Chapter 816 Same as Shu Shu

Unlike the old Duke and Prince Pingjun, those two are clan relatives, and Princess Shuhui is a married woman.

People from the Ministry of Bahrain presided over the funeral.

The co-organization of Li Fanyuan, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs is only co-organization.

In addition, Princess Shuhui is 69 years old, which is considered a long life, and she has great-grandchildren, and she fulfilled her wish of offering sacrifices to her parents before she died, and it was fulfilled.

Everyone mourned a lot less, and the funeral was simplified.

The coffin in the Princess Bieyuan stopped for more than ten days, and then the funeral took place.

Thousands of miles away from Bahrain, there is an old custom of cremation in Manchuria and Mongolia, and the eldest princess was sent to Prince Yu Garden in Haidian for cremation.

Kangxi led the princes, the princes of the clan, the ministers, the scholars, the ministers, the guards, etc., to personally send the eldest princess to the funeral.

When Princess Dachang was cremated, her bones were put into the columbarium, and Princess Rongxian and Santaiji brought her back to Bahrain.

Here, the imperial court sent the third elder brother as an envoy to send Princess Shuhui to the vassal for burial.

The matter of the Eldest Princess coming to court is considered to be over.

Shu Shu felt uncomfortable just listening to Brother Jiu's story about the dying princess.

She prayed again, or not to have a daughter.

Although it is soft and tender, it is unbearable to think of the separation of flesh and blood.

When she mentioned this matter to Brother Nine, Brother Nine became more open-minded and said: "It's okay, it really doesn't work, there are other ways, so A Ling went to Khan Ama to cry..."

Shu Shu was surprised: "Want the three sets of Jiliujing?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "That's what it means. Khan Ama read the eldest princess and didn't refuse. I don't know what's going on."

If it is given to Grace, then after a year, maybe this Santaiji will go to Beijing to fill in the bodyguards.

The guards in the palace, in addition to the guards of the upper three banners, there are also the guards of the royal family and the vassal department of Jia En.

Shu Shu was noncommittal.

Brother Jiu thought of those three good luck, and described to Shu Shu: "Both have good stature and appearance, Master Bi looks like the old ten..."

Not only was he surprised, even the emperor's father and other elder brothers looked at Sandaiji several times.

Apart from being similar to Elder Brother Shi, Santaiji is also somewhat similar to Kangxi.

That is to say, Santaiji is the youngest son of the county king Taifu Jin, and his age is not the same. If it is the eldest son, it is hard to tell.

After all, the county king Tai Fujin once stayed in the palace for years.

Thinking of this, Brother Jiu couldn't help laughing and said: "I guess many people are thinking about it, and some people are asking whether Bahrain Tai Fujin has returned to Ning these years..."

Regarding the emperor's father, no one dared to say it in the open, but there must be a lot of whispers in secret.

Not to mention a few days later, there will be a story of "The Pearl of the Sea" made up.

Shu Shu had nothing to do, so she took a pen and paper, and talked to Brother Jiu about blood relationship.

Brother Ten and Santaiji are not just cousins.

Elder Brother Shi is the great-great-grandson of Emperor Taizong, or the great-grandson of the princess, and both his paternal and maternal lines are of Taizu blood.

The same is true for Santaiji, whose grandmother was a princess, and her great-grandmother was also a princess, and they both have the blood of Taizu.

The overlapping parts of the two are not much different from half-brothers, and the similarity between the two makes sense.

Santaiji and Kangxi are also related by kinship, the cousins ​​and nephews of the two are not far from their own uncles and nephews, so they are somewhat similar in appearance.

Brother Nine was dumbfounded when he heard this, and shook his head, "There is no such calculation, only from the father, how can there be any calculation from the mother?"

Shu Shu said: "If you don't follow the mother's opinion, how can Ye Gong stand out from the brothers?"

At that time, Eyidu had sixteen sons, and Ye Bilong was the No.16 son.

He also has a half-brother above him, and the reason why he was able to inherit the title of his father and brother over others is because he is the grandson of the great ancestor.

