My father-in-law is Kangxi

Chapter 820 Partner

Chapter 820 Partner
Kangxi endured, so the corners of his mouth did not turn up.

Immediately, he came to understand, and said: "You didn't pull money back then, just for this reason?"

Otherwise, if you are just collecting money, you don't need to add the first few small ones at all.

Brother Nine nodded and said: "They are all the sons of Khan Ama, and the filial piety towards Khan Ama is the same, only the fifteen and the others are still young, otherwise the son will not even leave them behind, but it's okay, And next time..."

Kangxi originally wanted to wait for the filial piety of his sons, but looking at Brother Jiu, he felt worried again, and said: "Tomorrow, I will hand over the expansion plan."

The practice palace is not just for building a house, it is not outrageous to think of adding something like the East Road of the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

He can't stand mess.

Brother Jiu replied: "Well, my son will be delivered tomorrow."

Kangxi waved his hand and said, "Just send someone over here, don't keep running here all day long."

Coincidentally, the lawsuit at Prince An's Mansion happened to collide with the rumors about Brother Jiu's 50 taels of silver.

Kangxi felt that there was no need to add fuel to the fire.

That's not a good thing for brother Jiu, it's "to kill".

The ninth elder brother was not annoyed, and said: "The son sent the twelfth elder brother here, and the twelfth elder brother should also show his face in front of people, and he can't be like Ge Ge, who never shows his face."

It was only then that Kangxi remembered that Elder Brother Twelve had retired from the study, and began to study in the Ministry of Internal Affairs after the year, and said, "Is Elder Brother Twelve meticulous in his work?"

Brother Jiu thought for a while, and said: "Be more careful than my son, and now I am learning to sort out official documents with Mr. Zhang, and my son also assigned him the errands to the teacher..."

Kangxi looked at him and snorted softly, "Did you not finish your homework? Are you afraid to meet people?"

Brother Jiu showed a guilty conscience, but said stubbornly: "Is my son the one who doesn't take it seriously? During the past month of annual leave, I read books every day. It was the teacher who scolded me. I think my son's reading notes are not good. What counts?" Is it not good? This ceremony is for people, not for people to give gifts. It is not wrong to put people first. There are human feelings besides legal principles, and besides rituals..."

Kangxi said with disgust: "It's all nonsense. From now on, these nonsense words are not allowed to be exposed in front of people, so that people can find fault with them, and they should pretend to be honest and obedient."

Brother Jiu whispered: "Son, you don't need to pretend, he is the most obedient..."

Kangxi looked at him and said, "You don't need to ask about that person's participation in the case, I have my own arrangements!"

After hearing this, Brother Jiu hesitated and said: "But you were not embarrassed before? Otherwise, the son should tell Brother Wu and the empress first?"

Kangxi waved his hand and said, "No, I will handle it properly."

Brother Nine hesitated for a moment, and said: "Ama Khan, the 'prime criminal' being detained in Shengjing is not someone else, but the haha ​​bead Guiyuan of his son back then. If he is indeed guilty, he will be dealt with by the court; If he is just an accomplice and acts according to orders, then please allow your son to redeem him for his crime..."

Because ginseng is precious, and the "white mountains and black waters" where ginseng is harvested is still the place where dragons dive, so as early as the Taizong Dynasty, a corresponding system was formulated.

When it came to Emperor Shizu, due to the reduction in the number of ginseng, meritorious families stopped picking ginseng, and only the clan was allowed to pick ginseng according to the prescribed amount.

Since last year, the clan has also stopped collecting ginseng, and only the royal family has the exclusive right to collect ginseng.

The "Law of the Qing Dynasty" clearly stipulates that if the purchase of ginseng is more than 500 taels, and the scale of ginseng harvesting exceeds a hundred people, the leader will be hanged and waited; if the scale is less than 500 taels, the scale is less than a hundred people, and the stick is one hundred, and the flow is three thousand miles. wait.

Kangxi looked at Brother Nine and said, "If I don't allow the ransom, how about I sentence him to exile?"

Brother Jiu was thinking about the regulations of the "Law of the Qing Dynasty". The case of ginseng mining also specifically stipulated the place of exile. If it exceeds 50 taels of silver and involves more than 40 people, it will be exiled to Guangdong, Guangxi, Yunnan and Guizhou.

He pondered for a while, then said: "Then son will go to the Ministry of Punishment to see if he can transfer people to Jingdong Mansion in Yunnan..."

"Jingdong Mansion? Why did you choose there?"

Kangxi said.

This doesn't sound like a place for long-term prisoners.

Brother Jiu laughed twice: "I heard that Jingdong produces good tea. My son asked someone to buy a piece of tea mountain there before. Cao Shun was sent by his son a few years ago. I went there to see if there is a good tea mountain and then buy a few hills... ..."

Kangxi sized him up and said, "Apart from the land in Xiaotangshan, is there any surplus for that sum of money in September?"

Brother Jiu stretched out his hands and made a gesture: "Just a little bit of surplus, my son is thinking, don't be idle, let money make money!"

Kangxi frowned when he heard this, and said: "The imperial court's tea invitations have long been determined, and you are not allowed to intervene in it and compete with the people for profit!"

Brother Jiu hurriedly said: "Don't worry, Khan Ama, my son will not sell tea at the same time. Even if the production is high, it will be sent to Hangzhou Customs and Guangzhou Customs."

Kangxi calmed down a little, nodded and said: "You just have to know it in your heart."

Brother Jiu said proudly: "Don't worry, my son is confident, even if he doesn't leave the customs, he can still open a tea house in the capital. You can ask someone to find out. There is no bakery shop, silver house, or restaurant in my son's house." Not hot..."

