My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 817 The Tough Aunt

Chapter 817 The Sturdy Aunt
In the clan mansion, the ten princes are on duty.

Brother Nine directly sat down on the case, pointed to the lobby to the north, and said, "It's been a few days since it was printed, has there been any movement on Noni's case?"

Every year when the Yamen is opened in the first month, Qin Tianjian chooses a date in advance, and chooses one of the days on the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of the first month.

This year is the 23rd day of the first lunar month, and it has been three or four days.

Elder Brother Shi shook his head and said, "I just started to mention people from back then, and it took ten and a half months..."

Brother Jiu gloated and said, "The Prince's Mansion of Anjun shouldn't be able to fight back, right?"

Prince Anhe has six sons, two concubines and four descendants.

The seventh son of the concubine was the oldest among the sons, but he died of illness last year, even if he was alive, he could not testify, because he was only ten years old when the lawsuit was filed, and he would not know the official affairs of the clan's mansion.

The remaining ones, King An and others, were even younger, and the first few were never born at all.

Tai Fujin is alive, but the official affairs of the previous dynasty are not the turn of the women's family to know.

On the contrary, here is Noni, who has been dormant for more than 30 years. If he had no solid evidence in his hands, this incident would not have happened.

It was at this juncture of the sudden death of Prince Pingjun and the death of old Fujin, it made people feel sympathetic.

"What did Prince Ann and Prince think at the time? How could they have such a big tail?"

Brother Jiu couldn't figure it out.

Elder Brother Ten knew more about the inside story, and said: "At that time, the second county head who came out at the time didn't get along with his sister-in-law, so he bribed the old mother-in-law of King Jifujin of Keqin County, and gave false testimony to accuse his sister-in-law of not being filial to her mother-in-law. , so that Ji Fujin was buried after the death of King Keqin,..."

Brother Nine said: "What does that have to do with Noni?"

Keqin County Wang Yuetuo, how long has he been dead?

He was also the king of merit during the time of Emperor Taizong.

That was Noni's grandfather, too, and Noni hadn't been born yet.

"Noni came here to protect the old Fujin, and counter-sued the second county master for falsely accusing his mother for family affairs. As a result, the second county master also participated in the mother and son's failure to obey Prince Lilie's third successor Fujin. In the end, he was judged unfilial together with his mother. ..."

Elder Brother Ten said: "This case is not difficult to investigate..."

Nakeqin County Wang Jifujin is the granddaughter of Taizu and the daughter of the sinner Mang Guji.

She also had a younger sister, who had been Prince Suwu Hauge's concubine Fujin, but was beheaded and killed by her husband after her mother questioned her.

King Jifujin of Keqin County was not tolerated by Emperor Taizong at that time.

However, King Keqin refused to kill his wife, nor did he follow his wishes to reconcile with Ji Fujin. The couple were very loving and had six sons and one daughter.

Taizong punished King Keqin a lot.

Later, King Keqin died of smallpox on the battlefield.

After the coffin returned to Shengjing, Ji Fujin died.

At that time, the eldest daughter-in-law had been in the house for seven years.

After another 15 years, the second generation of kings died, and the third generation of kings was in power, so the case of the second generation of Wang Fujin being unfilial and forced to die for his mother-in-law came out.

The evidence from the mother-in-law is not true, but it is the funeral for Prince Li Lie Sanji Fujin, maybe the mother and son are really incomprehensible.

However, the second county lord didn't make sense at all.

One of her and Lao Fujin is an aunt, and the other is a younger brother and daughter-in-law who entered the family in their teens. They are about the same age, so there are many suspicions.

In order to retaliate against his brother-in-law, the second county head begged his niece to be his daughter-in-law. As a result, he abused his daughter-in-law and made her sleep on a cold kang after giving birth, and she bled heavily.

Knowing that her sister died tragically, Noni held a grudge in her heart, and she also learned from her aunt, begging to marry her cousin as Mrs. Baylor, and then picked a quarrel and beat her wife.

When the second county master found out, he sued the clan mansion.

After hearing this, Brother Nine felt uncomfortable and said, "If that's the case, then Noni deserves it, what kind of man is he? If you're really upset, just take revenge on the culprit..."

Even old Fujin may not be innocent.

After all, there is a human life in it.

It seems that it is not uncommon to abuse other people's daughters after one's own daughter dies...

But to say that Lao Fujin and Noni are bad people is a bit wronged.

After all, a life is at stake.

As for Lao Fujin threatening her mother-in-law to be buried, it should be nonsense.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows why Ji Fujin died...

That was Emperor Taizong's disapproval. The husband who protected her was gone. If she didn't die, she might have to implicate her six sons and one daughter.

As for the mourning for Prince Lilie Fujin, there was a reason why the mother and son refused to mourn.

In the early years, the two governments were inseparable from each other.

Elder Brother Shi sighed: "It was not easy when the country was founded. Compared with that time, the clan's life is much better now."

Neither Emperor Taizu nor Emperor Taizong tabooed killing relatives.

Emperor Taizu killed his brother, son, grandson, grandson, and son-in-law.

Emperor Taizong killed his brother, sister and nephew.

Brother Jiu's heart was trembling, and he whispered: "How can they do it?"

It’s fine to kill others. When the country was founded in chaos, those with arrogant soldiers and powerful generals should also establish the power of the emperor, but the family members, why kill so many people?
Not only Taizu and Taizong, but also the second county head is black-hearted.

Human life, let alone the life of my own niece, can be killed directly because of the suspicion in the boudoir.

Elder Brother Ten shook his head, but did not answer.