However, when mentioning the word "congmu", Shu Shu recalled the Korean ginseng she got in the past two days, and said, "How long has the annual tribute passed, why is North Korea paying tribute again?"

North Korea is notoriously short of silver. The annual tribute is converted from Korean ginseng, and it also received grace to allow the missions to sell Korean ginseng in the capital during the tribute to exchange for silver to bring back to North Korea.

A few days ago, a North Korean envoy came over and specially sent Korean ginseng to Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu curled his lips and said: "It's poor and troublesome. It's not enough to pay tribute four times a year. It's the fifth time to find an excuse. The court can't stand it anyway. Khan Ama has already issued an order. In the future, it is not allowed to increase due to other things. The number of tributes, otherwise their tributes will be stopped."

In order to show the magnanimity of the suzerain, the Ministry of Rites and the Li Fan Academy rewarded the tributary country far more than the tribute.

Once coming and going, paying tribute has become one of the means for the small vassal state to roll wool.

One tribute a year was increased to two tributes, and then increased to four tributes.

Brother Jiu felt distressed when he heard it, and said, "That's why I don't do your business, otherwise I will definitely find a way to take advantage of it!"

Shu Shu mentioned North Korea's "following mother law".

In addition to the royal family and the clan, other social identities depend on the identity of the biological mother, which is called the "Confinement Law of Concubine Evil".

Regardless of the status of the biological father, if the biological mother is an aristocrat, then he is a nobleman; if his biological mother is a middle-class man, he is a middle-class man;

Brother Jiu heard this, thoughtfully, and said: "Isn't that the same situation as Taizu's time, and going forward, it should be the same situation in Qin and Han Dynasties..."

During Taizu's time, only the sons of Fujin and Chuan Fujin were given the banner share, and the sons of Shu Fujin could only be the banner vassals for the older brothers.

The same was true during the Taizong Dynasty, just like the old Duke who passed away.

Speaking of the identity of the flag, Brother Jiu thought of something and said: "Master, I will go to the clan's mansion tomorrow, and the trial of Noni's lawsuit should start..."

According to what the tenth brother said, the two brothers are probably going to Zhenglan Banner, so this lawsuit may not really have anything to do with them...

The next day, Ten Fujin came over.

The couple went to Changchun Garden to live for more than half a month, and they came back after the Queen Mother returned to the palace a few days ago.

"I went to Hongluo Temple on the [-]th day, my God, the carriage has traveled for several miles..."

Ten Fujin lay on the kang table, eating soft rice cakes, while talking about what he had seen and heard about going to Hongluo Temple.

"Last time there was no Avalokitesvara, and this time it was cleared out. It was all kowtowing, step by step. I didn't want to kowtow at first, but I went after thinking about it. Let's kowtow, or I don't feel good. auspicious……"

"My waist is straight, my legs are sore and trembling the next day, and I'm sweating all over, but I fell asleep soundly at night..."

"When I see the statue of Guanyin, I don't feel tired. If I lived next to it, maybe I would kowtow every day..."

"I met Prince Zhuang, and I kowtowed, and I brought Shufu Jin, who is about the same age as us..."

Shu Shu smiled and listened, tired for a long time, of course she slept soundly at night.

Prince Zhuang is sincere enough, don't slap brother Sixteen's prince's hat, right?
Shi Fujin said again: "The scattered bamboos in Hongluo Temple are all gone, only a few pieces are left next to each other, all surrounded by high walls, and there are signs hanging, monks guarding..."

Speaking of this, she felt a little worried, and said: "The bamboo in our house hasn't sprouted..."

This is said to be the bamboo distributed by the fifth elder brother to each family last year.

Raised in large pots in the greenhouse.

Shu Shu said: "It's okay, the plants in our greenhouse have sprouted, and after Qingming, they will be transplanted directly in your yard."

The ten blessings were immediately overjoyed. They nodded first, then shook their heads, and said, "Isn't Qingming still warm? Don't freeze, Dragon Boat Festival is fine too..."