Kangxi sneered and said, "Is that your skill? When you didn't marry Fujin, didn't you just look at Dong E's Yinlou with envy?"

Brother Nine was not ashamed, but showed off: "This is also the fate between my son and Fujin. At that time, my son fell in love with her shopkeeper and begged for it from her, but she refused to give it to me. How is it now, Tuhan Ama?" Grace, now even Fujin and the manager belong to his son!"

Kangxi was very curious about who this cheeky man would follow, and reminded: "The Yushi Yamen was proposed by you, so don't cry to me when you are caught by the Yushi later!"

Brother Jiu said with a smile: "That can't be done, my son is innocent, I'm afraid that Yu Shi will not find his son's faults when the time comes, and I'm so worried about my political achievements that I'm going to cry!"

The room darkened.

Long ago, there was a lighting eunuch who led people to hold the lights.

It is also time to close the palace gate.

Brother Jiu didn't delay, he came out of Qianqing Palace, returned the same way, and still left the palace through Shenwumen.

Qianqing Palace, Xinuang Pavilion.

Kangxi was very tolerant when he thought of the filial palace of his sons.

Even though it hasn't started yet, it still brings some expectations.

He thought of Sanguanbao again, and his joy was a little less.

The third official has served as the assistant leader of the Shengjing House of Internal Affairs for more than [-] years. Why is this case not found out sooner or later, but after the prince's east tour?
Was it the prince's sign?

Or did the Tong family get restless and stretched their hands into Shengjing to squeeze out the Sanguanbao?
Although Sanguanbao is not perfect, he is his confidant.

The manager of the respect room came up with a sign.

In the first row are the green cards of Concubine Yi, Concubine Zhang, Concubine He, and Wang Guiren.

Kangxi's eyes moved away from Hebi's signboard, and landed on Yifei's signboard, and flipped over the signboard with his hand.

Brother Nine was born in the palace and was raised in the palace. He had little contact with his parents and elders, so he didn't get close to them.

But to Yifei, Ama is Ama.

If Brother Jiu were to dispose of Sanguanbao, there would be a rift between mother and son.

Kangxi felt that he had to worry more about his son, otherwise he would always be incomplete...

The Ninth Prince's Mansion, the main house.

Shu Shu looked at the longan, it didn't matter when she didn't know it before, but now she knows that there is a "guiyuan", it's awkward after all.

She looked at Longan and said: "You heard it just now, there is a 'Gui Yuan' outside, who is Jiuye's cousin, and he will come to the house as an errand in the future, this name is heavy, do you have any favorite name?" ?”

Longan glanced at Walnut and said, "I want to ask Fujin to give you a new name, which is similar to the names of sister Walnut and the others..."

After hearing this, Shu Shu couldn't help laughing.

When I named it the year before last, I only thought about food. Dried fruits and nuts were together. Looking at it now, the names of longan, walnut, and hazelnut are indeed different.

Shu Shu thought about nuts, and said: "Then call it ginkgo, ginkgo fruit, and live a long life."

Longan immediately said: "The servant will be called Bai Guo from now on."

Shu Shu is indeed a bit greedy for ginkgo fruit.

She rubbed her stomach, but unfortunately the ginkgo fruit is slightly poisonous, pregnant women are not good to eat it, they have to wait until after giving birth.

Salt-roasted ginkgo, I am hungry just thinking about it.

There were footsteps outside, Brother Jiu came back.

Shu Shu had a smile on her face.

It's amazing.

She didn't see anyone, but when she heard the footsteps, she could feel Brother Jiu's joy, which was different from the previous situation when she hurriedly took Guidan away.

It was also time to eat, and when Brother Jiu came in, Shu Shu motioned for the meal.

As expected, Brother Nine had a hint of joy on his face.

Shu Shu said, "Is Gui Yuan okay?"

Brother Jiu shook his head and said: "It's hard to say for the time being, but the master has reported it before the emperor, so it should be no big deal..."

"I've never heard the Lord mention him specifically before..."

Shu Shu said: "Is there any misunderstanding first?"

Brother Jiu didn't answer right away, but waved Xiao Chun and Walnut to go down, and then told Shu Shu about Gui Yuan's situation.

"At that time, my master despised him for being cowardly, and was restrained by the elders. He said he would go back to Shengjing, and he didn't say that he was reluctant to part with him. Now that I think about it, he also cried a few times. It's pitiful, he didn't want to..."

Brother Jiu recalled the situation back then, and said: "Master was confused at the time, he only cared about his own displeasure, and didn't pay attention to other things."

He talked about Gui Yuan's appearance.

Shu Shu is not very worried.

When the prince accompanied me to study, I lived in the palace.

She is on an errand in the Prince's Mansion, but she is outside.

There is a big difference between inside and outside the palace.

"In the early years, my master planned well. From now on, Guiyuan will be the housekeeper for my master. From now on, my master will hand over the shops and villages outside to him to inspect. Among the few haha ​​beads, he is the most obedient to my master. He is timid and honest, and settles accounts. I also understand, you can rest assured when you use it..."

Brother Jiu talked about his former friends, and he also missed him, saying: "It's a pity that Ama Han raised the flag for Guo Luoluo's family, but only the room of the old man, otherwise, the master will also find a good marriage." ..."

It's not that Brother Jiu messed up the mandarin ducks, but that Gui Dan's marriage has finally been confirmed. It's not a clan, but a red belt.

After hearing this, Shu Shu felt terrified, and said, "Let's not get involved in being a matchmaker in the future..."

(End of this chapter)

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