brother Jiu gently put down the eldest princess's hand, got up and glanced at Princess Rongxian, and said in a low voice: "Whoever is in the Bahrain department is going to work in Beijing, won't you call?"

The elders are like this, and it is time for the younger generation to watch over.

Princess Rong Xian took a look at Brother Jiu, and said: "Santai is here, guarded all night last night before resting."

Brother Nine heard this, and reminded: "Call, Khan Amayomo is coming soon, it's not good if we don't see you."

Princess Rongxian nodded, and motioned for the nanny to call for someone to go.

After a while, an eighteen or nine-year-old Mongolian boy hurried in. He was tall and tall, his face was flushed, and his eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to that of Elder Brother Shi.

With a bit of fear on his face, he looked at Princess Rongxian and said, "Second sister-in-law..."

Princess Rongxian made a gesture of silence.

The boy immediately covered his mouth.

Several people exited the dormitory and went to the outside room.

Only then did the boy realize that there were outsiders there, and he was a little cautious.

Right now is not the time to exchange pleasantries, Princess Rong Xian introduced the two of them, and they met briefly.

This is the youngest son of Bahrain Tai Fujin, the younger uncle of Princess Rongxian, the youngest grandson of Princess Dachang, and the son-in-law of A Ling's family.

He is a descendant of the Niuhulu clan of Taifu Jin in Bahrain, and is the cousin of the ten elder brothers.

From the appearance, he is an honest child.

Knowing that it is the prince elder brother in front of him, the three auspicious people are also very respectful.

Brother Jiu felt a little embarrassed when he saw it.

Just this appearance, this character should not be wrong.

With the family style of Aling's family, Niuhulu Gege is really not worthy of this Mongolian prince.

At this moment, Sun Jin has already come out of the prince's mansion, followed by Xiao Tang and Xiao Chun.

The two carried two large food boxes in their hands.

In addition to the cabbage leaves, coriander, and shallots in the greenhouse, there are beef jerky, milk skin, Mongolian fruit that Brother Jiu ordered, and many delicacies that Brother Jiu didn't mention just now.

There are hand-picked mutton, chive flowers, mutton buns, Mongolian pies, fried rice, and milk tea powder, which is Mongolian.

There are also old Manchurian flavors, such as Saqima, Suziye baobo, braised meat, melon seeds in sauce, pickled small root garlic, etc.

These were all prepared years ago, and they are all ready-made, which is convenient.

After listening to Sun Jin's message, Shu Shu understood the meaning, and asked someone to bring a portion of Mongolian and old Manchu food.

When the food is hot and the table is set, Sheng Jia will also arrive.

Accompanying her were two white-bearded old doctors and a box of century-old ginseng.

The two imperial physicians stepped forward one by one and checked the eldest princess' pulse.

Both looked serious.

Kangxi looked over, and both of them shook their heads.

Kangxi looked at ginseng, and was about to order someone to make ginseng soup.

The eldest princess opened her eyes again.

Her gaze precisely fell on Kangxi: "The emperor is here..."

Kangxi stepped forward, held the old man's hand, and said, "Yes, it's my nephew..."

The eldest princess smiled and said: "Then can the emperor allow me to see you again after changing clothes, it's too embarrassing now, auntie is sorry..."

When Kangxi saw this, he said, "The nephew is waiting for you to come out and have dinner with you?"

The Eldest Princess nodded and said, "Okay, okay!"

Kangxi withdrew, and Princess Rongxian brought a few nuns to help Princess Dachang change her clothes.

The eldest princess asked someone to wipe her body and put on a golden python robe.

While combing her hair, she looked at Princess Rongxian and said, "Where is the face cream that elder brother gave..."

Princess Rong Xian hurriedly opened the dressing table, took out the ginseng cream, and applied it on the eldest princess.

The eldest princess's fingers trembled, and she even applied hand cream herself.

She looked at the mirror, but she was dazed, she couldn't see clearly, so she could only ask Princess Rong Xian: "How do I look?"

Princess Rongxian nodded and said: "Okay, looking at the fine hair on her face, she looks younger by several years..."

The eldest princess said: "Then go and eat, don't make the emperor wait."

"Hey!" Princess Rongxian responded, motioning to the nurse next to her to help her, and they helped the eldest princess out.

Kangxi was waiting at the dining table before, and was talking to the imperial physician with his head down.

Seeing the Eldest Princess come out, he got up and replaced Princess Rongxian, and supported the Eldest Princess to sit at the dining table.

Armchairs were placed beside the dining table, and lumbar pillows were also placed in advance.

The eldest princess sat down, looked at the dishes on the dining table, her eyes became more clear, and she smiled: "There are also our pickled vegetables, just thinking about it..."

On the plate in front of her was a wrapped rice bag.

The eldest princess looked at it, shook her head and said: "Really, this is delicious when you wrap it yourself..."

Even though she said this, she still lowered her head and started eating.

I ate the whole package.

Kangxi looked at it, with joy in his eyes, and looked at the two old doctors beside him.

The two old doctors still shook their heads slightly.

The Eldest Princess has a ruddy complexion, and her eyes are clearer than before, which is obviously a "spiritual reflection".

The eldest princess looked at Princess Rongxian.

Princess Rongxian served tea, Princess Dachang drank the tea, rinsed her mouth, and swallowed it all.

She glanced at the dining table again.

Half of it is the Manchurian food that she misses in her dreams, and the other half is Mongolian food.

She thought she missed the capital before, but now, she realizes that Bahrain is also the place where she dreams of.

"Your Majesty, I'm going back to Bahrain..."

The Eldest Princess laughed.

Kangxi nodded, holding Princess Dachang's hand, and said: "Okay, okay, I will ask Rong Xian to send you back to Bahrain tomorrow..."

The eldest princess had a smile on her face, and said softly: "Daqing must be well, and Bahrain... must also be well..."

Before the words fell, the old man closed his eyes slightly, and seemed to be drowsy again, and the smile on the corner of his mouth never faded.

Kangxi closed his eyes.

The old man's hands were cold before, but now they are getting colder, and he stopped breathing.

Both Santaiji and Princess Rongxian knelt down, and brother Jiu also knelt down.

On the tenth day of the first lunar month in the 39th year of Kangxi, Shen Zheng, Princess Shuhui of Bahrain passed away with a smile...

The next update will be at 2:10 noon on November 12rd. Welcome to Qidian APP to read.

(End of this chapter)

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