Shu Shu said: "It's up to you..."

Ten Fujin hesitated again, and said: "Then let someone go to Hongluo Temple and ask the monk who tends the bamboo, what if the bamboo is afraid of the heat when it is transplanted?"

Shu Shu didn't know how to comfort her.

If you care about it, you will be chaotic, and what you say is not good.

She changed the subject and asked, "Is Xiao Gege from the third sister-in-law's family good-looking?"

A few days ago, the eldest daughter of San Fujin "Xisan", except for Shu Shu, who was inconvenient, all other sisters-in-law went.

Although the actions of San Age and San Fujin are hard to describe, they are both good-looking.

The little brother of their family is also carved in powder and jade, and looks better than other cousins.

Shi Fujin thought for a while, and said: "Just took a look, and the third sister-in-law was carried down..."

Shu Shu thought about the day.

Sanfujin's baby is also full-term.

It is usually premature children who will look more carefully.

Shi Fujin said: "I don't know if it's good or not, but little Gege fell asleep and didn't open her eyes, but the fourth sister-in-law boasted that little Gege was fair and healthy, her hair was pitch black, and her fingernails were pink too. pink."

Shu Shu was surprised.

Si Fujin has a calm temperament, not a talkative one.

"The third sister-in-law is weird. She is not happy when she praises the child, and she is holding the hand of the fourth sister-in-law. Wipe away the tears, and they haven't let go for a long time..."

Shi Fujin shook his head and said: "It's not very happy anyway, Fifth Sister-in-law and Seventh Sister-in-law didn't talk much, does this mean she hates the birth of Little Gege? But she already has two elder brothers..."

Shu Shu understood the reason and couldn't help frowning.

Shu Shu has also heard some gossip about the government.

Now that I think about it, how shameful it is to be able to say such gossip.

This is to reduce Sanfujin to the mud.

Such relatives are more hateful than enemies, and they speak lies as if they are telling the truth.

Shu Shu sneered, if she was San Fujin, she would not let any of them go, and cleaned up...

This is why she reduced her social circle. If there is no necessary contact with relatives, there is no need to contact.

A little more sharpness makes people dare not provoke it.

Too approachable, easy to be slighted.

It is human nature to bully the weak and fear the hard.

Sanbeile Mansion, main house.

San Fujin gave birth to a daughter on the eighteenth day of the first lunar month, and she is still in the puerperium.

The nanny came in and said, "Fu Jin, there are people coming from the mansion again..."

Sanfujin opened his eyes, feeling a little more pleased, and said, "No see!"

Didn't you say it happily when you chewed your tongue last year?

Do you really think she is easy to bully?

The nanny hesitated, and said: "What if they take Mrs. Side back later?"

Sanfujin bowed his head and said: "If the eldest brother can be ashamed, then let them pick it up. It's not filial to pick it up, and I won't watch it in vain. If you change someone else, you don't need to show face..."

The daughter gave birth, and the birth mother was taken over to take care of her, and no one could find a reason.

Before she gave face to her natal family, she just cared about her biological mother, fearing that she would offend her sister-in-law and sister-in-law, and her biological mother would be treated poorly.

But because of her pregnancy, Shu Shu confidently took over her aunt to take care of her; since her own child has fallen to the ground, it shouldn't be more appropriate to take over her biological mother.

As for Hong Qing's accompanying reading, the dust has settled and there is no room for replacement.

She is not a fool, she knows that even if her mother's family is unreliable, she can't be offended completely, and she has to look good.

So she also chose a child from Dong E's family, not her nephew, but a cousin from a side branch, and a child from the clan from her stepmother's family.

In this way, two of the four imperial grandchildren were selected from their natal families, and no one else could say anything.

The remaining two were chosen from the disciples of Sanbeile Mansion Banner.

As for San Age's mention of wanting to choose someone from Tian Gege's natal family, San Fujin only treated him as farting.

With the lessons learned from Yuqing Palace, if he really dared to lift Gege's natal family into the upper study, he would be in a daze...

(End of this chapter)

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