My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 819 Son's Innocence

Chapter 819 Son's Innocence

Kangxi looked at Yabu for a long time, then nodded and said: "Yes!"

Prince Jane bowed and retreated.

Kangxi looked at his back with a heavy expression, remembering his childhood.

Aobai is in power and asks Sukesaha, who is also a minister, to blame.

Yue Le was in power, and just because Noni said "You also have Ernie" to his face, he became furious and insisted on condemning Noni to death.

This touched his scales.

Aobai questioned his guilt and died.

Yue Le mourned after death, why?
If the clans hugged each other, Kangxi would not sleep at night; but if the clans attacked each other, he would know the seriousness.

The clan is the foundation of the Eight Banners, and clans cannot fight among themselves.

At the gate of Qianqing Palace, Prince Jian and Brother Nine from Xinuange greeted him face to face.

Brother Nine bowed: "Uncle..."

Prince Jane stopped, nodded and said, "Brother Jiu..."

Seeing Brother Jiu's face tense, Prince Jane was overwhelmed with curiosity.

He also heard several times about the emperor subsidizing his beloved son with 50 taels of silver in the past month.

And the news is better than others.

I also know that Yuqing Palace is dissatisfied with this matter, and the prince and elder brother Jiu seem to have suspicions.

Brother Nine had no intention of greeting him, and ordered the eunuch on duty at the door to report in, asking His Majesty to see him.

Seeing this, Prince Jane left with interest.

Just like Brother Jiu had suspected before, Prince Jane also suspected that Noni insisted on going to court with a person who had been dead for more than ten years because there was another "mastermind".

This person is the leader of the Eight Banners inside.

Emperor Taizong swore that he would not seize Niulu from the kings, so if the emperor wanted to give his son Niulu, he had to think of other ways.

But thinking of the emperor's face just now, Prince Jane is not sure.

Liang Jiugong at the gate of Xinuange hesitated for a while when he heard the eunuch on duty whispering.

Kangxi noticed movement at the door and looked over.

Liang Jiugong hurriedly bowed two steps forward, said: "Your Majesty, Master Jiu is here, please meet me outside..."

Kangxi looked at the clock.

It's already the second quarter of the unitary lunar new year.

Today is long, so there is no lamp.

But the time when the palace gates are closed is fixed, that is, Youzheng.

There are still two quarters of an hour.


Kangxi nodded.

Liang Jiugong bowed out, and then Brother Jiu followed in stride.

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu went to the clan mansion at noon...

Could it be that he was entrusted by the eighth elder brother and wanted to intercede with Yue Le?

Kangxi was unhappy.

Brother Nine got straight to the point and said: "Khan Ama, the eldest son Guidan of the Sanguanbao, the assistant leader of the Shengjing House of Internal Affairs, is looking for his son to be the leader, accusing the Sanguanbao of arranging people to sell ginseng privately!"

"Sanguanbao? Guidan?" Kangxi frowned after hearing this, and said, "Nonsense, how can there be a reason for a grandson to be a grandfather?"

It is not a serious crime of treason, but should be hidden from relatives.

Kangxi looked at Brother Nine, shook his head and said, "The Shengjing ginseng case is about to be closed, so there's no need for extra complications!"

Brother Jiu frowned and said, "My son has already sent Gui Dan to the Punishment Department, and now he has made a statement!"

Kangxi looked at Brother Nine and said, "Do you know what you're doing?"

Brother Nine told the truth, and said: "Ama, my son also knows that the boss is a grandfather, which is related to the dignity of the empress and the fifth brother, but the more this is the case, the more difficult it is to indulge. Who knows that the ginseng business over there is done. Two years, or 20 years? If this money is filial to the empress and the fifth elder brother, it will be the vellus hair of the Khan Ama, and the concubine elder brother who subsidizes the Khan Ama. Yuan, but what’s the point now? I’ve been greedy for Khan Ama’s money, subsidized it to his own children and grandchildren, and let Khan Ama’s concubine elder brother take the blame, it’s clear from here and there, who is the big fool?”

Kangxi looked at Brother Jiu and said, "That's your natal family. If you really want to be held accountable, have you thought about the consequences?"

Brother Jiu thought for a while and said, "Consequences? Uncle Daobao's master of ceremonies wiped it?"

"Others will say that your mother-in-law has fallen out of favor, and they will think that I don't like you and fifth elder brother..."

Kangxi frowned.

Brother Nine didn't think so, and said: "Let them talk about it, are you confused, Han Ama, and want to punish your own people for the mistakes of others?"

Kangxi looked at him and said, "In your heart, what is Ama? That's your mother's dear Ama. Aren't you the love of the house?"

This son is sometimes very humane, and sometimes a little cold.

She is considerate to Yue's family, but has a posture of not getting in touch with her family.

He is also friendly with his brothers, but he is not close to his uncles and clan relatives.

Sometimes Kangxi can't understand this way of acting.

Brother Jiu glanced at Kangxi, and said: "My son is narrow-minded, whoever treats his son well, the son will treat him well. The relationship is too complicated, and the son can't take care of it. Guo Luoluo's family treats the mother ordinary, and the son doesn't like it." They were able to tolerate it before, but thinking that they would ruin the reputation of the empress and fifth brother, my son doesn't want to tolerate it anymore."