He couldn't understand either.

The second county master is okay, it's not unusual, there is a kind of person who can harm others by himself, but can't tolerate the resistance of others, otherwise he will go crazy.

As for Taizu and Taizong...

Perhaps only the emperor can know the reason.

This is the "lonely family" mentioned in the history books...

When Brother Nine returned home, he told his wife the inside story of the Noni case.

Nine princes said: "My villain's heart has judged a gentleman's belly. I thought it was another case of wrangling. It was Khan Ama who asked someone to find out and beat Brother An Jun. It turned out to be an old lawsuit..."

As he spoke, he talked about the founding of the country more than 60 years ago.

The third princess of the Taizu, Mang Guji, was sentenced to Ling Chi for a serious crime. The two daughters were implicated. The second daughter, Prince Su, Fujin, was directly beheaded by her husband.

When King Keqin died, Ji Fujin died.

Then came the lawsuit between Lao Fujin and the second county master.

Old Fujin is Ji Fujin's eldest daughter-in-law, a child bride, married to a ten-year-old husband at the age of ten, became Mrs. Baylor at the age of 17, the county king Fujin at the age of 22, widowed at the age of 24, and raised two older sons. Seeing that life is getting better, 40 His daughter died when he was many years old, and he was falsely accused of being unfilial by his in-laws and second aunt.

Shu Shu's head felt dizzy after hearing the confused words.

This involves several generations.

Maybe it's a taboo, but I haven't heard of it before.

After all, the old Fujin from the Prince's Mansion of Pingjun didn't come out to socialize. If it wasn't for his death this time, maybe no one would have remembered that there was such an emperor's concubine in the clan.

"The mother-in-law who bribed her is gone, and her daughter-in-law is still alive, holding a gift from the county lord..."

Brother Jiu mentioned the evidence in Noni's hands.

"There is also the blood book left by Keqinji Fujin at that time, which was put away by the people around him before, but this time it has also been dug out..."

As for the mourning for Prince Li Lie Fujin, no one mentioned it.

After all, the father and son, Prince Lilie and King Keqin, fell in love and killed each other when they were alive.

If the father and son had not turned against each other, Prince Li Lie would not have lost his reserve position.

Although the ending is a tragedy, whether it's the successor Fujin or the old Fujin, it can be regarded as the configuration of the heroine.

Shu Shu felt her hands itch.

Manchurian women are too tough, and this is a sense of existence.

It is obviously a matter of the inner house, but even a lawsuit will affect the political situation of the government.

"Only these, shouldn't it prove that Si An and the prince bent the law for personal gain?"

Shushu said.

Brother Jiu said: "There is also the gift list sent by the county lord Kangxi to Prince An's Mansion in the third year, and the written witness testimony at the time of the trial. Prince Anhe persuaded Noni to plead guilty, but Noni refused to admit it. Seeing that An and the prince were scolding each other, An and the prince became annoyed, and they sentenced the mother and son of Noni to death without proof..."

Later, it was handed over to the emperor, and the emperor was lenient, so he changed the death penalty to confinement, and handed it over to the king of Pingjun to control the mother and son.

Shu Shu looked down at her stomach.

A filial son is pitiful.

For old Fujin, the most painful part of his life over the past 30 years is probably not because he was falsely accused, but because he hurt his son.

The reason why he survived until his old age was because he was also waiting for the day when the lawsuit would be reversed?
Brother Jiu sighed, lying on the kang and said: "On the way back just now, I was thinking about this too. Noni is a filial son, so who is the unfilial son?"

Lao Fujin had three sons in total, the second son died, and the eldest son and the youngest son were stopped.

Even though he was found guilty of unfilial piety, the eldest son was not implicated, only the youngest son Gejue was implicated.

Thinking about it, I can see why, her eldest son did not come forward to express his love for his mother.

Shu Shu felt something was wrong.

Gege, the magistrate of Fumeng, insists on going to court with her natal siblings, what's the benefit?

Or vent your anger on your daughter?
Her niece is dead, her daughter is alive.

Not in line with common sense.

Wouldn't it be more justifiable to directly sue the clan's government for abusing his daughter if there is evidence?

At that time, Noni was in her early twenties, and her daughter was about the same age, and they were just divorced.

Those who went straight to the title, the lawsuit went to the clan's mansion...

Shu Shu stood up, looked at Brother Jiu and said, "That's all, didn't you find anything else?"

Brother Nine nodded and said: "As long as these confessions and evidences are not forged, that's enough. What else to check?"

Shu Shu said: "But according to what the Lord said, Noni is a filial son, and his elder brother is an unfilial son, but the mother and son have already turned against each other, and the brothers have long been enemies. How can the current situation be maintained?"

Now the old Fujin was still raised in the Prince's Mansion of Pingjun, and his children and grandchildren were respectful. This is not the treatment of a sinner.

Noni moved Baylor, but his house was not from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but a part of the old King Keqin's mansion.

His elder brother did not take back the mansion, nor did he take back the private property allocated to his younger brother.

Brother Jiu looked at Shu Shu, unable to figure it out, and said, "Then, there are other people playing tricks? Can't you?"

Shu Shudao: "If Prince Pingbi came forward to defend Lao Fujin, what would happen?"

This Prince Pingbi is Lao Fujin's eldest son and Noni's elder brother.

Brother Jiu said: "It must be the same as Noni, it is also judged to be unfilial, Ge Jue..."

The difference from Noni is that the title of Prince Pingbi was passed down from his grandfather and father, and he is the prince of Keqin County. The most likely outcome is that the title will be transferred...

(End of this chapter)

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