Kangxi shook his head and said: "You are already eighteen, you are not a child anymore, you should know that no one can do whatever you want, think about your face!"

Brother Nine thought for a while, and said: "Get married and follow your husband, if you let the empress choose herself, the empress will also prefer Khan Ama and us..."

"Slow things will be smooth..." Kangxi said in a deep voice, "Sanguanbao has been working in Shengjing for more than [-] years, and he has some credit..."

Perhaps because of the withering of old officials in the past two years, he has become much more lenient.

Brother Nine, however, remembered the matter that the emperor's father asked them to watch Suo'etu ransack the house in the first lunar month last year.

At that time, I thought about "killing chickens and scaring monkeys", why don't I think about it now?
He said: "Ama Khan, as early as the year before last when my son went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to work as an official, the mother told my son that the honor of our mother and child comes from Ama Khan, so let my son work hard and repay Ama Khan for his upbringing." Well, my son has also seen a lot of harem concubines belonging to others in the past two years in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and many of them are domineering, so they should be restrained, otherwise the family members of Yuqing Palace will follow suit in the future, and it will be you and the embarrassing ones. Prince..."

At that time, when the various forces divide the Ministry of Internal Affairs, will the Ministry of Internal Affairs return to its previous appearance?
When Kangxi heard this, he thought of Li Gege's family in Yuqing Palace. Suo'etu had arranged several vacancies for Li's relatives before.

Last summer, when he ordered the removal of the Li family, he discovered that the Li family had several people who were serving as Langzhong, Yuanwailang, and principals in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

What brother Jiu said was not aimless.

Brother Jiu said again: "Everyone is a little bit courageous. The year before last, Khan Ama reprimanded their family members during his east tour. If they are sensible, even if there were some unclean places in private before, they should be clean in the past two years." It has been restrained, but it has become more rampant, and it has become the No. Ama can't bear to be severely punished, so let the old man sue, educate his children well, and save himself from worrying about taking advantage of Fifth Brother and his son..."

Kangxi looked hesitant.

Brother Nine said: "There is a regular system in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but there is no one to monitor it. After a long time, everyone is willing to pretend to be stupid, forget the rules, and add a censor's office to deter them, so that they can save a lot of worry in the future. .”

Kangxi looked at him and said, "You have to know that since 26, when rumors and gossips were reopened, the censor no longer needs to 'report the facts'. "

Brother Nine does not enter the court, but only works in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so even if there is something inappropriate, no one will impeach him.

But the Ministry of Internal Affairs set up the Yushi Yamen, which is different.

Brother Nine nodded, and said calmly: "Go ahead, you can prove your son's innocence. What kind of rumors are going on about your son? It seems that your son is a big mouse. The meaning of the words is that the son will tell you The internal warehouses are all emptied!"

Speaking of this, he gave Kangxi a sad look, and said, "Ama Khan, don't you want to defend your son?"

Kangxi snorted coldly: "How can I justify it to you? Said that the money is not from the internal treasury, and that you have nothing to do to fool your brothers?"

Ninth elder brother was not happy, and took a bit of a rascal and said: "Then why don't my son stop fooling me, and take it as your order to return last year's money?"

Kangxi said unhappily: "How much has the land price in Xiaotangshan increased? Is this freeing up money?"

You have enough confidence to speak, it's not the time to fool people when you were short of money.

Brother Nine laughed "hehe" and said, "It's not much now, only forty to fifty percent..."

As the news of the 50 taels spread, people naturally followed the clues to find out where the money was spent.

After all, Brother Jiu opened the mansion only a few months ago, and the population of the Prince's Mansion has been halved, and it is a place where the Ministry of Internal Affairs supports daily needs, so there is no place for expenses at all.

Xiaotangshan was exposed at this time.

10,000+ mu of land...

In addition, now that Brother Nine has begun to mobilize the construction department's manpower to prepare for the start of construction of Tangquan Palace in February, everyone knows that Tangquan Palace is going to be overhauled.

Already thoughtful, he asked someone to inquire about the land of Xiaotangshan, but Tang Quan traveled for a few miles around, and except for the land under the name of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the others were in the hands of Brother Jiu.

No one knows exactly how much money was spent, but it is only estimated that one million taels is not enough.

Someone secretly mentioned Brother Nine's greed for ink.

Kangxi's expression remained unchanged, but he was also calculating in his heart.

Right now it's [-]-[-]%...

This is the beginning, and the repairs have not yet begun...

No wonder Brother Nine dared to promise and was willing to give everyone a one-to-one profit share.

It seems that Brother Jiu is sure that the land price has more than doubled.

According to the increase in Haidian land price over the past ten years, it is really possible.

Kangxi regretted it, and said to Brother Jiu: "Two new palaces are not enough, add two more!"

Brother Jiu was speechless.

He felt that it couldn't go on like this, this way of going back and forth, obviously it was filial piety, but it turned into business affairs.

He said: "My son has asked people to re-plan the trip. When the time comes, we brothers will honor Khan Ama together. Except for the twelve elder brothers, the three younger ones will count as one, and the others will honor one place, or the palace, or It is a pavilion, so it will be expanded into a palace without spending money from the internal treasury and the household department, it is our son's filial piety to Khan Ama..."

The Wanding badge has been obtained. The author can only be grateful for the achievement of Xiaozhongshu. ^_^!

(End of this chapter)

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